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Are your kids excited?

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Mine aren't  :glare: 

We have lots of new curriculum, a new schedule, a new plan, lots of fun stuff and extra curriculars, and new mom-centered approach.  We start Tuesday. We've previewed some of the new stuff so it isn't scary. 

I'm wracked with nervous anticipation. My kids...notsomuch. 

Their apathy is a bit disappointing. 

But I do understand. We had a fun-packed summer. and technically, we aren't finished with the festivities until next month, slowing down a great deal after next week. It's going to be hard for them to get all worked up over a new math program. 

Anyone else facing a new year with kids who are less than thrilled?

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My boys have always been apathetic about curriculum. They are only excited about fun science stuff that they requested me to buy. My older had requested for a chemistry molecular model kit and gotten it. My younger has recently requested for a planisphere which we can make.

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The only thing mine ever seem to get excited over is shopping for new school supplies.  But the "school" books coming in the mail, nope.  School actually starting, nope.  In fact thay flat out tell me that they don't want to see the books until we start in the fall  :glare: It can get discouraging.

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I just asked my kids, and they report the following:


Older ds - "I've always enjoyed history.  The World Wars are better than the Civil War."

Younger ds - He prefers the Civil and Revolutionary Wars but will likely enjoy the World Wars.

Younger dd - "I like co-op."  When asked for specifics, she did not say.  She does enjoy her science class and friends at co-op, though.


No one is really too excited about anything.  History and literature probably get the best marks for interesting around here.



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They don't even care about new school supplies, and what's better than that  :crying:?


I KNOW!!! Here I am with all the ads and my highlighters and my back-to-school-deal lists, and they're all, "Do we have to go to Staples AGAIN?!" Though they do always get excited about new scissors. Why is that?


Which reminds me...I have $51 in Office Depot rewards to spend before 7/31. What should I buy (besides new scissors)? There aren't really any good sales here yet. Maybe recycled office paper, hmmm.

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Which reminds me...I have $51 in Office Depot rewards to spend before 7/31. What should I buy (besides new scissors)? There aren't really any good sales here yet. Maybe recycled office paper, hmmm.

If it is a spend it or lose it money,


Electric sharpener

Heavy duty three hole puncher

Good quality compass for math

Thick binder clips for temporary holding a stack of papers together

Nice art supplies

Sharpies and white board markers


I use the foldable cart (mine is a different brand same type) for groceries, library books and as a temporary holding area sometimes.


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Who are these kids that are excited over school! lol I've never met them.


My oldest would get excited over literature books. He did enjoy waiting for boxes, but he never would have said that he liked school.


My second was totally, totally apathetic. He just wanted to know what he needed to do. He didn't want to hear about it beforehand. The morning he needed to do something was when he wanted to hear about it, but, generally speaking, he couldn't muster enough emotion over school to say anything other than meh.


My youngest detests schoolworks- actively in word and deed professes his dislike of school. Although he doesn't like to work, he likes being a know-it-all. So, even though he doesn't enjoy anything to do with schoolwork, he likes being ahead enough that he isn't a complete nightmare.


Fortunately, my excitement over books and planning is great enough that I never needed them to become excited with me. :D It would certainly be nice if I could spend my days with a child who was an enthusiastic learner, but really after the initially thrill of elementary school those children are rare beasts indeed.

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Mine are excited about certain things but not about getting back to school in general.  


Dd4 is excited that she will get one on one time from her siblings (we have to have the three oldest take a turn doing PreK with her so I can work uninterrupted with others.)


Ds7 is excited about Chemistry and Project Passport.


Dd10 is excited about our mini art co-op at our house on Wed.


Dd14 is excited that Korean will be added as an official part of her school schedule.


Dd15 is excited about doing a quick run through of Algebra using MUS :huh: (even though she just did a whole year of Alg with VideoText) and about doing Geometry. Oh, and we just decided to let her do OSU German instead of VL Spanish...she's super excited about that.  


If each of them could spend the year doing only those specific things it would be homeschool nirvana at my house!


If they were all super excited about everything I would leave because obviously someone had replaced them with stepford children...and we all know how badly that would end.  ;)

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Mine would say they were excited for co-op too, but not school.  Odd likes having free time to read in bed in the mornings as long as she wants.  We have been doing lots of fun summer stuff.  Who would want to stop going to the water park and start doing math and latin?  They do get excited about picking out school supplies, but not super excited over the sale stuff.  I go in to Staples looking at the penny and cheapie deals.  They want the expensive glittery stuff :)  So I try to get some new art supplies each year that we haven't tried to meet in the middle.  They are always happy about a 50 pack of colored pencils or new watercolor pencils, yk? DD8 has been happily crafting w/duct tape, playing Barbies and running errands w/dad.  It will be murder to direct her little hands back to a pencil, poor thing.

