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child sitting in the front seat...law/recommendations? What are they?


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I believe it's 12 in our province in Canada, but I would check your local laws and/or recommendations. In any case, I'd move the seat back to the farthest position or turn off the air bags. If you don't have to have the child sit in the front seat, then stick to the back as it is safer in most cases. There is a higher occurrance of front-end collisions.

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I would check your car manual for guidelines on turning off the airbag, but usually 12 is the recommended age. It's not just height/weight but muscle and bone development that are factors in setting age limits, so being small isn't necessarily a nix to the front seat, but the suitable-for-airbags factor may be if they can't be deactivated.

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I just checked our state law--GA. The law says the child must be at least 8yo but they (this is from the governor's highway safety website) recommend waiting until the child is at least 12yo.


Q: When can my child ride in the front seat?


A: Georgia law requires children to ride in the back seat until age 8.


However, children age 12 and under should ride in the back seat of the vehicle whenever possible as the back seat is the safest position for children.- See more at: http://www.gahighway...h.HZTzlzfE.dpuf


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in our state, it's 12 or 100 lbs. I also require they be over 5ft. it is a case of airbags are coming with such force, they have killed children because they are simply too small. if you can turn off your passanger side airbag, you might want to do so before allowing a child in that seat. I just made the big kids sit in back until they were big enough.

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Another vote for waiting until she's older. I read something about how it takes until 16 or so for a person's bones to be strong enough to withstand the impact of an airbag. Don't quote me. I'm going from memory. A google search will probably uncover something about it.

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My 12 year old is small for his age, so he has to sit in the back even though the airbags will turn off automatically if you don't weigh enough.

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Age fifteen for us: when the skeleton/musculature has matured enough to withstand the extra forces of the impact. Age seems to be the key, not height or weight. I'll see if I can find the study that recommended this later.


Here it is.



Laura, my kids will always be annoyed that you posted that, because I read it the first time you posted it, and no one is allowed to sit in my front seat before they turn 15! Well, actually, one of my dds talked me into letting her sit in front about a month ago (she's turning 15 this week). She asked what magic bone development could be taking place in one month, and I relented. ;)

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My general rule is when the child is taller than I am. That has generally worked out to about age 12.


I'm 4'10" give or take an inch, depending on how my posture is on any given day. It varies LOL.


I only weighed more than 100 pounds if I was pregnant. My boys have all hit 100 pounds around the age of 12.


If I'm only taking 2-6 of them, they can all ride in the back; I like having the front space all to myself.


If I'm taking more than 6 or just one, I begrudgingly allow the front passenger seat to be used. I'm a total space hog.


I make sure my passenger seat is pushed as far back as it allows. It's more comfortable for the boys, any way. That hadn't occured to me until I read a thread like this somewhere online. Maybe it was here, I don't remember.


I worry about myself and airbags. I'm very short and sit as far up as the seat allows. My older boys do a lot of the driving. Even when I carpool with friends, I'm happy to offer my car and gas but prefer they do the driving. My friend bought the same model car as mine because she learned to love it after driving us around in it so often!

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Many newer models have to be taken to the dealer to have the airbag shut off.


FYI if you shut off the passenge airbag the insurance company can change the classification of the vehicle and change your insurance. If you do not report the change and are in a collision it could be cause for your insurancy company to void your policy. I looked into shutting off the passenger air bag when I was moving and did not want to risk the air bage deploying with boxes in the front seat. I had a mini van.

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I was diligent about this when the kids were younger, because of that ER episode when the kid died b/c grandma let her ride in the front seat. If Dr. Carter said to keep them in the backseat, then I was going to listen, lol.


Of course, he said 13 at the time, and I never watched a new medical show to update my knowledge. My almost-15-yr-old always sits up front when it's just her and the driver, my almost-13-yr-old does about half the time. If it's both of them, both ride in the back, even if the front passenger side is empty. They will never, ever meet the size recs. Our passenger airbag only turns on when a certain weight is on the seat.

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My car has a button that tells me when the front seat passenger doesn't weight enough to sit there. For my own kids they had to weigh enough AND the seat belt doesn't cut their neck/ear area wrong. It must lay on their chest and not be loose around their ear. Both met that criteria recently. I honestly wanted to wait until older. So I only allow them up there if it's just us. As a special treat. Which is rare :-) But they do fit. And I always have the right to say no; and I do some days when I just have a feeling not to.

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