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Hey folks!


Things have been crazy busy around here. Got through the holidays, and the accompanying madness.


Wolf flew to visit MIL back in Nov, as from what she'd been saying, we became very, very concerned about her possibly developing Alz, since she has 3 sibs dx'd w/it, and she talked about being so alone, etc. We became very concerned that if there was something really wrong, nobody would know.


Long story short, it was all a lie.


Not only is she totally fine, cognitively speaking, but her apt is a constant drop in centre, w/folks popping in and out all day, and the phone constantly ringing.


She admitted that she lied about being lonely to guilt trip us, and for attention.




In other, far better news, kids are all doing well, Cubby is growing like a weed, not quite crawling yet, but starting to consider the idea.


I'm trying to get better about blogging, so if you're wondering what I've been up to, that's probably the place to go.




How's everyone doing?

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I'm sorry, but I love reading about your mil; for me, it's a relief to hear someone else actually has a loved one who is...I don't know, unbelievably selfish to the bone.  At least you can enjoy the fact, that she isn't moving in with you.


Pop back in again, sooner.  I'm glad the fam is doing so well.

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LOL Tammyla! 


Honestly, I don't know how many MIL stories I'll have from now on...at least, not first hand.


Since that particular stunt, something in me kinda broke. I've told Woif that I simply can't do this any more, and haven't spoken to her since. I don't know if it's a 'for now' thing, or a 'forever' thing, but I just can't hack dealing w/someone that would LIE about Alz symptoms.


I know good and well WHY she did it. Her brother, who has a criminal record from what he did to his daughters, was dx'd w/Alz just before MIL started claiming to be having issues. And, his dds, who had had nothing to do w/him for over a decade, came running back to his side. In fact, one of his adult grandsons is now living w/him and his wife.


I have no doubt that MIL saw the attention he was getting, and wanted some for herself.

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Hey folks!


Things have been crazy busy around here. Got through the holidays, and the accompanying madness.


Wolf flew to visit MIL back in Nov, as from what she'd been saying, we became very, very concerned about her possibly developing Alz, since she has 3 sibs dx'd w/it, and she talked about being so alone, etc. We became very concerned that if there was something really wrong, nobody would know.


Long story short, it was all a lie.


Not only is she totally fine, cognitively speaking, but her apt is a constant drop in centre, w/folks popping in and out all day, and the phone constantly ringing.


She admitted that she lied about being lonely to guilt trip us, and for attention.




In other, far better news, kids are all doing well, Cubby is growing like a weed, not quite crawling yet, but starting to consider the idea.


I'm trying to get better about blogging, so if you're wondering what I've been up to, that's probably the place to go.




How's everyone doing?


I totally thought about you *today*!  :hurray:  I guess I picked up a psychic brain wave from you. Glad to hear things are good and...well, that your MIL is very consistent.  :tongue_smilie:

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All right Impish. I didn't know you were famous! Maybe everyone else does, but I didn't. I got a link on FB to your blog via Classical Academic Press. I don't always read blog links, but this time I did. And I was reading it, and came across "Tazzie" and I thought, hmm, that sounds familiar. And then I kept reading and I realized... I "know" this woman. Great post!

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