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I'd be all :svengo: if my boys were excited to start the new school year.  They don't even care about new school supplies, and what's better than that  :crying:?

My girls too. We have at least another month of summer which they are clinging onto. I have to admit that it is super nice to be on a summer schedule. Sleeping later, eating later, going for walks, reading books I want to read. I'm going to miss summer.

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I KNOW!!! Here I am with all the ads and my highlighters and my back-to-school-deal lists, and they're all, "Do we have to go to Staples AGAIN?!" Though they do always get excited about new scissors. Why is that?


Which reminds me...I have $51 in Office Depot rewards to spend before 7/31. What should I buy (besides new scissors)? There aren't really any good sales here yet. Maybe recycled office paper, hmmm.


You need a ProClick P50.  I've read here that they're cheaper in Office Depot stores than they show online.

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He's about as excited about new curriculum as I am about the new Minecraft upgrade...  :001_rolleyes:




Mine are never that excited either. . . unless I'm heavily involved or splicing fun stuff -- like swimming -- in.


Makes me sad.



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My kids enjoy much of what we do during school but they are never excited to actually do or start school they would much rather be on break. I think that is fairly normal actually. I always loved starting school when I was a kid but everyone else thought I was weird. :lol:

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No, I have a couple of cute, sweet, energetic "I hate school"-ers.


I am excited, though. Our first Kids Discover magazine has been here since we got back from vacation June 24. Today DD picked it up and is reading through it!!! Without any prompting from me. I haven't even mentioned it, I just left it laying out for them to notice it, hoping curiosity would eventually kick in.

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DD is excited about some of the things that come with school starting up, like getting to see kids she hasn't had contact with over the summer, and some of the new books, shopping for supplies, and stuff like that. The actual work...not so much. Which is about what her PS friends who show any anticipation of school starting are excited about, too.





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Mine is so not excited. We went and picked out school supplies today which is always my favorite part of the year-- he couldn't have cared less about it :crying: The only things he's even vaguely expressed an interest in are the Beast Academy math books and his science class, and even that was kind of "meh." He may perk up this weekend when we go replenish his art supplies, but I don't expect it. :svengo: 

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We go year round, so no time off.


But Eldest was very less than thrilled that he now has the extra subject of grammar, and knows that the big book (WWE) means he will one month soon also have writing. 


But it took him only a week and he is into the grammar grove well enough. 

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If it is a spend it or lose it money,


Electric sharpener

Heavy duty three hole puncher

Good quality compass for math

Thick binder clips for temporary holding a stack of papers together

Nice art supplies

Sharpies and white board markers


I use the foldable cart (mine is a different brand same type) for groceries, library books and as a temporary holding area sometimes.



Thank you! We already have most of what we need from that list, but I did in fact get a nice big set of Sharpies and a 12-pack of dry-erase markers :lol: I also snagged the box of recycled paper. I've been wanting to try to switch for awhile now, but it's definitely pricier than the .50-.99 reams you can get with the free deals! This way I can feel like I'm getting it for free :D AND I got $10 off $50, too!



You need a ProClick P50.  I've read here that they're cheaper in Office Depot stores than they show online.


Ooooh, I want one, but I just don't think I'd really use it! I prefer three-hole-punching stuff and using binders. I'm sorely tempted by that thing though!

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They are not super-excited about the increased work load, but they are excited about the new topics they will be learning. I think they enjoy learning, for the most part. My kids love poetry tea-time, science experiments, and read-alouds. And of course, dd5 is just excited to be considered "official" this year.

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Dd6 is so excited about one subject.


She has resorted to threats and blackmail to begin the Dinosaur Curriculum before autumn.  As soon as we finished piano in early June, she wrote a note for the piano demanding "No more piano until Mom finds the Dinosaurs!" 


We did Lesson 7 today (of 50).  I've added some video clips from youtube and I have found some of the Walking with the Dinosaurs documentaries on Netflix. 


I just know I'm going to have nightmares from some of the creatures that have crawled out of the ocean!!!  Next semester, I'll have to make her study the "Fairies and Princesses" curriculum while I recover.



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Not at all. I get groans every time I mention school. Asked if she doesn't like any of her school work, she says "I like the books and horse science. That's about it."


