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Jennifer in MI, would you mind posting your dd's sweet Xmas pic again?

Chris in VA

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Here you go!  The background was NOT my taste.  Dh picked it out.  We actually ended up using this photo in our cards that year.


After this was taken, the photographer was WONDERFUL with Meg.  She had me lie down and draped a blanket over me.  She got some amazing shots as Meg sat on me!!




Found one!  She's lying on my arm in this one!!


And, looking at these makes me so sad!!!!  My kids are SO much bigger now.  My oldest is 17 1/2!  Meg is 7.  Whaaaaaaa!!!!

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Okay, these photos made my day!!!! You have a beautiful family! :hurray:


Oh, those braids! I :001_wub: them (mother of two boys here).

Aw.  Thanks.  I truly thought she was a boy throughout the pregnancy.  So, when she was born, I was in shock!!!  Shopping for clothes and doing hair has been SO much fun!  




Always makes me crack up.


She's lovely, and was so cute then!!!


Have a fantastic Christmas <3

Thanks!!!  You too!

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