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Man. I fainted again. It wasn't pretty, either.


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:glare:  Some of you will remember I fainted a couple days ago in the middle of the night when I got up to help dd, who was sick. Well, I had another episode...at church! We went last night for Christmas Eve service (the church has several, because of high attendance). Toward the end, they had a video clip interview of a couple from the church who were in a terrible car accident this past summer. I remember when that happened, although I don't know the family. Hearing the woman talk about her spinal injuries and the photos of her taped up in the hospital bed and the stabilizer equipment that she is still now wearing...it was all too much. I tried to distract myself, tried to block it out, tried to get a grip, but it wasn't working. I felt nauseated and my head was hurting, so I thought I would go out to the atrium where I could hopefully get it under control. That did not work. I was making a point to attempt to walk normally out the door, but I couldn't see a thing before I got there. Felt my knee hit the floor and heard an Usher yell, "Medic!" and that's it. 


Took me a minute or two to come back to reality and then ten or so more minutes before my "vitals" were coming back to typical. So, I think I have no option but to go to the doctor and start looking for a reason, though I'm getting through Christmas first. No point making an emergency out of it.  :sad: Really bummed. 

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:grouphug:  This sounds scary. I hope it is nothing serious. I used to faint like this when I was younger, and I don't even remember the reason now, but it wasn't anything serious.


If you start feeling like you are going to faint, sit down immediately, even if you feel ridiculous doing so. It is much better to sit down than to fall and hurt your head.

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I fainted for the first time ever this week too. I had stabbed myself abd DH was driving me to the ER, I was trying to calm my breathing because I was dizzy and panicky from the pain. My last thought was breathe in through your no....and then I woke up a few moments later because I was burning my leg. (Yes I know, I smoke, its bad, never in the house, usually not in the car, but I was freaking out) It took about 10 minutes for the sweating and weird heart racing wooziness to stop after I woke up. By the time we got to the ER I had pulled it back together. I was worried it might happen again when they cleaned it.


I hadn't eaten nearly enough, nor had enough sleep, which is how I hurt myself in the first place. I think all of those combined with sheer panic caused my episode.


I hope you can figure out what is going on with you, it us scary, and I was embarrassed!

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I have fainted in church before--during Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It was 30 years ago, and I still think of it every time I hear that song. I also have fainted before upon hearing a graphic description from an ER doc of the state of my daughter's broken arm. My point is that if you are prone to fainting (I am--welcome to the club), your two episodes may not necessarily be related. My faints have been provoked by a number of things, none of them serious: dehydration, my own blood loss, graphic medical news (and I am not squeamish about other people's blood--I am the one you want when you are gushing blood), or no reason at all (church fell into that category).


You should definitely see a dr, of course, but don't be surprised if they do not find anything. And I have fainted several embarrassing places--remind yourself to get thee to the floor ASAP when you feel faint. The worst part of fainting is hitting stuff on your way to the floor (and the floor, of course).

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I remember your recent fainting. I hope that you aren't driving yourself around anywhere and please let others help you until you find out what's wrong. That you live where I used to live, even though I didn't know you until WTM, is a tender spot for me and I think fondly of you.


Awww. I am so touched! 


No, I'm not driving right now; sort of a blessing of the holiday at the moment. 

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I have fainted in church before--during Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It was 30 years ago, and I still think of it every time I hear that song. I also have fainted before upon hearing a graphic description from an ER doc of the state of my daughter's broken arm. My point is that if you are prone to fainting (I am--welcome to the club), your two episodes may not necessarily be related. My faints have been provoked by a number of things, none of them serious: dehydration, my own blood loss, graphic medical news (and I am not squeamish about other people's blood--I am the one you want when you are gushing blood), or no reason at all (church fell into that category).


You should definitely see a dr, of course, but don't be surprised if they do not find anything. And I have fainted several embarrassing places--remind yourself to get thee to the floor ASAP when you feel faint. The worst part of fainting is hitting stuff on your way to the floor (and the floor, of course).


Yeah, I'm not a fan of such things, and I am prone to fainting, but I have found ways around it over the years, such as making sure I eat well before I deal with difficult stimuli. My mom stayed with me this past summer after surgery, meaning I was going to be dealing with medical stuff that could be triggers for me, but I kept it together by always eating a meal before helping her with her surgery site. 


My plan at church was to get out to the atrium, where I could sit on a chair and not look like I was seeing stars (lol!) but obviously, the walk was too far for the condition I was in. 


I even have a sore place on my back that I think is from hitting the kitchen counter the other night. 


I recently started a medication and, in doing some reading, I find that it could be affecting my blood pressure (which tends to be low to begin with). That is my first card to play; eliminating that medication. 

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I hope you get to the bottom of it soon. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I passed out

frequently. I couldn't maintain a normal blood pressure and it would drop to low especially get out of bed

or out of a chair/ pew. The docs never did anything about it. My average b.p. was 65/52. So since b.p.

drops when one makes a move such as rising, you can imagine how low it would go. I had to learn to never

look down when getting up and keep my gaze steady whiles rising slowly and steadily...never whip the head

side to side...that kind of thing. So until you know for certain what is causing it, try these things to

try prevent sudden drops.



