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And....a 4th grade thread! Come on, people, join in!


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Hard to believe, but ds will be in 4th next year


Math: continue with Singapore 4A/B

Science: physics and the Macaulay book/series "Building Big" with a side of electrical wiring for model railroads

History: SOTW3/4 (we're starting 3 within the next cople of months so what we officially pick up in "4th grade" depends on how far we get through)

Grammar/Writing: FLL4/WWE3

Spelling: Sequential Spelling or AAS from the beginning

Literature: Classical House of Learning Modern

Foreign language: duolinguo spanish and minimus

Music: guitar lessons

Art: Joyce Raimondo and classical music appreciation/composers

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We're in the middle of 4th grade:


Language Arts: AAS 4/5, Writing Tales 1, finish MCT LA Island level

Math: all of Beast Academy level 3, just starting level 4

Old History/Science: We finished MFW Adventures before Thanksgiving.

New History/Science/Geography: world cultures and Sassafras Zoology with younger siblings, plus history of science and A Child's History of the World on her own

Latin: GSWL and Minimus Secundus

Spanish: La Clase Divertida

Faith Formation: Catechism, Bible, and saint stories


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Here's what 4th looks like for us this year:


Math: CLE 400

Handwriting: HWT Cursive Success

Grammar: GWG 4, MCT Grammar Island/Practice Island

Spelling: Megawords 2 (though we're considering dropping this for Sequential Spelling)

Vocab: WW3000 Levels 4 and 5

Writing: IEW SICC-A (went through a lot of different ones before landing on this winner!)

State History: Studies Weekly

History: SOTW 1 with AG

Spanish: GSWS

Science: REAL Science Odyssey Earth and Space

Art: Nothing!!  She loves it but we never get to it.

Logic: Mind Benders

Typing: Typing Program

Music: Flute in the local school band


And lots and lots of reading!

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Math: Math Mammoth 4, Life of Fred Ice Cream (to whatever he gets to, then back up and repeat.)

History : Story of the World Medieval, second round.

Science: Elemental Science Chemistry

Grammar: Hake 6 

Writing : Writing with Ease 4, or Writing With Skill 1 ( Need to see if he is ready for WWS. )

Latin: Lively Latin 2

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish.

Tons of literature.


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We have really like Human Odyssey by K12-you can get the Ancients book on Amazon for a good price, I think. It's wonderful, IMO. For Latin, we like Lively Latin. A reasonable amount of translation. Science-I'm all ears. We are thinking SYRWTL Science from Galore Park, plus lots of read alouds and Young Scientist Kits. 


Human Odyssey versus SOTW? Opinions? 


I have one in 4th this year and next year will have one in 3/4th.

Math: Math Mammoth 4-5, logic games

History: SOTW1, currently, though at a snail's pace. Next year should be SOTW2.

Science: EM Daily Science as a basis for unit studies, supplemented with other books, videos, experiments

Grammar: EM assorted plus some MCT

Writing: DD's tutor is doing this (dyslexia/dysgraphia). I need to find something for DS next year.

Literature: Assorted readings (both their choice and "assigned"), discussions, no formal literature study

Latin: DS will do whatever is left of GSWL

Art: I own the DVDs and need to suck it up and figure out how to implement

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July Update - wow plans change!



Math Mammoth Grade 4

Climbing To Good English 4

CAP Narrative 

CAP Rhetoric and Reasoning 

McRuffy Spelling 4

McRuffy Cursive 

A Living History of the World (Medieval/Renaissance) with added historical lit supplements 

HItW Middle Ages, Renaissance and Explorers CD projects (selected)

Elemental Science Chem Grammar 

Road Trip USA (Confessions of a Homeschooler) 





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Mine will be in 5th next year but this year was 4th and this is what we did/are doing.  


Math: Math In Focus 3a/3b/4a

Science: Earth & Space, Volcanoes, Dinosaurs, SL Science C (Secularized)

Latin: Song School Latin 1 

History: SL Core C with added books & Crafts

Writing: Creative Writer 

Grammar: FLL4

All About Spelling 2/3

Wordly Wise 4

SL 4-5 Readers

Composer Study 

Artistic Pursuits 4


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History: SOTW 3


Spelling: R&S Spelling by Sound and Structure 4


Language Arts: I am leaning toward MCT Town (He loves Island, but we didn't do many of the writing activities).  I am also thinking of getting IEW SWI-A, but wondering if that would be too much.  I have a 7 yr. old and a 4 month old also, and I know that next year may be difficult with the little one getting mobile.


