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How are your eating plans/diets/exercise programs working so far?


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Just thought I would do a check in here.  I know it is not really even 3 weeks into the new year though.


For eating, I am doing the OLD (like 2007) Weight Watcher program with the points and sliders for figuring out the points and another slider for activity points.  I have been doing it for 2 weeks.  First week I was down 1/2 pound.  This week I was down 4 1/2 pounds. So far so good.  My goal is actually 1/2-1 pound a week, 25 pounds this year.  I need to loose more and more would be great but slow and steady will get me there and hopefully keep me at a healthier weight long term.


I like that I have CHOICES.  I CAN (and did this week) eat out 4 different times. I had a fish sandwich and fries. a cheese burger, pop, Chinese, etc.   It was just in my choices there and other choices of the day/week that kept me on target.  I am watching portion sizes more and skipping those mindless pieces of candy, sips of pop, bite of someone's leftover, nibbles while cooking etc.


For exercise, my goal is 5 days a week of some sort of exercise.  I had been doing videos---anything over 15 minutes counts as often 15 minutes is all I am going to do.  This week I have been cross country skiing as well and that is way more fun than videos.  I also do horse chores 2-5 times a day here but dont' count that as that is an everyday thing.  Next week I start exerball class 2 nights a week for 6-8 weeks.  In better weather we do a lot of horseback riding and walking/hiking outside.

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So far so good for me as well. I started the "No S" diet about two weeks ago. The diet is very simple, no sweets, no seconds, no snacks, except on days that begin with "s" (Saturday and Sunday or special occasions). I bought the book and it explains more behind the why but anyone could do it without the book. There is also a website. I'm enjoying it so far. I feel like it's sustainable. I've also lost about 3 pounds.


I am also continuing my running program. I finished the Couch to 5k program (again) and just yesterday started the Couch to 10k.


I would like to lose a total of about 17 pounds but more importantly I want to keep it off!


Elise in NC

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I don't have much weight to lose (5 pounds of holiday indulgence weight) but I'm very happy with my plan so far.


I'm exercising an hour each day. I am enjoying it!  Not only am I burning twice as many calories as I had with my 30 min/day, the hour feels like a respite and break from all my responsibilities.  :)


No snacks, no sweets, no drinks but water and coffee, and small portions of whole foods is my diet.  I have no snack foods in my house whatsoever (to the dismay of my children) because they're just too tempting.  I've lost 2 pounds since the 1st of the year and hope to be done by early February.  



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My weight is good. I'm on Lifetime Maintenance with Weight Watchers. When I do go up higher than goal, getting back on track always helps. My challenge is exercising. My goal is to walk on the treadmill for 45 mins. on weekdays. But this week has been awful! I walked on Tuesday only. I will do it today though. I've gotten advice about finding a different exercise I like but the treadmill is the least of evils. I just hate any form of exercise, so doing it regularly would be a win for me.

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Since diets are not (for me anyway) sustainable over a long period and then I feel guilty that when I give them up... I've decided to go with a planned one month of deprivation in the form of the Whole 30. I figure I can do anything for one month. Luckily, my BMI is in the normal category, but I have some blood sugar and cholesterol issues going on. So for the month of January, I have given up dairy, alcohol, coffee, grains and sugar. Really... Some of my favorite things! There have been a few Paleo things that just wouldn't work for me - like.... We like beans or sauces with a bit of sugar in it or soup with potatoes in it, and giving those up wouldn't work.


I have lost 4 or 5 pounds. Starting Feb 1, I am done! But my plan is to continue to eat lots of fruit and vegetable, but to casually limit dairy and grains and alcohol and sugar to vacations or eating out or visiting friends. I can easily not have a bowl of Cheerios on the morning, but not having a slice of my friend's birthday cake seems wrong.

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On January 6th I signed up with our local community center's Biggest Loser 12 week Contest.  I have lost 7.5 pounds.  What is motivating me is that I had to sign up with a partner, and I don't want to let her down.  Also, the picture they took of me is hanging in the hallway.  I can't wait until a better picture is put up next to it!


I am using a diet plan called The Simple Diet  (by Anderson) with some modifications to add in fiber, and I am working out each day (mostly) using a Walk away the Pounds Video,  When I started last week, I struggled to walk one of the miles.  Yesterday, I walked all 4 with very little trouble.  


