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You don't realise ...


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... when you have a couple of cutsie little baby boys, and decide you want a couple more, that one day they'll start to grow into stinky teenagers. Just now all my four (aged 5 to 13) and three of their friends (aged 12 to 13) are playing the XBox in my sitting room; I just went in for something, and ... phew the pong! Quite overwhelming. And it's just going to get worse isn't it ... ?

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... when you have a couple of cutsie little baby boys, and decide you want a couple more, that one day they'll start to grow into stinky teenagers. Just now all my four (aged 5 to 13) and three of their friends (aged 12 to 13) are playing the XBox in my sitting room; I just went in for something, and ... phew the pong! Quite overwhelming. And it's just going to get worse isn't it ... ?



It will get a little better when they start being interested in girls. :laugh:

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Oh, yeah! BTDT.

When I taught science in our co-op, I had all boys in the class. I had to send notes home to the moms to ask them to wash the boys' tennis shoes. The little room I was in had poor ventilation. I think some of the moms were offended :crying: but the smell was so bad! And 2 of the boys were my own!

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No, not really. They just douse themselves in cologne once girls start to enter the picture. I'm not sure which is worse, BO or overpowering Axe! :D


LOL Karen! We have this problem with my youngest (and stinkiest). He keeps some sort of cologne in every vehicle so that when we are going somewhere and he wants to be dapper, he douses himself and fogs up the vehicle. We are all gasping for air! The combination of teen-boy-stink and cologne is :ack2:

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Ok I'm not getting why it has to be like this. I mean don't the boys wear deodorant? I have two teen boys and except maybe when they are just done with a sport they don't stink. My husband and I are very sensitive and we send them to the shower immediatly when getting home. They wear deodorant and we wash their running/sports clothes often. But at homeschool co op day? Yikes! There are a couple boys who I guess just don't wear deodorant and they are so stinky it's hard to be in the same room with them. My boys have noticed(on their own) and complain about it too. I have pointed out to them that is why I make the shower and wear deodorant :). They get it.


I am wondering about the other moms though. I mean they are in the same car on the way to/from. Don't they smell it? It is really really strong and so gross :(. I could kinda understand if someone was just working with a newly changing boy who wasn't in the habit or whatever. But one in particular is the worst offender and its been a few years! I just don't get it.


I don't think there is any reason other than poor hygiene that teen boys must stink, right? This is obviously really bothering me because I have had the boys over too and it's just awful. Again I have two teen boys (and a girl) and they do not stink.

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Ok I'm not getting why it has to be like this. I mean don't the boys wear deodorant? I have two teen boys and except maybe when they are just done with a sport they don't stink. My husband and I are very sensitive and we send them to the shower immediatly when getting home. They wear deodorant and we wash their running/sports clothes often. But at homeschool co op day? Yikes! There are a couple boys who I guess just don't wear deodorant and they are so stinky it's hard to be in the same room with them. My boys have noticed(on their own) and complain about it too. I have pointed out to them that is why I make the shower and wear deodorant :). They get it.


I am wondering about the other moms though. I mean they are in the same car on the way to/from. Don't they smell it? It is really really strong and so gross :(. I could kinda understand if someone was just working with a newly changing boy who wasn't in the habit or whatever. But one in particular is the worst offender and its been a few years! I just don't get it.


I don't think there is any reason other than poor hygiene that teen boys must stink, right? This is obviously really bothering me because I have had the boys over too and it's just awful. Again I have two teen boys (and a girl) and they do not stink.


I think there are some that are just pre-disposed to be stinkier than others. For my youngest, it doesn't matter if he showers and wears deodorant (which he does regularly). If he does ANY physical exertion, he will stink. And it just isn't convenient to take several showers a day. It's like every pore oozes stink. FWIW, I think they do outgrow this phase. I think it is a lot hormonally related. Some of mine were worse than others. Two of my boys have had issues with acne and two have not. The two that have not had acne problems are the two that have been the stinkiest. Go figure....


Much of the problem we had in co-op was the failure to launder shoes and jackets regularly.

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No, not really. They just douse themselves in cologne once girls start to enter the picture. I'm not sure which is worse, BO or overpowering Axe! :D


I have three younger brothers and when they were interested in girls, they took over their own grooming and would sometimes shower multiple times a day. Maybe it helped that they were good friends and brutally honest with each other and would say things like, "you need to go take a shower right now." LOL I do know my mom had to do a lot more laundry during those years because nothing could be worn more that once.

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My 14 yo showers daily, wears deodorant, and I'm constantly doing laundry...but...he stinks. Lol. It's not body odor. It's just stinky. His room smells funky. I'm always cleaning in there, dousing his boots with odor eaters, stripping the bed and washing every last bit of bedding at least twice a week. Now I'm making it sound like he has some medical issue. He doesn't. It's only super noticeable to me and one of my girls. When he was little, I always thought he smelled like a wet dog, even straight out of the bath. Some of his friends smell funky to me too, and I know they practice good hygiene.