Handwriting: Probably Pentime 4


Math: He is currently using Singapore 3 (US).  He used 2 (Standards) last year and I am trying to decide whether to go with US, Standards, or MIF for 4th. 


Science: We used BFSU K-2 in 2nd and finished most of the book.  This year we have been using an Earth Science/Astronomy curriculum posted by someone on this forum.  I can't decide between finishing BFSU and starting 3-5 or doing a physics/chem combo.


Foreign Language:  We have Prima Latina, Getting Started with Spanish, and Song School Greek sitting on the shelf.  Not sure which we are going to do, but I am leaning toward Greek because that's what ds wants.


I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm sleep deprived and the baby is finally asleep so I am going to try to sleep too.


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We're doing 4th grade this year.  


Our hits have been:

Math in Mammoth

BraveWriter's Partnership Writing program

Child's History of the World + Horrible Histories (people, not animation) on YouTube

Bill Nye the Science Guy videos

Could you kindly give me the link for Child's History of the World + Horrible Histories?and what BraveWriter's Partnership Writing program are you using?price?

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Current plans:

Language Arts: Language Lessons Through Literature, finishing level 3 then on to 4, for read-alouds, narration, diagramming, some copywork, Reading Lessons Through Literature 3 for spelling, moving on to studied dictation from LLTL 4 when ready; may use Essentials in Writing 4 for composition depending on how this spring goes.
Math: BJU Math 5, finishing Beast Academy 3, starting 4
History: VP Self-paced online Middle Ages, Renaissance & Reformation & literature, U.S. history from LBC gr 4, some copywork from Write from History Middle Ages, He'll spend one day a week doing a hands-on activity and 4 days on the computer. We'll need to start in July to finish by the end of May, but it has worked well this spring.
Bible: Small Talks on Big Questions: A Manual on Children's Catechism
Latin: Latin for Children Primer B online
Science: RSO Chemistry 1, Tiner's World of Chemistry
Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Ds will listen to SOTW2 on audio this summer, and probably read the Horrible Histories & Science books about the Middle Ages & Chemistry many times :)

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I can't believe I'll have a 4th grader next year. I'm looking to start ordering stuff soon and here's what I'm thinking, mostly continuing what we are doing this year since it is working well:


Math: Saxon 5/4 with DIVE CD (I think he'll enjoy the DIVE CD)

Grammar: Abeka Grammar A

Spelling: Spell to Write and Read

Writing: IEW Fables, Myths, and Fairytales

Literature: Andrew Adams' Ready Readers 2, Classics Club Wind in the Willows, Teaching the Classics techniques

History: SOTW 1 & 2, continuing on from Rome, with a focus on early church history

Science: Jay Wile's Science in the Beginning

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish

Geography: US Geography via co-op class

Music: continued piano lessons

Possibly an outside art class

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Another person in denial here; it's not possible my oldest will be in 4th grade in half a year! So I haven't thought about next year specifically much, although I do have a long-term plan to start from.


Math: Continue current program. Maybe add some competition prep and/or competitions.


LA: Continue MCT (Town next year). Online literature class. Finish spelling program and then ? For writing, we are planning to start CAP Fable in a couple weeks, as soon as we finish WWE3. So next year's writing will depend in part on how that goes. I feel like writing is the hardest thing for me to get my head around teaching, so I feel pulled to everything I see people having success with (WWE/WWS, IEW, MCT, Kilgallon, CAP, . . .), while in reality I'm doing less than I "should" be for my goals.


Science: Probably ES Earth. Also considering BFSU. I really need to think about what I want to do for science, and make sure I do it. So far, curriculum has not really been getting done, but they have been reading quite a bit, and we do some cool science-related things, both at home and out. I would like to do more since we all enjoy it and it is important to me that they have a solid understanding of science.


History: We will be starting our first cycle (we pulled out of ps in the middle of last year, and have been doing American History). I will definitely be using SOTW with the younger 2 (K and 2nd), and I am trying to decide whether to just do that with all 3, or have my oldest do some combination of that and Human Odyssey. Also thinking about incorporating the history of science and/or world religions, so if I do that SOTW should be enough straight history.


