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Ridiculous warnings. What have you seen lately?


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On the back of a Mac & cheese box there are Monster University cards to cut. One has Sulley and one is blank for kids to make up.


Below the cards-


Keep Kids Safe! Blunt tip scissors should be used. Children should be seated and supervised when using scissors.


Do we really need to be warned? Can someone really sue Kraft if their kid gets hurt if running through the park while cutting out these cards?


What warnings have you come across lately?

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THe classic for me is "remove baby from stroller before folding"..... REALLY :confused1: :banghead:

I mean I assume they put it there because some one tried it??? or is that a CYA thing??? I HOPE it is a CYA thing and not because someone complained when they tried it.... :blink:

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I haven't come across any lately. I pretty much assume that every warning has been necessitated by someone who tried the insanely stupid activity that the warning addresses. My faith in humanity always takes a little hit when I read some of these. :blink: :001_huh:



I can only imagine the curling iron incident. hopefully it was not plugged in.

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Our 1992 Honda Civic had a warning that in the case of an accident, someone should remain conscious to make sure the airbag did not suffocate the driver.



Along these lines, a friend of mine found this in his Mini Cooper manual: "Your MINI's halogen lights are integrated into the bonnet (hood). Subsequently, raising the bonnet raises the headlamps. A handy feature for attracting Luna moths, playing Romeo & Juliet, illuminating nighttime tailgate parties and locating sexy neighbor's treed kitty. In the event of being hopelessly stranded in the middle of nowhere, or just hopelessly bored at home, rake the night sky with your headlights using a Hollywood premiere sweeping motion and let the party (search or otherwise) find you."

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I like the little packets of stuff that comes with shoes that says Do Not Eat. Who thinks that would taste good?


Totally agree. As if someone makes a purchase, notices the packet, and thinks, "Hey! Cool! My shoes came with a little snack!" Nom nom.

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My dd! Lol. According to poison control, the stuff is an aspiration risk (not poison).


Dd also ate gel air fresheners.


:lol: I was going to say almost the same thing. Apparently my dd thinks she should taste those along with glow sticks, deodorant, and tie dye powder. She has refined taste.

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When I was in NYC, there were signs on the street that said "Do Not Stand". They made me do a double take because I have never seen those before in my life.


I don't see these anymore, but in a no parking zone along the curb it would read, "NO STOPPING OR STANDING." It just meant don't park there even for a second while you run in to whatever business.

Do they even use those anymore? I guess in NYC.

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Doesn't the poking-out part point the opposite way..?




I honestly can't for the life of me figure out how I could possibly poke my self in the eye. The poking out part can be adjusted either toward my eye or against it. However the viewfinder has a rubber piece that is out past the viewfinder. I actually tried to poke my eye just so I could see how it could happen and still could not manage to do it by adjusting the viewfinder. So as I said I am not sure why that warning is there.

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I honestly can't for the life of me figure out how I could possibly poke my self in the eye. The poking out part can be adjusted either toward my eye or against it. However the viewfinder has a rubber piece that is out past the viewfinder. I actually tried to poke my eye just so I could see how it could happen and still could not manage to do it by adjusting the viewfinder. So as I said I am not sure why that warning is there.


Probably because someone with a twisted sense of humor knew people would try it, and found the whole idea very amusing (I know I did...). :leaving:

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My new blow dryer advises me not to use it while taking a shower. Yeah, thanks for the heads up on that. I can only hope Chinese factory workers cannot read English- because they'd think Americans are dumber than dirt. Wait. Maybe some of us are.



I don't know ...I think the Chinese may have their own issues ...such as a can of beer that said: Warning: contains alcohol.



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Had a frozen dinner the other night--it warned that it would be hot when taken out of the microwave. Well, duh...



I think this one is especially for me....I always burn myself pulling open the plastic despite reading the warning beforehand lol

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I don't think I'll ever forget the warning I once saw on a curling iron: "For external use only."




I saw that on a ower saw thing once. It was a small handheld thing and I was like WTH??? The sad thing is you know they put those there because at one point someone used it that way. I mean how stupid could you be? Why in Gods name would you use it to stick inside you??

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I don't think I'll ever forget the warning I once saw on a curling iron: "For external use only."


First thought: well, pin-curling those internal hairs is a pain in the ...


More lucid thought: I hope there are pictures because I don't think anyone who is unsure of that can read the instructions.


My husband reminded me that in our refrigerator manual, in the troubleshooting section it has "Water not cold enough" -> "Add ice" Makes you wonder how many calls LG customer service had before they decided to add that little bit of wisdom.

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DH and I were laughing at the warnings on the side of the can of spray paint, like DO NOT SPRAY IN THE EYES AND MOUTH. And then I sprayed myself in the face.


After he stopped rolling on the front lawn in hysterics, he took the can away from me and suggested I find another project.

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I always like the prescription warnings that say "side effects include death" and then say consult your doctor if side effects occur.

That goes with the numerous class-action suits advertised during daytime television: "if you or a family member have experienced yadda, yadda, death, you may have a claim". Do dead people watch daytime television?

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I saw that on a ower saw thing once. It was a small handheld thing and I was like WTH??? The sad thing is you know they put those there because at one point someone used it that way. I mean how stupid could you be? Why in Gods name would you use it to stick inside you??


Let's just say that when my niece opened her new curling iron she got for her bday, my sister and I could not stop laughing. The shape...um....resembled something else. :lol:

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