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Duh. Well, I guess I'm clueless... (car/bumper stickers)...


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So, I've often seen the round, white stickers on cars that say 13.1. Today I saw one that was 0.0.


I always thought that the 13.1 stickers referred to a Bible passage -- maybe something from First Corinthians. (I do live in the Bible Belt after all & there are plenty of religious stickers on cars around here. I, myself, am not really religious.) I don't know why I thought that. :confused1: I really can't even explain myself on that one. :tongue_smilie:


I was surprised to find out that the stickers mean...


13.1 = half marathon

0.0 = lazy/not a runner


(Obviously I'm not a runner since the 13.1 didn't ring a bell.)


Today I learned that I'm just clueless. :lol:


So, how has your day been?

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ROFL - I used to be a runner (including a number of full and half marathons) and I always wondered why one would take the effort to advertise how far you ran on the back of your car? LOL. That'll bring those braggarts down to earth.

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I once asked a young man in Walmart what the symbol on his T-shirt meant... I blabbered that I was seeing it everywhere, and just couldn't figure it out.  He told me it was the Browning logo.  Like the gun manufacturer.  I was in Oklahoma.  :o

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The funny thing is that I've seen the 26.2 ones (rarely) also & (of course) also thought those may have had something to do w/ Bible verses (or radio stations -- that was my other guess :lol: ).


But, hey, I guess I've got one or two brain cells left because when I saw the 0.0, I knew it couldn't refer to a Bible passage, googled it, & learned the error of my ways.

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You want clueless.


I was in highschool and the donut shop near us was named, "Gopher Donuts". I couldn't understand why the owner picked a gopher as the animal. People would even explain it to me, "You know, go-for donuts" and I still didn't get it and couldn't understand why they would just say the name really slowly. 


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I didn't know what they meant either until I was training for a half and then figured it out. BTW, I don't have one; I'm not really a bumper sticker kinda gal.


But here's a challenge for ya: do you know what 70.3 means? No googling. :)

I do! But, there are some crazy endurance event people in my circles. ;)

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I didn't know what they meant either until I was training for a half and then figured it out. BTW, I don't have one; I'm not really a bumper sticker kinda gal.


But here's a challenge for ya: do you know what 70.3 means? No googling. :)

No, but...

I do! But, there are some crazy endurance event people in my circles. ;)

then I saw Mrs. Mungo's comment & I figure it's one of those crazy-long endurance races (like the one done in Colorado at crazy-high altitudes)...??? Obviously I haven't googled yet. (Dang, and I even read & loved Born to Run & I'm still not up on all this lingo....)

You get a Like just for the Black Books gif.

Uh. Ok, another clueless moment here for me (until I googled it). I just know how to find gifs (& don't always know what they come from).


Sheesh. I think I should quit while I'm ahead. :blink:

I knew what the 13.1 and 26.2 meant. Only enough to roll my eyes at them, really. Dang overachievers! :leaving:


But the 0.0?? I gotta get me one of those! :D

Heck, if I ever completed a half- or whole-marathon, I'd get a sticker proclaiming it too. But, I wouldn't make mine obscure enough that you'd have the goofballs (like me) who had no clue what it meant. I'd made sure it clearly said, "I RAN 13.1 MILES AND LIVED TO TELL ABOUT IT! :biggrinjester: " or some such sentiment. Maybe it would even need to be printed in multiple languages, just to make sure my message really got across to everyone who might happen to see my sticker. :D


(And I feel even more :001_rolleyes: at myself because my dh has even run & completed a half-marathon! D'oh!!!)

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I saw a meme the other day that said, 'How do you know when someone ran a marathon?  Don't worry, they'll tell you.'  :lol: :lol:


That said, I'm thinking 13.1 will be my 2015 goal.  Maybe.  Baby steps…. I'm going a little more/further than 5k this year lol (still doing 5ks though because they're FUN!!!)

oh, and I'll so get the sticker.  ;) :D

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I have a three crazy friends that run these super mega marathons, I think they are over 50 miles  :eek: .  And one of them has five children, two of which are too young to gp school.  I'm doing well to get the things done INSIDE my house much less running 20 miles a day outside  :leaving: .

