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It probably came in through the vent in your pipes. It is not a closed system, all toilets are vented to the outside of the house. You should climb up on your roof and check the vent and repair it so nothing else falls in or climbs in.


Thanks! This is what I was really wanting to know.:)


Sorry that some of you are feeling so bad for the "Poor little squirrel." Honestly though, I don't really get that. I mean if I go into the wild and accidentally enter a wild animals nest, or they feel their offspring are threatened, that wild animal may attack or kill me, right? Well, when a wild animal comes into my home, I feel the same way and will do whatever necessary to protect myself and my family. I'm not going to risk trying to save a part mouse, part squirrel, part bat, wild animal and end up getting bit, or it getting away and attacking my children and doing tremendous damage to my home.;) So basically he went out the same way he came in.

Edited by 1GirlTwinBoys
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Sorry that some of you are feeling so bad for the "Poor little squirrel." Honestly though, I don't really get that. I mean if I go into the wild and accidentally enter a wild animals nest or they feel their offspring are threatened, that wild animal may attack or kill me, right? Well, when a wild animal comes into my home, I feel the same way and will do whatever necessary to protect myself and my family. I'm not going to risk trying to save a part mouse, part squirrel, part bat, wild animal and end up getting bit, or it getting away and attacking my children and doing tremendous damage to my home.;) So basically he went out the same way he came in.


Well, I think you gotta do what you gotta do, but ....

*I* wouldn't have flushed it.... I mean, what if the toilet had CLOGGED?! Would you then have had to PLUNGE it!? :eek:

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Thanks! This is what I was really wanting to know.:)


Sorry that some of you are feeling so bad for the "Poor little squirrel." Honestly though, I don't really get that. I mean if I go into the wild and accidentally enter a wild animals nest, or they feel their offspring are threatened, that wild animal may attack or kill me, right? Well, when a wild animal comes into my home, I feel the same way and will do whatever necessary to protect myself and my family. I'm not going to risk trying to save a part mouse, part squirrel, part bat, wild animal and end up getting bit, or it getting away and attacking my children and doing tremendous damage to my home.;) So basically he went out the same way he came in.




When I was young, I found a wet rat sitting on my the toilet lid right before I sat down in the middle of the night. I screamed and woke up my Dad, who took care of it. That thing did not make it out of the house alive, and that is perfectly fine with me!


I never, ever use the rest room now in the dark at night. And the lids always stay closed. :D

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Okay, this is hilarious. :lol: And fwiw, I am totally with you. Compassion would pretty much be the last thing on my mind if I found a flying rodent in my toilet in the middle of the night. <shudder>


A flying squirrel is not like a bat; it wouldn't be able to fly out of the toilet. They can only glide from tree branch to tree branch.


If the OP should find themselves in this situation again, I recommend putting on heavy gloves, throwing a towel over the animal, and quickly transferring it to a bin or box. Yes, it's hard, but it only takes a few seconds. If you can't handle that, put on gloves, lower a small container into the toilet, let the squirrel climb in, and quickly cover the container with a lid or piece of cardboard. Take the squirrel outside and let it go.


Squirrels feel fear and pain just like we do. :sad: I'm surprised people think this is funny.

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A flying squirrel is not like a bat; it wouldn't be able to fly out of the toilet. They can only glide from tree branch to tree branch.


If the OP should find themselves in this situation again, I recommend putting on heavy gloves, throwing a towel over the animal, and quickly transferring it to a bin or box. Yes, it's hard, but it only takes a few seconds. If you can't handle that, put on gloves, lower a small container into the toilet, let the squirrel climb in, and quickly cover the container with a lid or piece of cardboard. Take the squirrel outside and let it go.


Squirrels feel fear and pain just like we do. :sad: I'm surprised people think this is funny.





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A flying squirrel is not like a bat; it wouldn't be able to fly out of the toilet. They can only glide from tree branch to tree branch.


If the OP should find themselves in this situation again, I recommend putting on heavy gloves, throwing a towel over the animal, and quickly transferring it to a bin or box. Yes, it's hard, but it only takes a few seconds. If you can't handle that, put on gloves, lower a small container into the toilet, let the squirrel climb in, and quickly cover the container with a lid or piece of cardboard. Take the squirrel outside and let it go.


