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About the scumbag drug reps....

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I never thought that my feelings could be hurt by reading something on a computer but man I am just shaking. My husband is a pharmaceutical rep. and is very respected by everyone and describing him in this way is so insulting. It makes me feel like we are barely worth anything. I guess that's all I can type right now with shaking hands.


Laurie in CA

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I didn't read the thread, but wanted to say that I'm so sorry you were hurt. Try to focus on how wonderful you know your husband to be and not on the reps who apparently give people negative impressions.


A friend of ours is a GREAT person and a pharmaceutical rep.



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I never thought that my feelings could be hurt by reading something on a computer but man I am just shaking. My husband is a pharmaceutical rep. and is very respected by everyone and describing him in this way is so insulting. It makes me feel like we are barely worth anything. I guess that's all I can type right now with shaking hands.


Laurie in CA




All of the reps I have seen and worked with are great, knowledgeable individuals. I didn't read the post, but hugs to you.

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You guys are sweet and I will try not to let this bother me. I have been married to my husband for 30 years and he is such a great guy and loved by everyone. He cares so much for people and is known for that. He has been a wonderful provider all these years so I could stay at home with all of my children and homeschool. I wish people knew that words do hurt and I am a pretty tough cookie. I guess I will change my signature to reflect my husband's profession and it is a highly respected one at that!


Laurie in CA

Proudly married to a pharmaceutical salesman

Who is also very good-looking

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I did too, and my dh isn't a pharm salesperson. But he is in sales, as was I, and I never considered my efforts to build a relationship with our product consumer as "manipulative". The idea that simply producing a better product will result in more sales is ideal yet naieve.


In the end, however, I don't think half of those opinions would have been shared if the posters would have considered that on the other side of the computer might be a wife to a salesperson. But such is the life of the internet.

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Each person can be categorized in some way. And no matter what, there are always some goof-balls that make the rest of the group look bad. We can apply the same to home schoolers, can't we? There are some really bad situations that threaten the vast number of us who are legit! Same with any profession. I hope you don't take it too personally, though it is hard not to. Turn it around and get annoyed with those types of people who give the rest of the group a bad rep. This happens all the time, all over the place. I guess that's why we have to keep reminding ourselves to not judge EACH book by its cover, so to speak. I am sorry you are upset though. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I'd guess that there are about the same ratio of good guys to scumbags in the pharm rep field as any other career. You bet there are scumbags (many of them female in teeny skirts and 6" heels -- as with some other careers), but my cousin, who is one of the most ethical people on the planet, is a drug rep and I couldn't be more proud of her. She's thorough and compassionate, knowledgable and effective. I'd bet you'd decribe your hubby much the same way.


Good for you for adding the descriptive tagline to your signature.



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I would really try to not take it too personally. Yes, the poster used strong sentiment, but it sounds like the situation warranted it. There are going to be drug reps who are the opposite of your dh. Just like in any profession. My dh was a teacher and I certainly wouldn't expect people to look favorably on all teachers-some are scumbags.


It warms my heart to hear your dh is such a good man and truly cares about the people he is trying to help. I'm glad you shared that with us because drug reps do probably get a bad rap. It's nice to read your post and some others here that have shared the honorable, kind reps they know.


I hate to see you so upset and physically shaking over this. Know you have a wonderful husband and maybe try and step back and see what the original poster was trying to say. It's sad that those two men put a negative light on your dh's profession. :(


Peace to you.

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Laurie, I am so sorry you were hurt by words posted here.

I didn't read the entire thread, but I believe folks are frustrated and emotional about the industry itself. When an entity is so huge and so powerful, we tend to forget about all the good people who are involved.



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I did not read the other thread either, but I imagine it's just lots of frustration with the whole thing. I read doctor's statements on Fox News the other day -- things they admitted. Some admitted that they give more attention to attractive patients -- they deal with so many old and so many unattractive people, that they give more time and attention to those attractive. Well, that doesn't really surprise me. I see that sort of behavior from all sorts of men, and doctors are not above being human, I suppose. They also admitted to making patients wait for a long time because they were speaking to a drug rep, and they admitted that free drugs from reps influenced their decisions -- even made them go against their better judgment.


