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Academic plans for next year?

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So what's on tap (academically-speaking) for next year? :D


As many of you know, I am not asking this question because I am so wonderfully organized myself. Nope.


Forecasting sheets are due at our high school next week and registration for PAHS classes is open at the end of February. :willy_nilly:



As usual, Sailor Dude is rewriting my game plan, but I think a few of you AoPS people had a hand in that as well.


If you would all indulge me, I would be grateful. There are so many options I am not aware of until I read one of these threads each year.




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DD will be gone to college... sob... so I'll only have my 10th grader.

I'll go with what worked for DD, except for the different foreign language.


Our plans are:

Chemistry - probably at home, Chang General Chem, another try to see whether he can stomach Dr Cardulla from the TC... if not I'll return the lectures.

Math: AoPS Intermediate Algebra

English+History: Medieval/Renaissance. The Daileader lectures, Italian Renaissance lectures, Inferno, Nibelungenlied, etc

Italian - continue with Prego, duolingo, grammar books


maybe add some computer science.

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I received the catalog in the mail today that I always order my planners from. Dd looked at it and said, hey, mom, time to start thinking about next yr. it was all I could do to not to have a mental breakdown!! No way I can think about next yr. I am having a hard enough time coping with this yr. my other kids graduating was a walk in the park. This time around.....I am going just slightly nuts!

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It's time to start thinking about next year already?! :svengo:


Dd will be a senior and plans to dual enroll at the cc, but we aren't completely sure what she will take.


Here is the plan:

AP French


Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Culinary Arts  0.5 credit


Math at the cc---- probably pre-calc in the fall, then calc I in the spring (placement will be calc, but she doesn't want to jump in at that level).


Science at the cc--- probably Bio and Chem (one each semester)


English---- this will be a home-designed course focused more on reading and discussing than on analyzing. I guess I better get to work on designing this.


There will be another class in there, probably at the cc, but we don't know yet.



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So remember when I joined WTM four years ago, to homeschool middle school only? :D Yeah, me too :lol:


Here's where we are right now with ninth grade planning:



AoPS Pre-Calculus (book only)

AoPS Intro C&P class (may take this summer after she finishes the AoPS Intermediate Algebra book)

math competitions



Chemistry, most likely using Chang (my degrees are in chemistry--so happy to teach it!)



outsourced class, most likely Honors English 1 from Blue Tent



Ancient History (she's debating between the classical world and whole world ancient history--we'll see how she feels after two weeks in China this summer); am gathering ideas now


Foreign Language

Arabic :eek:


I have found three options, none of which is perfect. The twice-weekly synchronous class at Potter's School is not secular. The BYU at-your-own-pace class doesn't have group speaking opportunities, just with a teacher. The CTY class is whoa-expensive and meets in the evenings, conflicting with dd's ballet classes.



to be decided later (programming, robotics, the C&P class, etc)

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Planning next year is the best thing about February. 


So far we have planned: 


Japanese III - not sure which book yet

Russian I with possible Russian step-by-step

Chemistry - not sure which book yet. I'm considering this text  with lab from the Home Scientist

Math- not sure. I just ordered AoPS, so we'll see if ds becomes a convert. He'll be at the Algebra II level. 

English - writing (no idea what), literature will be part American lit and he wants to read Dante. 

History - American/World history. Civil War to the Cold War - spending most of our time on WWI and WWII. 

Personal Finance - will try to do this over the summer

Government - I hope to use the government from learner. org. I'm also taking government this semester so I'll use my text and aspects from my class as they fit. 


He also wants to try Civil Air Patrol, maybe. We probably won't try to attend until spring hits. 

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9th grade


Saxon Algebra I


US History 2 --- using Teaching Company DVDs and additional readings (CLEP test)


Conceptual Physics --- using Teaching Company DVDs and ???


Lukeion Classical Mythology (English credit)


Psychology --- maybe Florida Virtual School or at home with college texts or TC DVDs or ???? (CLEP test)


Screenwriting I --- Connect the Thoughts Creative Writing VI Master Screenwriter (if we can fit it in)




Driver's Ed


guitar lessons

voice lessons

acting lessons


theater performances - these basically run her life (and sometimes mine)  :)




11th grade


Dd is dual enrolled for all classes. Classes she is planning/hoping to take for 11th grade:


Macroeconomics / science elective (summer classes)


College Algebra / Precalculus


US History 2 / American Government


Digital Photography I / II


Adv. Poetry Writing / Oral Performance Literature (a class accepted toward her degree in place of speech :) )


Cicero / Vergil (upper level Latin classes)






volunteer work at animal shelter

FLVS class - User Interface Design






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Both teens will be enrolled in 10th grade next year.  The plan thus far is as follows (keeping in mind the designation after a course is a provincial grade level thing, 10= 10th grade, 20=11th grade, 30=12th grade


English 20: online literature, high school writing online, R&S 6(grammar portion only), LLATL grey, possibly NaNoWriMo for dd14.