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This was probably mentioned in your other fainting thread, but, it sounds like POTS to me.  I have that, my blood pressure can not regulate itself.  If you are in the middle of an "attack" and then you stand, out like a light every time.  The dr.s should do a tilt table test on you, in the mean time, eat lots of salt, and drink tons of sports drinks.  It will help.  Good luck!

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Definitely see a doctor! Low sodium and magnesium (electrolyte) levels can make you more prone to vesovagal synchope episodes. My DH tends to have these alongside things like food poisoning. His doctor told him to eat high-sodium foods, drink Gatorade-type drinks, and rest when he has gastro distress or something that could be a trigger, and to keep it up after one to fend off another. Once your levels are off, you might be more likely to have another episode. He is. I hope yours is an easily corrected side effect or something simple. :grouphug:

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I passed out often when I was younger from low blood sugar.  I still have to pay attention to not go too long without eating.  I also pass out from seeing and or hearing about medical procedures, but only ones involving cuts or needles.  (I can watch online surgeries with no problem.)


I hate it!  You feel so embarassed and out of control.  See a doc though to make sure what's going on.



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Yeah, I'm not a fan of such things, and I am prone to fainting, but I have found ways around it over the years, such as making sure I eat well before I deal with difficult stimuli. My mom stayed with me this past summer after surgery, meaning I was going to be dealing with medical stuff that could be triggers for me, but I kept it together by always eating a meal before helping her with her surgery site. 


My plan at church was to get out to the atrium, where I could sit on a chair and not look like I was seeing stars (lol!) but obviously, the walk was too far for the condition I was in. 


I even have a sore place on my back that I think is from hitting the kitchen counter the other night. 


I recently started a medication and, in doing some reading, I find that it could be affecting my blood pressure (which tends to be low to begin with). That is my first card to play; eliminating that medication. 


I bet this is your culprit.  Depending on what the medication is for, you might not want to go cold turkey off of it.  You definitely need to consult with your doctor.  It could just be a dosing issue.

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I recently started a medication and, in doing some reading, I find that it could be affecting my blood pressure (which tends to be low to begin with). That is my first card to play; eliminating that medication. 


I hope this is all it is as it seems rather simple to fix by adjusting something.  Take care - and best wishes for an accurate diagnosis and fix!

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Yes, get thee to a doctor, asap.  I've been thinking of you since your first post about this, and now I'm downright worried.    :grouphug:   It's probably nothing serious, but it's best to know for sure.


I agree.  A second fainting spell should encourage you to see your doctor.   My mom suddenly started having fainting spells.  It took FOREVER (years) to figure out what was wrong, but it turns it out it was her heart and she needed a pacemaker.  By the time they figured it out, she had several injuries that precipitated her becoming housebound (she was also very overweight).    I have a friend who had the same thing (fainting unexpectedly) and she was fortunate that they caught it right away.  She is in her early 50s. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope you're okay!  I used to faint easily.  I fainted in my Biology class when they showed a movie about open heart surgery, and fainted many times in church over the years.  When my arms are up in a certain position, I also faint.  (It's the position where I'm reaching up to hug my husband!  I've fainted in his arms a couple of times.)  I haven't fainted in a long time though, so maybe I am finally getting over it!  I was told often to keep my knees slightly bent when in a standing position, and to think of something that makes me feel really angry if I'm feeling light-headed -- to get my blood circulating faster or something!

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My faints have been provoked by a number of things, none of them serious: dehydration, my own blood loss....


I really can't go into details because I am living this nightmare with my son right now. Blood loss and fainting go hand in hand and have very serious, life threatening consequences. DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of these symptoms, especially when they occur together. Yes, the all caps are on purpose. i am typing this in my sons PICU room, so thankful to God that he came off of a ventilator today. Fainting/bloodloss was the first indication of a very serious, life threatening condition. Life changes in a heartbeat.
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I really can't go into details because I am living this nightmare with my son right now. Blood loss and fainting go hand in hand and have very serious, life threatening consequences. DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of these symptoms, especially when they occur together. Yes, the all caps are on purpose. i am typing this in my sons PICU room, so thankful to God that he came off of a ventilator today. Fainting/bloodloss was the first indication of a very serious, life threatening condition. Life changes in a heartbeat.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Praying for your son right now! I had no idea he was so ill -- I hope he will be OK. You must be so scared and worried! :(


I was going to start a new thread asking for prayers for him, but I didn't know if you would want that -- if you do, just let me know, or if you start your own thread, post here to let me know so I can keep bumping it for you.

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I really can't go into details because I am living this nightmare with my son right now. Blood loss and fainting go hand in hand and have very serious, life threatening consequences. DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of these symptoms, especially when they occur together. Yes, the all caps are on purpose. i am typing this in my sons PICU room, so thankful to God that he came off of a ventilator today. Fainting/bloodloss was the first indication of a very serious, life threatening condition. Life changes in a heartbeat.




