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How far should I push this with my SIL? - family photo

Just Kate

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I only have one brother, and his wife and I aren't really friends (we get along fine, but we aren't close at all). She came up with the idea to have a nice photo taken of our family (with an expensive photographer) to give my parents for Christmas. This is actually a really good idea, but the day she presented it to me (late August) I was getting ready to take dh to the hospital for surgery. Later that week, she sent me a text saying she scheduled the appointment for a Sunday in October. I told her that ds is scheduled to be in a swim meet that day and that depending on dh's knee, I didn't know if he would be back at work yet or not (he works out of town over weekends). She mentioned everyone wearing jeans and white shirts and we never discussed it again.


I happened to see SIL yesterday and I asked about the photo. I just learned that's ds will not be swimming that day (it's a 2 day meet and all of his swimming is on Saturday), so I told her we can do it. She told me she ordered her entire family white polo shirts to wear, then we parted ways.


Dh and I hate the idea of everyone wearing white polo shirts and jeans (especially in October!!!) but I don't know how much to push it. I did send her a text saying that I thought jeans with regular shirts would look better, but she said the photographer requested matching shirts. I just don't think that look is in style any more, and since this is a one time gift for my parents, I would like to have some say in what we wear.


Am I being ridiculous here? How far should I push this?


Let me add, dh has a very stocky build and is over weight. Polo shirts (especially white!!!) look terrible on him. The thought of him in a white polo living above my parents mantle for years to come is not good. I could probably talk him into a white button up, but not a polo.



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Is SIL paying for the photo and just requesting you be in it. If you are going along with the request to just be in the photo then I don't think wearing the same polo shirt is that awful (I don't know what current fashion is). If you are expected to pay half, then maybe you should request to speak to the photographer about clothing coordination. 


Consider maybe this won't work at all. SIL and brother should have a photo taken of their family. You get a photo taken of your family. If you can't do the expensive photographer route go to JCPenny. 

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Another option is just to use her polo shirt idea, but have a color palette --  dark colors, or pastels, just to give a little more variety, yet still fit within her vision.


If your dh has serious objections to the white polo shirts, I would appeal to your db directly.

We did a similar family portrait for dh's folks, and I was astounded at the effort it required of me. :)

But it really, really was a blessing to them.

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Personally, I suggest wearing what will make you and your family look and feel your best in a photo that will be looked at for years to come... 


Sil and photographer have in mind what can look dated and a little contrived imo. 



(BYW... I do think a single family photo with little ones dressed up like mini mom and dad can be kind of cute and sweet, but a bunch of families seems a little over the top to me.)

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I would just compromise. Wear white shirt and jeans, just not polos. FWIW, I would never wear a polo style shirt & neither would my husband. So why would we want to get a picture in one? No thanks. That's not being unreasonable at all. You are paying for the pictures. You all will be coordinated. That works well IMO.

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It's too bad your SIL wasn't clear from the start that she meant polo shirts and not just white shirts.  Since she is making all the arrangements it seems a little late to start trying to make changes.  I'd ask if it has to be polos.  I dislike the idea of uniforms for a photo and think it will look even worse if one family is in polos and the others are in something else.   I think if you really want to do it, at this point I would just go along with her ideas.   It's not clear to me who is paying (them, or you are splitting the cost); that also makes a difference.  

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I assume we are splitting the cost of the photo. I guess the biggest issue is that SIL and I don't really talk, so it is difficult to plan things like this.


I think I will call her today and offer to wear white, just not polos. I really, really hate that look though. It just seems out of style to me. But if her family (mom, dad, plus 4 kids) wear polos and my family (mom, dad, plus 2 kids) wear regular white shirts, won't that also look stupid?

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Guest submarines

White polo shirts?  :scared:  If this is what her "expensive" photographer is "requesting" I'd be looking for another photographer. Do you know who the photographer is? Have you seen his or her portfolio? This is one narrow minded vision that they have. 


Requesting an unflattering choice of clothing for a photography session is extremely odd. White polo shirts generally don't look good even on slim people. You all might end up looking like like resort staff in stiff poses. 


It is a photo that will be kept and displayed for year. I'd push until there's a reasonable compromise. Unless this is your parents' wish, for some reason. But even then. Uhm, no. 


If you wear white, at least there should be some variation in styles and necklines in order to make the photograph more dynamic. 


Google " best family portraits" and scan the images. 

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Guest submarines

I assume we are splitting the cost of the photo. I guess the biggest issue is that SIL and I don't really talk, so it is difficult to plan things like this.


I think I will call her today and offer to wear white, just not polos. I really, really hate that look though. It just seems out of style to me. But if her family (mom, dad, plus 4 kids) wear polos and my family (mom, dad, plus 2 kids) wear regular white shirts, won't that also look stupid?