I am guessing that much of the frustration people are having has to do with relationships between the entire medical "industry" -- drug reps, insurance companies, doctors, even patients. There are "wrong" things happening, but generalizations are not beneficial.

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My husband is a contractor.

I don't know of any other profession that gets slammed more.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of clowns out there who deserve the slams; conversely there are a lot of customers who want tradespeople to work for minimum wage, then complain loudly that contractors are incompetent when they refuse to let customers take advantage of them.


I just roll my eyes when the bashing starts.

Maybe it's deserved, maybe it's not.


We don't need to defend the unscrupulous contractor or pharm. rep. just because our dh's are in the business.

Their reputations and success will speak for itself.


Btw, I did read the thread and the conduct of those two did sound reproachable.

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I love Big Pharma and all that it stands for! Thanks for all the drugs that make our lives so much better! And if it wasn't for the salesman, then the drug companies would not exist!


Thanks to your dh. Hang in there!


Drugs can save lives, drugs can kill if used improperly. Most people walk out of a doctor's office with a little white Rx slip or a fistful of samples. Doctors are pretty smart and wouldn't keep using something if it was not efficacious or was downright dangerous and have more integrity than to use a drug because the rep. was cute. That may get them in the door but they are not that easily influenced.


Laurie in CA ;)

Ok I think I'm better

Proud wife to a pharmaceutical salesman

who is also very good-looking

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I'll tell you a great story about a wonderful drug rep I encountered some 16 years ago. DH and I were both in college and I worked for a peds office. We couldn't afford our daughters medication and the rep was kind enough to make sure he left a nice stock of samples for my daughter with our doctor. She seemed to be on this medication once a month...anyway...the drug rep ended up being Nicholas Sparks..I can say I knew him when. All the drug reps I knew and encountered were awesome people with good hearts.

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Didn't read the thread. I work in an infamous, nefarious industry famous for duping people and ruining their lives. I completely understand how you feel.


It doesn't make it any easier, but I've learned to tune it out.


:grouphug:, if a hug from a guy on this board isn't weird.

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I'm very sorry that you were hurt by the thread. Clearly, I wasn't describing your husband, but two reps displaying scumbag behavior that I witnessed. What I witnessed was scary from the point of view of a consumer of medical care. I have known other people who were drug reps who had integrity. These two clearly did not.


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My mom sells cars, so I understand how you feel. Every time I hear someone complain about car salesmen, which is very often, I try to just remind them that they aren't all "that way" and forget about it. Don't take it personally - that discussion wasn't about your dh, it was about some people that happen to share the same profession.



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I'm very sorry that you were hurt by the thread. Clearly, I wasn't describing your husband, but two reps displaying scumbag behavior that I witnessed. What I witnessed was scary from the point of view of a consumer of medical care. I have known other people who were drug reps who had integrity. These two clearly did not.



No problem, I know that it wasn't personal against me. I just felt compelled to say something because I was so affected. This issue is pretty political but I try not to take politics too seriously.


Laurie in CA;)

(dd 14) TOG and some other stuff (soon to be revealed)

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I did not read the original thread, but I understand your feelings. A few years ago someone came on the board and posted about a rude message about employees of the federal government. She was basically saying that they do nothing all day, have no job stress and make big bucks with fabulous benefits.


Part of it was laughable. Big bucks? Fabulous benefits? Pulleeeze. Our oldest son never had had his underbite fixed because by the time we had any dental insurance he was almost 17 and refused to be put in braces at that time.


But the part of the message about federal employees living this stress-free, work-free life was insulting. I took great offense.


But I know my husband, I know how hard he works and how much his clients matter to him.And you know your husband and how hard he works and how important it is to him that he represent well the company for which he works.


And honestly, how else are doctors going to keep up with all the new medications developed each year if someone does not present information about them to the doctor?

