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How many days a week are you out of the house?

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I'm really struggling! I'm a homebody and would much rather be at home than running around to co-ops, classes, playdates and other activities.


However, I live in an area where it seems like everyone is always on the go. It seems like most of the families in our homeschool group are involved in co-ops (sometimes more than one), classes and sports. I find myself questioning if I'm doing my DC a disservice by not doing all of these things.


Here's what our schedule will look like in the fall:

M- home all day

T- home in the am, American Heritage Girls 1st & 3rd Tues. pm

W- home all day

Th - Homeschool PE (9-12), Cub Scouts

F - home am, Dance late pm

S - home

Su - Church, Sunday School, Choir


We have the opportunity to do CC on Wednesdays and/or a co-op on Fridays but I've said no to both. Now I'm second guessing my decision :(.

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Too many.

M--gymnastics (10 and 6yo), softball (10yo, seasonal)

Tu--HS co-op (in afternoons, but I usually prepare in the mornings as well), softball (6yo, seasonal)

W--youth (10yo), baseball (8yo, seasonal)

Th--piano (10, 8, 6yo, this isn't a set day...we often have to reschedule on other nights)

F--home, unless there are dr. appointments, also DH's day off (we sometimes manage to do something as a family)

Sa--home, possibly yard work and grocery store trip

Su--church, Sunday school, gymnastics meets for 10yo (maybe 8 per year)


It gets crazy when all of these are going on at the same time. I'm very fortunate that we don't have a lot of drive time...most of these are in town. If it were up to me, we'd be doing much less. We would not be doing co-op if it were year-round. It comes out to about 20 days per year.

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We leave the house EVERY day during a busy 10 weeks or so of every semester (while gymnastics and Swim & Gym are in session), BUT we don't leave the house before 3:30 or 4:00pm on MTWR.


For dd6's K1 Enrichment with the other homeschoolers, I opted for the 1pm Friday AFTERNOON session (rather than Thursday or Friday morning).


With this schedule, we rise each day, do schoolwork, then leave the house for sports/social activities. Even dd6's K1 program is "social hour" for her after working Friday morning.


I am motivated to leave the house every day because we do not attend church; we are not close (socially or geographically) with cousins; and all of dd6's friends from preschool went to public K.


I'll write more in a moment to OP.

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OP (My3Munchkins):

You need to make the choices that are right for you and your family. Some people can juggle 7 plates and eat a tuna fish sandwich. Most people can't. I know I can't. Comparison is the beginning of discontent.


Please know that whatever others are doing, you only need to worry about those in your family. It is okay to have a season of NOT leaving the house as some others do. It is okay to NOT leave the house every day. It is okay to do more stuff at home rather than let others dictate the activities and learning for your children. It is okay to change your mind later and enroll for many things. It is okay to drop stuff. That is the beauty of homeschooling. We are always adding and eliminating and tweaking curriculum and schedules.


For now, our family is on the run a lot. I imagine that as my dds grow, we will have fewer outside activities because they will simply have more schoolwork (homework) to complete after hours. For a different family, they may be busier as their kids get older; and it may be easier for them to leave the house when their kids are older and can be responsible for finding their own coats/shoes/special papers/etc.


I hope you find what works for you.

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I love the advice everyone has given you!


I also live in a community in which everyone is on the go. I am not the norm. This is our first year to actually have outside commitments. And I am wondering if it is too much for me right now. (Certainly not too much for somebody else, but for me and my family.) So, other than church activities on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, we only leave the house for ballet on Thursday mornings, and sometimes the library. This is PLENTY for me. And we don't do any/much schoolwork on Thursday since our routine is thrown off with ballet.


I totally agree with what others have said, and you must not compare yourself to the other moms/homeschoolers in your community, or here. If I were to do that, I would look like a complete bum. But the truth is, I am not a bum. We are industrious at home. I am much happier being at home. And my kids are content to enjoy their home and do things in and around our home.

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Below is what our schedule was like for most of this school year. My dh is a teacher, and during the summer we stop our normal schedule, and instead do more day trips as a family (and more time relaxing at home).


