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Can someone explain Dr. Who?


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Were you watching the old show (from the 60's and 70's) or the new series that started in 2005? Also, I didn't really appreciate the show until I'd watched several episodes and probably would have liked it better if I'd started in season 2 of the new series.


But really, it's o.k. if you don't like Dr. Who :)

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Personally, I would recommend starting with Doctor Nine and watching at least two seasons before you decide. Bits of it grow on you.


OR watch some of the better stand alone episodes. I know I recommended episodes to watch on another thread. Let me see if I can find that post.

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When I watched the first episode I was like :001_huh: and couldn't quite figure it out.  (This was the first 'new' episode, with Nine)  I found that after the first few episodes I was completely hooked.  Those first few were so strange lol... 

And then DH ended up watching AFTER I had gotten up to the current season. 

So I watched them all again.  :)  lol

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I love the show, but I think the first couple of episodes of Season 1 were meh. (Attack of the garbage cans and farting aliens aren't my thing.)


You could try starting with Season 5. It's the beginning of the 11th doctor and doesn't really rely on you having seen earlier seasons. If after a few episodes of Season 5 you still don't like it, it might just not be your show.

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Quoting myself from an old thread (this is an old post, so doesn't include more recent seasons):


I can understand not liking a show, but I honestly don't think the first two episodes of Season 1 of the "new" Who are greatly representative of the show.


Basic facts that you need:

Dr Who is a time traveler who travels through time and space in his TARDIS (it looks like a police box). He gets a new body when he dies. He likes to travel and show off the universe to earthly "companions," usually young females. There was a "time war" and he is the last of his kind. He has friends and enemies, who you meet again and again.


*Many* of the episodes are great as stand-alones. I would highly suggest watching some of the best of those and then deciding if it's worth watching as a series. I'll list some of my favorites, using the Netflix numbering. When there are two parts, I'll only list the name of the first one. I'll put an asterisk by ten that I think stand alone the best in if you want to give just 10 of them a try.


Best of Season (or series in UK venacular) One:

*Episode 6: Dalek

*Episodes 9-10: The Empty Child (creepy warning)


Season Two:

*Episode 5: The Girl in the Fireplace

*Episode 9: The Impossible Planet


Season Three:

Episodes 9-10: Human Nature

*Episode 11: Blink, this is one of the best episodes


Season Four:

Episode 2: Partners in Crime-you will understand some of the Think Geek products, at least, lol. A lot of people dislike this episode, so there is a lot of talk about it.

*Episodes 9-10: Silence in the Library

Episode 12: Turn Left


Special (listed separately on Netflix): The Waters of Mars


Season Five:

Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour

Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks

Episode 4-5: The Time of Angels

Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice

*Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor

*Episode 11: The Lodger


Season Six:

Episode 2: The Day of the Moon

Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot

*Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife (if you're a sci-fi/fantasy fan, this one is written by Neil Gaiman)

*Episode 9: Night Terrors

Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited

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I have only been sucked into two shows/fandoms in my life, and both of them have cringe-worthy pilot episodes. You just have to keep watching if you want to give it a chance. "Rose" is corny and cheap-looking, but it's one of those episodes that means more after you've gotten into it and attached to the characters and the premise of the show. The show evolves, gets deeper, but the early episodes are necessary to understand the character development later on.


It still is a cult show, despite its recent popularity.

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Were you watching the old show (from the 60's and 70's) or the new series that started in 2005? Also, I didn't really appreciate the show until I'd watched several episodes and probably would have liked it better if I'd started in season 2 of the new series.


But really, it's o.k. if you don't like Dr. Who :)

what, you don't like cheesy special effects and implausible plots? :laugh:   I happened to watch Dr 4 when they were new (well, as new as we'd get them in the states.)  I will always remember his scarf.  and the eye . . . . and the sonic screwdriver . . .


the dr is a classic.

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It's English, it's sci-fi, it's geeky, it's funny and scary, it rewards long term viewers, it's been on (with a few big breaks) for 50 years.  If you're the kind of person who finds that intriguing, give it a good shot. 


You might like Torchwood more, it's  a spinoff that is darker - more violent - more adult themed.  There is a lot of backstory for Torchwood in Dr Who, but you don't need to know it to start watching Torchwood. 

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I would start with season 2, The Tennant years. He is an incredible actor, and he is rather cute which makes any show more fun to watch. ;) Go back to Season 1 once you get in to the show, because there are details needed for later episodes to make more sense.

