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Anyone else *not* following the Olympics?

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I wouldn't say I'm following the Olympics. The only sports that really interest me are Fencing and Equestrian.


Since we don't have an antenna or cable, we have no TV signal. And we're too busy to download or stream the events.


I glean what I can about fencing from the Italian press, since the US press uniformly ignores it. Even when the US women's team sweeps the medals in Sabre.

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The Olympics are one of the few times when we *do* follow sports! We love it! :o)


Same here. I'm not usually interested in regular old sports, but the Olympics are different for me. I love it that so many people have worked so hard, sacrificed so much just to be the most excellent athlete possible. Some of them may go on to earn lots of money in a sports-related field, but many will just fade off into obscurity. And even those can be proud of an accomplishment known by very few people in the world. It takes a lot to even be allowed to compete, much less to win.


We love it, our whole family. And there aren't any skanky beer commercials between segments either...that's way cool. ;)

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You just don't like watching sports? No problem. But I wouldn't call that 'anti-American'.


No, it's not about not watching sports. I think it's more about all the buzz about the event itself. Nope, we're not having a party. We're not turning the Olympics into a unit lesson or even discussing it much with our dc. And I certainly wouldn't stay up until all hours of the night just to watch.


Just not my cuppa joe, but that isn't at all meant to be a criticism of those who really enjoy them.

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I know it sounds anti-American, but I really don't pay a lot of attention to the Olympics.



Oh, I don't think it sounds anti-American at all. We are all individuals with individual interests.


I happen to love watching the Olympics, but I know a number of folks (my family especially) who don't care.

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Same here. I'm not usually interested in regular old sports, but the Olympics are different for me. I love it that so many people have worked so hard, sacrificed so much just to be the most excellent athlete possible. Some of them may go on to earn lots of money in a sports-related field, but many will just fade off into obscurity. And even those can be proud of an accomplishment known by very few people in the world. It takes a lot to even be allowed to compete, much less to win.


We love it, our whole family. And there aren't any skanky beer commercials between segments either...that's way cool. ;)


What she said.:D

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I. Just. Don't. Care.


I don't like sports. Never have. And I don't really get why it's "different" and all patriotic to watch these sports if I don't watch anything else.


My kids do occasionally like to watch a bit of something. So, tonight my daughter turned on the synchronized diving and we watched that for a while.


You know, another reason I don't bother to watch is that they make it so darned difficult to find and watch the one or two things in which I might be interested. For example, I was thinking my son (who took some fencing lessons a couple of years ago) might enjoy watching the fencing bouts. He's away at camp this week, so I wanted to record it for him. I went to the official website, found when men's fencing was scheduled. I then went to set the DVR to capture it . . . and discovered that, in order to get the fencing, I would have to record a six-hour block of programming, most of which was of no interest to anyone in our house.


Bleck. Not worth the bother.

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Yah know, the internet has changed things for me this time around. When we stopped watching network/cable TV about 10 years ago, I stopped following the Olympics, even though I had always enjoyed watching it (especially gymnastics). HOWEVER, this time, being able to watch either highlights or whole segments, in whatever sport I wanted, on my OWN schedule, has been really neat.


I used to get really annoyed how the networks would tease you with a routine or two in gymnastics and string you along until 10:30 or later to keep you watching the whole evening (I used to get up at 5am to go to work so this was a real problem).


But no more! I even find myself dipping into sports that I don't normally watch, like field hockey. And I don't have to sit there for hours at a time, either.


I will say that I am less than thrilled about China hosting and have mixed feelings about the whole deal. But net coverage this games fits my style MUCH better.

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We normally love the Olympics (we were watching them in the birthing center as I sat on a birth ball in labor with my first child) but we refuse to watch them in China.


I know that many people say that the Olympics are not political, but I don't see how a supposed celebration of goodwill and sportsmanship in a country that is currently engaged in genocide could possibly not be construed as a) political and b) a sham of the highest order.


I can't get on the "it's just about sports" train.



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I know it sounds anti-American, but I really don't pay a lot of attention to the Olympics. It's nice to hear when we've won medals but that's about it.


I enjoy sports, but I am in the "rather play than watch" camp.


Anyone else?


How could it possibly be anti-American? If it is indeed anti-American, ship me off to Guantanamo Bay. I have *never* watched the Olympics. But then I seldom watch TV. But I can honestly say that even if Olympics were held in my town, I would not attend. Just isn't something that interests me.

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We don't care about sports. What excites us is seeing an ancient Greek tradition come alive again. We studied the Olympics, watched the opening ceremony (or a recording of it, actually) because it's always a feat of theatrics, and we caught some of the gymnasts. We like watching the gymnasts, again, because we are all-things-Greek enthusiasts. Aside from my 8yo's repeated viewing of the parade of nations (kiddo's a geography geek), we've ignored the Olympics completely besides that. None of us actually enjoy any sort of competitive sport. I have no idea who any of the athletes are, nor do I care.

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I've no particular objection to being called unAmerican, but if ignoring the Olympics is unAustralian, you can call me that. I find it hard to muster up enthusiasm for a competition that is so frequently in the news for drug use. I don't mind giving Togo a metaphoric pat on the back for winning their first ever gold medal. I only know about that from reading the BBC news this morning.



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