Mondays: library storytime (and sometimes park) in the AM

Tuesdays: nothing! - I'm an introvert, and the nothing days are my favorite.

Wednesdays: AM kindy class at our charter, Children's Choir in the afternoon, tap dance class in the evening

Thursdays: early afternoon tumbling class

Fridays: Nothing!


I feel like all this was a little too much for me (and maybe even for DD). Next year we'll be skipping the weekly charter class and instead doing the monthly class. Also, I'm unsure of tumbling. We're for sure doing choir because that was dd's favorite.

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I'm really struggling! I'm a homebody and would much rather be at home than running around to co-ops, classes, playdates and other activities.


However, I live in an area where it seems like everyone is always on the go. It seems like most of the families in our homeschool group are involved in co-ops (sometimes more than one), classes and sports. I find myself questioning if I'm doing my DC a disservice by not doing all of these things.


Here's what our schedule will look like in the fall:

M- home all day

T- home in the am, American Heritage Girls 1st & 3rd Tues. pm

W- home all day

Th - Homeschool PE (9-12), Cub Scouts

F - home am, Dance late pm

S - home

Su - Church, Sunday School, Choir


We have the opportunity to do CC on Wednesdays and/or a co-op on Fridays but I've said no to both. Now I'm second guessing my decision :(.


During the day? with other people? rarely


I decided that there would be no activities *with other homeschoolers* before 3 in the afternoon. No co-op, no homeschool dance or P.E., nothin'.


We had church on Wednesday evening; we'd have done that whether we were hsing or not. We left the house around 6:30.


Dance and soccer were with community groups, not homeschoolers; dance was weekly, after 3, soccer was weekly, around 4. One soccer game a week on Saturdays August through November.


4-H was once a month for the general meeting, various times for the projects we did (but not usually during the day, because the other members were in school).


We stayed on on Monday and Tuesday--no doctors' appointments, no errands, no crafts or sewing for me, just...stay home.


We went to the library every Wednesday--just us, on our own schedule. We finished around noon (drove to a big library in the next city over) and came home for the rest of the day, although once in awhile we goofed off with some friends. :-)


We left the house every Thursday for a field trip--just us, not with a support group, on our own time. Once in awhile we'd invite a few people to go with us, if I wanted to go somewhere that needed a group, but I invited just enough people to meet the minimum number, and they were people we loved. :-) I didn't do field trips with my support group unless they were on Thursday or they were something I couldn't do on my own because they needed a large crowd.


On Friday we cleaned house--all the laundry, dusting, vacuuming, change the sheets on the bed, everything. Once a month we went to a park day.


On weekends, we could goof off with Mr. Ellie, go to soccer games or Highland dance competition/Highland games, 4-H shows, and so on.

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I'm not a homebody and I struggle to stay in the house, but we've made a concerted effort to not over-schedule the kids and ourselves. I posted a thread recently about this, for as much time as we have available, our friends never seem to have any and that makes it difficult for my kids to form close relationships with other children. Though, we've recently found some other families who are available more frequently.


Our schedule:

Monday - girl scouts a.m., school pm, cub scouts evening

Tuesday - school am, gymnastics 1-2pm, home

Wednesday - home

Thursday - home

Friday - home

Saturday - home (though, we visit family and make social plans)

Sunday - church, home, small group study 1st and 3rd Sundays.


I'm perfectly willing to not be home, whether at the park or playing with friends, running errands, etc, but we don't schedule recurring commitments that would take us away from a relaxed atmosphere. Even with all of our free time, we struggle to find friends who have any time to spare for playing. :-/


To me, it sounds like you have plenty on your plate. If your kids are active and fulfilled, I wouldn't worry one bit about having some gaps in your schedule. That's good!

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We stay home. My kids have AWANA on Wed and church. That is it. I have 6 kids (5 boys) 7 and under including 5 year old twins, 3 year old twins and a 7 month old. I have no desire to be out of the house even though most around us do. I don't feel my kids need to be out of the house. You have to do what works for you.


That said...*I* am lonely. We are somewhat new to this area and have yet to really find friends. My kids have each other and the neighbors, but I have no one. So, this year, I am joining a HS group. I'm not sure exactly what that is going to look like. I don't know if it will be a co-op once a week or just random field trips. It's a big group. So, I know I can do as much or as little as I want us to.