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The Empty Child/Doctor Dances two parter is a brilliant story but so creepy to watch right before bed. Especially if you have small children who tend to call for you in the middle of the night. You've been warned. :D


The Empty Child is kind of creepy no matter what time of the day it is. 


David Tennant's Doctor (season/series 2-4) might be more interesting to start with.   The first few episode of Season 1 are rather slow and don't make sense unless you've watched Doctor Who in the past.

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I just finished the last episode of Season 1. I didn't think I'd like it because those British sitcoms on PBS drive me nuts, but I thought I'd see what it was all about because everyone was talking about it here. I'm hooked. I don't know why. There's no real reason. It's just one of those things that suck you in. And I really like Rose. She is kind of cheesy, but she's very likeable. And she's brave. And thinks on her feet. On to Season 2!

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It is my DH's fault that I got sucked in. He "made" me watch the first episode of Season 1. I told him it was strange, but I just felt compelled to watch another and then another... Now I am hooked. I love it. But I know it is not for everyone. I just really enjoy the fun and quirkiness of it.

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Eccleston is a very serious Doctor. Because he left after one season, it's hard to see where it would have gone with him. I'm not a huge Rose fan, but I cried at the end of season 2. I didn't cry when Martha left, but I did when Donna did, and when Tennant regenerated. 


And Smith. I don't even know where to start with him. I don't know when he ended up being my favorite, but he's just so good. The writing is just excellent and Smith just embodies the Doctor in a way that I didn't think could happen. Smith made a proper fan out of DH when he only just sort of tolerated it before (except for Blink and Empty Child, those he liked). I even think he's considering knocking me up again just so we can have a Stormageddon of our own.


I'd stick it out for Eccleston, if only just to feel the impact of the regeneration. Mrs Mungo's list is pretty much spot on though I do love episode 8 of season 6, because I adore River Song. I really love the whole story of her. 



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When we were first married, 25 years ago, Dr. Who aired in our town on either Friday or Saturday night. Dh refused to go out because what if the VCR didn't work? So it was a night alone or watch the weird show. It wasn't long before I was hooked. I love the old ones! :)

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Mrs Mungo's list is pretty much spot on though I do love episode 8 of season 6, because I adore River Song. I really love the whole story of her.

I love that episode, I just think it relies heavily on some core knowledge. It would be hard to follow if that was your first episode. I tried to choose episodes that do not rely on backstory.

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I love that episode, I just think it relies heavily on some core knowledge. It would be hard to follow if that was your first episode. I tried to choose episodes that do not rely on backstory.


Ah yes, backstory.


You did a really good job choosing episodes. That exercise would have completely stressed me out. :D We only knew as much as the Doctor in Silence in the Library. It makes me want to just go back and watch River Song episodes in some sort of cohesive timeline. I'm sure some Whovian online has them in some sort of order for me. Except Silence would be last...spoilers!

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I started with classic Dr. Who with cheesy backdrops and monsters made of bubble wrap. Once I liked that, the new stuff was easy to take. I liked the Rose arc but I do felt they carried it on way too long. They did the same thing with Amy and Rory. They drew it out so long that I was happy to see them go and excited to see who was next. I also don't like dark episodes.There was one that I don't even know the name of but I never did watch it. DH thought it would make me unhappy. It had something to do with children staring up and standing still? No clue.


I think Doctor Who is an acquired taste. Some episodes are just good fun, but others really only appeal to hard core fans, IMHO. I hear that the Eccleston series is less popular. I think it was because they were getting their feet wet in bringing back the show. I'd start with Tennant. I like the above list of episodes too.

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It's English, it's sci-fi, it's geeky, it's funny and scary, it rewards long term viewers, it's been on (with a few big breaks) for 50 years.  If you're the kind of person who finds that intriguing, give it a good shot. 


You might like Torchwood more, it's  a spinoff that is darker - more violent - more adult themed.  There is a lot of backstory for Torchwood in Dr Who, but you don't need to know it to start watching Torchwood. 


I absolutely love Torchwood but word to the wise, not exactly family friendly.  And if you have issues with the omnisexual (irrepressible, irresistible, fantastic, beloved, heartbreaking) Captain Jack, it is not for you.  I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and we are all addicted to Doctor Who but I don't allow them to watch all of Torchwood yet.