I think I'm just hyper-sensitive to smells. I can tell whether or not dh went out to lunch as soon as he walks in the door. Dh doesn't smell bad to me, but I can also tell whether he's been in the office most of the day, or if he's spent most of the day at job sites. I wonder if this is the same kind of thing y'all are talking about? Are some boys just smelly or is it dependent upon an outsider's sensitivity to odor? Maybe a combination of the two? Younger ds has always smelled like his body wash to me, even if he skips a day between showers. Weirdly, I can also smell some illnesses. For instance, when yds has an ear infection, I know immediately, because he smells like maple syrup. Maybe I'm just a freak.

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It will get a little better when they start being interested in girls. :laugh:

It's amazing the change in hygiene habits when girls enter the picture. I seriously worried about my bad smelling oldest boy, then one particular girl came along and BAM! Overnight he started showering correctly. Soap, shampoo, the whole works. Same thing with the second one, I'm thinking "dear Lord, will it ever dawn on this boy to brush his teeth without me telling him to?"; then along comes one particular girl and suddenly he is extremely territorial about his one specific toothpaste, and don't even try to use his shower gel (even if Mom is out of hers, and she is the one buying it). So, no stress from me for the third one, I'm just waiting him out. And, everytime they leave the house for any amount of time, I go down and open their bedroom doors to just let the fresher air blow on in there.

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My 14 yo showers daily, wears deodorant, and I'm constantly doing laundry...but...he stinks. Lol. It's not body odor. It's just stinky. His room smells funky. I'm always cleaning in there, dousing his boots with odor eaters, stripping the bed and washing every last bit of bedding at least twice a week. Now I'm making it sound like he has some medical issue. He doesn't. It's only super noticeable to me and one of my girls. When he was little, I always thought he smelled like a wet dog, even straight out of the bath. Some of his friends smell funky to me too, and I know they practice good hygiene.


I think I'm just hyper-sensitive to smells. I can tell whether or not dh went out to lunch as soon as he walks in the door. Dh doesn't smell bad to me, but I can also tell whether he's been in the office most of the day, or if he's spent most of the day at job sites. I wonder if this is the same kind of thing y'all are talking about? Are some boys just smelly or is it dependent upon an outsider's sensitivity to odor? Maybe a combination of the two? Younger ds has always smelled like his body wash to me, even if he skips a day between showers. Weirdly, I can also smell some illnesses. For instance, when yds has an ear infection, I know immediately, because he smells like maple syrup. Maybe I'm just a freak.


I think some of us are just "blessed" :glare: with hyper sensitive noses...

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Is it supposed to get better? My DH stinks...I'm always opening up his window cause it stinks so bad in the room.


Lucky for me my 5yo DS already fusses with his hygiene ...I don't expect him to change.


The 3yo might be a challenge.


However by far and away my DD has the stinkiest feet around here because she doesn't wear socks.


I guess I should be super grateful that I have a chronic sinus problem and have zero sense of smell lol

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Ok I'm not getting why it has to be like this. I mean don't the boys wear deodorant? I have two teen boys and except maybe when they are just done with a sport they don't stink. My husband and I are very sensitive and we send them to the shower immediatly when getting home. They wear deodorant and we wash their running/sports clothes often. But at homeschool co op day? Yikes! There are a couple boys who I guess just don't wear deodorant and they are so stinky it's hard to be in the same room with them. My boys have noticed(on their own) and complain about it too. I have pointed out to them that is why I make the shower and wear deodorant :). They get it.


I am wondering about the other moms though. I mean they are in the same car on the way to/from. Don't they smell it? It is really really strong and so gross :(. I could kinda understand if someone was just working with a newly changing boy who wasn't in the habit or whatever. But one in particular is the worst offender and its been a few years! I just don't get it.


I don't think there is any reason other than poor hygiene that teen boys must stink, right? This is obviously really bothering me because I have had the boys over too and it's just awful. Again I have two teen boys (and a girl) and they do not stink.


I have three younger brothers and when they were interested in girls, they took over their own grooming and would sometimes shower multiple times a day. Maybe it helped that they were good friends and brutally honest with each other and would say things like, "you need to go take a shower right now." LOL I do know my mom had to do a lot more laundry during those years because nothing could be worn more that once.


This is my boys. They are 16, 15, and 12 and share a room. They are athletes. Shoes are NOT in their rooms. Dirty laundry is in the laundry basket. Period. The older two tell my `12 yo if he stinks and he showers! The smell isn't bad!


However, one of my kids has a friend who STINKS!! He comes over and you KNOW he's here. It's horrible. We've all asked that he not be here. It's really that bad. I refuse to let my boys stink!