I also signed my oldest up for gymnastics this summer, in the evening though. He just really needed a physical outlet. We will see how it goes, but I have no intention of making this a regular habit of having "after school" activities for each child or even one child every semester. I'm not at all interested in that. So, part of me regrets signing him up...we will see how it goes.


You do what works for your family. It may change over time. It may not. Either way is fine. :)

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Ds and I are introverts. Youngest dd seems like she could go either way.


The year before this past one, I felt we were over scheduled. 4-H, homeschool bowling, homeschool gymnastics, park days and field trips - all with local groups.


We still have 4-H twice a month, one meeting, one field trip. Usually Tuesday afternoons but it pretty much blows the entire day since I'm the leader and wait until the last minute to prepare things. :o


We have Church/Sunday School in the morning, and dh takes ds to Pokemon League Sunday afternoons.


That's all we have right now and I'm kind of struggling with whether or not this is enough. I more than likely will be returning to work so may have to give up 4-H. But, it would free up more money for things like martial arts classes or a YMCA membership - which are things more likely to happen in the evenings.

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We go to a HS co-op all day on Monday. Tuesday through Friday we have nothing scheduled before 4:00. I need that solid block of uninterrupted time for lessons and to stay sane! Most weeks we'll visit the library after one day after lunch.

Our evening schedule is pretty busy and changes seasonally with things like piano, softball, baseball, swim lessons, dance, religious ed, basketball, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts.


I know how it feels to be pressured to do more. Some members of my co-op are planning a second day. I know my limit. That would push me over the edge.


One thing you may want to consider. If the Friday co-op you've been invited to join, has enough of a variety of activities, it might be better to do that instead of a bunch of other separate activities. If not now, maybe in the future. Having academic classes, enrichment "fun" classes and a social lunch-time all on one day at one place has been a blessing for my family.


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We are out the door typically 5-7 days during the school year, less so in the summer


This past school year ds14 worked and i drove him to and from so that had us out the door.


And then was the extra curriculars


Tuesdays was ballet/jazz/cadets

Thursdays was lyrical/youth group/kids church

Fridays was tap/prek dance

Saturdays was acro


Plus weekend activities that popped up for cadets and dance


This coming year ballet moves to Mondays, ds14 will hopefully still be working, ds9 starts dancing, the boys will do TKD on sunday nights (if I can afford it) and all 4 will do gymnastics on mondays. So if we start going to church again that will officially be 7 days a week sometimes more than once a day heading to something. That said if gas prices keep heading up this way, we will be cutting dance, TKD and gymnastics, so we will only head out the door twice a week for the teens and for ds14s job that's it, so we will see.

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This past year we had a commitment on Monday for a couple hours and much of the day on Wednesday. It was the perfect balance for us. Next should be very similar, though we are considering either adding and art class or fencing class one afternoon, but there will be a minimum of 2 days at home each week with nothing on the calendar.


For us we like to have 2-3 days with nothing on our calendar. It makes for a very peaceful learning environment, plenty of time to dig deep and get lost in projects, plenty of time for the toddler to be a toddler, plenty of time to bake and cook together, plenty of time to read. Just plenty of time to be us and nuture relationships in our family.


But that is us. You may be different. The beauty of not just homeschooling, but of being your own family unit :)

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Leaving the house before school over kills our academics. We have a hard time refocusing. Add to that we start late, like 10 or 11, this means we don't leave most days. Right now we have one evening commitment and that's it. We did more when he was younger and the academics didn't take as long.

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I didn't read all the responses, but here's what we do.


We don't leave home before 1pm, except on our CC day. Missing mornings really makes me cranky. We start around 9am and go until about 1pm with lots of breaks.


We do one PE (kids both swim, same time 3x per week) and one musical instrument per child. We are considering adding a language because of our adoption, but haven't found an in-home tutor yet... maybe we'll do Rosetta Stone Chinese. Whatever it is will likely be in our home.


We year-round so taking days off during the year or missing a friday here and there for the science museum doesn't stress me out.