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We just watched "Blink" with David Tennant last night. Sooooo good. As Mrs. Mungo says a stand alone. Might be a great way to get hooked! :)


Ds had never seen that one. He was a hoot to watch while he watched. Kept turning around and telling me it was the best one ever!!! He has a church with lots of statues outside his bedroom window. It seemed like asking for nightmares when he was younger so skipped that one. Watching the new Drs. In order with dc's right now. We skipped "Empty Child" which is possibly my most disliked episode ever.

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My dh loves it, but it took awhile to grow on me; now I'm definitely a Dr. Who fan.  Dh used to watch it and I would read and half pay attention. Tennant is my favorite Dr. Who so far; he drew me into watching the show without a book in my hands.

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The Empty Child/Doctor Dances two parter is a brilliant story but so creepy to watch right before bed. Especially if you have small children who tend to call for you in the middle of the night. You've been warned


I made the mistake of watching these when my husband was working late.  Still gives me the creeps!

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I loved the ninth doctor, but it did take me a few episodes to figure out why people love the show. I thought the first episode was just corny and weird, the second episode was still weird although I liked it a little better, but the 3rd episode had me hooked. I don't know what it is about Dr. Who that got me, but I'm totally into it now! I'm into the 3rd season and while I didn't think I would love David Tennant as the Doctor (I really liked Eccleston), he has grown on me! My advice is to give it at least 3-4 episodes before deciding if it's for you or not. I'm glad I kept watching!

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The Empty Child/Doctor Dances two parter is a brilliant story but so creepy to watch right before bed. Especially if you have small children who tend to call for you in the middle of the night. You've been warned. :D

Definitely creepy. I'm so glad my kids are American (call me mah-me and not mu-me). I loved that one. Very telling that the Doctor couldn't dance to Moonlight Serenade, but could pick it up with In the Mood.


My favorite (or one of my favorites) and since I'm a Newbie Whovian it's from Season 1 is Father's Day. It had such a personal twist for Rose. It really got to me.

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Yeah, the first episode is kind of... low budget.  I wish they'd get the actors together and redo it, now that the show apparently has more cash for special effects. :P  Like everyone else has said, it's worth it to keep watching.  I don't recommend skipping the ninth doctor, though.  The episodes get better fairly quickly, and imho, Eccleston did a fantastic job. :D

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 some sort of cohesive timeline


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


You just used the words cohesive timeline in a Doctor Who thread.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Yeah, Doctor Who is pretty addicting. I watched when Tom Baker was the Doctor, but not the recent ones until this spring. Ds and I crammed 86 episodes into about 6-7 weeks. I cried a lot. Doctor Who is about the individual and their importance to the world when all else is chaos and insanity. You really can't explain it, you have to experience it. 


Then you watch Sherlock, then you get hooked on it. Then you find all the great connections between Doctor Who and Sherlock, then you watch Sherlock again, then you watch Doctor Who again. Truly, if the British want this country back, they don't have to invade. They simply have to continue broadcasting BBC and we'll willingly surrender. Then there is Top Gear and.... (well you get the picture)  :coolgleamA:

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Yeah, the first episode is kind of... low budget.  I wish they'd get the actors together and redo it, now that the show apparently has more cash for special effects. :p  Like everyone else has said, it's worth it to keep watching.  I don't recommend skipping the ninth doctor, though.  The episodes get better fairly quickly, and imho, Eccleston did a fantastic job. :D


I can no longer say run without using the "northern" accent. :D

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I am only just getting back into Dr. Who. I watched the 4th with my mom when I was a kid. I did not like it. Boring.


I love Eccleston and was not ready for a regeneration yet. I guess he was a little sarcastic but I did not find it off putting as I kinda expected that from the character due to his knowledge of the universe. :laugh: The companions seem to be what soften him.  


I had only seen David Tennant as Barty Crouch Jr. on HP so I had no idea what to expect. But we are closing in on the end of season two ( just finished the weird TV lady episode) and he is growing on me.


I have not seen any Matt Smith but am sure that we will continue on with the series. 


So any Ideas who the next Dr. will be?





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I absolutely love Torchwood but word to the wise, not exactly family friendly.  And if you have issues with the omnisexual (irrepressible, irresistible, fantastic, beloved, heartbreaking) Captain Jack, it is not for you.  I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and we are all addicted to Doctor Who but I don't allow them to watch all of Torchwood yet.


