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Your Favorite Exercise/Activity...



104 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite activity/exercise

    • Walking
    • Hiking
    • Running
    • Swimming
    • Biking
    • Soccer
    • Yoga
    • Weightlifting
    • Basketball
    • Softball/Baseball
    • Volleyball
    • Tennis
    • Golf
    • Skiing
    • Skating
    • Martial Arts
    • Pilates
    • Dancing
    • Rowing
    • Other

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Another thread made me curious about this, so I'm trying to make a poll. What type of exercise/activity do you love to do? Not what you do because you think you should or your supposed to do- but what makes your heart happy. What gives you a deep satisfaction, even if that activity might be challenging at points.


I'm sure I forgot something but hopefully I covered most major options. I want to hear about what you love and why!

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I checked biking, yoga, weightlifting, volleyball, and skiing and my "other" vote is racquetball.


I enjoy them all, but don't get to do them as much as I used to before we had kids. Although now that the kids are getting older, we've been able to do these activities with the kids more. DH has gone mountain biking with DS a few times now and I look forward to doing that more with DS this spring/summer. I'm considering taking DD to a local yoga class with me (this instructor is very relaxed about letting little kids come and do what they can, which is great). DH and I used to lift weights and play racquetball together several times a week, and I'd like to get back into that if we can work it out schedule-wise.

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Walking with friends or dh.

Going to Curves-- yes, I really do love this. The camaraderie with the other women is wonderful. I've made real friends there. Friends I go out to lunch with, friends I serve in a local soup kitchen with.

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I didn't realize until after I voted that I could select more than one. I went with my first choice which is basketball. Had I read the instructions I would have added weight-lifting and tennis.


I guess I'm the exact opposite of the previous poster. I was an athlete in school and like things that are competitive and involve other people because it pushes me to work harder. After not playing for 10 or more years I started playing basketball again a few years ago. Dh and I play early in the morning a few days a week with a group of other middle aged guys. Recently one other woman joined our group. It is the exercise I have enjoyed the most and been most consistent with and I've tried a bunch of stuff as an adult.


Because I was already playing multiple times a week my doctor has allowed and even strongly encouraged me to continue throughout my pregnancy this time. I am currently 35 weeks and played last Thursday. This is my second pregnancy. When I was 35 weeks with dd who is almost 8 I believe I had already gained about 55 lbs. This time, less than 20 lbs so far. Needless to say I'm pleased with my exercise program. My doctor insists that as long as I'm cautious I should continue to exercise as long as I'm up to it but since at might last visit I was 2cm dilated and I really don't want to go in to labor before my shower on the 24th I think I will stick to less strenuous exercise for the next two weeks.

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I could ski every day and never be tired of it. I love being outside in the beautiful mountains. I love how exhausted I am at the end of a day of skiing.I love the speed, the challenge -- all of it!


Hiking would be second. Again, I love being outside somewhere beautiful for the day.


Of course, I can't do either of those very regularly, so mostly I go for a lot of walks, ride my exercise bike, and do pilates in my living room. :)

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I voted running, because I do love it. But I also love yoga, kettlebell, and hiking. I was fantasizing about hiking just last week. I enjoy it so much, but we never have time for it.


I love running; being outside, spending time alone, and quiet. I love how I feel when I'm done. I love yoga; the focus on the breath and drishti (focal point), how calm I feel when I'm done. And I love kettlebell. I feel strong, powerful, while I'm working out. I just love swinging that bell. All 3 are great. It's hard to choose.

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Running is my favorite exercise because it gets me outside (often regardless of weather) and offers me the opportunity to challenge myself mentally as well as physically. I often focus so much on my breathing and rhythm that I get as centered as if I'd done an hour of yoga. I run by myself or with my two boys. I'm not a group activity kind of person, although I will do a race every now and then. Sometimes I think I'd be just as happy if I just picked my own "course" and ran it myself with a time goal instead of going to a race. I'm very much an introvert when it comes to my favorite way to exercise.

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I voted hiking, it is my absolute favorite. It makes my heart sing. We do it as a family (although nothing super challenging with our young kids). Dh and I have had hiking dates, it is nice to have something we both enjoy so much. We enjoy biking as well, although again nothing too strenuous. I wish I liked swimming or was at least decent at it but I'm not. I enjoy yoga and strength exercises also but they don't compare to hiking and biking.

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I said tennis and rowing, neither of which I do ever right now. But in an ideal world, that's how I'd exercise. I love all paddle sports and any exercise that involved being on the water (I picked rowing thinking, "in a real boat" not at the gym, though I'd take the gym in a pinch).


Right now I mostly run which I find tolerable to mildly enjoyable.

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I like walking errands. As in todays plan we are walking to piano, the grocery store, then the library. It would drive me batty to have to drive a car more than a couple times a month at most.


The activity we always like doing as a family is swimming. It's so easy and fun for everyone. I purposely moved near a public swimming pool.


Dh and I take Dance lessons once a week. I like the challenge of it. I am in no ways a natural (Dh says I have trouble counting to 3 in a steady beat and often compares me to a wet noodle, drunken sailor or a brick.)


I see someone else above mentioned teA. That one can sometimes be really fun and a great stress reliever.

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I see I missed a few options as I could only add so many. I've always wanted to try rock climbing but there isn't any place local and I have no clue how to get started on my own. As it is my upper body is pitifully weak right now. I like the idea of dancing but it doesn't appeal to me too much to start. I like the idea of swimming as well but even with lessons I never really got a good stroke down. I've went roller skating a few times in the last year and it was a lot of fun, although I'm not very good at it at all! I'd like to do that more.

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