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Not all boys are created the same. My oldest never had the stinky boy smell. The second one, he barely sweats and stinks, his room smells, even with weekly to twice weekly sheet washing, daily showering, sometimes twice daily, and twice daily deodorant. He's just a stinky boy. I am hoping my next 2 follow our oldest instead.

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Well I appreciate knowing that it might be hormonal and not in anyone's control. I will try to be less judgmental. :)


And no this is not a hyper sensative nose or the how different people smell different or the smell of lunch still surrounding them. I get that sometimes too. But this is the very sharp repugnant BO smell. You can't even be in the same room. This isn't stinky feet/shoes either.

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We just had a stinky boy issue because........


He wasn't actually washing any stinky parts...


He was just sort of running soap and water around without scrubbing it into the area it needed to go. I think. I'm not really sure he was using soap or water. He may have just been standing in the tub counting the drops from the shower. Who knows, but really truly washing wasn't happening despite sending him in there every day and after you know, teaching him how to shower for what, nearly everyday of his entire life!!!


So daddy threatened to bath him every single day. If dad smells any stink,he said he will scrub that stink off! Stinky boy has been trying much much harder in the shower and hasn t been stinky other than after sports practice. (Which even with deodorant people stink after active sweating!).


I never realized the child would forgot how to take a bath! But bathing correctly has helped tremendously.

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My son smells like a wet puppy. He smells fantastic while he is still wet from showering, but once he dries the wet puppy smell comes back. He wears deodorant, axe, I wash his clothes daily, and it isn't BO. It is just a wet puppy smell that never really goes away.



His feet are deadly. His shoes live in a corner of the living room away from everyone else!

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It will get a little better when they start being interested in girls. :laugh:


Yes. Calvin's room is still a tip, but he's personally very clean and sweet-smelling. I haven't noticed a boy pong when Calvin's friends come over to play, so maybe they've reached the personal hygiene interest threshold.



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We just had a stinky boy issue because........


He wasn't actually washing any stinky parts...


He was just sort of running soap and water around without scrubbing it into the area it needed to go. I think. I'm not really sure he was using soap or water. He may have just been standing in the tub counting the drops from the shower. Who knows, but really truly washing wasn't happening despite sending him in there every day and after you know, teaching him how to shower for what, nearly everyday of his entire life!!!



Exactly the same happened here. Including having to be taught again that shampoo needs to be massaged in, not just laid on top of the hair like a beret. Things improved a lot after this.



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I don't have boys of my own (I do have nephews living nearby and even the youngest (6) can get smelly on a hot or active day), but I can say that girls can go through similar problems. My eldest has not yet started the monthly fun, but it's approaching, and several other changes are occurring. And she, too, needed a review on how to properly wash her hair (and how much conditioner is too much) to avoid it looking greasy. She is cutting her hair short this weekend to donate it to Locks of Love, so perhaps hair-washing will become easier for her as she loses the weight. We recently went over shaving (something my Mom did not cover with me and I had to figure out on my own). I asked DH how he learned about it when he was growing up, and his input was helpful, despite the differences (faces for boys vs. legs/pits/etc. for girls) -- he recommended giving her an electric razor, since it's harder to cut oneself with them. The joys of growing up!

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Supertechmum and Laura have me in stitches (esp the shampoo beret). DS12 is just starting to stink. He seems to have trouble finding the soap (I collect shower water for the garden- his is crystal clear). He's also 5'8 and braindead. Time to sic the Big Bad Dad onto him. It's that or the fire hose, the way we used to in the army.


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Including having to be taught again that shampoo needs to be massaged in, not just laid on top of the hair like a beret. Things improved a lot after this.




We had this exact thing happening with the shampoo! They were just kind of swiping it across with their palms. As far as stinky parts - my husband was always reminding for a while "Hair. Pits. Privates." Anything beyond that was sometimes a bonus.
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This is making me laugh. I too have one stinky boy. EVERY DAY I tell him "brush teeth, deoderant, wash face!!!" EVERY DAY! If he doesn't, I know immediately that he only said he did all that I asked. It's a hard road to tell him that just because a shirt looks clean does not make it clean. His brain is also mushy and I'm re-thinking next year's curriculum because of it. I figure that when the girl issue starts happening, he may get better, but I totally forgot about cologne. Big Sigh...



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We had this exact thing happening with the shampoo! They were just kind of swiping it across with their palms. As far as stinky parts - my husband was always reminding for a while "Hair. Pits. Privates." Anything beyond that was sometimes a bonus.


Girls, too, on the shampoo. My Dad (14-year Marine) would add "Feet" to hair, pits, & privates. Lots of unpleasant itchiness can be forstalled by using soap on the feet, especially between the toes.

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