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This year we were out of the house for school related stuff two days per week:


Tuesdays - drums & swimming

Thursdays - co-op (full-day)


Other days he had things in the evening like baseball or karate, but those don't cut into our school day and DH usually shuttles him to those anyway.


This coming year we'll have:


Tuesdays - drums, co-op (partial day)

Thursdays - co-op (partial day)


We're also planning to join the Rhetoric Team, which is one Wednesday a month. I'm not sure if we'll continue with swimming or not, but if we do it will be on either Tues. or Thurs. afternoon. We'll also spend a couple of hours one day a week for at least part of the year fulfilling his volunteer requirement at a zoo about 30 min. from us. Baseball and karate will still be in the evenings and DH will continue to shuttle him back and forth. We tend to spend most days at home once I get home from work in the morning.

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I was one of those people rushing around all the time and we were totally stressed out. Then I pulled out of a lot of things and decided we would only do activities after lunchtime. We are all WAY HAPPIER and a lot less stressed out. I don't regret giving so many things up at all and my kids don't seem to miss it. I think you have to find the balance for you and your family.

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During school time - once a week for piano (1:30 pm-3)


After school time...

Sunday - AWANA

Monday - Scouts

Tu/Th - Tai Kwon Do

Sa- usually something scout related


This year we'll add in American Herotage Girls 2-3 times a month, and the kids want to add in volunteer time at our human society every Wednesday after piano. I'm game!


ETA - My kids are in middle school, so they aren't as easily tired out and seem to need a bit more going on... I do fiercely protect school time.

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We started the year with co-op classes and therapy appointments that had us out of the house 3 mornings a week, as well as two afternoons. It was just too much. I was feeling frazzled and our school work was suffering. Mid-year we dropped the classes and added afternoon classes, appointments and extra-curriculars and that worked so much better for us. We were able to get our schoolwork done earlier in the day and then go enjoy two or three afternoons out and about. I just have one child, so I feel like it's really important to give him social opportunities. We'd both go a little stir crazy if it was just the two of us all of the time! That said, we always try to have at least two days with nothing planned, no where to go.

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We're out the house once a week, tops. But we live an hour from any community. There are neighbors and some of them have kids my dc's age, and some of them homeschool, but we've all got ranches/farms etc and not a lot of time for visiting. So playdates are occasional and our trips to town may or may not include homeschool group activities. I'm a homebody, I like it that way!

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Usually no more than 2 afternoons/evenings or mornings out in any one week. That includes shopping, library trips and all other activities. You are doing way more out stuff than we are. OTOH we are rural and have lots of playing room and so on here, also things that need to be done at home and a puppy.

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I am only home all day very, very rarely....like twice this month. Today just happens to be one of those days!!! Yeah!!!


In my defense I work two full days a week and have a couple patients I couldn't fit into those days (I really need to learn to say no) so I go out to see one patient in either the morning or evening two days a week. Otherwise, I run to dd's violin twice a week, orchestra once a week during the school year (that's over now), dd has a homeschool co-op type class (best way to describe it) once a week, and weekends are full of gigs and driving long distances to fiddle lessons. Luckily my oldest is now driving so I don't have to take him to wrestling twice a week.


I love the days I am home but that is only because they are so rare. It I am home more than two days in a row, I'll take my two youngest out to find an Irish session somewhere to get out of the house. I have become the opposite of a homebody.

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When you say "leave the house" are you talking about literally leaving the house, or only scheduled activities?


The reason I ask is that my son is only 18 months old (here gathering data for homeschooling), but there is no staying in the house all day. If we had a fenced yard, maybe, but even then, I doubt it. A daily walk is just an absolute requirement: if we haven't gone anywhere, he will bring us things (shoes, suntan lotion, the stroller . . .) and knock on the door until we go somewhere. My husband (who is the SAHP) walks him every day--sometimes to the park, sometimes to the grocery store, sometimes the library, but always a good long walk. Then, when I get home from work, we often walk to the park half a mile a way--that he can do without the stroller.


I thought this was really normal, and that all toddlers were easily bored and needed stimulation. But I see several people here with toddlers saying they have several days a week at home. Do your toddlers not drive you crazy?