Logic: Want to start some logic, but not sure with what. I want a really solid, secular program.


Foreign Language: Continue Spanish with duolingo, and I would like to add something we do together to practice speaking conversationally, and to be better about reading Spanish children's books with them. Will start Latin as well, probably with GSWL.


Computer: Probably will get a little more "serious" about computer stuff. To date, she's done keyboarding, and a couple intro to programming things. I'll probably have her (and my middle one, who loves computers) go through the Scratch book at least.


Art: Continue with Home Art Studio DVDs (hopefully more consistently), projects to go with studies, and local 1-off opportunities. She loves art but it is not my thing, so I would like to find a consistent outside class, but have been unsuccessful so far.


Misc: Continue music lessons and Karate. I would really like to do more projects, both initiated by me (EiE and Shelagh Gallagher's units are 2 I'm considering) and by them. But I've been trying to give them more independent project time since we gave them a project table for Christmas, and I haven't been able to do that consistently. My kids and I would like to do more of pretty everything we're doing, plus add in new things, plus more social time and more free time, and somehow I can't make that happen.  :lol:

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Could you kindly give me the link for Child's History of the World + Horrible Histories?and what BraveWriter's Partnership Writing program are you using?price?


I bought the Child's History of the World set (had the book and questions) used on eBay for $25.00.  BUT, you can buy it from CBD here http://www.christianbook.com/childs-history-of-the-world-volumes/virgil-hillyer/pd/228501?item_code=WW&netp_id=851371&event=ESRCG&view=details

(Slightly cheaper than from Calvert directly)


If you don't want the questions, we bought the book on Nook for $5.99 (We read it in a Nook app on the iPad)




For Horrible Histories, I usually just search on Youtube for BBC Horrible Histories and things come up.  If you start with one, usually you'll see many related clips.  Last week, DH was studying the Crusades, so we watched these:






For Bravewriter, I think I bought it when she had some sort of special going on (maybe through Homeschool Buyers Co-op), but here's the link http://www.bravewriter.com/program/home-study-courses/partnership-writing/

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My youngest is in fourth grade this year. We are not doing anything so complicated as many, maybe even most, of you ladies.


He is doing Keys to Fractions for math. We will go on to Decimals next and Percents after that. I am not sure that will take us until May, but I will figure out what to do if/when that happens.


He is doing Amanda Bennett unit studies for everything else. We use it for science, writing, and history. So far this year we have done Flight, Space, Photography, and Sailing Ships. We are currently working on Oceans. Lighthouses are next and then either Gardens or Baseball or something else. I am pleased with how this is working because he is reasonably content with the amount of work and I am reasonably content with the volume of work and its quality.


He is doing one other thing. We go to Japanese school as a family on Saturdays. He is learning some Japanese there, but I am not very confident of how much. That is mostly a problem of this year's teacher and him not being a good fit and a lack of other options.

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My youngest will be in 4th grade next year.

MFW RTR (Bible, History, Science, Music, Art)

CLE 400 Math

R&S 4 English

R&S 4 Spelling

IEW - either SICC-A or something theme based

A few literature guides from PP, MP or VP - thinking about Sarah, Plain & Tall, The Cricket in Times Square, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory...not sure yet. :)

PE with our homeschool group here on base

Horse Riding


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What I think my 4th grader will do in the fall.  There may be some changes like attending a local co-op for fun and to be around other homeschoolers since we are surround by public school kids in our neighborhood.


Language Arts: Rod and Staff, Spelling Power, Drawn Into the Heart of Reading, journal and writing passages from books for handwriting

Math: Teaching Textbooks, daily math drills

Science: Apologia Elementary Science

History: Preparing Hearts For His Glory


This is the basics but later sports, scouting, and whatever extras like a local co-op will be added.  My fifth grader is doing the same stuff just at his level for LA and Math

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The plan is for my older 2 to start charter school so my 4th grader will be my only student!  I'm so excited to be able to focus my attention on her and we're going to change things up quite a bit.  She's very artistic and likes to write so we're going to do HOD Preparing.  Basically she'll use:


Math: Horizons 4

Grammar: FLL 4 or R&S 4

Writing: WWE 4 or just HOD assignments

Spelling: SWO D-E

Lit: Drawn Into the Heart of Reading

History: A Child's History of the World (via Preparing)

Geography: built into Preparing

Science: Charlotte Mason Style

Latin: finish GSWL, then LC1

French: continue Duolingo

Art: weekly class

P.E.: year-round soccer, summer swim team


If I'm not satisfied with the Preparing science, we'll use Behold & See 4.  That's all I can think of right now!