I think having one family in polos and the other in white shirts will look even worse. 


I don't think she ordered very expensive polos for the photos, there's still time to rethink the clothing choice. Maybe you could even reimburse her for the polos. 


Can you contact the photographer yourself and talk about this issue?

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It's too bad your SIL wasn't clear from the start that she meant polo shirts and not just white shirts. Since she is making all the arrangements it seems a little late to start trying to make changes. I'd ask if it has to be polos. I dislike the idea of uniforms for a photo and think it will look even worse if one family is in polos and the others are in something else. I think if you really want to do it, at this point I would just go along with her ideas. It's not clear to me who is paying (them, or you are splitting the cost); that also makes a difference.

I don't know. Last year my parents hired a photographer & everyone got together for pictures. The requested attire was jeans and a black shirt. Some families coordinated more and wore polos, others tshirts, and my family wore a mix of styles. But when we were all together, the photographer strategically placed all of us. We also had individual family photos (which is why some of my sisters wanted their families to fully match), as well as one with just my parents and my sisters, one with only grandchildren, etc. They all turned out lovely. I've got several framed & they always receive compliments.


On another random note, I live close to Panama City beach. When we go for the day, I inevitably always see at least one family dressed in white getting pictures at the beach, lol. It is like the signature photo here & always makes me giggle :)

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She is my brother's wife, and the photo is for my parents (to hang over their mantle). I also feel like I've waited too long...but in my defense, up until 3 days ago I thought ds would be swimming and we wouldn't even in able to do it (which I did tell SIL). But I should have brought it up when she mentioned white shirts. I never dreamed it would be white polo shirts though (I am not the polo shirt type!).


I do know this photographer and he used to be THE one to go to. I looked at his website and saw that many of his photos include groups wearing the same color shirts (mostly black). Though I didn't see any groups in matching polo shirts! It is possible that he is out dated now.


I guess I've messed up here. But since we are doing this now, and since this is likely a one time thing, I just want it to look nice. And I don't want to feel ugly in the photo. I know my dh will not wear a white polo, and I will support him in that.

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At least if you know they are all doing polos, they won't do like my 2 SIL's.  After choosing a color theme, instead of jeans or khaki pants (whatever the theme is), they will put their dd's in really dressy dresses. :cursing:   So my dd looks very under-dressed.  Thankfully after this happening twice, I put dd in a cute skirt the last time.

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My Aunt and Uncle had a photo shoot with their four grown children and their families.  The parents wore white and each of the kids' families wore a separate color.  Billy Bob and kids would wear blue, Bubba Bob green and so forth.  They all stayed in the same color pallet, jewel tones or pastels.  It looked really sharp and you could tell who all the kids belonged to.

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I guess I'm also a bit frustrated because when I told SIL that ds had a swim meet that day, she never offered to reschedule or to try to find a time that's works for everyone. Now they are a huge sports family and the world stops for their kids to play their sports (which is fine with me...I understand). Again, our lack of friendship makes everything hard with her.

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The polos can be returned. Call the photographer and ask what options they recommend . See what works better for your family and call your sil. I've seen mixes of colors and shirts for these things. Her family could wear white and you could pick something complimentary .

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I'd call the photographer and see if he has any suggestions. He will want to take individual family pictures of your family and sell the prints to you, so he has an interest in striking a compromise.

I think this is what I will do. Which leads me to another problem...prior to my SIL having this idea, I had already scheduled and paid for a family pic for my own little family. It is the following weekend. So I likely won't be buying tons of photos from this photographer. Ugh...

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I think this is what I will do. Which leads me to another problem...prior to my SIL having this idea, I had already scheduled and paid for a family pic for my own little family. It is the following weekend. So I likely won't be buying tons of photos from this photographer. Ugh...


Why didn't you just tell your SIL this from the start?  You could have either expanded your photo shoot to include her family, or declined as you had already had something planned.


You sound upset enough about this that maybe you should just cancel. Tell her you don't want to ruin her plans but the clothing doesn't work for your family. Have a picture of your family taken and put in the same size frame for your parents.


I agree with this.  Honestly, in my family a situation like this would be brewing into a huge blowup.  (Hope yours is different.)  I think I'd just tell SIL never mind.   It's too late to be making changes with the clothing.  Even if the polos are returnable, by not saying anything at the start, you gave tacit approval of the plan.  SIL no doubt thought everything was settled and (right or wrong) she's going to feel hassled if you tell her your husband won't wear the uniform.  Sorry. :grouphug:

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You sound upset enough about this that maybe you should just cancel. Tell her you don't want to ruin her plans but the clothing doesn't work for your family. Have a picture of your family taken and put in the same size frame for your parents.