Math 10: this may not happen until semester 2, not sure if we will continue with MUS and do alg 1 and geom concurrently and have them challenge the provincial final exam or if they will do the provincial curric online.  As well as Euclid's geometry 1A (online)


Social Studies 20: online because I think it is a stupid curriculum and refuse to teach it but it is required for graduation in my province


History: Continue using Time Travelers Cd-Roms to explore different time periods.  Presumably just continue through history from where we are at, though we are taking a detour from modern times to explore medieval for a while. (not for credits, just my preference in what is taught)


Geography: pick up where we leave off this year with mapping the world through art (it has not been used as much as I hoped it would be this year so hope to get further along next year)-again not for credits, just don't feel geography is taught enough in alberta


Biology 20 & 30:  Apologia Biology 2nd edition, apologia elementary Anatomy & physiology, Ellen McHenry Cells & The Brain.  At end of the year they will write the diploma exam and be done both levels of biology for high school.


Electives: Word I, II, & III (all online), Digital presentations (online), Data I & II (online), Spread sheets I & II (online)  Silly that each is a separate course but they are.

                 : Food Safety & Sanitation (weekend workshop type course)

                 : Introduction to wildlife (online if it is offered, if not I will figure that out closer to fall)

                 : Speaking & presenting: using T.C. The art of publc speaking, and real life practice


Foreign Language: Latin 20 (dd14), Latin 10 (ds15) both online

                                : French either finishing up french 10 or doing french 20 (depends on how this term goes)


PE 30: Following Alberta outcomes through kuk sool won, cadets, and other physical pursuits as well as the health and nutrition, goal making etc outcomes required. 


Religious studies 15: Not sure what I will be using for this yet, need to double check the required outcomes before deciding.


Other: They will continue with online classes with our school board, courses that do not fit into the English or math categories if they take them would fit in here (including ones on ethics, politics etc)

          : Logic using M.P.'s Traditional Logic II (no credits awarded in my province for this one)

          : Teaching Company Dvds, which every tickles our fancy along the way


All in all it will be a packed year.  Some of the online classes will be with our school board and are ones that meet weekly with reading assigned between classes and focus on socratic discussion.  THe other online ones will be with the provincial distance learning site and those are done on their own time and have almost no contact with the teacher unless they have a question.  The classes in between (getting to be fewer) are the only ones that I actually develop the plan for and choose the curriculum. 


Also depending on what electives they finish this summer (aiming to finish bowhunting, Hunting & game management theory, hunting & game management practice, outdoor cooking theory and outdoor cooking practice)  All of those will be completed by a couple camps for Hunter's ed.  IF they don't finish those this summer they will take them next summer.  If they do then next summer the focus will be on Outdoor excursion which is an alberta course focused on them taking on the entire planning and implementation of a wilderness camping experience. I think it is amazing that in my province they can get high school credits for passing hunter's ed, and bowhunting classes, and camping, but not for logic. 




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This is what is planned (roughly...still sorting through things...need to make sure all of this fits within the NCAA framework)


Math -- Pre-Calculus (Chalkdust/Cool Math Guy) 3 days, and most likely AoPS Intermediate Algebra 3 days (1 credit for Pre-Calculus, The Algebra is for review/deeper understanding...because we still have LOTS of tests which will cover Algebra/Geometry over the next few years)

Science -- Physics -- BJU DVD (1 credit)

English -- Abeka Lit/Grammar/Vocab, with WWS2, and 4 Literature studies. (1 credit)

Russian 1 -- Tutor via SKYPE (this is being organized now) (1 credit)

History -- Modern World History, K12's 9th grade book as a spine -- filled in with lectures or history documentaries, some extra reading and weekly essay (4 days) (1 credit), this will also include some argumentative essays on various topics.

Geography Ă¢â‚¬â€œ BJU or Abeka (I'm leaning towards Abeka, because I really want a Geography course...) 2 days (.5 credit)

Bible -- Quest Bible Study (non-credit item)

PE -- Swimming and/or Waterpolo 5x a week, plus 30 minutes personal fitness (calesthenics, running, core-work) (1 credit)

Health -- Abeka DVD (.5 credit)


So...7 credits

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Hopefully these plans won't change because I have all the books!


10th grade:


Jacobs geometry (1 credit)

Traditional logic 1 and 2 (.5)

French in action (1)

Notgrass American history (1)

Notgrass American literature (1)

Bible (.25)

AP human geography (1)

Apologia chemistry (at co op) (1)

Speech (at co op) (.5)


7.25 credits

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Introduction to Number Theory                   AoPS

Intermediate Programming with Python      AoPS

Finish up Physics with Derek Owens


9th Grade:


Ancient Literature         Lukeion

Algebra 2                      Derek Owens

Chemistry                     Chang according to Dr. Tangs Syllabus

AP Human Geography PA Homeschoolers      

Latin 2                          Lukeion

Elective                        German  



Extracurricular:  Programming, Chess Club


I finally figured out that rather than squeezing CS into the school schedule I can call it an extra curricular activity.  We switched Geometry for Algebra 2 because we feel it will serve him better with regard to the science progression.