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Here's Child's History of the World at amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Childs-History-World-V-Hillyer/dp/1607965321/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1392064761&sr=8-1&keywords=child%27s+history+of+the+world (Although, I don't know anything about that edition because I got it a long time ago and went for a cheap used hardback copy.)


My son isn't in love with CHOW. History Odyssey uses Usborne, SOTW, and CHOW; for each section, it's usually two pages in Usborne, a chapter, sometimes two chapters, of SOTW, and often a chapter of CHOW. He likes Usborne and SOTW, and I think it's just enough overlap to give an intro one day (via Usborne) and then a deeper look over the next couple of days (via SOTW), but he says that CHOW makes it feel too repetitive. So I am going to finish out this year (he's halfway through Early Modern with HO) with him skipping CHOW and see if that works better for him.

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4 grade? Yikes.


Mine is on the young end- but here is his list:


Over the summer I want to do SWIA, and Singapore Challenging Word Problems 4.


Oak Meadow 4 (maybe/probably)

Nancy Larson Science 3
Beast Academy 4A&B with TT6
Homeschool Spanish Academy tutoring (he's been using their skype lessons a while and it's going great!)


I'm still looking for a solid latin based root words program, or fun, effective latin. We used Memoria Press last year, and it was too dry. I'd like to continue, but I don't really know what direction to continue in.

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not solid yet but here are my thoughts:


math mammoth 4, xtramath, challenging word problems as desired

mind benders, logic liftoff

r&s spelling 4

wordly wise 4

cursive from various scholastic books

fll 4, mad libs

w&r narrative

lively latin 1 (continue)

another language- finishing up greek code cracker (her request). she wants to learn all the languages so not sure where we'll go from here

how to study the bible for kids, possibly bsgfaa if i can figure it out

sotw 3

narnia books, possibly fufi, various other readalouds

science- ??? currently doing mr.q life because it's free. maybe ellen mchenry's the elements? no clue.

continue nature study based on the nature connection

something for geography...


other- continuing map skills (her favorite subject), recorder, art (something i picked up off the free table at our used curric sale), dance pad typing, cooking, poetry, following directions, conflict resolution, character/virtue study, sewing

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Well, all previous plans were just dropped as the co-op I was planning on has collapsed.


So looks like I will get to really focus on the rising 4th grader ... older ones will be covered with outside classes/co-ops.


Math: continue with Singapore Math

  supplement with: Tables, Squares, and Cubes/ Times Attack/ Challenging Word Problems?

Writing: Classical Writing- Aesop B

Spelling: R&S Spelling or switch to MegaWords ??

handwriting:   Handwriting Skills Simplified

typing:           Typing Instructor deluxe

History:          Story of the World  (or maybe back to TOG if UG is better then LG)

Literature:      either from Sotw or WTM, maybe use Teaching the Classics since i have it but haven't used it.

                       or maybe read other quality lit like Narnia

Science:         ? maybe Lyrical Life Science since we have it, or NOEO .. same reason

Art:                 ? Draw Squad, Drawing with Children  .. have these

Music:             ? piano lessons

Foreign Lang.  Lively Latin 1 <already have it, love to actually use it this time!>

Logic:              Fallacy Detective or Thinking Toolbox



now we will probably gather with others for some sort of co-op.

-maybe just for educational games

-presentations of papers written, art work, music recitals, 

-science classes (since I'm not big on experiments anyway)


well, that's the thoughts so far ... 

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Still thinking over a few things, but thus far the list looks like this.


MM 5 and LOF She's done great with is up to now so no reason to change.


Possibly Spalding Spelling, but still looking at a couple things.

Beginning Word Roots

Marie's Words


Pathway Readers and an assortment of other books



Global Puzzle

Rod and Staff History/Geography


Ollo Starter Kit

IQ Twist


Physics or Chemistry using Guesthollow's outline

A few K'Nex kits to match her science if she does physics


Gymnastics, Choir, Piano, Hebrew, and German all out sourced.

