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Possible miscarriage


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I went to the doctor because I have having a period that lasted for three weeks. I figured it was most likely due to hormones since I recently weaned my baby. I had only had one period previous to this one. Anyways, they did several tests including a HCG test to check pregnancy hormone levels. I was certain that I was not pregnant. My husband was deployed March 1 and I had my first period March 10 since weaning my baby (2 weeks long, abnormal for me). My HCG levels came back at 118. Very low considering how far along a pregnancy should have been. I'm waiting on the results of another HCG test to confirm whether I have a viable pregnancy or I am experiencing a miscarriage.


The wait though is killing me. If the results don't come back today I'll have to wait till Monday. We were not planning to have another baby. I feel overwhelmed enough as it is right now. But on the other hand... it's a baby. Part of me is grieving for this child but there's a spark of hope that every thing is ok and there's just weird stuff going on. But if we are having another baby, that's going to take some time to get used to also. LOL I got rid of a lot of my baby stuff already. I've never experienced such a wide arrange of emotions all at one time. The wait is driving me crazy.

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I just got my results back. It was a miscarriage. I wasn't very far along. I didn't know I was pregnant in the first place. We had no intention of having anymore kids. But... I'm still a bit sad. Not exactly sure how to process it all but I'm so thankful for an answer.


Thanks for the support. I just needed to get it out.

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I'm very sorry for your loss. You have a lot to deal with all at once, and that is especially difficult. Try to take a few days and take care of yourself. :grouphug: :grouphug: I wish I had more to say. I've BTDT and it's a terrible place to be. My heart aches for yours right now. :grouphug:

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So sorry for all you are having to go through, especially it sounds as though your husband is gone right now.


Don't feel bad at all your conflicting thoughts and feelings. They are normal. It was both an unexpected pregnancy and an unexpected loss.


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