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I'm getting divorced.....FINALLY! woo hoo


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My husband and I separated 12.5 years ago.  He had previously refused to divorce me fighting it until I ran out of money for a lawyer.  It was his power thing, he liked to feel he had it.  About 6 years ago he and his gf moved in together and he finally started paying child support and 2.5 years ago he finally started seeing the kids.  For a while he tried to convince the kids to move in with him but that didn't work.  They have moved on and have applied to adopt from foster care.  After talking on here about that some of you ladies brought up the concern about legal ties I may have to this child since he is my legal husband.  Apparently child services talked it over with their lawyer, and ex and gf with their own and everyone felt we had been separated so long that it was not a concern, and things were stable as is.  However I told him I was not comfortable with that, that I either needed the divorce to be done, or something legally binding explaining that this is their child and not mine etc.  He agreed to the divorce.  In the next few weeks myself, ex and his gf are heading out for dinner together and will fill out all paperwork and hammer out details right then.  It's been 12.5 years so there is very little to actually discuss other than upcoming medical costs for dd14s braces, and how much support he will give to them for college if they go when the child support ends when they turn 18.  He will drop it off at the court house to file it with the $500 fee and that will be that.  Civil and done, no more of him trying to take my kids and filling their heads with crap about me (he was known for bad mouthing me at his place), he is actually cutting back on visits with them as he and gf get ready for homestudies etc for this adoption.  So happy to finally be able to move on and have this chapter of my life done.  I am quite happy right now that there is an end in sight :)

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It feels a little weird to say so, but congratulations on your divorce.  :laugh:  Seriously, though, I'm sure it is a relief to close that door all the way. 


I know, divorce is not something I would normally celebrate but it has been so long and I have not truly been able to move on.  I have enough stress all the time, it feels good to know that soon I will be able to close that chapter of my life, tuck it away and move on with other things. 

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I can't believe the GF was okay with that!!!! (Your ex not divorcing you while he was with her, I mean.)


I wouldn't say she was okay with it, she and I had spoken before, she wants to be married to him and I don't want to be, but it was a control thing with him.  He knew I could never fully move on if I was still married and the closer to the kids being 18 he dragged it the less he would be paying in child support(he pays a voluntary amount we don't have a court order for that).  I know GF would be on board with any terms I lay out for ex because she wants this chapter done too.  Right now she is merely the live in gf while I am still the wife, she wants that designation and she should have it, I am more than happy to pass that title on to her.

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I wouldn't say she was okay with it, she and I had spoken before, she wants to be married to him and I don't want to be, but it was a control thing with him.  He knew I could never fully move on if I was still married and the closer to the kids being 18 he dragged it the less he would be paying in child support(he pays a voluntary amount we don't have a court order for that).  I know GF would be on board with any terms I lay out for ex because she wants this chapter done too.  Right now she is merely the live in gf while I am still the wife, she wants that designation and she should have it, I am more than happy to pass that title on to her.


What a narcissist he must be. I'm so happy for you that you're rid of him, but I'm really bummed for her. She's on the cusp of a lot of drama.


I'd break open the champagne if I were you!!!



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First, Congratulations!  Second, just wondering how it could go so long without you getting divorced?  Doesn't your state allow a "status" divorce?  That just means legally you are not married but it doesn't deal with the financial and custody issues.  Also, haven't all states moved to no-fault divorce by now?  So doesn't it only take one party to want the divorce?  Or does your state require both people to agree?  That just seems feudal to me.

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First, Congratulations!  Second, just wondering how it could go so long without you getting divorced?  Doesn't your state allow a "status" divorce?  That just means legally you are not married but it doesn't deal with the financial and custody issues.  Also, haven't all states moved to no-fault divorce by now?  So doesn't it only take one party to want the divorce?  Or does your state require both people to agree?  That just seems feudal to me.


I am in Alberta Canada not the USA.  If he simply never did anything after he was served it would have gone through years ago but instead he would contest an item in it, so it would go back and forth between the lawyers until he agreed to the terms then he would object to a different item and on and on it went until I could no longer pay the bills.  I have never heard of a divorce that did not include custody and financial issues, they don't do that here.  I have legal custody without the divorce but not the other way around.  Most people I have spoken to out here have never heard of it taking so long either.  After I ran out of money for the lawyer I just dropped it and decided to live with the status quo, I figured once the kids were 18 he would divorce me because then it wouldn't affect child support kwim.  So I was just biding my time, but now it will be happening sooner rather than later. 

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First, Congratulations!  Second, just wondering how it could go so long without you getting divorced?  Doesn't your state allow a "status" divorce?  That just means legally you are not married but it doesn't deal with the financial and custody issues.  Also, haven't all states moved to no-fault divorce by now?  So doesn't it only take one party to want the divorce?  Or does your state require both people to agree?  That just seems feudal to me.


She lives in Canada, not the USA.

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Ok, thanks for the explanation!  I didn't realize that in Canada divorce could be so difficult to obtain when there is one uncooperative spouse.  Luckily, in the US, in most states the laws have been written so that one person cannot indefinitely delay the ending of the marriage.   You can get divorced in status only and still deal with the custody and financial issues at a later date.  This is mostly used to allow one person to remarry without waiting for the whole divorce to be resolved.  Here in India the courts delay divorces for sometimes as long as 20-30 years - even when both parties want the divorce!

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