She likes the literature books (the harder ones are read-alouds) and is horse crazy. Oh, tumbling class is fun, too.  :001_rolleyes:

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I'm in WI and their friends don't go back to school until Sept. I plan to start 2 weeks early since we are planning a 3wk Australian Sabbatical inJanuary but they will not be excited about school while their friends enjoy their final weeks of fooling around! I'm just preparing them about our mid-August start.

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Not here...my kids actively avoid anything schoolish....including reading. We are on two week vacation right now and I had planned to school through it as we missed quite a bit when we moved but my kids looked at me horrified and refuse to do any school. They know it is vacation because DH is a school principal and he is home....so they won't do a thing.


They do like new school supplies but only my DD and only if she can use them to work on her own projects...not school lessons.


When books come in the mail they glance at the covers and say " it's just school stuff" and toss it to me.


My kids read well for their age but won't even pick up a book for fun anymore ...they won't read unless I read aloud to them...and they are even starting to lose enthusiasm for that since they now view it as "school".

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No, I have a couple of cute, sweet, energetic "I hate school"-ers.


I am excited, though. Our first Kids Discover magazine has been here since we got back from vacation June 24. Today DD picked it up and is reading through it!!! Without any prompting from me. I haven't even mentioned it, I just left it laying out for them to notice it, hoping curiosity would eventually kick in.

HaHa!! This reminds me of my son when he was younger and starting to transition to chapter books. I would take him to the library and he would refuse to pick out a book, so I would choose a few I thought he would like. He would say under no circumstance was he reading the books. I told him he didn't have to and just left them on the coffee table. His curiosity always got the better of him!!! LOL

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This thread is cracking me up.  Back when I first started homeschooling I had these images of my kids bounding out of bed every morning ready to fill their heads with all the amazing knowledge I had planned to share with them that day.  I imagined that they would never want to take a day off because they would be so enamored with learning.   



:smilielol5: HA HA HA! :smilielol5: 



Since then, I have been enlightened.

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Mine is excited about the horses on Minecraft, going away to youth camp next week, and the fact that school doesn't start until 8/26, even though he's still finishing his current school work. 


He's not much excited about the prospect of the new stuff coming up the pipeline.

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Dd was so excited to start "doing school" for K. That lasted about.. ohh, the first week. Now she sees it as something she *HAS* to do, and she moans and groans. She was so excited for summer break.


I asked her yesterday if she was excited to start 1st grade. She said "No." I asked why and she said, "Just kidding, yeah."


Hey, I'll take it. :)


ETA: I wont be asking her again. I know what she really thinks, but I got my "yeah" so I will go on happily pretending she is as excited as I am.

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They are neutral. They are having what oldest declared to be "the best summer ever" (surf camp? Streaming movies in the morning...and NOT documentaries?? Chocolate camp?? Yes, you heard right.... And beach days? Endless scrabble games, settlers of catan, and monopoly?) so although they are interested in trying oak meadow because it is more hands-on, and older is interested in tablet math, I wouldn't say they are chomping at the bit.


That said, we were all quite burned out when we stopped school in mid may. After completing 200 days of school, we are having a loooooong summer of 3 months, by far our longest ever, and I think we needed it. We plan to start up nice and slow, folding in subjects gradually over the course of a month, and striving for balance.

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If it is a spend it or lose it money,


Electric sharpener

Heavy duty three hole puncher

Good quality compass for math

Thick binder clips for temporary holding a stack of papers together

Nice art supplies

Sharpies and white board markers


I use the foldable cart (mine is a different brand same type) for groceries, library books and as a temporary holding area sometimes.


this is exactly my list, along with printer paper, and paper boxes. Pretty ones.
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Yeah, no.


dd8 did ask me if we could do spelling today.  



Other than that...nope.



We had some burn-out at the end of the year. New baby mixed things up for us.  I like starting the new year in July, but am feeling insanely jealous of you who are taking off another month.  Maybe I should take some more time.

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Yeah, no.


dd8 did ask me if we could do spelling today.  



Other than that...nope.



We had some burn-out at the end of the year. New baby mixed things up for us.  I like starting the new year in July, but am feeling insanely jealous of you who are taking off another month.  Maybe I should take some more time.


Take it. Don't burn yourself out. This is the first summer that we've actually intentionally taken OFF, instead of me trying to fit school in between the summer fun stuff, stressing over what I wanted to get done that's not getting done, saying no to fun things because I want us to work, etc. We are really enjoying, and I'm basking in the guilt-free down time. September will be here soon enough, and camp will be over, the pool will be closed, darkness will come sooner... I can't guarantee I'll do it again next summer, but it has been delicious to have the time this summer. 

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