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We've already had to register for the online and local classes, so I'm pretty much set.


Older in the summer: Dual Enrollment IT


Older: VPSA Omnibus, Dual Enrollment Spanish, Lukeion Research Writing, Conceptual Physics with Lab, Trig/Pre-Calc, Welding, Psychology


Younger:  Local Medieval History/Lit/Writing, VPSA Latin 2, Biology with Lab, Algebra II, Economics, Martial Arts II, VPSA Studio Art I


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How about something from us underachievers???


I am already thinking about 11th grade and what I want to instill in dd before she is off and running! My dd is a bit of an oddball, and I love it! She hates competitive sports so I think we will stick to spin classes and yoga!

She volunteers at the child care facility at my gym because she loves little kids and wanted some time to sit on the floor and play with toddlers. We will be doing some sort of Early Childhood Education.

She helps a neighbor...rain, snow, sleet or shine with her mini farm taking care of goats and chickens. She gets paid with eggs! We will be studying up on hobby farms and other types of organic gardening, small scale agriculture, square foot gardening etc.


She is doing the artwork for dd's boyfriend who is a game and app designer. Pretty amazing stuff! I think she may want to learn how to code and write her own games.


For math, she is finishing up Algebra 1. YES, you read that right....no calculus, no advanced math...after Algebra 1 we will tackle geometry and maybe Algebra 2. Sorry, she is ready for this NOW. She wasn't ready before.


For science, we will be doing natural history and nature studies. We will be organic gardening, helping our neighbor with bees, composting with worms, etc., etc., etc. In the winter, we will tackle Chemistry.


For history, literature and English Studies ( the meat of our program) we will be covering World HX using the WTM 11th grade book lists. Read, discuss, debate, write, repeat.


I am hoping dd can do a few classes at the CC this year...mainly foreign language ( maybe sign language????) and art classes I can not provide due to needing specific media easier to get in a classroom setting.


Let's be real...my dd is not going to be an engineer or a brain surgeon...but she is driven and goal oriented. She is an extremely creative and an amazing artist. We are spending the next couple of years working on steering her goals and hearts desires into a career and vocation. She has always been a free spirit, and to bog her down with heavy academics would be detrimental to what SHE needs.


She is an avid lover of literature, classic movies, art, poetry, music. She is a self taught guitarist and plays a mean ukulele..


Homeschooling for her has been freedom to be herself. She is teaching me to put away my expectations of what I think she SHOULD be studying, and focus on what she SHOULD be studying!


I know there are things I left out, but this is the crux of my plan.

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Dd will be a senior, and we are looking into her doing some dual enrollment at the local technical college.


Dual Enrollment classes:

English Comp

College Algebra


Computer (probably a basic intro class so she can learn things she might not know)


At Home:

BJU Economcis (online)

British Lit 

Science (haven't decided on which 4th science she wants, possibly Anatomy)

Home Ec & Life Management (will probably put it together myself)



Do a little Latin with her younger brother (This won't be for a credit. I just wanted one last chance for them to do something together. )


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I have a new 9th grader in the fall and he is in the middle of deciding if he should go to our charter school's highschool program or not? If he goes he will be at school 4 days a week; one day is home study day. We just got his schedule for this yesterday;


Algebra I

Spanish I and II

English 9




At home he would still have German (OSU online German III), Piano and Soccer.


If he stays home he would probably take:


Math as at the local college: Pre-Algebra and Algebra

German online

English: either continue with the Great Books course we are taking this year or use Lightning Literature Speech the 1st semester and Ancient Literature the second semester (skipping Greek literature as we covered a lot of that this year)

History: The World in Ancient Times by SWB as well as a Civil War class with a coop which is excellent

Biology using CK 12 plus experiments plus reading the following

On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
Experiments in Plant Hybridisation by Gregor Mendel
Double Helix by James D. Watson


He may also take a Photoshop course at the CC.



My 10th grader will have


Math at the CC: Geometry and Algebra II

Chemistry at the CC

English either at the CC or continue Great Books course

German III

History: World in Ancient Times (if he is not taking the Great Books course he'll read some literature with this)

some kind of elective but don't know yet





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Ds#1 - Calculus 1, Java Programming - he'll be pursuing his 2nd level of certification - 2nd year of German (he has two Latin as well) - US Government and Economics - Literature and Writing (I'm looking to outsource this if I can) - Geology - Music Theory. Extra curriculars - Rocket Team, 4-H Science Fair, church worship team and choir, volunteer work for 4-H, managing his software sales (he'll have a game on the market by August...just a simple, but fun one that he'll put out for Kindle for free for the first level, and then 99cents for the next two levels)


Ds#2 - (He will have one or two years of Icelandic already...depends on how much credit we award for his summer studies, but we can't get enough resources here in the States to continue beyond that)1st year Danish, Calculus, Advanced Chemistry, Marine Biology, US Government and Economics, Essay Writing and British Literature, Introduction to Ecology, Photography. Extras - DNR volunteer work, Rocket Team, 4-H Science Fair, National Geographic Exploration trip, and his continued invasive species research mentored by a professor from Michigan Technological University.