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I really can't go into details because I am living this nightmare with my son right now. Blood loss and fainting go hand in hand and have very serious, life threatening consequences. DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of these symptoms, especially when they occur together. Yes, the all caps are on purpose. i am typing this in my sons PICU room, so thankful to God that he came off of a ventilator today. Fainting/bloodloss was the first indication of a very serious, life threatening condition. Life changes in a heartbeat.


Prayers and  :grouphug:  from here...  I hope all goes well!


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I really can't go into details because I am living this nightmare with my son right now. Blood loss and fainting go hand in hand and have very serious, life threatening consequences. DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of these symptoms, especially when they occur together. Yes, the all caps are on purpose. i am typing this in my sons PICU room, so thankful to God that he came off of a ventilator today. Fainting/bloodloss was the first indication of a very serious, life threatening condition. Life changes in a heartbeat.


wow - how frightening.  praying.

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Any updates?



I'm wondering, too, Quill!  I hope everything is OK! :grouphug:


Yes, I went to the doctor. They did a bunch of tests; I'm also going back on monday for blood tests to check for several things (blood sugar levels, Vit D, iron, and thyroid). They agree that the medication I was taking (Sprionolactone) was a terrible choice for me. My blood pressure is very low, but they believe that is "athletic heart," not a sign of health problems. They also did an EKG and said I am Bradycardiac - my resting, normal heartbeat is very low. (i think it was 56bpm, or it might have been 52bpm, I forget.) So, immediate cease and desist on the medication and come back so they can further asses. Without taking the medication, I have not had any fainting or dizziness. 



I really can't go into details because I am living this nightmare with my son right now. Blood loss and fainting go hand in hand and have very serious, life threatening consequences. DO NOT underestimate the seriousness of these symptoms, especially when they occur together. Yes, the all caps are on purpose. i am typing this in my sons PICU room, so thankful to God that he came off of a ventilator today. Fainting/bloodloss was the first indication of a very serious, life threatening condition. Life changes in a heartbeat.


:grouphug:  I am so sorry. That sounds terribly difficult. Praying for a good outcome. 

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:glare:  Some of you will remember I fainted a couple days ago in the middle of the night when I got up to help dd, who was sick. Well, I had another episode...at church! We went last night for Christmas Eve service (the church has several, because of high attendance). Toward the end, they had a video clip interview of a couple from the church who were in a terrible car accident this past summer. I remember when that happened, although I don't know the family. Hearing the woman talk about her spinal injuries and the photos of her taped up in the hospital bed and the stabilizer equipment that she is still now wearing...it was all too much. I tried to distract myself, tried to block it out, tried to get a grip, but it wasn't working. I felt nauseated and my head was hurting, so I thought I would go out to the atrium where I could hopefully get it under control. That did not work. I was making a point to attempt to walk normally out the door, but I couldn't see a thing before I got there. Felt my knee hit the floor and heard an Usher yell, "Medic!" and that's it. 


Took me a minute or two to come back to reality and then ten or so more minutes before my "vitals" were coming back to typical. So, I think I have no option but to go to the doctor and start looking for a reason, though I'm getting through Christmas first. No point making an emergency out of it.  :sad: Really bummed. 


Not reading through all the replies, but to give you a best case - we have a friend who faints when there is blood.  Their pastor once went into great detail about what Christ went through at the crucifixion and out he went.  I heard from others that someone fainted in second service and then I found out it was him.  (and he got through the births of 2 children.)  So it may be something you need to check out, but it may just be the graphicness of the accident.

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Not reading through all the replies, but to give you a best case - we have a friend who faints when there is blood.  Their pastor once went into great detail about what Christ went through at the crucifixion and out he went.  I heard from others that someone fainted in second service and then I found out it was him.  (and he got through the births of 2 children.)  So it may be something you need to check out, but it may just be the graphicness of the accident.


Yeah, I'm in that category, as well - though it's not really "the sight of blood" - it's medical things that are disturbing. The woman on the video injured her neck/skull in several places and it was the stabilizing equipment and surgery descriptions that got to me. I passed out at church once before, many years back, from the pastor talking about the crucifixion in graphic detail. 


The main aspect that was different in these cases was, 1. two fainting episodes close together; 2. the one in the middle of the night was inexplicable and 3. I've learned over the years some techniques for getting my head back together, but that wasn't working. So, I'm getting checked out right now. 

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I am so glad it seems to be the medication that is bringing you to the tipping point. That is a good thing! As I mentioned in another thread, my son has mysterious fainting episodes and we have been through the medical wringer with zero answers. The only thing anyone can agree on is that he shouldn't be fainting but is perfectly healthy.


So, I chose to focus on the healthy part and remind myself that if it was something seriously nasty it would have shown up on the tests. Everything scary has been ruled out several times by several doctors and that is GOOD.


So, while I am so, so sorry you fainted I am glad it isn't caused by anything horrid. Let's hope that this trend continues.

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