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I Couldn't Swallow My Dinner Again (TMI inside)

Jean in Newcastle

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This happens  now and then.  I will be eating and then I'll think "Uh-oh" because I can't swallow.  It is like there is a big lump in my throat.  I can breathe just fine.  Sometimes it is very painful like a cramp in my esophagus.  Tonight I couldn't swallow - even water- and I finally had to throw the food back up.  After the food came up, I burped a bit and then I could swallow.  I have discussed this with my doctor.  His only suggestion so far has been magnesium and potassium supplementation but I haven't discussed the latest with him.  I'm wondering if there is a connection with food allergies?  Besides being painful, I have this huge fear that I'm going to die one of these times, though that is probably just panic speaking because like I said, I can actually breathe through my nose.  

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I have this happen due to a peptic ulcer caused by serious acid reflux. I have a hiatal hernia. It got so bad I was almost afraid to eat anything solid. At that point, I had an endoscope with dilation to open up the stricture. About 3 years later, I had to have it done again. I called my dh home from work because I thought I needed to go the emergency room. I couldn't get any liquid down, either. Just as he got home, the food finally went down. It hurts like something cutting the inside of my esophagus.


It doesn't sound like you have the same problem as I do; just wanted to say I understand how frightening it can be. It does feel like you might die. Have you ever had an endoscopy done to see what is going on?

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Could this be a really bad esophageal (sp?) spasm? Several medical people have mentioned those in connection with some symptoms I"ve had after eating (gagging feelings, chest discomfort -- apparently I'm not having a heart attack). I've taken magnesium, which seems to help, though I do wonder if it exacerbates any reflux issues by relaxing the sphincter muscles too much.

So sorry that you're feeling this way.  :grouphug:

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Could it be steakhouse syndrome? Its when you get a wad of dense wet food stuck in your esophogus.

Uh, this sounds exactly like what happens to my dh once in a while - usually with a piece of meat. He's had all kinds of tests done on his esophagus but everything came out normal and the doctors had no idea what to tell him.

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A few weeks ago I got back from VA where my mom was seeing, of all things, a speech pathologist for swallowing issues post surgery.  Her difficulties were a combo of trauma from the stomach pumping (nasogastric tube?) and a hiatal hernia she has had long term.


The speech path mentioned that many time people who have a hiatal hernia can have "food stuck" symptoms because the food literally has to go over a small ridge caused by the hernia.


In your shoes, I think I'd look into having an endoscopic exam to ID precisely what the problem might be.


Best wishes, jean.


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Tonight was when I was eating rice.  That could possibly clump together to become wet and dense, maybe?


No endoscopy but I have an appointment with the doctor and he might order one.

Rice, potatoes, pasta, bread are some of the worst foods for me.


I have to really focus on how I eat. Small bites, chew slowly - I try to count to 20 - rest between bites. If I get carried away talking and forget to chew slowly, I get into trouble.

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My son did this. We were told it was probably a esophagus spasm caused by (severe in his case) GERD. It really sounds like a spasm to me. There may be non-reflux causes. Many hugs. That sounds terrifying. FWIW, it doesn't at all sound like allergic anaphylaxis to me--and I have son, husband and father with that.

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Don't know if this has any connection with my choking mishap during dinner but I've crashed big-time.  I am dragging myself to bed almost literally.  I think my adrenals have crashed and/or my electrolytes might have crashed with them - which could have led to an esophageal spasm.  I'm drinking my electrolyte stuff.  Plus I'm take my normal night-time magnesium with a touch of calcium.  

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I had this problem for years. It was AWFUL. I finally ended up in the ER with steak in my throat, and 18 hrs later (ugh!) they finally used endoscopy to get it out. It wasn't budging. 


It was nearly daily.


I finally found out that I had GERD (reflux) even though I rarely felt heartburn symptoms. The DR put me on nexium (at the time very expensive, might be generic now) for a couple years (daily), then I went to a cheaper similar medication. Eventually, I was able to go off them all together. I don't know exactly why, but I am OK now w/o meds.


