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Have you seen Captain Picard sing "Make It So" (to the tune of "Let It Snow'") yet?


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bwahaha. Tradition for us growing up was watching that weeks Star Trek in the living room floor, while consuming tv dinners after church on Sunday nights. I shared it on fb with my brother, lol. Thanks!


Us, too! At first, it was the classic series. My dad was a huge fan and nearly every night we'd watch reruns. Then came the TNG. So, yeah, I was weaned on Star Trek.  :lol:


I pinned it and now have 5 repins and 1 like. I think it deserves more.  :glare:  :lol:

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Okay, I have to confess:  I was never a regular watcher of the series (just occasional).  Did Capt. Picard say "Shut up, Wesley" frequently?  And "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." as well? I am enough aware that "Make it so" was his "Do it, now!" catch phrase.  :D

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He always ordered his drink like that. I don't recall him ever telling Wesley to shut up but I don't have all the episodes memorized.



Okay, I have to confess:  I was never a regular watcher of the series (just occasional).  Did Capt. Picard say "Shut up, Wesley" frequently?  And "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." as well? I am enough aware that "Make it so" was his "Do it, now!" catch phrase.  :D


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I'm trying to figure out how they found all those words without spending a ton of time.  Hilarious though!!!   :D

Many of the words are pretty common words.  Even the "make it so" was something said a lot.  I would think he probably did the easy ones first and then went back to fill in the harder ones like "delightful".  Though I'm not saying it still didn't take a lot of time!

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Dh, dd1, & I laughed through the whole thing.


Dd2 (young teen) was puzzled.  "I don't get it.  What's so funny?"


Then she claims she'd never heard "Let It Snow" so she didn't know Picard's song was a parody.


Strangely enough, she has heard very few of the original songs that Weird Al has parodied, yet she still finds the Al tunes hilarious.





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