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Who can explain Dr. Who to me?

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After all the excitement about the new season of Dr. Who around here I looked it up on Netflix and started the first season last night. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this is cracking me up! The special effects are downright ghastly. It's like watching a 1980s Star Trek episode. And what's up with the little glowing stick he waves around? And can Rose please get some decent clothes? :lol: And is this a romantic relationship between the Dr. and Rose? I can't decide to take it seriously or not. And yet I can't stop watching!! :D

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It does grow on you, but I will say try watching some of the David Tennent years. He was the 10th Doctor, and he is awesome. He and Rose made a great team.


I will say the first episode of this season, 7, is way too predictable IMO, but it was still fun to watch.


ETA: I agree, once you develop a crush on one of the Doctors you will be hooked. :) Dh just rolls his eyes lol.

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The horrible special effects are part of the fun! It wouldn't be Doctor Who if the effects were amazing.


The flashy wand is a "sonic screwdriver." It's pretty much a magic wand, but only for certain situations, and sometimes it breaks.


The Doctor is a Gallifreyan Time Lord, and doesn't quite understand human romance. This leads to some interesting situations, but his companions are not really love interests in the traditional sense.

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And can Rose please get some decent clothes? :lol: And is this a romantic relationship between the Dr. and Rose?


1. Rose's colorful and brief wardrobe reminds us, along with her not RP accent, that she grew up in a tough part of town. This makes her the most difficult Dr. Who character for fancy dress, hands down. (Even if Mater & Pater allowed you out of the house in that get-up, can you be SURE everyone will know it's a costume? And all those mascara bits floating down into your eyes . . . ouch.)


2. Yes, The Doctor loves Rose -- but much the way you love your faithful, funny, and oh-so-clever golden retriever. Rose loves The Doctor, too, and is sometimes a wee bit confused on the romantic score. BUT. He's 900 years old, has two hearts and is a Time Lord, not a human. So no hanky, no panky. Just cuddling on the couch, Milk Bones, and traveling through the space-time continuum to set wrongs right and defend the weak against the powerful and immoral.

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1. Rose's colorful and brief wardrobe reminds us, along with her not RP accent, that she grew up in a tough part of town. This makes her the most difficult Dr. Who character for fancy dress, hands down. (Even if Mater & Pater allowed you out of the house in that get-up, can you be SURE everyone will know it's a costume? And all those mascara bits floating down into your eyes . . . ouch.)



Very true. Rose comes from the wrong side of the tracks, metaphorically speaking.

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Just started episode 4! Dh thinks I'm nuts. It does grow on you. So does Rose stick around or is she gone when this doctor is gone? Is it worth it to go back and watch earlier seasons?


Goodness we can't tell you that!!!


Earlier seasons are sort of like the original Star Trek is to The Next Generation. Very low-budget. Stick with these for a while. Rose is a very good place to start.

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It does grow on you, but I will say try watching some of the David Tennent years. He was the 10th Doctor, and he is awesome. He and Rose made a great team.


I will say the first episode of this season, 7, is way too predictable IMO, but it was still fun to watch.


ETA: I agree, once you develop a crush on one of the Doctors you will be hooked. :) Dh just rolls his eyes lol.


Where do I find these? Are they online or should I try the library?

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While you're at it, you MUST see David Tennant in Hamlet. Oh, yeah! Here's a clip:


:iagree: Awesome, amazing actor he is all around. My boys even liked Hamlet, because he was in it! I think they thought he would whip out the sonic screwdriver and fix stuff, but they still liked it without the special effects. :)


BTW..I'm sad. We will have to wait until season 7 comes out on Netflix.


Is it available to watch any where online?


I bought it on iTunes tonight, becasue my youngest was driving me nuts lol.


Where do I find these? Are they online or should I try the library?


You can google and get some very old episodes for free online, but the newer ones from this decade are on Netflix. Some libraries might have them, but you can buy them off of iTunes or Amazon for sure. I bought some seasons for my son to watch while we wait for sibs to finish activites. Be aware some people will give you nasty looks for letting young kids watch this, but for the most part it is better than most cartoons out there and they get a bit of history. :)

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If you don't mind the spoilers, this video is a pretty good highlight reel of the best of all the doctors, obviously heavily focused on the last three.


I'm an unashamed Doctor/Rose shipper, but the first season is not all that romantic. Season two is quite more interesting in that regard. Part of the fun in rooting for sci-fi (and crime show) pairings is looking for those hints, overanalyzing words and actions, and seeing what you want to see as far as the romance goes. It's never going to be as overt as a character-driven drama.