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7 days a week we are on the go to classes, events, rehearsals, performances. We spend mornings at home, sleep and bath at home, sometimes eat at home. But 7 days a week, we are gone for at least 4 hours per day.


It has been this way since Dd started pre-school. She is an outgoing kid, she likes people and it works. I am outgoing, but I like time at home. Sometimes it is hard, and sometimes I draw a line and say we must camp for a day or two in our own home. However, I remind myself she will be gone in a few years at college, I will be home and miss being on the go. This is the season to be on the go in my life, another season will follow.

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It varies a lot for us. We generally have 1-3 days at home during the school week, Sunday is always church, and Saturday varies on whether we're out or in. Dd used to have gymnastics on Saturday, but now we have no regular activities on a Saturday and just use it for errands, etc. Our weekday schedule at the moment is as follows:


Monday: 9yo & 10yo have piano lessons 5-6pm

Tuesday: home ed meeting in the mornings, but not every week

Wednesday (my crazy day): home ed meeting 12-3pm, 9yo & 15yo have tennis lessons 6-8:15

Thursday: 9yo has swimming lessons 5:45-6:15

Friday: nothing scheduled, but I had hoped to take 10yo swimming weekly. It's only happened once this term. :-(


Add to all those times 15 minutes driving each way for all the activities except the Wednesday home ed group meetings which are an hour drive each way. Ack!

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When you say "leave the house" are you talking about literally leaving the house, or only scheduled activities?


The reason I ask is that my son is only 18 months old (here gathering data for homeschooling), but there is no staying in the house all day. If we had a fenced yard, maybe, but even then, I doubt it. A daily walk is just an absolute requirement: if we haven't gone anywhere, he will bring us things (shoes, suntan lotion, the stroller . . .) and knock on the door until we go somewhere. My husband (who is the SAHP) walks him every day--sometimes to the park, sometimes to the grocery store, sometimes the library, but always a good long walk. Then, when I get home from work, we often walk to the park half a mile a way--that he can do without the stroller.


I thought this was really normal, and that all toddlers were easily bored and needed stimulation. But I see several people here with toddlers saying they have several days a week at home. Do your toddlers not drive you crazy?



Some kids need more exercise than others. I work but in the weekend we usually go across the road to the park for an hour or two.

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This fall it will be:


M - a.m. gymnastics for both girls

T - a.m. gymnastics for both girls / afternoon art class for both

W - gymnastics for 1 girl (splits - meaning she has 2 practices)

R - a.m. gymnastics for both girls

F - a.m. gymnastics for both girls

S - home

S - gymnastics for 1 girl


I read this and think it's insane. It is insane. Yet, this year my kindergartener has been in PS and the schedule has worn me down. I must have put extra grooves in the roads between my house, the gym, and the school. I think, despite the increased hours in gymnastics for both kiddos, this will be an easier schedule. I am such a homebody, too. I could almost be a hermit.

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My schedule is:


M- Stay home

T- Co-op am

W- Park with friends am

R- Co-op am

F- park w friends am


We "do school" in the afternoon, around 1-3, and leave mornings for being out of the house, except on Mondays during which we deep clean the house.

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I think what ever schedule benefits both you no the kids without stressing you all out or making you feel like you are too isolated is what is best and it may even change from yr to yr. it generally plan to have at least 2 school days at home that I do not have to go anywhere. Anything less and I feel stressed. We do more school on those days but we go out for one activity or another 2-3 days a week.

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In my opinion if you feel like it's too much for you, then it is!


I have been way over scheduled with activities and it's not fun. I also understand what it feels like to feel pressured to do as many activities as others or be concerned that as homeschoolers we are not "socializing" them enough.


I cut back from an utterly jam packed crazy schedule to relatively mild.



M: Music Together 10:30-11:30

School for mom 4-7

Tu: Gymnastics 11-12

AHG 4-6

W: KinderClass 11:15-12:15

School for mom 4-7

Th: Sports class: 11:45-12:45

Gymnastics: 4:30-5:30

AWANA: 7-8:30

Fri. : nothing


Sunday: church from 11-1


Now we have.....