Just wanted to add that Torchwood is sad. I liked it a lot but was gutted.

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I started with classic Dr. Who with cheesy backdrops and monsters made of bubble wrap. Once I liked that, the new stuff was easy to take. I liked the Rose arc but I do felt they carried it on way too long. They did the same thing with Amy and Rory. They drew it out so long that I was happy to see them go and excited to see who was next. I also don't like dark episodes.There was one that I don't even know the name of but I never did watch it. DH thought it would make me unhappy. It had something to do with children staring up and standing still? No clue.


I think Doctor Who is an acquired taste. Some episodes are just good fun, but others really only appeal to hard core fans, IMHO. I hear that the Eccleston series is less popular. I think it was because they were getting their feet wet in bringing back the show. I'd start with Tennant. I like the above list of episodes too.


After watching the "new" Doctor Who episodes I checked out some of the "classics" ones and I saw the bubble wrap alien on the space station one! And being that it was so OBVIOUSLY bubble wrap really put me off. :P


Yeah, the first episode is kind of... low budget.  I wish they'd get the actors together and redo it, now that the show apparently has more cash for special effects. :p  Like everyone else has said, it's worth it to keep watching.  I don't recommend skipping the ninth doctor, though.  The episodes get better fairly quickly, and imho, Eccleston did a fantastic job. :D


I see what you did there! :D

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After watching the "new" Doctor Who episodes I checked out some of the "classics" ones and I saw the bubble wrap alien on the space station one! :P

I miss those days.


As much as I enjoy Christopher Eccleston, Tom Baker will always be my Doctor.

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Definitely creepy. I'm so glad my kids are American (call me mah-me and not mu-me). I loved that one. Very telling that the Doctor couldn't dance to Moonlight Serenade, but could pick it up with In the Mood.


My favorite (or one of my favorites) and since I'm a Newbie Whovian it's from Season 1 is Father's Day. It had such a personal twist for Rose. It really got to me.


Oooh, my boys LOVE to wander the house asking "Are you my mummy?".  They're amazingly accurate in the accent of it too.  Of course, DS15 does sometimes call me Mum.  I kind of think we might watch a little too much BBC in our house.



I am only just getting back into Dr. Who. I watched the 4th with my mom when I was a kid. I did not like it. Boring.




So any Ideas who the next Dr. will be?


The 4th was my first doctor too.  I got the t-shirt last week that says "you never forget your first doctor" and told my mom I need to crotchet a crazy long scarf to wear with it.  :laugh:

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Blink is an awesome stand alone, but SCARY!


I absolutely love Torchwood but word to the wise, not exactly family friendly.  And if you have issues with the omnisexual (irrepressible, irresistible, fantastic, beloved, heartbreaking) Captain Jack, it is not for you.  I have a 17 year old and 13 year old and we are all addicted to Doctor Who but I don't allow them to watch all of Torchwood yet.


I think I covered 'not family friendly' by calling it dark and adult, but, I guess I should have mentioned that people disgusted by seeing men kissing wouldn't like it. (It's not the point of the show, at all, but it's there). I forgot that was a thing on this board.

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The 4th was my first doctor too. I got the t-shirt last week that says "you never forget your first doctor" and told my mom I need to crotchet a crazy long scarf to wear with it. :laugh:

I have that shirt too! I also have the 10th Doctor "Ten of Hearts" shirt that was on Teefury last November. I wore it to the regional science fair this year and all the girls from a local robotics team squealed when they saw it. People comment on my Doctor Who shirts everywhere. The only "negative" reaction I got was from a stock clerk at Aldi who took one look at me and said, "Meh, I'm a Trekkie."

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 My kids got me into it and now I am a fangirl. lol.  I started with the first episode of 'Nuwho" (with doctor 9) and just took it from there. I liked it ok, didn't have much expectation. I had tried to watch the show years ago in high school because I heard some kids talking about it, but it was on so irregularly and I never caught a story from the beginning so I gave up.


I am really glad I stuck with the new episodes. Somehow, during that first new season I fell in love with it.  And, ahem, with David Tennant, but let's leave that for another thread. Because once I start thinking about that nothing gets done and the kids have cereal for dinner.


We are spending family time this summer watching the old episodes available on Netflix and Amazon and having a good time.


If you like science fiction or supernatural stuff then you will prob like this. If not, then it might not be your thing.

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