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what's your "crack?" (food)

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Food-wise, I'm promiscuous. My current obsession is Chipotle burrito bowls. I've got the app that lets me bypass the line and cash register. It's a problem. Also problematic is that we've decided to pronounce Chipotle 'chu-pottle-lee' just to irritate our Hispanic friends! I expect an intervention at any moment.


1) I need that app.


2) I adore Chipotle's. Steak burrito bowl with brown rice, black beans, mild salsa, a bit of sour cream and GUACAMOLE! I could just eat the vat of guac if they'd let me. In fact, a few weeks ago, I went in to get a bowl to go and THEY WERE OUT OF GUACAMOLE! I demanded to know when they'd have more and they said it would be a few minutes; someone was making it. I told them I'd wait. And I did. :D

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I will eat Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar potato chips until I make myself sick. Every time. It's a problem. Not as big as it use to be. I've learned some restraint in my old(er) age. But if someone brings one (or, help me, two) bags into the house (as my MIL likes to do), watch out!


Otherwise. Tea with cream and sugar. Homemade chocolate milkshakes. Roasted vegetables (any of them) - if I make these for dinner, it has happened more often than I care to admit that I keep picking at them and eating them until there aren't enough to serve. Especially potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, broccoli - oh, any of them. Yum. My DH thinks I have issues. :lol::lol:

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Oh my word, someone posted a recipe like that here once, I think. Now I have to start looking.


ETA: Maybe this will help? Scroll down for the recipe. I'm sure you could sub in coconut oil for the oil. The OP of the thread I found it in said that the toasting and skinning of the hazelnuts was very time- and labor-intensive, so you could start with hazelnut butter to save time.




thanks for the link! The website is down so I googled "homemade nutella" :tongue_smilie: Here's just one recipe, and lo and behold, it has coconut oil: http://www.reclaimingprovincial.com/2012/09/19/homemade-nutella/


I like the idea of making it homemade so that I can adjust the sugar. Nutella is actually a bit too sweet for me.


It's so ironic - the same week I found out that one of my kids is allergic to tree nuts, the others discovered Nutella and I also bought large containers of almonds at Costco (you know, low carb LOL). Poor ds is so deprived. I won't be able to make this recipe when he is home.

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thanks for the link! The website is down so I googled "homemade nutella" :tongue_smilie: Here's just one recipe, and lo and behold, it has coconut oil: http://www.reclaimingprovincial.com/2012/09/19/homemade-nutella/


I like the idea of making it homemade so that I can adjust the sugar. Nutella is actually a bit too sweet for me.


It's so ironic - the same week I found out that one of my kids is allergic to tree nuts, the others discovered Nutella and I also bought large containers of almonds at Costco (you know, low carb LOL). Poor ds is so deprived. I won't be able to make this recipe when he is home.


I saw a soybean "peanut butter" at walmart. I don't remember the name of it, though. Would that help?

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I saw a soybean "peanut butter" at walmart. I don't remember the name of it, though. Would that help?


Thanks. It's true that there's a chocolate soy butter, though not anywhere in the same league of tastiness as nutella. We already have all the usual peanut-free and tree nut-free butters, as he is allergic to peanuts too. He's so picky that he won't eat them anyway (which turns out to be a good thing, as we have a lot of sunbutter, made from sunflower seeds, which we also just found out he is allergic to :tongue_smilie:).


I'm just glad he's old enough to understand that he can't eat the stuff. We didn't have any of his allergens in our kitchen for several years.

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This is the best.thread.ever.


I have a lot of vices. And now I may have to add some new ones. Right now, I'm pregnant, which means that everything in food land is a little weird.


I do love (LOVE) Biscoff spread. Like the cookies, only smooth like peanut butter.

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Well, food is pretty much crack for me, but if I had to narrow it down...I really really love fresh french fries with Old Bay and vinegar. Lots and lots of Old Bay...yum. Also, chipotle-flavored Tabasco sauce. Food is really just a vehicle for either Old Bay or Tabasco, as far as I'm concerned. :D


Right now though, the crack of the day is candy corn. I swore I wouldn't eat any this year because I avoid sugar and artificial colors and flavors. Not to mention that I'm vegetarian, and most major brands of candy corn have gelatin. Well, guess who bought the local Cracker Barrel out of their gelatin-free candy corn yesterday. :glare: Yeah, I have a purse full of it. I'm hiding it from my kiddo. I think I may have a bit of a problem.

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I go on food jags but my current crack is my own version of "healthy chocolates" - melt almost equal parts TJ's chocolate chips, almond meal, coconut flakes, and coconut oil (heavy on the chips) -- pour into molds and refrigerate. They start melting the moment they touch your fingers but they are oh.so.good. They are not just crack, they are magic -- they calm my stomach down when it is upset and don't seem to mess with my blood sugar.


That, and oreos and milk.


Or anything salty. Or salty and sweet. :drool5:

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1) I need that app.


2) I adore Chipotle's. Steak burrito bowl with brown rice, black beans, mild salsa, a bit of sour cream and GUACAMOLE! I could just eat the vat of guac if they'd let me. In fact, a few weeks ago, I went in to get a bowl to go and THEY WERE OUT OF GUACAMOLE! I demanded to know when they'd have more and they said it would be a few minutes; someone was making it. I told them I'd wait. And I did. :D


I get the same order as you, but I add the fajita veggies and cheese. The app saves your regular order :D I, too, would wait for the guacamole! Yes, I KNOW it costs extra. Load me up!


I have a bit of a guacamole problem anyway. My heart sings when I buy the guacamole kit that Trader Joe's keeps in their produce section.


Oddly - caramel creams and twizzlers


I'm normally a chocolate girl - but not right now


I could eat Chipotle every.single.day. Good thing the nearest one is an hour and a half away!


My town has TWO Chipotles and both are less than two miles from me. It's a problem.

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Avocado and Chex Mix. But not at the same time. :) Have gotten quite creative with the avocado. And Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice cream... They were out at the store last week. I was sooo bummed. Regular chocolate ice cream just doesn't cut it.


I recently discovered Chipolte. Will have to try to burrito bowl. Sounds delicious.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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Mountain dew in a bottle room temp, never been made cold, never ever shook up. I will get all addict like without it too. I cannot drink it if it is opened and got shook ewww. I don't like it if it was cold even if it is warmed up I don't like it. It has to be just right or I get moody.


My kids are even mean over my soda to other people. At family get togethers someone always tries to put soda in the fridge and my kids even get all NO NO do not do that. If I get grouchy they will say something about who messes up moms soda?


I am not a nice person to be around without my soda either.

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My crack is chocolate chip cookies. Seriously, if it weren't for those babies I'd win the healthiest food consumption of all time award. I eat soooooo healthy but if there are freshly baked chocolate cookies on the counter (DS is a mean chef) down the gullet they go. I just can't shake the habit.


Today I had broccoli omelet, apples, romaine salad... and chocolate chip cookies. :(


At least I can say that's my only crack... I'm a very picky eater so most foods look gross to me.

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