Well, I just wish that it would have been handled differently. I wish she would have called me with the suggestion and then we could have talked about it. When she first called me, I was getting ready to take dh to surgery (and I mean, literally walking out the door). Instead of offering to discuss later, she just ran with it. There is just the two families and I really wished we could have worked together on this.

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You could suggest that you plan a group photo for next Christmas, or Christmas two years from now, or as an anniversary gift for your parents.  Then,when the time comes to plan, you can be more in control of the situation.   Your kids are young; you will need new photos before too long!

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If you cancel (which I think is reasonable) you need to do it immediately so she can let the photographer know with as much lead time as possible. 


Were I in your shoes, I would tell her you are sorry for the way the events in your life have kept you from being able to handle things smoothly, but that this just isn't a good time for your family, all things considered.  I would thank her for going to the effort to do something nice for your parents and tell her that you would be glad to do something with her in the future when things have settled down, perhaps for next Christmas (pick *your* date.)


When it comes up again in a year, that is the time to address the white shirts, not now.  (She should be able to return the shirts for a refund, no harm done.  Another reason to tell her immediately, so she doesn't wash the shirts, thinking she's doing something kind.)

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I don't suppose that the expensive photographer in question has some great sample portraits on his website of everyone wearing white, but with different textures and styles? If so, you could call your SIL and ask her if she has seen them, and would that be a possibility as they look great and much less contrived. You could then let her know that you have been planning white apparel, but that you hadn't realized she was going for 'uniform'Ă°Å¸â€˜Â®

Even if they all did Polos, if your family does white in all different styles and textures, it will break the photo up a bit...much better than your whole family wearing a white button-down. That will just be two different uniform families, and I do think that will look odd.

If the photographer doesn't have any, there are lots of examples on the web. She might even like it better! If not, definitely separate pics...that photo that you hate will be a source of contention every time you see it:(

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Hmm, well I just couldn't do a photo w/ a polo shirt, especially not a white one.  ick.  I would be hard pressed to have someone I hardly know dictating so narrowly what *my* family wore in a picture.  I agree that a general theme is good but I wouldn't be up on the matchy matchy.  At this point I'd perhaps try to talk to the photographer myself to see if this is really his suggestion and then perhaps talking to sil about some ideas I found acceptable OR just cancelling and wishing them  well with their pics.

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I called SIL and left her a vm. I apologized for causing problems, told her that I was overwhelmed on the day she called, and then said that I really want to make this work. I also said that dh and I just don't feel like we look very nice in white polo shirts and that I hate the idea of having a photo taking when I don't feel like I look very nice. I apologized again and said that I really hope we can work it out. That was about an hour ago. I hope she calls back.

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We are doing a family photo shoot next weekend ( gift from kiddoes) and I am quite excited about it!


Our photography ( quite young and quite current) suggested this:


Choose two main colors - denim and brown is our choice


Choose one neutral - off white (Some are wearing tan, taupe, etc. )


Choose one accent - blue ( as in baby blue or sky blue etc, not torquoise)


Accent can be sweaters, scarves, jewelry, etc.


Photographer was emphatic that no one wear the neutral color alone as a shirt. 


Polos and jeans at the beach in the summer..probably gorgeous, but yeah, a little dated look.

Maybe once you actually get the polos they won't fit.   :laugh:

Or they acccidently get a pot of coffee poured over them. 


Try to suggest that everyone adds their own accent ( agree upon a color) in a vest, or jewelry or denim jacket, or sweater, etc. Altho I am not sure you can pull that off with polos either.  But if polos are the shirt, I think it would be weird to have some in polos and some in white collared shirts.


If you do Pinterest there are tons of pics of what to wear and how to put together an outfit using a color scheme that fits everyone. 







I hope you can work this all out, as it will be a picture treasured by your family forever if you can pull it off.





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No, you being in different types of white shirts won't look silly.  I think it's a good compromise. That said, I also think the one-color-on-everyone shirt and one -type-of-pants on everyone IS a dated look.  I'm surprised the photographer is going this route (and surprised the photographer is dictating clothing choices at all; suggestions maybe, but trying to require it?  No).  We did as described above in family photos this past summer.  Chose 3-4 colors (we did white, khaki, gray and navy blue) with one "pop" color (coral).  Anyone could wear anything in those colors.  Plaids/stripes/prints were fine for a little variety (but in those colors).  They turned out very nice. 