DS#3 - Algebra II, Astronomy, Biology, American History, American Literature and Grammar Review, Art Appreciation, Arabic or Hebrew...he hasn't decided which one.  Extras - 4-H Science Fair, Rocket Team, Flint Regional Science Fair, possibly the Intel competition...we aren't certain if his Robotics will be far enough along yet or not..., Robotics, piano lessons, farm work for a dear friend.


Resources -


The Great Courses lectures on Calculus, Photography, Astronomy, Marine Biology, and Climate Change. Colleges textbooks - Calculus, chemistry, astronomy, ecology, and US History.  Apologia Marine Biology, good ole Campbell's "Exploring Life" for biology, Alpha and Omega Art (it's my one concession to just checking off a box since my younger two boys really push back at studying fine arts (other than piano) and I challenge them so much in other areas, I decided to back off), combination of Rosetta Stone with other writing and grammar books for Danish and Arabic or Hebrew (I count the first two levels plus the grammar and writing books I found as 1 credit, then levels 3 and 4 with the more advanced grammar and writing book as another credit), an AP book for U.S. History (not certain which one I'll pick this time, I didn't particularly like what I had for the other boys so I'm switching), dd's introduction to astronomy book from U of MI (it was one of her favorite electives), Jensen's Grammar, Art of the Elegant Essay and Art of the Argument, oh and the eldest boy has to complete Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle...a graduation requirement from our homeschool.


I have a lot of the books that we'll use to go along with the Great Courses Lectures. I just have to find the box somewhere in the attic.




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I have barely finished planning this year, we keep changing things! After discovering that we did not like using textbooks so much this year, next year will be completely different. 


For 10th grade next year (dd): 


Algebra 2 - Videotext Algebra - we will complete the entire thing

Science - Cannot decide between biology and chemistry, if we go with bio we will use PAC Biology, if we go with chemistry will probably use Friendly Chemistry

History - World History, not sure what we will use, maybe PAC World History, we are mainly focusing on medieval and modern history since we have covered the ancients a few too many times

English - Medieval Literature, using either Kolbe's literature plans or Lightning Lit, no idea what we will use for writing

Latin - Latin 1 - will most likely use the Latin Alive series which I already own, also looking at Cambridge Latin or Latin for the New Millenium

Religion - World Religion - I will create this course from several sources since my dd needs religion credits for Kolbe

Electives - We will probably decide at the last minute, most likely photography, advanced computer courses, maybe psychology

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I just started thinking about this, but have no real concrete plans yet.

Ds1 will be off to college! Yay!


Dd2 will be a junior. Tests and prep, history (Renaissance through French Revolution), lit (overlapping with history), Spanish 3, Pre-Calc/Calculus, Physics, and a couple of elective.  Depending on her schedule, maybe a class at cc. Starting the D1 swim search in earnest.


Ds2 will be a freshman. We will be spending the year getting him used to the workload and increased writing assignments. He will do Ancients for History and Lit, Latin, Pre-Calc/Calculus, Physics or AP Biology, and an elective or two.  He will do testing along with dd1 and we will determine if he needs testing for any accomodations (dyslexic/dysgraphia highly suspected).

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If you decide to go this route, let me know bc we have it. I'd have to ask dd, but I think it is like new. She started of with Mr. G who uses it, but she did not stay with his class and her Russian tutor takes a totally different approach.


Thanks, I would love to know her opinion of it as well. 

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I will have 2 in high school next year.


DS 12th grade


At CC:

English 102

American Government

Math 142



At Home:

Modern World Literature Course

Financial Peace High School Course

"I Dont Have Enough Faith to be an Athiest" course



Firefighter Cadet Training



DD 9th Grade


IEW Windows to the World

TT Geometry

Modern World Literature Course

American History via BJU

Biblical Greek Language

Violin lessons via College Academy

Apologia Biology

Abeka Language 9


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These are my hopeful plans for my older daughter (11th grade in the fall) who is a little behind but who will be working hard year round to catch up.


(I'm especially happy that we have our own home again and can again begin our lessons in piano, ballet, etc. We will have a normal schedule! )


Ancient Humanities- (finish the Greeks and concentrate on the Romans next) This will include art history, philosophy, history and literature. 

Geometry-  (Jacob's) and move into Algebra II (undecided text) as soon as possible

English 11-We will concentrate heavily on writing but will also be finishing a grammar text we've been using.

French 2-probably Breaking the Barrier and supplements

Latin 2-we will probably start this a little ways into the year and I'm undecided on the text

Simultaneous Science-Hewitt's Conceptual Physics, Starr's Biology and I'm undecided on the Chemistry text (We will begin some work from the first two texts later this month, so this will give us about 6 months of this school year with the summer included to get three texts going.)


Also, piano lessons and possibly tennis and/or archery lessons... maybe drama lessons too.