Squirrels feel fear and pain just like we do. :sad: I'm surprised people think this is funny.


Meh. I don't care what kind of rodent it is, frankly. It's fear and pain don't trump the fear, potential for pain and potential for property damage of the humans in my house. Different strokes.

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Thanks! This is what I was really wanting to know.:)


Sorry that some of you are feeling so bad for the "Poor little squirrel." Honestly though, I don't really get that. I mean if I go into the wild and accidentally enter a wild animals nest, or they feel their offspring are threatened, that wild animal may attack or kill me, right? Well, when a wild animal comes into my home, I feel the same way and will do whatever necessary to protect myself and my family. I'm not going to risk trying to save a part mouse, part squirrel, part bat, wild animal and end up getting bit, or it getting away and attacking my children and doing tremendous damage to my home.;) So basically he went out the same way he came in.


You are welcome.


Technically, it didn't go out the way it come in, though. It would have fallen in from the air vent on your roof, and now it's in the septic system.

I don't get how a squirrel poses a threat to your family or threatens to do tremendous damage to your home. A squirrel? I guess I'm missing important information about squirrels being so dangerous and threatening. I don't know what I would have done, and I'm not saying you did a horrible thing, but defending your decision to kill a squirrel to people who have compassion for all creatures on the basis of it being a threat and danger to your family...well, I don't know how else to say it, it's ridiculous.

Some people just have compassion and love for animals, so it would be nice of you if you were sensitive to that, you know, now that you're family is safe from this ravaging, wild creature. Just a suggestion, as it is obvious that some people fell bad about it. You don't have to "get it" why some people feel that way, you just should accept it and be sensitive. Some will think it's really sick that you are joking around about killing an animal like it is funny. Yeh, you did what you felt you ought to have done, but don't joke about it.

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A funny story:

About 4 yrs ago we stopped and rescued an injured opossum from the middle of the road. My dh had appropriate safety traffic gear btw, he works for traffic engineering, anyway... He threw a raincoat over it and was able to scoop it up and kept it away from his body. We were able to hold onto it until parks and rec arrived. The opossum survived and so did we. Unfortunately, the rain coat that dh had grabbed from the back of our car was not ours. It was my friend's. She had left it there a week before. She was very unhappy that her coat had been used. I told her it saved a life :D and then offered to buy her a new one. She was not amused and grumpy for about a week. I bring it up every now and then...she still is not ready to laugh about it though.



I cannot imagine stopping in traffic to save an opossum. I think they are cute and all...but well, they are ALL OVER our roads here and if we tried to save all we saw we would create mass traffic jams. :confused:


Are they rare where you live?

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I cannot imagine stopping in traffic to save an opossum. I think they are cute and all...but well, they are ALL OVER our roads here and if we tried to save all we saw we would create mass traffic jams. :confused:


Are they rare where you live?

my dd (chicken-loving girl) cheers when she sees a dead possom. We've had too many raid our henhouse.


(I don't think they ar ecute. )

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I would have tried to save him. It's not like he showed up in the toilet on purpose. The poor thing was probably so scared. :(


I wish I wouldn't have read this thread. :crying:




Will there now be a Pro Flying Squirrel bandwagon similar to cupcakes?


Just watch the siggies......Pro Cupcake AND Pro Flying Squirrels!!! ;)

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Now let me see. If I go to a swamp and accidently fall into an alligator's territory and I'm desperately and fearfully treading water and saying my final prayers, and here comes a gator, do I have any right to expect the gator to feel sorry for me, go find a safe container, and deposit me safely on dry ground?


Every critter dies, just like every human does. A rodent who doesn't get flushed into the septic tank is going to be eaten by some other critter or run over by a car or killed by its own fellow rodent sooner or later. If a rodent has a soul, being flushed will not interfere with its afterlife opportunites.


And please remember that squirrels carry rabies. It IS dangerous to have any kind of rodent loose in your house.

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Technically, it didn't go out the way it come in, though. It would have fallen in from the air vent on your roof, and now it's in the septic system.

I don't get how a squirrel poses a threat to your family or threatens to do tremendous damage to your home. A squirrel? I guess I'm missing important information about squirrels being so dangerous and threatening. I don't know what I would have done, and I'm not saying you did a horrible thing, but defending your decision to kill a squirrel to people who have compassion for all creatures on the basis of it being a threat and danger to your family...well, I don't know how else to say it, it's ridiculous.