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I didn't know what they meant either until I was training for a half and then figured it out. BTW, I don't have one; I'm not really a bumper sticker kinda gal.


But here's a challenge for ya: do you know what 70.3 means? No googling. :)



It's a 1/2 ironman length triathlon.


1.2 mile swim

56 mile bike

13.1 mile run


which makes 140.6 a full ironman by the way.



ETA: DH has the 70.3 sticker on the truck.  We both dream of doing a full.  But will probably never have time to train for it!

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It's the ones that seem to be the length of the AT that make me wonder.


And then I saw one with numbers the other day I didn't recognize.  Could still be the AT (Appalachian Trail).  But it looked off for that.



ETA:  AT is 2180 miles.  That wasn't the number I saw.

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Ha! My dh is one of those crazy runner people, while I need the 0.0 (I don't run) stickers, lol!



Mine too. He puts all kinds of stickers on his cars whenever he is interested in something. There is a 26.2 one on there now. I refuse to let him put anything on my van, not even a homeschool sticker. I prefer to be mysterious. However, the 0.0 one is one exception I could make. It would make me smile every time I saw it.

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I've been there! It took me at least 3 years to realize what all the OBX stickers meant when I moved to North Carolina. (Outer Banks, for those who, like me, don't get it)


I have one of those on the back window of my Dodge Caravan. It's sort of like a secret society, lol--only those who are in it know what it means. :D

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Thanks for the laugh this morning.  I knew what they meant because my friend's dh does marathons and he has both the 26.2 and the 13.1 stickers on his car.  Since the 0.0 uses the same style graphic, I figured it was something I needed:).  I ran across the Instant Gratification Zero-Mile Run meme on facebook a couple of weeks ago and thought, "Gee, that is my kind of race!"  (See this pick about half-way down the page on this blog.) 

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I have a three crazy friends that run these super mega marathons, I think they are over 50 miles :eek: . And one of them has five children, two of which are too young to gp school. I'm doing well to get the things done INSIDE my house much less running 20 miles a day outside :leaving: .

I like to run and don't have little kids and I couldn't find time to do 20 miles a day. Nor do I have the desire. Somedays my motivation is at 0.0. :)

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It's the ones that seem to be the length of the AT that make me wonder.


And then I saw one with numbers the other day I didn't recognize.  Could still be the AT (Appalachian Trail).  But it looked off for that.



ETA:  AT is 2180 miles.  That wasn't the number I saw.

There are other famous hiking trails like the Pacific Coast Trail, the John Muir Trail, the Continental Divide Trail, Wonderland, etc? Or the AT, the PCT and the CD are considered the "Triple Crown" of hiking.


eta: OR , if it was a really long distance? Some military posts have "running to ____ (usually Afghanistan or Iraq)" running clubs where the spouses plan to run that distance during the course of a deployment?


Hiking is my thing, but I'm not a runner. :)

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It does?  I have lived here now longer than 3 years…….never knew.



I've been there! It took me at least 3 years to realize what all the OBX stickers meant when I moved to North Carolina. (Outer Banks, for those who, like me, don't get it)


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For the longest time I thought the stickers that said "Salt Life" actually said "Slut Life."


I kept thinking how awful that was!  It was especially awful when someone had THAT sticker AND a Jesus sticker on their car.



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For the longest time I thought the stickers that said "Salt Life" actually said "Slut Life."


I kept thinking how awful that was!  It was especially awful when someone had THAT sticker AND a Jesus sticker on their car.




That's funny! 


I've posted about this before, but...I know a woman whose husband died and she started driving his car.  His license plate was "OLD SLT" because he was a former Navy man.  She quickly got a new plate because she thought people would read it as "OLD SLUT."




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