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Algebra 2 Saxon

Spanish 2 Spanish Clicks (online, synchronous, uses Descubre)

Honors Lit & composition local class

World history using Oak Meadow syllabus and Glencoe text

Bio with Miller/Levine macaw book


Debating on online courses in PE and career exploration classes through the local school to try them out. This is a new venture in our area and would be free, but she has to do two at a time. These would be half credit fall only classes and shouldn't be difficult. If they work out, we might do some combo of career exploration 2, geography, or art appreciation in the spring, possibly psych since she did an intro to it at co-op this year and loved it ( maybe try a CLEP after for that as a trial run).



Aikido (which will count toward PE)

Drawing classes if the rec center offers them again

Not sure what will be available as enrichment through the local co-op yet-- hopefully gavel club, current events, and I'm considering offering Classical mythology--or the Virtual Homeschool Group.


She'll finish up a half credit in health this summer, so will have algebra I, Spanish I, and that for a 2.5 credit start. I also plan to have her do the public portion of the Big History Project this summer as a run up to world history.

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My ds is going part-time to the public high school this year as a freshman. I think he's going to do the same next year, but if he can't get the classes he wants, we'll either find an online substitute or do them at home.


At school:

honors 10th grade English

A.P. US history

Spanish II



At home:

A.P. calculus probably B.C, but haven't figured out what to use yet

physics (haven't worked out what kind yet)

maybe music history/appreciation

maybe another elective?



jazz band

debate team

swim team

National History Day




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DD will be gone to college... sob... so I'll only have my 10th grader.

I'll go with what worked for DD, except for the different foreign language.


Our plans are:

Chemistry - probably at home, Chang General Chem, another try to see whether he can stomach Dr Cardulla from the TC... if not I'll return the lectures.

Math: AoPS Intermediate Algebra

English+History: Medieval/Renaissance. The Daileader lectures, Italian Renaissance lectures, Inferno, Nibelungenlied, etc

Italian - continue with Prego, duolingo, grammar books


maybe add some computer science.


:grouphug: I know it will be an adjustment, but I also imagine that she will have so many new things to share with you.


We borrowed the TC lectures from the library and made it through two and a half lectures before returning them. I pull videos and lectures from Education Portal or Georgia Public Broadcasting when needed. We also use Dr. Tang's lectures when available.


What will you call AoPS Intermediate Algebra on your son's transcript?


I remember asking you about your Medieval studies before and it looked most enjoyable. I tried reading several of the books that SWB lists early on with the Medieval book list and we just can't do some of them. Our tastes run more along the lines of the Mabinogion, the Nibelungenlied, and the Song of Roland, so we are just using some excerpts from St. Augustiine and Bede from a world literature anthology set that I have.


It looks like your son will have a good year.

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I received the catalog in the mail today that I always order my planners from. Dd looked at it and said, hey, mom, time to start thinking about next yr. it was all I could do to not to have a mental breakdown!! No way I can think about next yr. I am having a hard enough time coping with this yr. my other kids graduating was a walk in the park. This time around.....I am going just slightly nuts!


:grouphug: No pressure here to start planning. Enjoy the time you have with your special guy and I am sure next year will fall into place.


I don't mean that to sound lame. :tongue_smilie: Heart, I am thinking of you and hoping you find some peace with the upcoming changes. My middle one always has a smile and a hug for me and I will miss him a great deal when he moves out. He lifts my day.

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This is gonna sound goofy but I am actually schooling myself so that I am better prepared to teach my daughters... I am most likely going to use the same stuff when they get to high school.


I am doing the plan laid out in The Well Educated Mind (History through Novels), Wordly Wise 9, Vocabulary from Classical Roots A. 

I am also doing the World History HS/Adult books that Susan W. Bauer wrote and Math U See from wherever I place and working my way up.  


Not that the above covers all subjects but I am 31 and taking college classes as well so it's a decent balance and food for thought for your kiddo :)



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Last Year, Last Child :thumbup1: :thumbdown: :ohmy:


I definitely needed this thread to make decisions. 


Math - Finish Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus

English - Finish TWJ, Lukeion Advanced Research Writing

Science - Finish Chemistry, Physics

Latin 3 - Lukeion

Music - Youth orchestra, church orchestra, college orchestra as invited, college audition prep, theory if we can fit it in

Computer Software - Monarch

Gov't/Economics -  Noble Experiment, Economics for Everybody

Health - Total Health


I am done; I think.







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Lisa, I do know one thing for sure about my plan, our school calendar is going to look radically different. For the first time since our oldest was a high school jr......that was in 2005 (I think....w/o counting)....I do not have to run our days around outsourced school schedules!!!


We are going to do 1/2 days during the really hot dog days of summer so that come beautiful fall, we can go on spur of the moment vacations or just to the beach for the day.