Some people just have compassion and love for animals, so it would be nice of you if you were sensitive to that, you know, now that you're family is safe from this ravaging, wild creature. Just a suggestion, as it is obvious that some people fell bad about it. You don't have to "get it" why some people feel that way, you just should accept it and be sensitive. Some will think it's really sick that you are joking around about killing an animal like it is funny. Yeh, you did what you felt you ought to have done, but don't joke about it.



First of all, WHERE did I joke about killing this squirrel??? I've made no jokes at all. I simply wanted to know how it got in the toilet.


Second, a squirrel can do a lot of damage to your home. They have sharp teeth. One got in my mom's basement and was chewing the wood etc... It was a total mess. Animals like that don't like to feel trapped and cornered and will do major damage. Just an FYI.


And please remember that squirrels carry rabies. It IS dangerous to have any kind of rodent loose in your house.


:iagree: Thank you!!!

Edited by 1GirlTwinBoys
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A flying squirrel is not like a bat; it wouldn't be able to fly out of the toilet. They can only glide from tree branch to tree branch.


If the OP should find themselves in this situation again, I recommend putting on heavy gloves, throwing a towel over the animal, and quickly transferring it to a bin or box. Yes, it's hard, but it only takes a few seconds. If you can't handle that, put on gloves, lower a small container into the toilet, let the squirrel climb in, and quickly cover the container with a lid or piece of cardboard. Take the squirrel outside and let it go.


Squirrels feel fear and pain just like we do. :sad: I'm surprised people think this is funny.



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Snakes creep me out. Roaches make me completely apoplectic. They do not exist in my universe. I love me some God, but ROACHES?!?! Seriously God?! What were you thinking?!?!?! Ain't nobody got time for that.






Will there now be a Pro Flying Squirrel bandwagon similar to cupcakes?


Nah, squirells don't taste as good.



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Now let me see. If I go to a swamp and accidently fall into an alligator's territory and I'm desperately and fearfully treading water and saying my final prayers, and here comes a gator, do I have any right to expect the gator to feel sorry for me, go find a safe container, and deposit me safely on dry ground?


Every critter dies, just like every human does. A rodent who doesn't get flushed into the septic tank is going to be eaten by some other critter or run over by a car or killed by its own fellow rodent sooner or later. If a rodent has a soul, being flushed will not interfere with its afterlife opportunites.


And please remember that squirrels carry rabies. It IS dangerous to have any kind of rodent loose in your house.


:confused: If you accidentally fall into a swamp and an alligator eats you, I'm pretty sure people would feel sorry for you, just like people are expressing their sadness about the situation here. And I'd hope that a human would have more compassion and reasoning ability than an alligator.


Everything dies so therefore it's okay to kill whatever complicates your life? :001_huh:


There was not a rodent loose in her house. There was a scared rodent in her toilet. She could have put the lid down and/or shut the bathroom door while trying to figure out a humane way to deal with the situation.

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:confused: If you accidentally fall into a swamp and an alligator eats you, I'm pretty sure people would feel sorry for you, just like people are expressing their sadness about the situation here. And I'd hope that a human would have more compassion and reasoning ability than an alligator.


Everything dies so therefore it's okay to kill whatever complicates your life? :001_huh:


There was not a rodent loose in her house. There was a scared rodent in her toilet. She could have put the lid down and/or shut the bathroom door while trying to figure out a humane way to deal with the situation.


OK look, what's done is done. Have some compassion for a woman who couldn't go back and change things if she wanted to. She was in a situation that was not conducive to deliberate, wise, ultra-compassionate thinking.


As for feeling sad for the dead critter, actually I do not feel badly for dead people or critters or plants. They are no longer suffering. The woman did not put this critter into her toilet. It put itself in that position and had she not heard the splashing, she might have found a dead squirrel in the morning. And nobody would be here brow-beating her about it.


And how is she supposed to have known what the CDC said about the percentage of flying squirrels that have rabies, how it got into her toilet, etc., when she woke in the middle of the night to find that?


Furthermore, I'll bet the vast majority of the sad smilies were placed there by people who have killed at least one arthropod in their adult life, and probably eaten parts from more than one vertebrate.