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Right Start E


Lots of excellent literature

AAS 5/6

Treasured Conversations and finishing up WWE 3.


Late modern history by mom - heavy on U.S. SOTW 4 is too dark and too complex for my kids this year. I am using parts of it and also VP cards as a framework.

Science -Ellen McHenry's The Elements and Macaulay's The New Way Things Work


NAC cursive


Bible reading and discussion


Art and drama tutorial 1x week

Piano lessons and choir


American Heritage Girls

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My fourth grader will be doing: 


Math-Math Mammoth 4  Rod & Staff Math 4

Grammar-Rod & Staff 4

Spelling-Rod & Staff finish up 4 

Writing-CAP Fable & Narrative 1, Queen's Homeschool Copywork for Nature Lovers

Handwriting-A Reason for Handwriting D

History, Bible, Literature, Geography-TOG Year 1 Unit 4, Year 2 Units 1 & 2, some AO stuff

Science-Noeo Biology II  Elemental Biology, some AO stuff

Art & Music-Harmony Arts Medieval & See the Light Art School


Logic Countdown and Maps, Charts, and Graphs


We may add in some Evan Moor wkbks and LOF too. 

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We are in the middle of our fourth grade year - we are using:


Saxon Math 5/4 for mental math and drills

Abeka Math 4 for daily lessons/practice problems

Grammar-Rod and Staff and First Language Lessons

Literature - TOG Lit and various lit units

Writing- TOG Writing Aids

Spelling- Rod and Staff

Latin- Prima Latina with DVD Instruction

Science- Apologia Zoology 1 and Apologia Physics/Chemistry (rotating chapters)

History- TOG

Geography- TOG and Notebooking pages for landforms

Art- Harmony Art Mom Year 4 and Artistic Pursuits

Music- Ha, right.  If we ever did it we would use SQUILT and Maestro Classics.  However, he takes piano lessons once a week.

Handwriting - A Reason For

P.E. - Currently in basketball league - baseball starts in March - also when the weather is good we play tennis with our homeschool group one night a week.


We review various items for the TOS Crew so those are always in the mix. We also incorporate a lot of Netflix, History Channel, Science Channel and library books too.


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4th Grade for my 9yo (I don't plan this far ahead so some of this is a continuation of what he's doing now or "the next thing" and some of it is in the idea stage):


CLE Math 4 (starting soon!) with Process Skills and HOE 

Easy Grammar 4 

Rod & Staff Spelling 4 + studied dictation

CLE Reading 4 + lots of literature

MFW core for content OR Heart of Dakota. This guy would do Preparing as a 4th grader. I'd drop any extra writing curric. if we do HOD.

Mom made memory work (loved this part of CC but we aren't returning to CC so I am going to work up something to keep us moving forward)

Writing is still up in the air. We've hit numerous walls this year and I have plenty of resources to choose from. He is about to start a Writing Skills workbook and we'll see how that approach goes for awhile.  

Feels like I'm forgetting something important.  :coolgleamA:

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Math- Saxon 5/4

Writing- CAP narrative 1 & 2, maybe some IEW, and Killgallon Sentence.

Grammar- finishing FLL 4 this summer, than I have no idea ?? Any suggestions?? Maybe KISS.

Latin- Latin for Children

Science- something at our co-op.

History-explorers through American Revolution.

Religion- bible, saint study & Baltimore catechism

Spelling- WRTR

Art- art history using library books & various projects

Music-piano, study various composers as they come up on timeline.

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Well, I'm late to the party, but I'll share anyway... :)


Math: CLE 400-500 -- We recently decided to speed up on 300 because she was getting bored, so we will finish early and probably go ahead and start on 400 this year. We also will continue working through Beast Academy, which was another recent addition for us. Not sure if we will go sequentially or maybe skip ahead to some of the level 4 books.


Science: Noeo Physics II, supplemented with lots of living books and possibly a class with our co-op (depending on what they offer next year). This is her favorite subject and admittedly my LEAST favorite, but I'm making an effort! Hope I can outsource some of the more hands-on stuff, though. We went without a *real* curriculum this year, and it has been okay but it will be easier for me to have something more detailed. The science fair was a HUGE hit (she advanced to regionals and will be competing on Saturday!!!), so that's a definite must-do for next January. I may introduce Scratch as something she can pursue in her free time; I think she would like it.