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this has suggestions about colours, and colour combinations.... and a series of four pictures with the same woman in four different colours, including white.




fwiw, i would call my brother, and say something like,

"now that it turns out we really can make it, i'm thinking of things that i should have thought of before.  polo shirts will be a disaster for my dh, and i'm not so sure about the white either.  can you check out a few links i'm about to send you and tell me what you think?  i found simple dark longsleeve shirts at walmart and could pick them up for everyone if you think that would help.  and are you paying or are we splitting it?"


my brother would roll his eyes, check out the links, talk to his wife and get back to me....


but as you already have a photo shoot set up, maybe grandparents will get two family photos this christmas....




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Can you go with the white polos but also change into another outfit? I can't imagine an expensive photographer would a) dictate what everyone should wear and b) be so over-demanding as to not take alternate photos.


We did one of these elaborate family photo shoots a few years ago. The photographer only mentioned that colorful clothes were best. There was a lot of downtime as different families had their individual photos taken, so if we wanted to change while we waited, that would not have been a problem.

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Can you go with the white polos but also change into another outfit? I can't imagine an expensive photographer would a) dictate what everyone should wear and B) be so over-demanding as to not take alternate photos.


We did one of these elaborate family photo shoots a few years ago. The photographer only mentioned that colorful clothes were best. There was a lot of downtime as different families had their individual photos taken, so if we wanted to change while we waited, that would not have been a problem.


That was the option that my SIL gave me when I said that I don't really want to do white polos (yesterday via text messaging). She said that my family can bring different shirts for our small family pic. But the problem remains that a giant photo of me and dh dressed in white polo shirts would live above my parents' mantle. Yuck...


I do not want to cause family drama, although I'm afraid now that maybe I have. I did apologize and I think that is all I can do at this point.


This is a great gift idea for my parents. I just don't like the way my SIL planned it!

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That was the option that my SIL gave me when I said that I don't really want to do white polos (yesterday via text messaging). She said that my family can bring different shirts for our small family pic. But the problem remains that a giant photo of me and dh dressed in white polo shirts would live above my parents' mantle. Yuck...


I can certainly relate to that! Maybe it won't look so bad when all is said and done.  

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If you cancel now, then you DSIL may lose the sitting fee. This is her project, her arrangements, and her money for shirts. I would suck it up and wear them. Just make sure DH is in the back of the photo.


I won't cancel. I think these are really my options:


1. All of us wear white polo shirts - Hate this and I don't think dh will even consider it.

2. Buy white polo shirts for the kids and have the big, gift photo be of kids only.

3. Buy white shirts (not polo) for my family.


Hopefully I can get SIL to go along with #2 or #3.

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Our family photo with everyone - 4 generations - we had each family in a different color shirt with black pants. We wore black and white, my bil and his family wore purple, mil and fil wore lime green and grandparents wore yellow. It turned out really nice. Sounds terrible, but it all looks great on camera!

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I won't cancel. I think these are really my options:


1. All of us wear white polo shirts - Hate this and I don't think dh will even consider it.

2. Buy white polo shirts for the kids and have the big, gift photo be of kids only.

3. Buy white shirts (not polo) for my family.


Hopefully I can get SIL to go along with #2 or #3.


I think that option 3 is what I would do.  

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This gift is for *your* parents.  In my mind that gives you a little more say in it. I think I read that you guys don't like polo shirts at all?  I wonder if you could meet her in the middle and use a different color for your family?  I get you about *white* polos + overweight.  I am thinking that I'd be more willing (I am overweight) to wear a more flattering color if I *had* to stick with that style.


But as I said, it's your parents, you get more say in it.  If polos really offend you that much, don't do it.


Just thought I'd float a different idea/train of thought.



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Another perspective.


We do a family photo every year. It has been 16 years. My photographer wants one color, not necessarily matching types, because it really does look best. I was just at the photographer's yesterday to talk about our next photo in a few weeks and she mentioned that having one part of each family in a different color could look like a rainbow.


I tend to do the same garment for the photos because it's easiest. We've done polo shirts a few years depending on the season in which the photo is taken. They aren't that expensive. You will be surprised how nice it will look. I've actually planning on light blue polo shirts for everyone and we will be doing an outdoor photo by the water at the end of the month. Above my mantel I have a large photo of my oldest and second son in white polo shirts and khakis from when they were 4 and 2. Everyone compliments that photo all the time.


My photographer recommends polo shirts or button down shirts all the time for photos. I've seen so many of her other photos and the matching outfits look really nice.

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I think this is what I will do. Which leads me to another problem...prior to my SIL having this idea, I had already scheduled and paid for a family pic for my own little family. It is the following weekend. So I likely won't be buying tons of photos from this photographer. Ugh...

Ah, well, I'd bow out entirely then. Tell her you'd already made plans for your own family photos and you don't want to mess up what her vision is for hers. Or maybe just one with all the grand kids?

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