Monday: moms school 4-7

Tuesday: AHG: 4-6

Wednesday: nothing

Thursday: AWANA 7-8:30

Friday /Saturday: nothing

Sunday: church

(Thursdays we may go to story time at the library and Saturdays we may go to Farmers market but only if time permits / we feel like it)


Summer will be....

M-Th: swim lessons from 4:15-4:45 for two weeks on, two weeks off, for a total of 3 two week sessions.


Toying with:


Motherhood fitness M-Th 9-10 to get our physical activity done with early and while the weather is nice and a women's Bible study Friday mornings with afternoons free to go places


That would be busiest case scanerio.


For the 2013-2014 school year we are looking at:

Monday:AHG 4-6

Tuesday: Pony Club / Kids in Nature 10-1

class for mom in afternoon / evening

Wednesday: nothing

Thurday: nothing

Friday: nothing

Saturday: Nothing

Sunday: Church: 11-12:30

AWANA 4-6:30


I am debating whether or not to do the Tuesday morning classes. I don't want 2 things in one day but really do want a co-op type experience that's mostly fun / physical without over doing it! It's drop off so this could be my shopping day for groceries, Costco, etc.


If we do not do Tuesday morning classes we might do a homeschool gymnastic class Thurdays. I only want to add in one more thing!

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We are rarely out of the house before noon, and only on Thursday afternoons and every other Wednesday. That is the normal schedule, but we will take off for fieldtrips from time-to-time.


Next year, we are dropping our HS group as I find it doesn't add anything to our studies, just adds a lot of adult drama that I can live without.


I know that it seems like everyone else is doing all this stuff, but you don't know everything about what is going on with these people. I have HS friends who are involved with everything and both these families complain about being so far behind, not even half-way done with their history, etc. One of these families has decided to drop everything outside the home next year and will do more work at home and have the flexibility of doing whatever they want when they want. The other is still booked solid and, well, from what I see, the mom is just a work-aholic. LOL It works for her, but wouldn't for me at all!


I really enjoy the freedom of doing what we want, when we want it. The only scheduled thing we'll have during the day (before 3 pm) is a Homeschool Swim class that we take. It's a beneficial skill that my kids need, and it gets us out of the house once a week. We are involved with other things like dance, soccer, basketball, religious ed, etc, but these things are in the evenings or on weekends and do not take away from our learning at home.


Everyone is different. Don't compare yourself with "everyone else". Do what is right for you.

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We've become much busier this year than ever. We rarely schedule anything into our school day though.

Mon - evening soccer

Tue - evening soccer

Wed - evening soccer

Thu - 2 pm OT, homeschool drama, library, evening soccer

Fri - 3 pm homeschool choir, evening soccer


I have 3 in travel soccer and this serves as our social outlet as well. During the summer, soccer will go down to twice a week, but neighborhood swim team will replace the other nights. I savor the rare rainy night off, but we're all happier if we get out, interact with others and get strenuous exercise. I quit co-op when my oldest started 6th b/c I felt like we needed 5 full school days. When the kids were younger and we attended stuff in the mornings, neither they nor I could get back down to business and school in the afternoon. It just didn't work for us. I actually get more done on our busiest days b/c I know we have no time to spare, LOL.


Do what works for YOU!

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Depends on if you mean out of the house all day or part of the day.


The only day we're home ALL day is Saturday, and that is about to change in the next few weeks when a new soccer league starts. Right now the kids have activities 5 days a week plus Sundays. But we're home until late afternoon, so that helps.

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During the regular school year, the kids' outside commitments are as follows:


Monday--AHG 4:00-5:30 and BSA 6:30-8:00

Tuesday--DD dances from 4:00-5:00

Wednesday--DS has D&D and DD has AWANAS from 6:30-9:00


Friday--DS has Football/baseball (seasonal) 10:00-11:00


Weekends we have scouting activities 1-2 weekends/month.


DS is considering joining a regular football league in the fall which would mean 2 more evening commitments plus an additional weekend commitment for 8 wks.


