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If DD9 likes "Chopped", what else would be good?


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DD9 discovered "Chopped" and has now watched all past episodes available on demand from our cable company (basically, just the past season). She's really enjoying the show, and I'm enjoying how adult and polite the contestants are to each other, for the most part, and how they handle challenges, make mistakes, attempt to recover from them, and own their mistakes. An added bonus-tonight she completely planned and cooked dinner, mostly on her own. And cleaned up afterwards, again, mostly on her own.


Any other suggestions?



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These are not competition shows, but are VERY educational in one way or another...Good Eats (Alton Brown), and America's Test Kitchen/Cook's Country. Good Eats has a lot of science and history in each episode and is fun. America's Test kitchen is less of that, more straight cooking, but does go into at least some science or history of the recipe on most episodes. 

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Another vote for Good Eats. I really believe that show is a curriculum in itself, and it was directly inspired by TV science shows like Mr. Wizard.


Top Chef is actually the one show we all watch as a family. There is swearing (bleeped out) and some strife, but we love it.

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These are not competition shows, but are VERY educational in one way or another...Good Eats (Alton Brown), and America's Test Kitchen/Cook's Country. Good Eats has a lot of science and history in each episode and is fun. America's Test kitchen is less of that, more straight cooking, but does go into at least some science or history of the recipe on most episodes. 


Iron Chef


Totally agree!

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I don't know what's available on your Demand. One show I really liked that is old was Iron Chef America Redemption. It was a contest show culminating in choosing an iron chef for the show Iron Chef America.


I love Cupcake Wars and Cake Boss. I watch them on Amazon Prime. Sweet Genius was good too, but there are only 2 seasons.


Several episodes of Chopped are scheduled on Food Network on Tuesday evenings. I DVR them.

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Another vote for Good Eats.


How about Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods shows? One is international, where he travels around the world, tasting different foods. He will usually visit a local market and/or food fair, and eat a meal in a private home with a family. He also has an American version, visiting different cities.  He eats a lot of food we would consider gross (which is also part of the fun of the show), and you get to learn a little about the people/culture of different areas.


The only possible negative that I can think of is that he tends to eat a lot of testicles.  He also says the phrase "Oh my god" frequently, which I find offensive.  Ymmv.

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Oh, of course, No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain is amazing. OK, so he's probably drunk more often than he's sober, and I guess there must be some bleeped swearing and innuendo in there to, but gosh, the sights and the food and the cultural exposition are unparalleled.


If you have Amazon Prime, you can stream many/most of the seasons for free.

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Marcel's Quantum Kitchen might be worth giving it a shot.

Supersizers Go! was fun, I thought. Both of those might be a bit much for a kid though.

Cook Your Ass Off airs on CNN and is focused around healthy eating, special diets, weird ingredients.


My mom watches Chopped and CYAO religiously. Always talking about something she saw on there. ALWAYS.

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