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I didn't read the comment as well but I think that it is just an example of how each of us should be cautious about comments that we post...we don't know how it will affect those readers out there. I know I am one that seems prone to put my foot in my mouth and I would hate to say something accidently and hurt someone.

My husband works for the federal gov't and believe me...it is often the butt of my jokes and cruel comments. Likewise, my teachers were in education during the years of Clintons and during the teacher testing time and they had a lot of stuff thrown at them.

AND last but not least, my father-in-law and brother-in-law are farmers and everyone slams them for food prices and handouts from federal aid...walk in their shoes and you would know it's a different world than everyone thinks.

Be proud of your husband and his career!!!!

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pharm reps are like all parts of the medical field. They are some who really are concerned about others and really believe in there med and know there stuff. There are others that flirt/etc for there sales.


I can say that this goes for nurses. The nurses who really want to take care of people and the ones that see there is a nursing shortage and want a job.

I don't begrudge them wanting a job but I do see alot of them that don't take care of there patients and I know all of you have had bad experience with those type of nurses.


Just wanted to give the perspective. The health care industry is about taking care of people. The ones in it for the money give us all a bad name.


I have to say I have seen some very knowledgeable Pharm rep. I was burned out as a nurse and almost went into this field. I was not happy with th e amount of unethical things I saw. I chose not to go into the field.


I use to feel hurt when patients started integrating me about what I was giving etc. This goes with all the bad press nurses get. The nurse that stays pass her shift (which was already 12 hours to stay with a person who is alone and scared don't make headlines. The one who made a med mistakes does. Then amount of medical negative press really just makes me sick.


I also tend to talk back to medical show (ER) and Grays. My husband loves these shows except when I watch them. I spend the whole time telling him there is know way that would happen in a hospital.

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I never thought that my feelings could be hurt by reading something on a computer but man I am just shaking. My husband is a pharmaceutical rep. and is very respected by everyone and describing him in this way is so insulting. It makes me feel like we are barely worth anything. I guess that's all I can type right now with shaking hands.


Laurie in CA


Laurie, nobody was talking about YOUR husband. I am sure there are decent pharmaceutical reps out there, just like there are decent auto mechanics and doctors and pastors and car salesmen.


My dh is a sheet metal worker who used to do HVAC service. He is also a pastor in training. Now, how many people have horrible, awful things to say about pastors? I don't take it personally because it doesn't pertain to my dh. If you had a bad experience with an HVAC service tech and wrote about it, I would know it wasn't about my dh and that he isn't a bad guy, regardless of somebody else's bad experience with someone else.


I am truly very sorry your feelings got hurt. Please remember that the thread was about 2 drug reps and 1 doctor in particular. Other people chimed in with their experiences. The fact that your dh is a good guy doesn't change the fact that people had bad experiences with others in his field.


And I do specifically remember saying that I was grateful for the good guys -- in both professions. As a matter of fact, I'm grateful for the good guys in EVERY profession. But there are always those who aren't so good.



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:grouphug:Laurie in Ca - I just wanted to say YEA for pharm reps and drug companies!!!


My family has a lot of medical needs: my son w/ type 1 diabetes, my 10yo son - a former 25 week preemie with LOTS of unusual nebulizer and misc. meds, my son with a rare degenerative disorders w/ multiple seizure meds and epogen/neupogen injections, & my MS Betaseron shots.


The research pharmaceuticals do to make these treatments isn't free and they deserve a profit to motivate them for further research and development. That's the way it works - and I pay up thankfully! On a modest income. So, no complaints from me - just gratitude!

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When people complain about the horrible, mean, nurses - I do not get offended. They exist.

I exist as well - a nice, loving, kind nurse.


The OP was CLEARLY venting about an incident she witnessed, an incident which clearly shocked and upset her.


If your husband has ethics and integrity - he is not being spoken of here.

I bet your dh could tell us all some creepy stories about his peers.

And I bet he could tell us about a few gems as well.


I didn't really get the impression she was dissing every single rep in the world. She was very descriptive relating to what she saw. One isolated incidence.