I have attended two of the Biggest Losers workouts as they are mandatory once a week.  I expect the classes will be great once I lose more weight, but now the classes seem to be defeating my purpose.  I am too sore to work out the next day, and one of my knees gives me trouble (pain) from all the squats.  I also find it embarrassing to exercising in front of a bunch of people, but I expect I will get over that.  


My weight has been problematic for my health, and I have lost a lot of confidence in myself.  I am so grateful that I am having success, because I am ready to stop hiding, and start participating again.  


I hope you all have continued success!  I like the idea of the No S Diet as it has simple rules to follow, and believe me I need rules when it comes to sweets.  Perhaps it will aid me in my maintenance phase.   :001_smile:





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I am doing the Whole 30 as well. It's been quite a change for me and my normal eating habits which is a very good thing. I am trying to make it through the end of the month, but it will be hard! I have had two glasses of wine, but other than that I've been following it. I'm down about 8 pounds which is awesome and a wonderful start for me. I have not been exercising other than walking the dog.


I will try to stick closely with the ideas of whole 30 after this month, but I will be adding back beans and cheese for sure. I will try to keep up with not eating fast food or eating out very often, because that's when I tend to go overboard. All in all so far  it's been a good way to reset my eating patterns.

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I have been doing a beginners workout DVD by Jillian Michaels. I do it about five times a week. I am getting better stamina during the workouts and do feel my energy has improved, but even with two workouts on the DVD, I'm getting a little bored. 


I have been practicing portion control and not snacking, but then dh went shopping and bought home chips. I don't even really like chips but if the bowl is in front of me crunch, crunch, crunch. 


I think I'd like to lose 15 pounds so I can fit into my clothes that I grew out of in the last year.



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Wow, you're all doing great.  I started Nutrisystem on Jan 8, and as of today, I'm down 5 lbs.  It will come off slower after the first week, which is a jump start week.  I'm not crazy about all the foods, but most are pretty decent.  The portion control helps me get used to how much I should be eating.  I won't do it for a second month, because I'm really limited on food since I don't eat beef or pork, but after this, I'll be used to eating the proper amount again.  

I'm also doing my Walk Away the Pounds videos again.  

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Haha my mom worked for Nutrisystem decades ago!  


I just had my annual at the OB/GYn and was unhappy with my weight - but the nurse said I was down a pound - and since i had knee surgery in Feb, did a ton of pain-eating for months and couldnt walk for months, i should be happy.  then i realized I have acid reflux and that will be motivation to cut back more!

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Well, since low-carb is the only thing that works for me post-40, it's low-carb. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas I did 3 weeks of simply counting calories. I did well, too. Sticking to the program. I got the Lose-it ap. I gained half a pound after three weeks. Which sent me into a pit of despair and I just flat out enjoyed Christmas. Now, I'm just piecing things together from Adkins, etc. keeping track of my carbs. I'm at the end of my second week. I haven't weighed in, but last week I'd lost a pound and an inch off my belly.

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I cut out sugar and am eating whole, unprocessed foods. Its going well. Lost 5 lbs since the 1st, feel great and I am never hungry. I lost 12 pounds in October when I began this way of eating with the October Unprocessed challenge. I am restarting C25K and on my off days I lift weights. I have about 30-40 pounds to go. Shooting for a size 10 so weight doesn't really matter to me. 

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I haven't been to the gym since Christmas. :-(  I was out of state for 12 days and the kids have had colds that keep them out of the babysitting room, so it stinks.  But my Fitbit is being delivered today! And, as long as the roads get cleared well enough, I'll hit the gym tomorrow while dh is home with the kids.


Eating... blah. I'm doing fine, really, but I fantasize about eating limitless grilled cheese sandwiches.


I've lost 2-3lbs since Christmas, so I can't really complain.

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I'm staying in my calorie range give or take a few, exercising 4-5 days a week, alternating cardio and free weights. I'm eating mostly unproccessed foods, with the exception of some lean cuisines when I want pizza. And i'm nursing my one year old still. And yet...zero weight loss. I actually gained, and now am kind of back to where I started. Whatever. I'm convinced I've lost body fat, that visceral fat around the organs. I'm "squishier" fat now, not so dense, and if I suck in there is a definite change in my upper abdomen. But yeah...pants (lower abdomen)  are still just as tight, and I haven't dropped weight. VERY frustrating. 