Grammar: Rod & Staff English 4


Spelling: Spelling Workout E & F


Handwriting: We're making great progress on cursive, so probably nothing formal. I will begin to require that all or most written assignments be done in cursive starting in 4th.


Writing: Still debating, but after reading through all your ideas, I'm thinking we will start WWS1 for 4th. She loves to write and easily composes narrations and summaries, oral and written. I only hesitate moving forward because she HATES taking dictation and is, quite frankly, terrible at it. She needs to hear even simple sentences 4 or 5 times before she can repeat them back to me. We were both so frustrated that I finally opted to drop dictation completely when we picked up cursive after Christmas, so we've been doing lots of copywork instead. It seems to be an auditory thing for her -- she's never been very good at remembering songs and such either (e.g., she didn't know "Twinkle, Twinkle" when ds3 came home singing it from preschool). It concerns me a bit because at some point she will have to take notes from oral lectures, etc., but maybe I shouldn't get too worked up about that right now. She's otherwise fairly advanced across the board. Anyway, right now I'm thinking perhaps start with WWS1, working through at half-pace or slower, and supplementing with more creative activities from Don't Forget to Write, some letter writing, and yes, maybe still the occasional dictation. Any thoughts/suggestions on this would be gratefully welcomed!


She is constantly writing short stories and asking me when she'll be able to get something published, so we may also make it a year-long project to write, edit, and refine one or more pieces that she can submit somewhere for publication or to a writing contest.


Literature: Keyed to history. So excited that we're moving into modern literature! (Hey, I was an English major, what can I say?) Additional daily reading of her choice from the 1000 great books list.


History/Geography: Story of the World, Vol. 3 and Vol. 4, with map work and lots of living books to supplement. Probably state history via the co-op.


Bible: CAP's God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 2. We have LOVED this so far!


Foreign Language: So many ways to go here too! I had originally thought Latin starting in 4th, but now I'm leaning towards Greek because 1) dd says that's more appealing to her (although she doesn't know anything about either one, so it's not exactly an informed opinion) and 2) I'd kind of like to learn it myself. She's also been asking about learning something "people still speak," so I might set her up on Duolingo and let her play with it this summer. If something sticks, we could switch gears for fall.


Enrichment: Piano lessons, sports (probably basketball, soccer), a couple of electives of her choosing from the co-op. Hopefully a visit to the Renaissance fair and Washington, DC... and maybe a few other surprises too!

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I've skimmed this thread, but I'll be reading more in detail for ideas later.  My dd9 will be a 4th grader next year, and like a lot of other posters, I can't believe it!  Here's where I am in planning.


Grammar: R&S English 4


Writing: WWE 4


Spelling: Probably R&S 4&5


History:  Not certain.  Considering going back to SOTW 1 because we attempted once in 1st grade and never really utilized the activity guide or finished. 

              (This year we're doing American history, so I kind of like the idea of going back and doing a world focus). 

              I keep getting distracted by other ideas, especially when I go to Memoria Press' website...


Literature: This will end up corresponding to whatever history I choose...


Math: RightStart D and continuing LOF Elementary


Science: Probably RS4K Biology and a Biology Lapbook. (I already have both).  Also doing Nature Study.


Geography: BF Geography; this looks like a lot of fun!


Latin:  Latina Christiana 1


Handwriting:  I've just started on cursive, so we'll continue on using HWOT.


Enrichment:  Ballet and violin lessons.  AHG

                     I'll probably let her audition and participate in the local theatre again (depending on our ability to fit it in, but she really loves it). 

                     We belong to a co-op, so there will be outside classes for fun.



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I am using the K-12 curriculum, but adjusting it as I see fit.


Today we did:  Latin: (Middlebury) plus Getting Started with Latin                       

                        Literature: Classics for Young Readers with a writing lesson, and The Golden Fleece free on Kindle

                        Math: Estimating using a number line

                        Science: solubility

Yesterday we did: Art: cubist art (Picasso and Diego Rivera) plus some of the above

                             History: using maps and globes

                             Literature: journaling and The Golden Fleece

                             Science: how crystals form

I wasn't sure I would really be able to get into homeschooling, but it has proven more fun than I ever thought possible. I am kind of a free spirit and really eclectic personally, but I needed some structure and accountability (at least to myself). I really love the K-12 materials; of course, I bought them outright, not as part of a charter school.


