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Lazy wife?


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I'm so lazy...



My teen is still asleep and I don't care because I'm feeling too lazy to be social. (sadly, this is a normal state of being for me, and so he sleeps late regularly) My other kids want to go do errands, but don't have a driver's licence so I will take them. I'm too lazy to shower. I can't recall the last time I showered. I will, however, brush my teeth before I leave. If I remember. 


How lazy are you?

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Often, pretty lazy.  Today I did actually get up and go do some thing, but that's really just because I've had a helluva week and need to get away from anything that reminded me of work (I work from home).  Plus, it's a gorgeous, perfect, top-down-on-the-car kind of day.


DH had a gig last night and I didn't feel like leaving the house so I didn't go.  He's not going to be very happy when he finds out I don't feel like going tonight, either.  


So, yeah....pretty lazy.

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Lazy day here, and loving it.  Kids were outside playing with butterflies, now they are dancing to Ben Folds in the kitchen.  I don't have to clean because [gasp!] the housecleaners were here yesterday.  The dogs have just been groomed.  School rocked last week, so we're all caught up on everything there.  Life is good.  Sunshine and rainbows here.


And, nope, having a house cleaning service doesn't make me lazy, and we can afford it.  What my DH says about it is, a-hem, "I'd rather have a happy and healthy wife!"  True story.  He says it with a smile on his face.  We've fought through years of illness, and he wants my energy to go to teaching kids, parenting, and keeping the immune system strong enough to maintain. In fact, he called the cleaning service to set it up, and manages them.  :)  I big smoochy heart that man.  


Lazy wives unite!

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I am mostly not lazy (recovering workaholic and perfectionist) but when I do lazy, I DO LAZY. Nothing by halves. See, I am an annoying overachiever to the last.


Today I made brunch and am making both a blueberry pie and a chicken lot pie. That gets me plenty of lazy credits to use later. You can't disparage someone who makes you homemade pie so my husband is SOL if he wants to call me out on lazy days.

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I'm too lazy to even type an extensive description of my laziness.



Actually, I will type something out.


DH wanted to move closer to work, I only agreed if we could downsize. DH and kids wanted a garage sale before our move, I only agreed if DH took care of it.


I'm lazy. And now, We live in a two bedroom apartment instead do a 4 bedroom house. This helps me to embrace my laziness...and DH has a shorter commute, which he loves. Win, win.


I am the QUEEN of lazy.

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How'd you know that's what I have? I mix it with a Mountain Dew and its perfect.

On our camping trip I had to remind the kids there were now silver drink pouches they can't have.


And a silver pouch of liquor is the lazy wife way to do cocktails. No fussy Pinterest boards with fresh herbs and fruit need apply.

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What is tapatalk? Other forums are always asking me if I want to use it.


It's an iPhone (I think Android too?) app that lets you read forums from within the app... You stay logged in and you can just visit all your forums within the one app. I find it very handy to use... easier than having to open a bunch of browser windows and try to read threads that way. :)

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I'm so lazy...



My teen is still asleep and I don't care because I'm feeling too lazy to be social. (sadly, this is a normal state of being for me, and so he sleeps late regularly) My other kids want to go do errands, but don't have a driver's licence so I will take them. I'm too lazy to shower. I can't recall the last time I showered. I will, however, brush my teeth before I leave. If I remember. 


How lazy are you?

I'm doing a second load of laundry.  Apparently, I am an overachiever.  ;)

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It's an iPhone (I think Android too?) app that lets you read forums from within the app... You stay logged in and you can just visit all your forums within the one app. I find it very handy to use... easier than having to open a bunch of browser windows and try to read threads that way. :)

Thank you, Fiona.

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I'm so lazy, I slept until 5:45 and forewent washing my hair this morning for work. I even skipped on the "work clothes" and got away with gray jeans because I knew I'd see exactly one person during my shift today, and he couldn't care less what I wear. I then lazily stopped at the grocery for something from the deli for lunch because I couldn't get it together enough to make lunch at home. 


Once I got home, I lazily downloaded a movie on iTunes instead of going to WM to buy it on dvd. I'm now lazily watching it and probably won't move far from this recliner the rest of the day. 


So there. 

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It is not a rare occurrence for me to get into the shower and get out again having forgotten to wash my hair or soap up and wash my body.  But since turning the water back on and climbing in again is time and effort consuming, I usually figure the hot water did me some good and call it done.  The days I manage both, I am extra shiny.  

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Often, pretty lazy.  Today I did actually get up and go do some thing, but that's really just because I've had a helluva week and need to get away from anything that reminded me of work (I work from home).  Plus, it's a gorgeous, perfect, top-down-on-the-car kind of day.


DH had a gig last night and I didn't feel like leaving the house so I didn't go.  He's not going to be very happy when he finds out I don't feel like going tonight, either.  


So, yeah....pretty lazy.


I feel a little hypocritical because after I posted this thread, I left the house and ran errands with my kids. I actually left the house today!

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Lazy day here, and loving it.  Kids were outside playing with butterflies, now they are dancing to Ben Folds in the kitchen.  I don't have to clean because [gasp!] the housecleaners were here yesterday.  The dogs have just been groomed.  School rocked last week, so we're all caught up on everything there.  Life is good.  Sunshine and rainbows here.

Suh weeeet! Sounds like you're overdue for days like this.



Lazy wives unite!

Damn straight!

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Today I made brunch and am making both a blueberry pie and a chicken lot pie...


I... I... I...


I don't know what this means. I know what "brunch" and "blueberry pie" and "chicken pot pie" and "made" are, but... never have I seen them all used in the same sentence, in context of not being separated by, like, five months.

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My oldest is helping dh edge and mow the lawn, actually. My baby isn't feeling well so I'm spending nap time snuggling him while he sleeps.


I don't know if it's lazy but I do know it makes me very happy.

My motto is babies get snuggles on demand and without apology. If you get to relax while doing this, then bonus points for you!

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Today I haven't been lazy.  But other days . . . .  Let's just say I'm totally convinced that if the washer, dryer and/or dishwasher are running, that means I'm working hard.  Even if I'm stretched out on the couch at the time. ;)


A co-worker once told me that her mother told her that just becoming a mother means a woman is working hard. Just knitting together a new life is hard work, and don't let resting on the sofa suggest otherwise. She wasn't my mother, and my baby is now taller than me and starting to sport peach fuzz on his upper lip, but somehow I've carried on this philosophy to this very day. 

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