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When did long socks become "in" again?


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Remember how people wore long socks in the 70s and 80s with their shorts? They must be in fashion again. Over the past few months, I've noticed many boys and teen boys in my area wearing long socks with their sneakers. The socks are usually dark or bright colors and the sneakers are often hightops. This style seems especially prevalent with black boys in my area.


I halfway expect to see the teenage boys wearing those stupid short gym shorts men used to wear. Thankfully, they seem to be sticking with longer shorts.


When did this become fashionable? And if someone is going to decree long socks to be in, could they at least make the saggy pants go away!

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I've actually seen lots of tall, bright socks on suburban stay at home moms, LOL. It's a Crossfit thing, I think.


My quick googling of this showed me knee-high socks. I'm talking about boys wearing half-way-to-knees length socks. I haven't seen any girls (little or teens) wearing longer socks with their sneakers. I think we might be discussing different trends. (Plus, I don't see how a Crossfit trend would influence 9 year old boys so fast.)

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I notice the same thing on sporty boys.  The socks have to be a certain brand though, usually Nike or Under Armour and they can be black or white or sometimes one of each.


The one I don't get is when you see boys (usually teenagers) wearing their underwear under bathing suits.  

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Couple of years ago this became popular here and the west coast is usually the last to catch on to fads. The style is only cool if it is a certain brand of socks though so dads in knee high dress socks still aren't cool. LolLol

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Oh, yes! It's huge here for boys. They wear Nike shoes with the Nike Elite basketball socks. They come in a million colors and they have stripes and dots on the back.


I'm at gymnastics now and I looked over and the boy standing next to me (about 9-10 years old) is wearing blue Nike socks, just like you described.


I haven't seen any girls (outside of a few teenage basketball players) do the tall socks thing. For those of you who think I'm talking about knee socks with skirts, I guess you haven't seen what I'm talking about.

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My quick googling of this showed me knee-high socks. I'm talking about boys wearing half-way-to-knees length socks. I haven't seen any girls (little or teens) wearing longer socks with their sneakers. I think we might be discussing different trends. (Plus, I don't see how a Crossfit trend would influence 9 year old boys so fast.)


I see this all the time at skate parks.  The boys wear knee-length woven shorts, usually plaid or solid color, with mid-calf socks (white or black) and skate shoes. 


Then there is the style of long nylon basketball shorts worn with knee-length socks, so the shorts either overlap the socks or there is maybe an inch or so gap between shorts and socks. 


Finally, there is our European cousin's fashion: shorts, mid-calf black socks, and sandals.  I don't know if it's just his style, or if it's common in his area.


The first two styles have been going on for at least a few years.


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funny -- I JUST noticed this last night at a track meet here (in the SF Bay Area). Many of the young people -- very hip & fashion-conscious -- had what I considered rather outlandish socks on. I'm talking, yes, knee-high socks, worn by both boys and girls. Boys tended to have neon colors (bright yellow) or solid white or black; some of the girls had striped ones in very bright colors. Sort of fun and sort of wacky ... The bright neon yellow (or other colors) running shoes seem to be popular, too -- I first started noticing them a few years ago. I prefer neutrals and earthy colors, so to me they are rather jarring to the eye ...

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What's funny -- about 2 years ago, a fashion conscious young man was wearing them - white socks about mid calf, and we were totally teasing him about it.  We were visiting NYC at the time, and he said, 'This is totally in style!  Just watch - walking around, we'll see tons of this!'  Yeah... not so much.  ;)  He was living in FL at the time.  

Now?  I see it a lot.  And I think of him every.single.time and think...hmm...maybe we shouldn't have given him such a hard time, eh?  :lol:

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Ellie, here's a photo for you. Usually people wear no-show or other shorter length socks with shorts. While I haven't seen anyone wearing these particular striped socks, they are the same length as what I'm talking about. Most of the sock is visible, rather than most of it being hidden by the shoe. And yet it's still much shorter than knee-length socks that women wear with skirts.




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Oh, yes! It's huge here for boys. They wear Nike shoes with the Nike Elite basketball socks. They come in a million colors and they have stripes and dots on the back.

My boys wear these, but they've only become trendy in our area in the last few months. Before that, I'm pretty sure kids only wore them during basketball. 


OMG, Yes!!!  What is that about?

I just asked Ds16. He says I don't want to know, so I'm going to leave it at that...

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OMG, Yes!!!  What is that about?


Ds (16) was told he had to take his boxers off before going into a public pool!  Makes sense to me.  I asked ds son why he wore his boxers anyway - he told me it's icky otherwise.  I'm not 100% sure what icky meant or how boxers make it less icky, but that was his reasoning.


As for the socks, ds 'had' to have no show socks for the longest time but recently switched to crew length (mid-calf) plain black Nike socks.  I have no idea why, but he needed new socks anyway.  

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I've seen a few boys around here with calf socks.  I just asked 17-yo DS, who keeps up with the fashion trends at his school, and he says a few kids are wearing the calf socks but not the cool/"in" kids.  (Note that I'm not saying it's not the "in" thing among boys elsewhere, just that DS reports that's not the case at his school, which has decidedly preppy leanings.)

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Oh, yes! It's huge here for boys. They wear Nike shoes with the Nike Elite basketball socks. They come in a million colors and they have stripes and dots on the back.

My boys who care nothing of fashion are into the socks. It started with the Nike Elites but now they like other athletic brands. It seems the brighter/ more garish the better.

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My dd covets the knee high bacon socks, and currently I am typing while I wear thigh high rainbow stripes and long olive cargo shorts so hey I would never judge :)



edited to add - last week there was a guy at the market with the knee high Oregon socks and a kilt- all kinds of win :)


I have the Bacon socks.  They are my favorite to wear with my Boy Scout uniform.  I wore them to WashJam last year and had a lot of people take pictures and compliment my choice in hosery.


I also have knee high rainbow socks that I regularly wear to play volleyball.


And knee high octopus socks....  and black socks with pink and white argyle and skulls...  and black socks with red and white argyle and skulls...  and rainbow skulls.... and jellyfish....  and....



And the guy you saw with the kilt and Oregon socks might have been my husband had he not been at BSA camp last weekend.


Then again, maybe it IS a PNW thing....

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  • 11 months later...

It's not just any long socks, but these special expensive athletic socks.  If you try regular crew socks from Walmart, you will be hopelessly out of fashion and branded as not athletic ... or so my friend's son tells me.  I think it is just a way for "cool" athletes to tell the world that they are really athletic by wearing performance socks.  My boys just wear the low cut socks in summer and wool socks in the winter.  They are not that interested in being cutting edge. 

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Hmm. My ds does this (wears his socks pulled up nearly to his knees). I assumed he was clueless as to how dorky he looks. Maybe he is a fashion maven. Huh.

Lol! I've been thinking the same thing about my boy. But I've recently noticed that several boys on his track team wear their socks that way too. I assumed its a running thing. Female runners here wear them that way too --girls and women. But it looks less dorky on them. :)

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