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Week One: Jan 1-7 Low Spend Challenge Thread


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Okay, so post your expenditures here. 


Jan 1: $0

Jan 2: $6.00 lunch out.

Jan 3: $18 lunch out. $60 massage--my back is out and I could barely work today. Praying it improves. I paid for it with cash, as our cc bill really has to stay low. 

Jan 4:

Jan 5:

Jan 6;


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DH and I are going to the movies today, so about $20, but we have free childcare and the $ is part of our already-designated Christmas budget. I had a date with DH to see the Hobbit on my Christmas list. :thumbup1:


I started our YNAB plan this week, but can't really do anything else until Friday when the paychecks come in. Even just making categories and thinking about things makes me feel better. I am a planner and making order out of chaos is very satisfying to my soul!  ;)


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January 1: $0

January 2: $60 at Target for a memory card and pullups - it was all from Christmas money/gcs though so it's not really part of the budget

                 $56 at grocery store for some produce and fish from Grocery Budget

January 3: $24 gift for dd best friend's birthday

                  $71 for gas

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I woke up this morning, forgetting that it was a no-spend challenge for me. I went straight on Amazon to the kindle daily deals and got about 4 ebooks on personal finance...I believe I spent ~$12, will have to double check. I have since stopped the email reminders for kindle daily deals and will challenge myself not to go on Amazon this month!

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I woke up this morning, forgetting that it was a no-spend challenge for me. I went straight on Amazon to the kindle daily deals and got about 4 ebooks on personal finance...I believe I spent ~$12, will have to double check. I have since stopped the email reminders for kindle daily deals and will challenge myself not to go on Amazon this month!


I think I need a no Amazon month too!  I caught myself about to go on to look for something, can't remember what now and then also considered buying SOTW audio books, going to hold off though, not sure that my kids will enjoy audio books.

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Cool!  I'm excited to see this thread.  I was planning on tracking expenses for my part of the budget again this year.  I haven't spent anything today and don't expect to.  Dh is another story, but his spending doesn't count because it isn't from my budget and I'm not privy to all of his spending.  (He doesn't overspend so this isn't a big deal.)

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Jan 1: $38 at the grocery store.  I'm attempting to master once a month shopping this year.  I've made my grocery list for January but have decided to start slow and instead of hitting the 2 stores I need to on the same day I'd do it in 2 days. This was the small trip. Tomorrow will be the big trip and hopefully be the only grocery spending for the month. 

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Oh, I'm so IN! DH and I are trying to do a no spend except groceries & gas month. No Starbucks, clothes or amazon streaming purchases. (We still need to watch the last 4 episodes of breaking bad, so that last one is going to be brutal!) Also no curriculum purchases. Don't worry, I'll make up for it in Feb. Lol


We have $10 budget for our date night this month. We are doing an art museum night and stopping for a pastry at the cafe afterwards.


All that said, zero for me today!

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1/1- I spent $38 on Amazon for piano books.  They were necessary and if I hadn't ordered today, I would have ordered tomorrow.

1/2- $7 math book ordered

        $40 computer mouse replacement (trackpad) as my old one died

        $40 gas for car

         $135 paint for cabinets


Hmmmm……that isn't low spend is it?


We aren't counting things like electric payments and mortgage are we?

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Oooh, nice!  January is definitely a no-spend month for us.   Dh is not working and we're relying on unemployment and a few odd jobs to meet some major deadlines coming up. 


1/1: spent $8.10 on a new power cord for DD's laptop as it "popped" when she plugged it in yesterday

1/2: need eggs, cheese, canadian bacon and pineapple tidbits. Will keep the grocery expense under $20.

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Speaking of not spending money while in your house....I am REALLY going to curb my amazon spending this month. I need to buy Writing With skill volume 2 (I know that's not the name but I can't think of what comes after WWE, WWS..then...writing with sass?) But that's it.

