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Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


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I remember first watching this at my cousin's house, I was maybe 7-8?  We would act out the whole movie; she got to be Buttercup, I was always stuck being the boys. :p


BTW, I did not love the book.  I *knew* it wasn't like the movie, but still... didn't like it.  At all. :D


And now I want all those t-shirts.

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A friend of mine prints copies of the script (available on-line) and hands them out to her guests; each one picks a character, and reads that part along with the movie. I have always wanted to do that, lol.





I think we just found my dd's 16th birthday party entertainment!

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We don't judge you for your errant ways. We welcome you to the club!


I liken this movie to what Richard Gere's character in Pretty Woman says about opera:


People's reactions to opera [insert: TPB] the first time they see it is very dramatic; they either love it or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't, they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul.



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Can someone have mercy on me? I watched this only once a while ago, and don’t recall the full significance of the 'inconceivable' line. What word did the person actually mean instead of 'inconceivable', i.e., what should have been the correct word?



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One of my students had this shirt.  I absolutely loved it!




I saw a guy wearing this at the climbing gym.  I knew we had to be friends! 


ETA: and he would be totally in for a "Rocky Horror-like" movie experience.  For a costume climbing competition, he and his friends dressed up from the movie.  He, of Chinese heritage, dressed up as Buttercup complete with blond wig, another guy dressed up as Man in Black and a girl was Inigo Montoya.  It was hilarious! 


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Can someone have mercy on me? I watched this only once a while ago, and don’t recall the full significance of the 'inconceivable' line. What word did the person actually mean instead of 'inconceivable', i.e., what should have been the correct word?




Go watch it again! Go ahead. We'll wait. ;)


Vizzini just keeps saying that about things that seem impossible but are actually happening, so Inigo Montoya tries to school him. 


But, seriously, go watch it again. 

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Go watch it again! Go ahead. We'll wait. ;)


Vizzini just keeps saying that about things that seem impossible but are actually happening, so Inigo Montoya tries to school him. 


But, seriously, go watch it again.

Thanks! This thread has me wanting to watch it again, but it will have to wait a bit.

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My sister's and I took Grandma to watch this movie, it was her very first movie ever. She was in her 80's. She LOVED it! 


PB and watching my Grandma belly laugh all the way through is a very favorite memory. :)) 


That is the sweetest thing ever.  What a wonderful memory!





I think we just found my dd's 16th birthday party entertainment!


Can I come????  Please, please, PLESE???????  ;)

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Am I the only one left who has never seen that movie? And we own it. I do not know what to say.

I haven't seen it and we own it too. I've tried to watch it a few times and got bored and turned it off. I don't understand the love for it....my DH loves it too and is always telling me to watch it.


I've tried but..... (whispers). ..it's boring.

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Can someone have mercy on me? I watched this only once a while ago, and don’t recall the full significance of the 'inconceivable' line. What word did the person actually mean instead of 'inconceivable', i.e., what should have been the correct word?



it is what he meant.   vizzini says it a. lot. 


vizzini cuts the rope the dread pirate Roberts is climbing.  then he goes to look over the side of the cliff.  "he didn't fall?  inconceivable!"


I found this montage on youtube of vizzini saying "inconceivable."

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I haven't seen it and we own it too. I've tried to watch it a few times and got bored and turned it off. I don't understand the love for it....my DH loves it too and is always telling me to watch it.


I've tried but..... (whispers). ..it's boring.


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I watched this movie so many years ago that I don't remember much. After reading this thread, I borrowed the DVD from the library to watch over the weekend with dc.


Hope it doesn't turn out like my Sixteen Candles nightmare. I remember enjoying the movie when I was young, so I thought my kids might enjoy it. It is rated PG. Within the first 15 minutes, we heard the f-bomb and my kids saw b00ks. I turned it off and returned it to the library the next day. My kids still tease me about my movie choices.



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I know! WHat were we watching back then? lol. I have made the same mistake- with Back to the Future I think.


PB is safe. Ds saw it once and still quotes from it lol. I just read the book thanks to this thread and am passing it along to ds.  We bought the movie b/c of this thread LOL- thanks to Target 5.00 bin!

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Thanks, once again, ladies.  


I just watched this *for the first time* last night!  A good friend was shocked that I had never seen the movie (being one of her favorites) and lent it to me.


Funny story:

I am starting it and in comes my ds11 who says 'I love this movie!'.   :huh:   You have seen it??  'Yes, with dd22.'  Hhhhmmmm... 

So, he sits down to watch it with me.


Dh has been working on his school paper and comes in. 'I haven't seen this movie is years!'  :confused1:   YOU have seen this?? We have been married 15 years, so it had to be before then.  'Yes, it was about 20 years ago. This is a great movie' and he sits down to watch it too.   :lol:


I hope you find this funny....  I sure did.  Both of the men in my family saw 'The Princess Bride' before I did, and I didn't even know.  :rofl:

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I watched this movie so many years ago that I don't remember much. After reading this thread, I borrowed the DVD from the library to watch over the weekend with dc.