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Crissy, I have seen the pens; my favorite one is my viagra pen!!!:D (I steal them from my dh--how's that for ethical?)


But I tell ya, I ain't seen no vacation yet!


OMG the PENS..... my favorite pens have been drug pens....


I tracked down the last favorite by comparing pics to find it.


The BIC Velocity Gel Ink pen.... the 1.0 ink tip.... i love this pen. I took one to PA a few weeks ago - the guy on the plane borrowed it. He put it on his EAR. My favorite ever PEN.


I cried when my drug one ran dry.... i even hit up another doctor for that pen, they hadnt' gotten it yet....


My DH is a mechanic - it really doesn't phase me at all to hear other people talk about him. I've encountered good drug reps, and bad ones... even ones with good pens can be bad.


And, while i know it is their job - making me wait for my appointment puts you in a bad spot with me. Luckily my doctors have set hours for visits - come outside of that, you don't make it past dropping pens off.

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I use to feel hurt when patients started integrating me about what I was giving etc. This goes with all the bad press nurses get.


I feel quite the opposite.

It is my JOB, my DUTY, as a nurse to inform the pt. When I pass out a pill or do a procedure I explain what it is - why it is necessary, or not....


I have had patients very sheepishly request to know what drugs they are prescribed while in the hospital. I will print out a list for them! They have the right to know what is going on in their care - it is after all THEIR body. And I tell them that.


We spend WAY more time with our patients than the doctors ever will. They depend on us frequently to explain what is going on. They deserve to know what drugs they are taking (and side effects), they deserve to know why we are drawing blood (and should be informed of the lab values we obtain), and we should explain procedures that we as nurses perform.


I believe in informed consent.


I can not tell you how many patients are shocked to find they are taking statin drugs.....it will be a new one the doctor ordered that morning. The pt didn't know it was ordered, has never even been told what their cholesterol levels are, and has never been informed of the side effects, or that they should monitor myoglobin levels regulary throughout the course of treatment, etc....


I'm one of those nurses who loves to be questioned. I love to learn and I love to teach!

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well...here is my perspective....and it may have been covered in either of the 2 threads....but I haven't read them....LOL


My Mom works for a psychiatrist at the county mental health center....and the vast majority of their clients are low to very low income...if it weren't for those awful drug reps giving away samples to the doctor... many of them wouldn't be able to be medicated...or, at least, in the constant manner they desperately need. Doctor often needs to give them several weeks of samples at a time...especially during the initial phase of finding the right meds for the person. Mental health....this is literally a matter of life and death... YES, there are definitely smarmy types of drug reps....any time you get into sales you will find them.... however, it is unfair to classify ALL of those in any occupation as 'a certain way'...I also have to go to bat for the used car salesman out there..... I have known some wonderful people that also sell used cars...and they do so successfully WITHOUT being smarmy....:001_smile:

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I want to apologize to you. I went back and read my post in the other thread and I do feel like I was unfair and offensive. I am truly sorry that what I said hurt you. I should know better...I have seen so many posts here and on other message boards bashing doctors or the medical profession. I don't really get hurt by it but I do get tired of reading them. Usually I don't respond, sometimes if I feel passionately about the issue I will. But I should have really thought more about what I was writing.


I'm really glad that you posted that you were hurt and stood up for your dh.


I have met a lot of unethical pharmacutical reps. I have also met a lot of unethical "scumbag" doctors. I get frustrated when people judge my profession by the bad apples in the bunch and I shouldn't have made generalized statements about another profession because of the few bad apples I know.



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I did not read the original thread, but I understand your feelings. A few years ago someone came on the board and posted about a rude message about employees of the federal government. She was basically saying that they do nothing all day, have no job stress and make big bucks with fabulous benefits.


Part of it was laughable. Big bucks? Fabulous benefits? Pulleeeze. Our oldest son never had had his underbite fixed because by the time we had any dental insurance he was almost 17 and refused to be put in braces at that time.


But the part of the message about federal employees living this stress-free, work-free life was insulting. I took great offense.