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I need to come back and add my 4th grade plan, but I have a question for the Duolingo users.  I haven't created an account yet, but should I set up 2 different ones for each of my twins or can they both keep track of their own progress under one user account?


Thanks much!

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I need to come back and add my 4th grade plan, but I have a question for the Duolingo users.  I haven't created an account yet, but should I set up 2 different ones for each of my twins or can they both keep track of their own progress under one user account?


Thanks much!


I set up separate accounts for each of my kids on Duolingo.  That is necessary because the program keeps track of their individual progress and schedules reviews.  Each child can work at his or her own pace.  It wouldn't work well if multiple people tried to share one account.


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I set up separate accounts for each of my kids on Duolingo. That is necessary because the program keeps track of their individual progress and schedules reviews. Each child can work at his or her own pace. It wouldn't work well if multiple people tried to share one account.


Thanks Mrs Twain!!!!!

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We started 4th grade in January but we are still finishing up some things from 3rd grade that are leftover from the new baby in the house!  So that is why you may see 2 things listed for some subjects.  The reason we do 2 spellings is because my dd10 had spelling issues, so we went with AAS and she loves it and won't give up but still doing SWO too.  We just fit them in and this year will complete AAS and we will continue on with SWO books the next few years.



Bible - Christian Studies II


Math - Saxon 5/4


Grammar - FLL 4


Writing - WWE 3 & 4 (will finish 3 by summer)


Spelling - SWO D & E  and AAS 4, 5, 6


Latin - Prima Latina (almost finished) & Latina Christiana I


Science - Elemental Science Chemistry & Physics


History - SOTW 3 & 4 (halfway through 3)



Art - Artistic Pursuits

Music - The Story of the Orchestra; Piano

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We are in the process of a big move from Oregon to Seattle. If we continue homeschooling, my youngest will be in fourth and this is our plan:

Math - Singapore and LOF

Language Arts - WWE, SWR, DG

Afternoon block (with brother who will be in 6th):

          Literature - Teaching the Classics

          Geography - Trail Guide to US...

          History - History of US, Hakim

          Physics - Physics Experiments for Children, The New Way Things Work, and biographies (The Great Physicists: from Galileo to Einstein)...? May be too advanced)

Other stuff:

Warm ups - One question a day for each subject to review last week's readings. This has been a hit! He has asked me to add subjects like Latin. I think it is satisfying for them to see what they've learned. Then on Friday, both boys read me what they've come up with all week. I found this on Amazon: "Science Question of the Day". I may add this next year.

Latin - ??? doing GSWL now

Logic - ??? doing Building Thinking Skills now

Typing - Mavis Beacon

Drum lessons, maybe adding piano or guitar...

Hoping we'll find in Seattle: boys' ballet program, art classes.

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So odd - this is my 3rd time going thru 4th grade!!  How the heck did that happen?


RELIGION Faith & Life 4 on-line course + BC1

MATH Saxon 5/4


Writing SWI-A

Spelling Spelling Workout D

Cursive HWOT

Reading/Literature Assigned by Mom with Progeny Press Lit Guides/Ready Readers

Grammar FLL?

GEOGRAPHY MCP workbooks - Level D/E

SCIENCE Mr Q Earth Science


FRENCH First Form French

LATIN Latina Christiana

MUSIC Piano Pre-conservatory level


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Math:  ?  She has hated every math book she's ever seen, yet actually likes math.  I'm tempted to just let her do Khan.  sigh! 



Apples & Pears Spelling Book C


Writing Skills Book A


Literature:  I'll make a list of books and write narration prompts, and pull copywork for handwriting work.


Grammar:  Latin


Latin:  ???  See the 6th grade thread...they are in the same boat.  Galore Park maybe.  We've been highly inconsistent, but they love Latin and retain pretty well, considering.



History:  SOTW 4



Music & art will follow along with SOTW 4.



Science:  Delta Nutshell Kits and library books.  I haven't decided which kits, but probably in the life science section.



I hope to get her bonafide piano lessons this year.  She has self-taught (with a little help) quite a bit, but she's needs a teacher besides me.