I try to keep all activities in the afternoon/evening so we can be sure to get school done. I really dislike the Friday football/baseball thing because it really messes up our day, but it is a homeschool activity that the kids enjoy so I let it go.

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Everyday except Sunday!

Mon - TKD, 4-5pm

Tues - 1.30-2.30, Violin, Aikido, 7-8

Wed - Aikido 7-8

Thurs - Robotics 4.30 - 5

Friday - Swimming 5-6

Sat - TKD, 9-11


All these times don't include traveling time, which is another 30mins before and after.


I also make sure we have ample time to work and rest during the day. It works out well for us. Ds loves the activities and interactions while I take these as quiet time for myself - after a day with ds, I need that!!

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I haven't read the other responses, but with your schedule I wouldn't add more. If I did choose to add CC or another co=op the daytime P.E. class would have to go.


For us, most of this year we were out of the house one evening a week for dance and scouts (same evening thank goodness.) Then one full day for co-op. Part of the year we had church activities one night a week. And for about a month we added one dance class another evening. I won't do that again next year. They will have to be on the same evening. That puts out 1 afternoon/evening a week, one full day at co-op, and the Wed. church activities for a month or so only.


Right now in the early summer, we are going out during the day much more often, enjoying the weather in the mornings before it gets too hot.

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As everyone else said, we're all individuals and mileage may vary.

But for us, a year in which we had ballet and soccer and homeschool groups to go to, was terribly hectic. Part of it was having a baby (now toddler) along and part of it, that we can't have any processed or convenience foods, or any restaurant food, so going out means packing up things I had to prepare from scratch.



The kids got tired of the sports because it wasn't the "socialization" we all expected. It was kids who didn't know each other, being in each other's near proximity, while standing outside in the blazing midday sun listening to a coach and waiting for their turn to do something. No one can make friends at an organized youth club sport, if they weren't already friends, because there are no chances to actually engage the other kids or chat. Everyone comes there, does their thing, and leaves.


But the worst part of that lifestyle was, we were always rushing even when we were home, because we were preparing to go out, or coming home and putting things away, preparing for meals and then cleaning up and preparing for bed, and it seemed like we just spent our lives at home, in transitional mode, always preparing for the next activity. It was a huge relief to stop, after the kids asked if we could just not have sports after that.


Now, we're pretty cautious about commitments to go and do, and have made more time and space within our home, for relaxation, enjoyment, and pursuing interests, and it has made a great difference. We still go to the discovery museum, still go see good friends, and once in a blue moon drop in on a homeschool coop or group, but increasingly, reserve our time and energy for people we really WANT to see again, and things we really want to do, and don't do and see, just because it's there.


Home used to be just a place we were when we weren't doing anything. Now it's the place where we do the things we enjoy the most.

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As everyone else said, we're all individuals and mileage may vary.

But for us, a year in which we had ballet and soccer and homeschool groups to go to, was terribly hectic. Part of it was having a baby (now toddler) along and part of it, that we can't have any processed or convenience foods, or any restaurant food, so going out means packing up things I had to prepare from scratch.



The kids got tired of the sports because it wasn't the "socialization" we all expected. It was kids who didn't know each other, being in each other's near proximity, while standing outside in the blazing midday sun listening to a coach and waiting for their turn to do something. No one can make friends at an organized youth club sport, if they weren't already friends, because there are no chances to actually engage the other kids or chat. Everyone comes there, does their thing, and leaves.


But the worst part of that lifestyle was, we were always rushing even when we were home, because we were preparing to go out, or coming home and putting things away, preparing for meals and then cleaning up and preparing for bed, and it seemed like we just spent our lives at home, in transitional mode, always preparing for the next activity. It was a huge relief to stop, after the kids asked if we could just not have sports after that.


Now, we're pretty cautious about commitments to go and do, and have made more time and space within our home, for relaxation, enjoyment, and pursuing interests, and it has made a great difference. We still go to the discovery museum, still go see good friends, and once in a blue moon drop in on a homeschool coop or group, but increasingly, reserve our time and energy for people we really WANT to see again, and things we really want to do, and don't do and see, just because it's there.


Home used to be just a place we were when we weren't doing anything. Now it's the place where we do the things we enjoy the most.

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