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OP - you might want to take a look at your roof/attic to see if there are any who are moving in. Having the squirrel come down the vent may be a freak thing, but it might not be and may be indicative of a bigger problem. Usually there will be a family who move in together.


Regardless of how you feel about how OP dealt with the situation, squirrels can do a tremendous amount of damage to property. I know this first hand. They can also chew wires, causing electrical shorts and fires. And if you are bitten you will still need rabies shots even if the chance of rabies in the animal is low.

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OP - you might want to take a look at your roof/attic to see if there are any who are moving in. Having the squirrel come down the vent may be a freak thing, but it might not be and may be indicative of a bigger problem. Usually there will be a family who move in together.


Regardless of how you feel about how OP dealt with the situation, squirrels can do a tremendous amount of damage to property. I know this first hand. They can also chew wires, causing electrical shorts and fires. And if you are bitten you will still need rabies shots even if the chance of rabies in the animal is low.


Yep. Rats too. We moved into a house that had been empty for a couple of years and 2 GIANT rats ....I'm talking 8-10 inches NOT counting the tail...were in our attic. CREEPY. They sounded like racoons in our attic. Poor dog was going nuts! We tried trational traps....(didn't know how big they were) but they just sprung them and pulled out. Tried sticky traps....just walked out of them. So we got a live trap and caught them both in about 2 weeks time. Dh drove the rats several miles down the road and let them out in a big field. We still have a live trap set up there and check it once in a while...and dh plugged all the vent holes which is where they got in.

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Now you all have me paranoid! If it is the middle of the night, I don't turn the light on. We have a small night light in our bathroom that does NOT light it up completely and I just don't bother turning on the light.


I am thinking of changing that posthaste!



And, I'm going to be checking toilets very carefully after reading this thread:blink:!!

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This was last year, people talked about it for weeks in our community. This year a woman applied for a license in town to open an exotic pet store. Oh the uproar!


Nice of them to remind folks that if you have a pet python, it isn't allowed to get loose and scare the neighbors. :lol:

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LOL! That is just so...cool (in a scary sort of way). You win for the best eye-opening start to your morning :) My boys would have been thrilled. BTW, I once tried to help a little squirrel who had been caught by a cat. I put it in a dog crate and gave it some water. When I went to add more water it bit me right through my heavy leather glove. Dh was not happy with me trying to rescue that poor squirrel. But the infectious disease folks assured me that squirrels in the US have not been known to be a rabies risk although they are capable of carrying the disease. I've decided not to rescue any more squirrels :(


Hope you don't have a repeat performance ;)

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First of all, WHERE did I joke about killing this squirrel??? I've made no jokes at all. I simply wanted to know how it got in the toilet.


Second, a squirrel can do a lot of damage to your home. They have sharp teeth. One got in my mom's basement and was chewing the wood etc... It was a total mess. Animals like that don't like to feel trapped and cornered and will do major damage. Just an FYI.




:iagree: Thank you!!!


OP!!!!!! I totally would have flushed too!!!! That would have been my gut reaction - just to get rid of that thing!!! I love squirrels - OUTSIDE!!! Once outside animals are in my house, they are fair game. Sorry!!!


And, we had a neighbor who had a squirrel in her house. That thing caused ALL sorts of damage. It was VERY scared and ran all over the place. It peed and pooped ALL over. And, but through wires, her couch, wood, etc. It was horrible!!!!



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I probably would have tried to save the little thing but I volunteered at a zoo for years and I've been bit by rabbits and prairie dogs. I'm not sure without that experience how I would have reacted to something swimming in the toilet in the middle of the night. Although I don't think I would have flushed because our toilet is moody and I would worry about it clogging.

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I live way, way out in the boonies. One time I opened my front-loading washer, only to have a SNAKE fall out. I totally fed that thing to my cats. I love animals, but there is just a line you do not cross, and that line is my threshold. If you, as an animal, cross my threshold, you run the danger of being fed to either the cats or chickens.


I would have moved if I found a squirrel in my toilet.


:iagree:This. Exactly. The kids are to be respectful of animals when they stay OUTDOORS. . .but as soon as they come in my house. . .they get treated like anyone else caught breaking and entering.:D

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Now let me see. If I go to a swamp and accidently fall into an alligator's territory and I'm desperately and fearfully treading water and saying my final prayers, and here comes a gator, do I have any right to expect the gator to feel sorry for me, go find a safe container, and deposit me safely on dry ground?