Speaking of which, I'm watching "Doomsday" again with DH tomorrow morning, who is new to Doctor Who and hasn't seen it yet. Off to find the box of tissues... :crying:

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Is it worth it to go back and watch earlier seasons?



The first doctor has one the best faces in history.

The second doctor works so fantastically with two of his companions.

The third doctor bickers so enjoyably with the Brigadier (who you may develop a crush on.)

The fourth doctor has a glint in his eye that belongs in an eye glint hall of fame and travels with my favourite companion...


So yes. It is!



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The first doctor has one the best faces in history.

The second doctor works so fantastically with two of his companions.

The third doctor bickers so enjoyably with the Brigadier (who you may develop a crush on.)

The fourth doctor has a glint in his eye that belongs in an eye glint hall of fame and travels with my favourite companion...


So yes. It is!





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I married a huge Dr. Who fan. I was forced to spend Saturday nights watching it on PBS back in the 80's. When it came out on video we bought most of them. I just found my old lists comparing the actual episodes to what was on VHS to where I could buy it--all done using Lotus. I was a really nice wife with way too much time!


My favorite Dr Who is William Hartnell. He was the first and I adore episode one -- The empty child. He was the best. It is poor technology but remember this is the 50th year of the series.


My dc's have been raised on the Dr. My ds knew all the episodes we had at age 5. Could tell you the order and where in the "story". He had not watched most of them, but spent hours with the boxes. He could also find them quickly which was handy.:lol:


The oldies are definately worthwhile. We don't care for Matt Smith as the doctor. We have actually skipped many of them. I keep hoping he will grow on us. Saturday's was good. Because of the anniversary this is supposed to be a great season.


Also Rose grows on you. Probably the best companion next to Sarah Jane -- Elizabeth Sladen who was so good she got her own spin off twice! She was a Pertree and Tom Baker's companion--70's.

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Where do I find these? Are they online or should I try the library?


Yes, try the library if you cannot get them online. They have them on netlfix. Start with the 9th Doctor, that is where Rose starts and the Doctor is Christopher Eccleston. There is just one season with him, then David Tennant comes in. David Tennant is our favorite Doctor but I wouldn't skip Eccleston


Donna will always be my favorite companion. :)



The old ones are worth watching, IMO, they are MORE campy but fun too. Douglas Adams who wrote The Hitchiker Guide books wrote for Doctor Who. :)

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On a horribly sad note, there are lost episodes. Audio recordings for all episodes exist but in the 70's and early 80's the BBC destroyed old episode to save space and money. :(


There's an effort to recover what they can and I've heard that anyone who unearths a copy of one of the lost episodes (some have been found) will be given a life size Dalek. :D

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On a horribly sad note, there are lost episodes. Audio recordings for all episodes exist but in the 70's and early 80's the BBC destroyed old episode to save space and money. :(


There's an effort to recover what they can and I've heard that anyone who unearths a copy of one of the lost episodes (some have been found) will be given a life size Dalek. :D


They recently released a Patrick Troughton where one segment was lost. They animated the audio. It was actually really good--well done. I can't figure out which one. There were cybermen.


I hope they keep doing this. There are several with one or two complete segments. They show some of the segments in "the William Hartnell years".

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Yes, try the library if you cannot get them online. They have them on netlfix. Start with the 9th Doctor, that is where Rose starts and the Doctor is Christopher Eccleston. There is just one season with him, then David Tennant comes in. David Tennant is our favorite Doctor but I wouldn't skip Eccleston


Donna will always be my favorite companion. :)



The old ones are worth watching, IMO, they are MORE campy but fun too. Douglas Adams who wrote The Hitchiker Guide books wrote for Doctor Who. :)


Ok, this is the one I started with. I'm figuring out though, that 'Season 1' is not actually the beginning. There were lots more doctors before this one, yes? So should I go back and try to watch the 60's and 70's ones (that are still around)? Or just forget it and go forward?


Also I really didn't think I liked Chris Eccleston at first but I think I'm changing my mind. :D


I can explain Dr. Who to you: Turn it off and walk away. There, that's your explanation. :tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol: Too late!!

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I can explain Dr. Who to you: Turn it off and walk away. There, that's your explanation. :tongue_smilie:


Shock! Horror! Don't listen OP!