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So far so good for me as well. I started the "No S" diet about two weeks ago. The diet is very simple, no sweets, no seconds, no snacks, except on days that begin with "s" (Saturday and Sunday or special occasions). I bought the book and it explains more behind the why but anyone could do it without the book. There is also a website. I'm enjoying it so far. I feel like it's sustainable. I've also lost about 3 pounds.


Elise in NC

I am also doing the No S diet. I have lost 5 pounds since Jan. 1st. I have a ridiculous amount to lose, but I'm just staying focused on the small wins.This is the first diet I've done that doesn't feel like a diet. I have discovered that I do, in fact, have some will power! I haven't started doing any exercise yet, but I plan to start soon. I will probably alternate between Zumba for the Wii and a Walk Away the Pounds DVD until the weather warms up.


Oh and a nice benefit to the no seconds rule on the No S diet is that I'm not overeating at dinner which seems to have ended the nighttime heartburn I was having.

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I kept with the 5:2 diet through Christmas - eating what I liked except on Monday and Thursday.  I put on a pound over the season.  I've dropped half a pound so far since then.  


I lost ten pounds last year and would like to lose seven this year.  at 5'4" (1.63m) I'm around 9 and a half stone and would like to be nine stone. (133/126 pounds; 60.5/57.5 kilos).


Exercise isn't going so well.  I habitually walk a brisk half hour every day and spend hours working in the garden at weekends (a mixture of bending/stretching and hard aerobic/weight bearing exercise).  However, there's not an enormous amount to do in the garden at present, and my ankle isn't too good, so I'm resting it up.  I'm managing to swim once a week and that's it.



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 I lost ten pounds last year and would like to lose seven this year.  at 5'4" (1.63m) I'm around 9 and a half stone and would like to be nine stone. (133/126 pounds; 60.5/57.5 kilos).



Laura, I'm 5'4" too and that's the same weight range I'm aiming for.  I've got about 15 pounds to reach my goal.  Since we've been in the US, we've been eating EVERYTHING.  Seriously, we've been binging on all the foods we haven't had in so long, and it's killing all of us!  Portions in the States are humungous and I swear things are loaded with sugar and/or  HFCS (Yuck!).  We're not used to things be so sweet, and it makes us want more.  Boo.

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I am also doing the No S diet. I have lost 5 pounds since Jan. 1st. I have a ridiculous amount to lose, but I'm just staying focused on the small wins.This is the first diet I've done that doesn't feel like a diet. I have discovered that I do, in fact, have some will power! I haven't started doing any exercise yet, but I plan to start soon. I will probably alternate between Zumba for the Wii and a Walk Away the Pounds DVD until the weather warms up.


Oh and a nice benefit to the no seconds rule on the No S diet is that I'm not overeating at dinner which seems to have ended the nighttime heartburn I was having.


I am also doing the No S diet. I started last August and have lost a little over 10 pounds since then without really feeling like I'm dieting. I've also love how I feel in control of my eating for the first time ever. I love how my clothes are fitting. But I gained 2-3 pounds over Christmas--there was just too many S days! :)


I'm back on my regular No S schedule now and trying to walk most days, do Pilates, or Leslie Sansome DVDs.

I wasn't that good at getting exercise done this week, but hopefully next week will be better.

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Urgh!  I totally fell off the wagon tonight!  Indy and I went to the movies and I bought a small soda and ate some Twizlers and a few peanut M&M's.  I felt miserable after the movie.  Ah, well, tomorrow is another day.  I tired on my size 8's this morning, and they fit, but were a little more snug than I like.  I'm getting there though!

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I'm nearing the end of my programme. I've been doing a 12 week online programme called 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) which has menus, shopping lists, exercise videos and much more. Today I reached a nice milestone: 7.5kg lost, 16 pounds, I think that is. I think I have 3 weeks left, and only about 0.5kg still to lose so now I am trying to work out how to maintain my weight ... until 2015!!

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Urgh!  I totally fell off the wagon tonight!  Indy and I went to the movies and I bought a small soda and ate some Twizlers and a few peanut M&M's.  