But I know my husband, I know how hard he works and how much his clients matter to him.And you know your husband and how hard he works and how important it is to him that he represent well the company for which he works.


And honestly, how else are doctors going to keep up with all the new medications developed each year if someone does not present information about them to the doctor?


Whether it's drug reps or government employees, I think the important thing to remember is that there are always going to be those who work with integrity and those who do not. There is no profession exempt.


A dear friend from college is a police officer. He's a great guy, with integrity. I feel safer knowing he has a gun and has vowed to serve and protect. He is what cops were meant to be.


My sister worked for years for the IRS. There was no question that she was working her tail off--she really hates twiddling her thumbs. Prior to that she was a police dispatcher. She found a lot of satisfaction in doing a vital job well.


On the flip side, dh has a cousin who is an inspector for the city. This cousin makes 2 or 3 appointments for inspections a day. He spends the rest of the day reading library books and running errands. His sister also has a government job and has similar habits. They have been bleeding the system for years and years.


Like I said, there are two sides to the coin.

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I want to apologize to you. I went back and read my post in the other thread and I do feel like I was unfair and offensive. I am truly sorry that what I said hurt you. I should know better...I have seen so many posts here and on other message boards bashing doctors or the medical profession. I don't really get hurt by it but I do get tired of reading them. Usually I don't respond, sometimes if I feel passionately about the issue I will. But I should have really thought more about what I was writing.


I'm really glad that you posted that you were hurt and stood up for your dh.


I have met a lot of unethical pharmacutical reps. I have also met a lot of unethical "scumbag" doctors. I get frustrated when people judge my profession by the bad apples in the bunch and I shouldn't have made generalized statements about another profession because of the few bad apples I know.




Thanks Alice. I feel fine now and realize I should have just stopped reading thread when the little voice in my head was telling me to. Everyone on these boards are very kind, intelligent, understanding....and I enjoy and learn so much here.


Laurie in CA;)

(dd 14) TOG and some other stuff

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Didn't read the thread. I work in an infamous, nefarious industry famous for duping people and ruining their lives. I completely understand how you feel.


It doesn't make it any easier, but I've learned to tune it out.


:grouphug:, if a hug from a guy on this board isn't weird.


My dh's job is not always liked by other people, but I think he's a great guy, does a fantastic job, and is very ethical and honest.


If it's any consolation, when dh started his own practice (yes, he's a lawyer---I'm ducking and running!) we had no money, and the first three years or so were an absolutely wild and scary roller-coaster ride. When one of our girls was very sick, our doctor gave us free samples of a new and powerful antibiotic that we otherwise would not have been able to afford. So, I definitely appreciated those free samples that drug reps. give to doctors!


:grouphug: from us, too. And thanks!

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My fill was in this situation. He takes a $4000/month chemo infusion for multiple cancers. Yes, 4000 dollars! A month!


His insurance stopped paying the 80 percent they were paying. My dh and fil's nurse were talking about it in the hospital cafeteria. Happens the person at the next table was the drug rep for that company. Fil is now on a pharmaceutical company program that pays 85 percent of that life saving infusion.


That's a class act! Our family say thank you to all drug reps like that!

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Try not to let it bother you. Sometimes people have a bad experience with one or two people and generalize it, not necessarily because they feel that way about every single person in that profession out there, but, because they've had a bad experience.


I'm sure your dh and hundreds others out there like him are reputable, respected drug reps.:grouphug:

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But, but, but, but....it was not about "drug reps", it was qualified...scumbag reps. See that doesn't include your hubby. It wasn't about you at all. And in my post, look, it says "the nice ones". And they were so helpful to my patients.


Jerks stalk the earth. The OP gave a very, very specific situation. That is healthy complaining, not sweeping, generalizing, I'm so simple-minded I can only paint with a broad brush complaining.

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I didn't read the other post either, I usually do my best to avoid rants and other problem threads, but I wanted to say I thought this was a good reminder to me that everything posted here can be read by many people and taken in many different ways. Sorry that you were hurt.

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