That is something I am ready to think about. ;)

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So remember when I joined WTM four years ago, to homeschool middle school only? :D Yeah, me too :lol:


Here's where we are right now with ninth grade planning:



AoPS Pre-Calculus (book only)

AoPS Intro C&P class (may take this summer after she finishes the AoPS Intermediate Algebra book)

math competitions



Chemistry, most likely using Chang (my degrees are in chemistry--so happy to teach it!)



outsourced class, most likely Honors English 1 from Blue Tent



Ancient History (she's debating between the classical world and whole world ancient history--we'll see how she feels after two weeks in China this summer); am gathering ideas now


Foreign Language

Arabic :eek:


I have found three options, none of which is perfect. The twice-weekly synchronous class at Potter's School is not secular. The BYU at-your-own-pace class doesn't have group speaking opportunities, just with a teacher. The CTY class is whoa-expensive and meets in the evenings, conflicting with dd's ballet classes.



to be decided later (programming, robotics, the C&P class, etc)


It's weird how that "I am only doing this for a year or for middle school" thing works out, right? :tongue_smilie:  When I think of our homeschooling journey, that phrase from Dr. Suess always comes to mind, "Oh, the places you'll go."


What's your dd going to do in China? Where in China?


Planning next year is the best thing about February. 


So far we have planned: 


Japanese III - not sure which book yet

Russian I with possible Russian step-by-step

Chemistry - not sure which book yet. I'm considering this text  with lab from the Home Scientist

Math- not sure. I just ordered AoPS, so we'll see if ds becomes a convert. He'll be at the Algebra II level. 

English - writing (no idea what), literature will be part American lit and he wants to read Dante. 

History - American/World history. Civil War to the Cold War - spending most of our time on WWI and WWII. 

Personal Finance - will try to do this over the summer

Government - I hope to use the government from learner. org. I'm also taking government this semester so I'll use my text and aspects from my class as they fit. 


He also wants to try Civil Air Patrol, maybe. We probably won't try to attend until spring hits. 


This looks like a great year - an a busy one! Please let me know how your AoPS experiment goes. It is so different from anything we've done; it's hard to know if we are making "progress."  I know we are working and thinking really hard.

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It's weird how that "I am only doing this for a year or for middle school" thing works out, right? :tongue_smilie: When I think of our homeschooling journey, that phrase from Dr. Suess always comes to mind, "Oh, the places you'll go."


What's your dd going to do in China? Where in China?


So true!


Dh, dd, and I are going to China with a group from the university led by friends of ours (with their daughter). We'll be in Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai for two weeks :D Dh hopes that his Mandarin studies will bear fruit, especially since one of the group leaders is his Mandarin prof :lol:

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:grouphug: I know it will be an adjustment, but I also imagine that she will have so many new things to share with you.


Thanks. She will be fine and have a blast; not sure how much she is going to share though, since she will be busy and I won't see her until Thanksgiving, sigh.



We borrowed the TC lectures from the library and made it through two and a half lectures before returning them. I pull videos and lectures from Education Portal or Georgia Public Broadcasting when needed. We also use Dr. Tang's lectures when available.


Isn't the TC course incredibly boring? I'll check out GPB. In the end, all we really need is the book :-)



What will you call AoPS Intermediate Algebra on your son's transcript?


I will call it simply "algebra 2".

I am not concerned with making sure the content of my courses matches the content of a public school class of the same name. I called the entire AoPS Intro to Algebra "algebra 1" even though it contained a lot of material typically taught in algebra 2. I will call the AoPS Precalculus "precalculus", even though some precalc is covered in Intermediate and the precalc text covers stuff not normally taught. (I anticipate that we do Intermediate and precalc in the same year, since I am cutting some material that I do not deem necessary. Worked great with DD.)

Should any admissions official be interested, he can see the detailed topics in the course descriptions. I doubt many will care.



I remember asking you about your Medieval studies before and it looked most enjoyable. I tried reading several of the books that SWB lists early on with the Medieval book list and we just can't do some of them. Our tastes run more along the lines of the Mabinogion, the Nibelungenlied, and the Song of Roland, so we are just using some excerpts from St. Augustiine and Bede from a world literature anthology set that I have.


Looks like we have similar tastes. I am really not interested in Augustine and will omit all those theological writings. We will read Arthurian legend, the Nibelungenlied in German (so that will take a while), Song of Roland, the Inferno... fun stuff.

My take is that there is so much literature out there, I might as well choose selections I find interesting and enjoyable ;-)



It looks like your son will have a good year.


I hope so. It will be weird, without DD.

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My older ones will be graduated and there will be no high schoolers next year! Very different for us!


But my 7th grader will be doing Horizon's Algebra, and Biology focus for science. Currently, I am planning to order RS4Kids, but that could change. I am dropping spelling likely, but if I do not, it will be SWO H. Writing...either BJU English 7 or continue with Jump In, or both. Vocab from classical roots. And either I will start the history cycle rotation over with Ancients, or have another mom do state history (just because the mom is so great, otherwise, would not do this).

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Hmmm...what day is it? I changed my mind again. Today it's American School with lots of those fun outside the box electives. Tomorrow it might be BYU Independent Study. We'll see. American School will be at a conference in my city so I might swing by and see if I can grill them. ;)


Every time I think I have it locked down I find something else that could be a better fit.


I hear you!