(Did I mention we have a David Tennant standup that we bought for a Doctor Who party we had this summer??? We brought him in for the new season premier.)

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You will be fine if you just keep watching. At this point I would so you can catch up and share in the fun here.


For those of us who are long term fans there are special references to old episodes buried in the new that we love. You should hear my kids when it happens. Especially when you get to David Tennent as the Doctor. He is a huge fan -- Peter Davidson the fifth doctor is his real life father in law-- How cool is that. As a child his dream was to be the doctor one day. That is why he is so good at it.


At some point I would go back and watch some oldies. At least one with each Doctor. We would be happy to recommend which if you give us your choices. Definately some oldies with cybermen and daleks. Doctors number six and seven are not spectacular.IMO. No beloved episodes for us. We watch them but.....Eight is one movie, totally worthy of skipping. Then you have Eccleston.

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Ok, this is the one I started with. I'm figuring out though, that 'Season 1' is not actually the beginning. There were lots more doctors before this one, yes? So should I go back and try to watch the 60's and 70's ones (that are still around)? Or just forget it and go forward?


Also I really didn't think I liked Chris Eccleston at first but I think I'm changing my mind. :D



I love Christopher Eccleston. :)


I also love the older episodes, and they are very fun to watch IMO. But you might want to wait a little while.

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I'm watching David Tenent and Peter O'Toole in Casanova RIGHT NOW :D


Kinda racy. Kinda awesome. NOT for the kids.


Dh and I watched this right as the switch happened between eccleston and tennant. It was seeing him as Casanova that convinced us he could replace eccleston. Loved Casanova!!:001_wub: :001_wub:

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Stick with Christopher Eccleston (Nine) for right now so you can get caught up to the current season. Then when you're bored b/c we're on mid-season break you can track down the original series and watch those.


DH and I have watched Doctor Who since we were kids. It was only natural that our boys would do the same. DIL spent 4 days straight watching seasons 1-6 early this summer. She's now a die-hard Whovian with the rest of the family. :D


The cheesy special effects, campy episodes, and questionable relationships with the companions all make Doctor Who what it is meant to be. It wouldn't be the same without it.


We love to discuss episodes in regards to historical or scientific feasibility on this or that level. Morality discussions are easily applied as well.

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We recently started watching. Eccleston is my favorite, I mourned and couldn't really like the next two doctors the first time around. I am now watching with the kids and Dh and David tenant has grown on me, however. They just finished the last of David Tennant last night, so I may wait until they finish season six to go on to seven. Or I may not.

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Be aware there are modern spinoffs, which are not necessarily as "kid-friendly" as Dr. Who. The Sarah Jane Adventures is aimed at kids and doesn't really include the Dr.---it's her life as an adult long after her adventures with the Dr. Torchwood, while I enjoyed it a lot, is NOT kid-friendly----definitely a hard PG-13 to R rating, IMO, for relationship-related material (how's that for a euphemism ;)) while Dr. Who is more in the PG category. There are character overlaps in all of these.


I keep debating on making my daughter a Tardis blanket. Ravelry has a Tardis pattern, along with crocheted squares featuring a weeping angel, an Ood, a Dalek, and others. There's also a great scarf pattern of David Tennant being chased by Daleks that would make a fun border. So, Tardis in the middle, the squares in the corner, and fleeing Doctors around the edge?

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Ok, this is the one I started with. I'm figuring out though, that 'Season 1' is not actually the beginning. There were lots more doctors before this one, yes? So should I go back and try to watch the 60's and 70's ones (that are still around)? Or just forget it and go forward?


Also I really didn't think I liked Chris Eccleston at first but I think I'm changing my mind. :D




:lol::lol: Too late!!


My kids and I became Wholigans together when we started watching the 1st season (reboot) on DVD. My girls were devastated when Chris Eccleston changed to David Tennant. They vowed that they were NOT going to watch season 2. Well, suffice it to say, we love them all now : )


I also recently read that Eccleston is going to be the super villain in the new Thor movie. Squee!

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See, i watched Tom Baker for a long time . . . 3 hour stints on the weekend on PBS. No one else has felt like the doctor to me, but i havent given them much of a chance. I suppose I should try again some day. when I am all caught up with everything else I ened to be doing :glare:

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Be aware there are modern spinoffs, which are not necessarily as "kid-friendly" as Dr. Who. The Sarah Jane Adventures is aimed at kids and doesn't really include the Dr.---it's her life as an adult long after her adventures with the Dr. Torchwood, while I enjoyed it a lot, is NOT kid-friendly----definitely a hard PG-13 to R rating, IMO, for relationship-related material (how's that for a euphemism ;)) while Dr. Who is more in the PG category. There are character overlaps in all of these.