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I am going to put both of my DD's here though age wise 1 is in 3rd grade they are both doing 4th grade work for the most part:

Bible Group Studies: Apologia Who is God?
Bible Independent Studies: LifePac 4
Catechism: Westminster Shorter Catechism Copy Book
History: Notgrass America the Beautiful and will go into Uncle Sam and You once we finish
Science: AIG God's Design for Life The Human Body.
Geography: Little Passports

English, Writing and Grammar: ACE
Spelling: ACE Word Building
Classic books for literature

Math: Rod and Staff 4
Art is co-oped out

Math: CLE Light 4
Competetive gymnastics

I am completely happy with our math choices and we will stick with Notgrass until we move back into our 4 year cycle. I don't entirely love the English Paces, but they aren't terrible. I will be on the look out at our convention for something better though. I am also not sure I will stick with the Apologia Bible. Again, it isn't bad, it just isn't something I can't live without. AIG Science, I like this a lot but am not 100% sure if we will continue on with this or move into some Apologia Zoology that I had already purchased. I may finish out the Design for Life series and move into Apologia when the girls hit jr.high level. We will definitely keep doing the LifePacs for independent Bible as well as the catechism studies. Little Passports is just something fun I add in once a month. I need to get a Spanish program at the fair in May as well.

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Math -


Khan Academy

Life of Fred

Balance Math & More Level 2 


Language Arts -

Learning Language Through Literature Level 4??

Handwriting Without Tears 

Spelling Workout


History -

Story of the World - Ancients


Science -

Mr. Q Life Science - Finishing up

SiaNS -

Crystal Creations

Energy & Motion

A Peak Inside You

Body Basics

Weather Wise

Water Cycle


Latin/Foreign Language -

Duolingo - Spanish


Social Studies -

Trail Guide to World Geography & CD 


Arts -

Music Theory III - Connect the Thoughts 

Meet the Great Composers 

Jazz Class

Piano Lessons


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LA: LLATL continuing through orange and in to purple

Math: continuing on with Singapore

Health: mom based

Science: Mr Q earth science and Evan Moor Daily Science

Social Studies: Adventures through America, Road Trio USA and Evan Moor Daily Geography

Art: continuing HAS and The Worlds Greatest Artists

Music: The Great Composers

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  • 1 month later...

Science: Land Animals of the 6th Day

History: Story of the World 2 and part of 3 + history readings

Language Arts: Sequential Spelling 1 and MCT's Grammar Island series

Math: continue with Miquon, Life of Fred and Beast Academy (although we've pared BA down to 1 day a week)


Various unit studies with her older brother - I'm thinking about doing a year of "engineering".  Not quite sure how I'll put that together yet.

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We aren't finished with 3rd grade yet and I'm already changing my 4th grade plans.


CLE Math grade 4


Apologia Swimming Creatures Zoology 2 for Science


Lifepac for History/Social Studies


Studies Weekly for Science and History supplement


ACE Creative Writing and Literature, English and World Building


Draw and Write thru History for Art\


SpellWell Spelling C-Cc


Lifepac Health Quest



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First Form Latin

Math Mammoth 4 + xtramath.com + LoF

English Lessons through Literature 4

Famous Men of Rome w/ student guide

Memoria Press' Geography I

Apologia's Astronomy w/ notebooking jornal

Reading daily

Memory work


See the Light Art Class


Duolingo German


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Ok, since I last posted, I've figured out next year:


Singapore 6A/B + 70 word problems you need to know

Latin Alive 1

Hey Andrew! Greek level whatever (she's in 3 now)

Apologia elementary chemistry/physics

Ancient history: her tutorial is doing SotW 1, but I'm going to get some Teaching Company lectures to beef it up a little. She already has the Egypt set and likes it.

MCT Voyage level including Caesar's English 2

IEW Ancient history writing lessons

Art class at tutorial


+ piano, voice, dance, and musical theater

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Latin: Second Form Latin


Math: Strayer-Upton


Greek: Elementary Greek I


Language Arts:  Classical Composition (Fable); LCC and AO literature/poetry


History: Famous Men of Rome


Geography: MP World Geography I


Religion: MP Christian Studies II; Baltimore Catechism I


Science: MP Insect study, gardening, nature walks


Music: Piano lessons


Art: Mark Kistler Draw Squad


PE: Horseback riding, archery, fencing lessons

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