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Did I do the wrong thing?

Flowing Brook

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The other day when Rowan drown the fire department came out to help get him out of the lake.  They could not find a boat in time to rescue him. Still they came out when they did find a boat they went out and got his body for me.  One of the fireman is out next door neighbor.  I went over and thanked him personally. I sent a thank you card to the other fireman.  Even though they did not save him they gave it their best shot. Well I was telling someone that I did that they said I should not have. Their reasoning was it would make them feel worse for not saving him.  Also that it would make it seem like I did not care about Rowan. I am wondering was it the wrong thing to thank these two men? Please this is NOT jawm. I really want to know if I did the wrong thing.

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Um...I am with you. If you said thank you for doing everything you could to save my dog, then I bet they were glad to hear that you appreciate their efforts. They will feel bad about not saving your dog no matter what you do, so saying it out loud will not change that. No one will think you do not love your dog, you called for help in the first place.


Firemen are used to thank yous about those they saved and those that they didn't. They are often the first ones on the scene of accidents and heart attacks, so sometimes they try to save people by cannot. People thank them for their efforts. Are some people bitter and angry, because they think these people are miracle workers, yes, but most people know that they tried everything they could to keep them alive until they got them to a hospital.


You did nothing wrong.

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I don't agree with your friend's way of thinking in this. I think it's lovely to acknowledge their help even if it didn't result in rescuing Rowan. I would think they don't usually get thanks when the outcome is bad. This could reaffirm their feelings about the job, maybe? Don't stress about this part of the situation. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

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I cannot even comprehend the thought process that led to the conclusion that saying  thank you is wrong.  Or that it meant you didn't care about your dear dog.


Geez, when my dad died I thanked his doctor for his help even  though he had told me there was nothing he or anyone could do.  

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Thanks everyone. This makes me feel better. I would hate to make anyone that did something nice for me feel bad. 

One thing that makes me feel better about rowans death. Is the fire department realized that their water rescue is inadequate. They are now going to buy a inflatable raft.  This could save a persons life in the future. It took a good thirty minutes to find a boat. This could make a difference in saving a person one day or not.  So if this saves a persons life one day in the future it will be worth it. By saying this I am in no way blaming anyone. Sometimes no matter what your preparations are  things just happen.

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Thanks everyone. This makes me feel better. I would hate to make anyone that did something nice for me feel bad. 

One thing that makes me feel better about rowans death. Is the fire department realized that their water rescue is inadequate. They are now going to buy a inflatable raft.  This could save a persons life in the future. It took a good thirty minutes to find a boat. This could make a difference in saving a person one day or not.  So if this saves a persons life one day in the future it will be worth it. By saying this I am in no way blaming anyone. Sometimes no matter what your preparations are  things just happen.

This brought tears to my eyes.  Yes, maybe this will one day save a life.  

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One thing that makes me feel better about rowans death. Is the fire department realized that their water rescue is inadequate. They are now going to buy a inflatable raft.  This could save a persons life in the future. It took a good thirty minutes to find a boat. This could make a difference in saving a person one day or not.  So if this saves a persons life one day in the future it will be worth it. By saying this I am in no way blaming anyone. Sometimes no matter what your preparations are  things just happen.


What a beautiful way to look at it.  Seeing good coming out of something so painful.  :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm sorry that you lost Rowan.  :grouphug: I agree with the other posts--you did the right thing in thanking the firemen. As to the person who told you otherwise...what a strange way to look at the world.  :confused1: 

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No, you completely did the right thing. They need to know that you appreciate them and don't blame them. They are grieving and broken-hearted either way. They need that bright spot.


Your friend's logic comes from the same school of thought that you should never mention the deceased because it makes people sad. As someone who has lost a child, I always found it incredibly silly that people think that grieving loved ones are only sad when they are mentioned. I thanked my doctors and nurses though they couldn't save dd. They were devastated, too, and did everything they could. I also sent cards on the anniversary to thank them for their support, so you are in good company.


And extra hugs to you as you deal with all this. My two Standards have been getting lots of extra hugs in memory of Rowan.

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I think your friend is dingy. How on earth would thanking the people who tried to help you make them think you didn't care? That makes no sense. I think you did a generous, gracious thing. I can't see when it could possibly be wrong to give thanks for help or an attempt at help that comes your way.

I'm so sorry for your sweet Rowan but I'm glad you are able to appreciate the people who tried to help.

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Thanks everyone. This makes me feel better. I would hate to make anyone that did something nice for me feel bad.

One thing that makes me feel better about rowans death. Is the fire department realized that their water rescue is inadequate. They are now going to buy a inflatable raft. This could save a persons life in the future. It took a good thirty minutes to find a boat. This could make a difference in saving a person one day or not. So if this saves a persons life one day in the future it will be worth it. By saying this I am in no way blaming anyone. Sometimes no matter what your preparations are things just happen.

I am so sorry you lost your dog. The thank yous are wonderful. But what you just wrote is wonderful. I am sorry yo it dog is gone, but I'm so f glad the for department realized they were inadequate now, instead of later. It is highly possible that your dog just saved a human life.

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