I'm pretty sure I have freshman year pretty well sorted.  But, beyond that I start getting a bit flummoxed. There are things he really *needs* to take (mommy requirements), and things he *wants* to take -- so it's finding time to work those things in.  

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This just totally set my wheels rolling! The ol' kick in the @ss I needed to get moving forward again. Education Portal is a gold mine! Love!



Here's ours.


We are doign a block curriculum for several subjects


My dd is rather advance and we blend her grades (blended) 9th, 10th, 11th


Entire School Year

Algebra 2 (Abeka DVD and Teaching Textbooks)

US History (Abeka DVD and Education-Portal.com)

Chemistry (Abeka DVD and ending with Clep Professor and Education-Portal.com)

Physics (Abeka DVD and ending with Education-Portal.com)

Adventure Novel in a Year

Analytical Grammar (Season 3)

Sequential Spelling


Block Classes (6 weeks only)

Economics (Thinkwell and Abeka DVD)

Sociology (Education-Portal)

Psychology (Education-Portal)

Management Information Systems (Education-Portal)

C# (Homeschool Programming)

Java (Homeschool Programming)

Art (Art DVD Curriculum)

Research Paper Writing (Time4Writing.com)



Block Classes (3 weeks only)

World Religions (Education-Portal)

Information Systems (Education-Portal)




DS - 6th Grader


(All of these come with the Abeka DVD curriculum we are using)


Math 6

Reading 6

Language Arts 6

Penmanship 6

HIstory 6

Science 6


Additional classes for the year

Art (DVD Program)

Teaching Textbook 7th

Speed Reading (Ace Reader Software)

Art of Argument (Student/Teacher book)

Sequential Spelling


Block Scheduled Subject 8 weeks

3D Game Design (YouthDigital.com)

Mod Design - Java Programming (YouthDigital.com)

Essay Writing (Time4Writing.com)

Spanish (Currclick.com)



PE / Extra:

Both: Hip Hop Dance, Lacrosse, Tumblin



Cheerleading, Guitar



Jujitsu, Soccer, Basketball, Guitar

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My sociology teacher is using select videos from Education Portal. The only caution I have is that they present the info very quickly. I try to write down the definitions they put on the screen and I generally have to pause the video. They do have about a minute summary on each video, which seems kind of redundant after you've only spend 4-5 minutes on the subject. Again, this is the sociology videos, I don't know how the others work. Just a note to keep in mind if you're trying to teach your kids to take notes. I know mine would watch and forget unless I specifically told him to stop the video and write it down. 

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My sociology teacher is using select videos from Education Portal. The only caution I have is that they present the info very quickly. I try to write down the definitions they put on the screen and I generally have to pause the video. They do have about a minute summary on each video, which seems kind of redundant after you've only spend 4-5 minutes on the subject. Again, this is the sociology videos, I don't know how the others work. Just a note to keep in mind if you're trying to teach your kids to take notes. I know mine would watch and forget unless I specifically told him to stop the video and write it down. 


We use the chemistry ones for review or if ds needs an added explanation. On sleepy mornings, they are handy for pulling him back in and then he will usually do the quiz at the end. He too, needs to stop the video in order to take notes, but he also checks the transcript at the end for what he needs.


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My son is currently in 8th grade at a b&m school.  Next year, I'm hoping to homeschool him but don't know if that is going to happen.  One reason to homeschool would be to undo his two grade skips because we'd prefer that he not graduate early.  If we do homeschool, here is the current plan:


Math:  AoPS Introduction to Algebra


English:  Homegrown with an emphasis on close reading of difficult text and essay writing


Economics:  Pearson Economics text, TC Unexpected Economics, lots of (hopefully interesting) supplemental reading


Biology:  Miller and Levine or possibly Holt with a focus on biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics, and evolution


German:  Probably some online course combined with a tutor

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  • 2 weeks later...

Foreign Language

Arabic :eek:


I have found three options, none of which is perfect. The twice-weekly synchronous class at Potter's School is not secular. The BYU at-your-own-pace class doesn't have group speaking opportunities, just with a teacher. The CTY class is whoa-expensive and meets in the evenings, conflicting with dd's ballet classes.




Is this introductory Arabic you're considering here?  I don't have experience with online instruction, but I've looked at a range of first-year curricula, if you're looking for opinions I'd be happy to discuss.

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Funny how everyone takes February to plan for the next year!  We live in the midwest so it's been snowstorm after snowstorm with bitter cold in between, perfect time to sit in front of the computer for hours on end planning classes.  For my 6th grader I'm taking a more relaxed route next year and leaning toward unit studies for science and history so I'm just planning subjects with him right now.  My daughter will be in 9th grade, however, and that's when the pressure starts!  Mostly for me to keep track of what she does, how long she does it, and collecting examples of her work so in a few years when she is applying to college I have my stuff together.  I also want her to track the subjects in PS in case she decides after a year or two she would like to go.  This year was our first year homeschooling and it went well enough that she did not want to go to the local high school.