That is what I am liking about the Weight Watchers program I am doing----that really old points one (although the new one might be even better) is that I CAN splurge and have some pop, candy, cookies, junk food, etc. and STILL stay on the program.  You get your daily points (based on a formula of gender, age, activity level, current weight, etc) and then you get 35 bonus points a week to eat however you want----in one setting at a big buffet, as 5 extra points a day or anything in between.  Then there are activity points that you get based on your exercise---intensity, how long, and your current weight.


Hopefully it keeps working for me long term.  Yesterday I had a small bit of pop and a Pronto Pup----a local favorite which is similar to a corn dog--and could do it without guilt.


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I am also doing the No S diet. I have lost 5 pounds since Jan. 1st. I have a ridiculous amount to lose, but I'm just staying focused on the small wins.This is the first diet I've done that doesn't feel like a diet. I have discovered that I do, in fact, have some will power! I haven't started doing any exercise yet, but I plan to start soon. I will probably alternate between Zumba for the Wii and a Walk Away the Pounds DVD until the weather warms up.


Oh and a nice benefit to the no seconds rule on the No S diet is that I'm not overeating at dinner which seems to have ended the nighttime heartburn I was having.

Awesome! What I love about the No S diet is that I don't have to change what I or my family eats. I like that it gives me clear boundaries. At first I was frustrated that I wasn't seeing the pounds come off quickly but the book and the testimonials assured me that slow weight loss will be permanent. I can live eating like this forever. I also feel better and have more energy. I don't tend to over eat during meals but with sugary snacks.


Good luck to you!


Elise in NC

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I am also doing the No S diet. I started last August and have lost a little over 10 pounds since then without really feeling like I'm dieting. I've also love how I feel in control of my eating for the first time ever. I love how my clothes are fitting. But I gained 2-3 pounds over Christmas--there was just too many S days! :)


I'm back on my regular No S schedule now and trying to walk most days, do Pilates, or Leslie Sansome DVDs.

I wasn't that good at getting exercise done this week, but hopefully next week will be better.

This is very encouraging! I'm glad to hear of someone who has been doing this for a while and had success. I feel so much better not eating sugary snacks regularly. But I love that I have S days so I don't feel deprived.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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That is what I am liking about the Weight Watchers program I am doing----that really old points one (although the new one might be even better) is that I CAN splurge and have some pop, candy, cookies, junk food, etc. and STILL stay on the program. You get your daily points (based on a formula of gender, age, activity level, current weight, etc) and then you get 35 bonus points a week to eat however you want----in one setting at a big buffet, as 5 extra points a day or anything in between. Then there are activity points that you get based on your exercise---intensity, how long, and your current weight.


Hopefully it keeps working for me long term. Yesterday I had a small bit of pop and a Pronto Pup----a local favorite which is similar to a corn dog--and could do it without guilt.


That must be a really old version. You now get 49 points weekly (and have for last several years). Fruit is free too (no counting).

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That must be a really old version. You now get 49 points weekly (and have for last several years). Fruit is free too (no counting).


The version I have is at least 7 years old with the paper/cardboard sliders, etc.  It might be 49 extra points but I thought 35.  I do count fruits and veggies with this one.


The newer version might be better but the old version helped me lose 80 pounds 7 years ago and I was doing well until an injury side lined me and I dropped the eating plan as well.


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I'm having (continued) good success with NoS.  I've been following it for five years now (down 55+ pounds!), but over the past few months gained maybe four pounds back---a combo of not paying close attention and major life changes (youngest off to college, plus menopause related issues).  I've tightened up my compliance with NoS and restarted with Leslie Sansone walking videos.  In nice weather, I walk outside, but once the weather turned cool (back in early fall), I stopped and got far fewer steps in.  I NEED to use the videos to get a decent amount of physical movement in my day....  All that to say, I didn't gain any weight during the holidays (even while celebrating kids home from college, two birthdays, two Christmases (12/25 and 1/7), New Year's and tons of visitors.  I love NoS!

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I'm taking part in a "diet" experiment. Out of 10 well-known diet plans, I was given the calories in/calories out method.


I actually enjoy it, because I can eat what I want within my calorie range. Unfortunately, sticking with it was a bit tricky this past week as I am visiting family.


I am back on track today however, and will be adding in exercise on Tuesday when school starts (free gym at college).