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I'm in as well. I'm also doing Whole 30 food challenge this month. I feel like the holidays were just a piece of this and why not, I'll get that it's Christmas. I think there's a lot of similarity there. Mindless eating and somewhat mindless spending. I'd like to get a start on breaking both habit this month.

Jan 1 - $125 Grocery

Jan 2 - $21 Amazon - for the organic roobis tea I'm allowed to drink on Whole 30.

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Oooh, nice!  January is definitely a no-spend month for us.   Dh is not working and we're relying on unemployment and a few odd jobs to meet some major deadlines coming up. 


1/1: spent $8.10 on a new power cord for DD's laptop as it "popped" when she plugged it in yesterday

1/2: need eggs, cheese, canadian bacon and pineapple tidbits. Will keep the grocery expense under $20.


Well, how about a big fail here!  :glare:   I can certainly defend and excuse my actions- I didn't expect to find such crazy good sale prices at the grocery store today.  For example, the frozen juice concentrate I usually buy was half off- I now have enough juice on hand for at least January, if not part of February too.  So I went way over my $20 limit, but I stocked up on a few things, and now expect to be able to hibernate the rest of the month.  Unless we need milk and eggs.


Updated totals:

1/1: $8.10 for a power cord

1/2: $72.48 groceries

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Well, I cancelled my XM radio today. So, call that $14?.00 back in the coffer for the year. 


Dh wanted to cancel our trash service. Then we got into an argument about recycling. If we cancel the trash, nothing will ever get recycled. He thinks recycling is a "big scam anyway". It's a real flare-point between us.  :glare:  So, canceling the XM was a bone I was throwing him to make up for the trash and recycling service. 

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Well, I cancelled my XM radio today. So, call that $14?.00 back in the coffer for the year.


Did you ask for a deal before canceling, or were you completely committed to canceling? Last year I got 6 months for $33. But when that expired, the best I could do was $96 for a year.

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Did you ask for a deal before canceling, or were you completely committed to canceling? Last year I got 6 months for $33. But when that expired, the best I could do was $96 for a year.


They offered me a reduced deal, but I was committed to canceling. It doesn't add much to my life. It's not even in the car I regularly drive, it's in the "fancy" car, which I infrequently drive. (Yes, we are car pigs and have a choice.) 

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Did you ask for a deal before canceling, or were you completely committed to canceling? Last year I got 6 months for $33. But when that expired, the best I could do was $96 for a year.

Upon further thought, now I feel guilty for encouraging someone to spend 33 non-essential dollars in a low-spend challenge thread! Sorry!

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Yesterday was easy--$0. Today I made up for pretty much no or low spending since mid-December and no Costco trip at all in December. I was waiting for a new Costco coupon book which it turns out they didn't have for the second half of December--today is the first day of the new book, but it was worth waiting for since I needed shampoo for both kids and myself, lotion, ziploc bags, and kleenex and there were coupons for all of that. Plus I got dh's Turbo Tax ($10 off) and stamps (price goes up Jan 26). So $380 day at Costco. Ouch. Next trip mid-February.

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Upon further thought, now I feel guilty for encouraging someone to spend 33 non-essential dollars in a low-spend challenge thread! Sorry!


That's okay. I admitted to having excess cars.  :ph34r:

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I haven't gone anywhere in the last couple of days...so no eating out or frivolous spending. I'm also NOT going to Hobby Lobby to get two small lamps for my mantle. Deep sigh. The house is so blah after the pretty Christmas décor comes down...I was re-doing my mantle and I just know two bitty lamps would be cute.


See my amazing self control????? I hope it lasts until the end of the week, much less the entire month. :drool:

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Does your company have an even pay option? Ours varies from $100 to over $400 in the summer. Averaged out they charge me $203 monthly, which makes it easier for me to budget. 


They do, but it was overly high at the beginning of last year (long, long story). I need to get those months out of the average before I think about even pay. 

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