Hope it doesn't turn out like my Sixteen Candles nightmare. I remember enjoying the movie when I was young, so I thought my kids might enjoy it. It is rated PG. Within the first 15 minutes, we heard the f-bomb and my kids saw b00ks. I turned it off and returned it to the library the next day. My kids still tease me about my movie choices.



There is a reference to "a shortage of perfect br3@sts in the world...would be a pity to damage yours" and one character calls another a son of a b-tch.


When our littles watched it, we would FF through the torture scene. Mine are older now, and I still prefer to FF through that. The screaming eels may frighten littles and when Fezzik is in the holocaust cloak, that scene could scare little ones.


Those are the only potential concerns I can think of.

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My husband (an ordained minister) performed my cousin & his wife's wedding.

They had him open the ceremony with the wedding scene:

"Mawwage... is what bwings us together today.  Mawwage, that bwessed awwangement..."


LOL.  I think only half the audience "got it."  The other half shifted uncomfortably, wondering if DH had a speech impediment. :D :D



my brother put our pastor up to quoting this at our wedding. we had no idea!

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I know! WHat were we watching back then? lol. I have made the same mistake- with Back to the Future I think.


PB is safe. Ds saw it once and still quotes from it lol. I just read the book thanks to this thread and am passing it along to ds.  We bought the movie b/c of this thread LOL- thanks to Target 5.00 bin!



Yes!! The bolded!!!


I have rewatched with my kids and freaked out about The Goonies, E.T. and Back to the Future!


I think when I watched them they must have been the made for tv versions, because I am pretty sure I would've remembered The Goonies statue scenes!







The Princess Bride is one of dh's favorite movies.



I don't care for it.    :leaving:

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I have rewatched with my kids and freaked out about The Goonies, E.T. and Back to the Future!


I think when I watched them they must have been the made for tv versions, because I am pretty sure I would've remembered The Goonies statue scenes!



Yep.  DH & I have done this with many movies.  We first watched them back in the day on t.v., with all the profanity and questionable scenes edited out.  Then we watch them again as adults on dvd, and it's like  :eek:  :eek: !

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Yes!! The bolded!!!


I have rewatched with my kids and freaked out about The Goonies, E.T. and Back to the Future!


I think when I watched them they must have been the made for tv versions, because I am pretty sure I would've remembered The Goonies statue scenes!


A year or two ago I was re-watching dance themed movies. I decided to get "Dirty Dancing" from the library.


Well I must have watched the TV version since I had no idea that the two main characters had a sexual relationship. At one point I was trying to play very close attention (I usually do laundry at the same time) to see if they would give a small hint to the audience about whether or not they kiss, or well anything. 


Well um, .... I didn't need to play close attention. 

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I love the movie; saw it long before reading the book. I never realized that S. Morgenstern was not the actual author - I had wanted to meet him for the LONGEST time (right up there with John Wayne). So when we had to read the book in college and I found out that Goldman was the author... it crushed me big time.

Awww. Sorry you were disappointed, but you read TPB in college? Wow! I will have to tell dd who is away at college. Fun. :)

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I know I'm late to this thread, but come on, it's Princess Bride *happy sigh*  We all love it here!  I know what we're doing today!


Oh, and it can count as a Christmas movie (it's on my list of "Unlikely Christmas Movies," which includes Die Hard, Three Days of the Condor, Ghostbusters 2, and Jumanji).


Now I find this very interesting!  I'd love to see some more of the list, and I'm wondering how it came about that you have a list of Unlikely Christmas Movies!



<3 <3 <3 Princess Bride. We quote it pretty often. "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" "Have fun storming the castle" "Anybody want a peanut?" I'm beginning to suspect my spouse and I only communicate through various movie quotes...


We have the same problem, especially with Simpsons quotes... (hands up 90's kids!)

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Yes, we watched it! Ds10 didn't really care for it, but dd13 enjoyed it. I have to admit, I probably said, "Hello. I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" at least a hundred times over the weekend. I need to work on the accent. :laugh:

Well done! I'm so glad you watched it.


I am sorry your ds doesn't like it (yet?). He seems a decent fellow, I hate to kill him. ;) Perhaps he just needs to see it again???

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<3 <3 <3 Princess Bride. We quote it pretty often. "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" "Have fun storming the castle" "Anybody want a peanut?" I'm beginning to suspect my spouse and I only communicate through various movie quotes...

:) My DH and I communicate mostly through "Friends" quotes.

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Friends is my absolute fave of all time! It IS unimaginable that he doesn't. ;). It's like trying to read a letter at 3:00 in the morning that is 18 pages.... front AND BACK! :D


By the way, Y-O-U apostrophe R-E is YOU ARE. Y-O-U-R is YOUR!


ROFLOL! (I think Friends is the equivalent of a chick flick for DH. But he does know the quotes!)

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