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Well i have lost about 2 pounds, which means i have 9 pounds to lose to get back to my sept 2013 weight, and 21 pounds to get to my prepregnancy weight (yeah, he is almost 2). But i have been exercising 5 days a week, which really helps with my depression and lack of energy so i can only hope weight loss will follow.

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I'm working on my diet here, although more for mood and energy than weight loss (although I would like to lose 7-14lbs). I'm trying to be stricter with the Paleo diet as my body seems to prefer Paleo. I'm not restricting carbs but eating until fullness. LC has worked in the past but it hasn't over the last 6 months or so. I just feel like crap and even more worn out and eating more when I try to cut. I've slowly been working my way down and it is going well, usually I'm a cold turkey kind of person but not right now, that's ok though. 

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Well, I decided to go off Nutrisystem.  The program is fine, but the food is just not something I can deal with.  They have a 14 day money back guarantee, so FedEx is coming to pick up the remainder tomorrow (they pay return shipping too).  I can do it on my own, with better foods, if I stick to their guidelines and portion sizes.  I'm still exercising, which is great, but I've decided to take a rest on the weekends.  My muscles were really sore this weekend.  I need to give them a rest.  I'm down more than an inch in my waist, 2 inches in my hips and 1/2" in my chest.  Yay!  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm cutting out the white carbs: sugar, potatoes, rice, & flour, and have one cheat day a week. The first four weeks I lost 8 lbs, then haven't lost anything for a few weeks. So I'm cutting out wheat this week and drinking more water. I like how I feel. It has helped me break some really bad eating habits. I'm a recovering chocoholic.

I've always had a super metabolism that allowed me to eat anything and still be skinny. I'm 32 and it is beginning to slow down. I have 15 more lbs to lose before I'm at my regular weight. I am nursing, so I suspect it won't all come off until after I wean.

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Tomorrow will be the last day of the Whole 30 Challenge. I was definitely not 100% successful as I had a few glasses of wine along the way, and added back cheese the last few days, as well as a couple tiny piece of chocolate. But I did better than I dreamed I would at the beginning and it was very successful in breaking some bad habits I had gotten used to. I'm happy I tried it.

Next month I think I am going to try The Sugar Blocker diet. It's low glycemic, but with certain eating patterns when you are going to have a carb. Looks interesting and doable. My biggest challenge though will be some consistent exercise. I did nothing last month.

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I am continuing with the 5:2 diet I began April last year.  I began at 168.5 lbs that put me at obese for my height (4'11")  Today I hit a new lowest low at 127.6 lbs.  Another 1.4 lbs off & I've lost 25% of my starting weight.  My first goal is 125 lbs, but I'd ideally like to get to 115 lbs before my overseas trip in May.  I know I'll want to enjoy all the American food from my childhood, so giving me a bit of leeway is my goal.  


My exercise goal is to exercise 30+ minutes every other day at least.  This week I've just managed one 45 minutes brisk walk when I dropped ds#2 off for his hockey game.  I have just got "The Fast Exercise" book by the same author as "The Fast Diet" book.  I need to read that & make an exercise plan.  His diet has worked wonders for me, so I pray his exercise plan will have the same result.



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I am continuing with the 5:2 diet I began April last year.  I began at 168.5 lbs that put me at obese for my height (4'11")  Today I hit a new lowest low at 127.6 lbs.  Another 1.4 lbs off & I've lost 25% of my starting weight.  My first goal is 125 lbs, but I'd ideally like to get to 115 lbs before my overseas trip in May.  I know I'll want to enjoy all the American food from my childhood, so giving me a bit of leeway is my goal.  



Well done!



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I don't know how much weight I am losing but I am building muscle.  Last night we cross country skied for an hour.  We didn't go fast but we did keep moving and even got up some hills without falling.  I know I am eating less than I was before and still exercising so hopefully it will pay off long term.



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I have lost 4 pounds so far on Trim Healthy Mama and honestly, I am still not completely understudying it nor do I have any special things yet.


I do want to really get serious about it, but I am thrilled that it might actually be working.

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I started in September, had the accident in October, resumed the diet after Thanksgiving.


I'm down nearly 30 pounds. I get comments nearly every day. My face is significantly smaller/less round. I am down from a size 20 to small 18's and even some 16's.


My program is low carb - meat, veggies, eggs, and i am careful with dairy.


I am resigning one of my jobs in 2 weeks, and will incorporate regular exercise then.

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