9th grade:

Whatever comes after Saxon Algebra 1 - hubby in charge of math :)

World History with Spielvogel text and additional resources of historical fiction, non-fiction and DVD's

World Geography/World Religions 1 semester each

Biology (either Campbell text or Miller/Levine and a lab component)

Intro to Lit (Excellence in Literature) along with grammar

Latin 1 (Latin Alive)


Extras are dance, flute, electric bass, music theory, hopefully starting piano as well (she wants to go to college for music)


Ahhhh, that feels good to have it done!!!


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I usually start planning in February because my peak season at work is back to school season, which usually starts around June, believe it or not. So I don't really have a lot of time or mental energy to be planning over summer.


For 10th grade next year, I'm looking at a continuation of mostly everything from this year, which is nice. That includes:

OM World History (with a Great Books list)

OM Chemistry

OM PE/Health (continiuing from this year)


Prentice Hall Geometry

IEW Literature, or a Mythology focus...haven't decided yet, Daily Grams, Wordly Wise, etc.

Power Glide French

Artistic Pursuits


If I go this route, he'll have outstide tutoring in Math, and a lab class for Chemistry, SAT/ACT prep, and other art classes




If transportation and scheduling works out, I'll enroll him in a hybrid Charter and he'll take Graphic Design, Geometry, English, Art and Robotics onsite and do the rest at home with the above.

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Material Logic

World Geograohy, Glencoe with workbook (finish)


10th grade:

Pre AP English Aim Academy

Modern Lit with me using novels and Scott Foresman British and US Lit

Chalkdust Algebra 2

Dive Chemistry with BJU text

Lukeion Latin 2

AP Psych

AP Euro



Going to be a tough year for humanities. I won't make her write for lit since she has the Pre AP class, just read and discuss. She finds Dive and Chalkdust incredibly easy, though they take time. So that helps.

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DS - 10th grade


Bible - Right now, I have no idea.  I want to do a comparative religions course, but I think our diploma program has changed the requirements so that we must take a Bible class through them next year.  I am decidedly unhappy about this.


Math - I'm nearly 100% certain that we're going to backtrack and do Algebra 1 again.  He didn't really "get" it last year and Geometry has been a bit of a struggle this year.  Moving on to Algebra 2 next year would be a big mistake, I think.


History - FundaFunda U.S. History will be our base along with some Connect the Thoughts current events units and reading/discussing The Economist and Time magazines.


Science - Chemistry at co-op.  Marine Biology over the summer.


Language Arts -  So, I've finally nailed down what we're doing next year.  :hurray:


  • Grammar - Analytical Grammar season 2
  • Vocabulary - Wordly Wise and Vocabulary From Classical Roots
  • Writing - Write at Home Online Comp. 2
  • Literature - IEW's Intro. to Literary Analysis (WttW & TtC) plus reading and discussing books.

          The next step would be paring down the literature list.


Foreign Language - Spanish 2 at co-op. 


Electives - photography and drama at co-op.  I'm also putting together a full-year course on film-making/film-appreciation that looks like it is going to be a lot of fun.  There will be an SAT prep class somewhere, but I don't know if it will be the full-year class at co-op or somewhere online.


Extra-curricular - baseball, karate, rhetoric


Driver's Ed -  :blink:  :eek:  :scared: :svengo:





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LToW 1 (writing is a weakness we are working on)


9th grade:

Algebra II:  with Jann

French I:  VPS

Honors English I:  Blue Tent Online

Science:  Physics

History of the Ancient World:  variety of materials including TOG Y1 and TCC lectures

Ancient Literature:  TOG Y1 (not sure how this will work in, maybe an elective or maybe part of history I'm still looking for input on how to work this with a transcript since the plan is to do all of R literature)

Elective:  DD wants something nature related, she did Paleobiology this semester and loved it

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I have been staying out of this thread because I was undecided about so many things and didn't want to get even more muddled in everyone else's great ideas. Things are beginning to firm up, although not everything is finalized yet.


DS 12th grade  :w00t:

AP English Language: PA Homeschoolers

Pre-Calculus w/CLEP: Lial's + Thinkwell

Chemistry w/CLEP: BJU online and DIVE CLEP Professor

American Government w/CLEP: Notgrass + ? to prep for CLEP

AP Psychology w/CLEP: Sonlight (planning to do a course audit for CB approval)

Literature: ds & I are planning this together

He is undecided if he will take a community college class each semester or if he will add a couple of electives with me.


DD 10th grade

Blue Tent Honors English 2

Algebra 2: Lial's Intermediate Algebra

AP Psychology w/CLEP: same as above

AP Biology w/CLEP: Thinkwell

Chemistry: BJU 

Photography/Photo editing: OM Photography + Photoshop = 1 credit elective

Personal Finance: Dave Ramsey




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Our plans are as follows for my daughter, who will be in 10th grade:


AP Calculus

AP Chemistry (Zumdahl)

AP Latin (Lukeion)

Advanced Greek Readings (possibly Homeric Greek, as she is completing her fourth year with Lukeion right now... we are both sad about that!)

Medieval/Renaissance History and Literature (Great Books, Teaching Co. dvds, etc.)


Computer Programming

Studio Art


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