Every critter dies, just like every human does. A rodent who doesn't get flushed into the septic tank is going to be eaten by some other critter or run over by a car or killed by its own fellow rodent sooner or later. If a rodent has a soul, being flushed will not interfere with its afterlife opportunites.


And please remember that squirrels carry rabies. It IS dangerous to have any kind of rodent loose in your house.


Lol! Now you are comparing yourself to squirrel! Lol! Awesome.

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First of all, WHERE did I joke about killing this squirrel??? I've made no jokes at all. I simply wanted to know how it got in the toilet.


Second, a squirrel can do a lot of damage to your home. They have sharp teeth. One got in my mom's basement and was chewing the wood etc... It was a total mess. Animals like that don't like to feel trapped and cornered and will do major damage. Just an FYI.




:iagree: Thank you!!!


I apologize if you thought my message was just for you. Some people have responded in such a way that makes them appear that they think its funny. I wasn't trying to single you out. I also assumed you wouldn't let the squirrel take up residence in your house! I have had squirrels in my house...in the walls (poor thing was trapped for a few hours), and in our attic and somehow under the bathroom sink. I know you don't want a squirrel LIVING in your house...my assumption was that you wouldn't just release it into your living room and let it be! So that's the reason for my comment about it viciously destroying your house.

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OK look, what's done is done. Have some compassion for a woman who couldn't go back and change things if she wanted to. She was in a situation that was not conducive to deliberate, wise, ultra-compassionate thinking.


As for feeling sad for the dead critter, actually I do not feel badly for dead people or critters or plants. They are no longer suffering. The woman did not put this critter into her toilet. It put itself in that position and had she not heard the splashing, she might have found a dead squirrel in the morning. And nobody would be here brow-beating her about it.


And how is she supposed to have known what the CDC said about the percentage of flying squirrels that have rabies, how it got into her toilet, etc., when she woke in the middle of the night to find that?


Furthermore, I'll bet the vast majority of the sad smilies were placed there by people who have killed at least one arthropod in their adult life, and probably eaten parts from more than one vertebrate.




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Well, I would love to have a random flying squirrel come out of my toilet. It would be fun, educational and a great story. We raised to baby orphaned squirrels last year, and all their offspring know we're cool, but they ran up my pants leg, not out of the toilet. Right now, all I have sneaking in our house are stink bugs.


Also, rabies is EXTREMELY rare in a squirrel or other small rodent. Rabies is extremely rare altogether. People get shots just in case, but I think bats are the ones that are most likely to carry it. I did quite an extensive bit of research on this a few years ago. :tongue_smilie:

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I would react the same way that the OP did and get that scary (and scared) thing out of my house. I can understand that some of you are "animal people" and would do the humane thing, which I think is great. I, however, am afraid of just about all animal life (including the domesticated pet types). There is NO WAY I'd attempt to touch it!! Fear is irrational and I'm not sure that I could overcome my fears to save this creature that has me scared to death (and in the middle of the night, no less). It really has nothing to do with if it was dangerous or not.

Edited by LazyDazy
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But flushing - that's tough love. And sometimes tough love is what a flying squirrel needs. Fwoooshhhh.....


Now let me see. If I go to a swamp and accidently fall into an alligator's territory and I'm desperately and fearfully treading water and saying my final prayers, and here comes a gator, do I have any right to expect the gator to feel sorry for me, go find a safe container, and deposit me safely on dry ground?


:lol::lol::lol: You are totally cracking me up in this thread!!!


I shuddered when I read the OP - I would have done the same thing as the OP, and then joked about it afterwards just to relieve my tension from having been freaked out!! I love animals, but not enough to calmly and compassionately fish a rodent out of my toilet!!!!


OP, you've posted about one of my fears coming true! Ack! :D


We had one fall down our chimney into our woodstove....:tongue_smilie: our house smelled like burnt hair and meat for the entire day....yuck!!!!!


Oh, disgusting! :lol:


The good thing about this thread (since it's not allowed to be funny any more) is that the NEXT time any of us finds a flying squirrel in our toilet, we will know exactly what to do!


:lol::lol: I am literally ROTFL right now!

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