If I were you, I'd ask the DR to consider GERD/reflux. See if you can go on a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) like nexium or one of the cheaper generics. If you don't want to see a DR and feel like self medicating, try Pepcid daily for a couple weeks and see if that works. But, I'd talk to the DR if you want to be on any med really long term.


There IS HELP for many causes. I dealt with choking, gagging, vomiting nearly daily for about 6 years before that ER visit FINALLY led me to real help. Thank goodness I finally really truly choked or I'd probably still be spending 5 min chewing each bite while still choking daily. What a miserable feeling. It made meals misery.





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I had the same thing happen to me for years and years--I mean, I remember it in elementary school. Finally, after DS7 was born, I had an endoscopy done and found out I had eosinophilic esophagitis, which can indeed be caused by food allergies. I take a Prilosec a day and haven't had a problem since. I had had a barium swallow done, but it showed nothing. The endoscopy is the way to go.


Although you say you can still breathe when this happens, please don't let that keep you from looking into it. I thought the same thing until the day (TMI) the food bolus blocked me from even swallowing saliva until it was up to the level of my trachea and I could no longer breathe. Scary scary stuff.

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Sounds like severe reflux (GERD). I don't have it severe enough to have what you describe happen, but I can't swallow large pills. (The enlarged thyroid doesn't help)


There is a test that can determine what is going on. If I remember correctly, it is called a barium swallow. It was disgusting to get the stuff down but it was worth it so the doc could see what was going on.

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I was going to suggest eosinophilic esophagitis also.  My son and I have this and your symptoms sound exactly like what we experience.  You can't really explain the panic you feel to other people.  

EE is treatable with medication and trigger avoidance but, you have to do the endoscopy to find out. 


Or you could just have a stricture from reflux or GERD.  Also diagnosed by endoscopy but simple to treat.


I have a whole family full of crazy stomach and esophagus problems so we've done the gamut on testing.  When my son started having problems his doctor said, "With his family background, I'm skipping everything and going straight to the endoscopy."



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When I got a piece of steak stuck in my throat, the doctor at the emergency room asked if chicken, rice, bread were an issue as well.  I guess these foods are key clues for esophagal problems.  I had had a few times in which ate rice with gravy too fast and got stuck.  And unless I cut chicken into small pieces it would get stuck and then be very painful going down.    Anyway, this time I hadn't chewed the steak well enough and it stuck. Nothing would come up, nor would it go down.  Fortunately I didn't panic and could breath through my noise, but it hurt like a son of a b**ch.  Saliva kept backing up in my throat which was gross. I spent a few hours in emergency while they tried the relax me with medication and when that didn't work, then the specialist had to use a special scope thing to remove it. 


Couple weeks later had to get an endoscopy in which they ballooned and stretched the opening. Turns out I have a hiatal hernia which allowed acid up the passageway and caused my esophagus to narrow. Haven't had any issues since then although I do take omeprozal (previcid)  Make sure you get an endoscopy done to check your esophagus.   

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A friend of mine has a son who had that problem.  It turns out he had horrible banding in his esophagus.  Multiple allergy drugs helped the banding, but didn't solve the problem of the boy also not gaining weight or growing.  He has siblings with celiac, but tested negative.  Mom took him off the allergy meds and put him on a gluten-free diet and all of his problems were solved.

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A cousin of mine has a son with similar problems, but he has Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE).



He started out being allergic to one thing, but it progressed to another and another, and now he's to the point where he literally cannot eat anything.  He is fed some sort of a special mixture through a feeding tube.  They are constantly adjusting his mixture because he's so sensitive.  He's always sick.  He's only five or six years old.  Poor baby.  :(



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I agree with everyone who says you probably should get an endoscopy.  Acid reflux/GERD, EE, hiatal hernia -- all can cause that type of symptom.  It's very possible to have acid reflux/GERD without the traditional "heartburn" symptom.  I have reflux, and my most consistent (and worst) symptoms when it's flaring are a sore, swollen throat feeling and a niggling little cough, especially at night.

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