I keep debating on making my daughter a Tardis blanket. Ravelry has a Tardis pattern, along with crocheted squares featuring a weeping angel, an Ood, a Dalek, and others. There's also a great scarf pattern of David Tennant being chased by Daleks that would make a fun border. So, Tardis in the middle, the squares in the corner, and fleeing Doctors around the edge?


We tried to get into Torchwood, but I had to skip episode 3 I think it was, good grief, and then I just gave up. Are the later episodes better?


I have not heard of the Sarah Jane adventures. Is that on Netflix?

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I married a huge Dr. Who fan. I was forced to spend Saturday nights watching it on PBS back in the 80's. When it came out on video we bought most of them. I just found my old lists comparing the actual episodes to what was on VHS to where I could buy it--all done using Lotus. I was a really nice wife with way too much time!


My favorite Dr Who is William Hartnell. He was the first and I adore episode one -- The empty child. He was the best. It is poor technology but remember this is the 50th year of the series.


My dc's have been raised on the Dr. My ds knew all the episodes we had at age 5. Could tell you the order and where in the "story". He had not watched most of them, but spent hours with the boxes. He could also find them quickly which was handy.:lol:


The oldies are definately worthwhile. We don't care for Matt Smith as the doctor. We have actually skipped many of them. I keep hoping he will grow on us. Saturday's was good. Because of the anniversary this is supposed to be a great season.


Also Rose grows on you. Probably the best companion next to Sarah Jane -- Elizabeth Sladen who was so good she got her own spin off twice! She was a Pertree and Tom Baker's companion--70's.


This is our life exactly! We have boxes of the 70s and 80s Dr. Who video tapes in our attic. Dh even knitted himself a Dr. Who scarf when he was 14. He grew up watching them on PBS. When we started dating I had to learn to sit through them because he found out he could buy them on VHS and started collecting. Since he is the youngest, he got all his little nephews hooked on the original series. Then our 4 boys. The boxes have been loved on- some more than others, especially any that have Daleks on the cover.


And then when they came back out, it was too late. I was hooked as well. Tom Baker is his favorite doctor and Sarah Jane his fav companion but he also has another fav.- Tiegan? And the latest doctor is his least fav as well.

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Ok, this is the one I started with. I'm figuring out though, that 'Season 1' is not actually the beginning. There were lots more doctors before this one, yes? So should I go back and try to watch the 60's and 70's ones (that are still around)? Or just forget it and go forward?


Also I really didn't think I liked Chris Eccleston at first but I think I'm changing my mind. :D



The TV show started in 1963.


The Doctor is not human. He's a member of the race of Time Lords from another planet (Gallifrey.)


This alien race has the ability to "regenerate" up to 12 times if they are mortally wounded. Their body will heal itself, but will transform to look differently and even have a slightly different personality.


The Doctor has regenerated 9 times by the time you see him in the "Rose" episode. He's over 900 years old and amazingly intelligent. All the Time Lords are.


However, by the time you get to the Rose season, somehow all of the Time Lords have been killed, somehow by The Doctor. We don't learn the details of that for a loooooong time. But it allows for The Doctor to look haunted and be all pathetic and "alone."


Anyway, The Doctor was always a bit of a renegade on his planet and he stole one of their space ship/time machines. It's called a "TARDIS." It can fly you to anywhere, anywhen.


He enjoys flying around and finding trouble so that he can set things right. He's completely hooked on adrenalin. And sometimes, he'll find someone that enjoys the adventure as well, and they'll travel with him.


So...from 1963 to now, there have been about 750 episodes. They stopped filming sometime in the 80's, I think it was, and then restarted the show in 2005 with the Rose episode you've watched.


The reason the show has lasted so long is that the actors are constantly changing. There have now been 11 different actors playing The Doctor, and countless actors coming and going playing his "companions."


The little thing he waves around is a screwdriver, just like the ones we have, but he made it "sonic." So, it can use sonic waves to disrupt things and open doors and such. They like to use it as a plot device to get him out of sticky situations when the writers can't come up with anything new.


If I were you, I'd stick to the new seasons. If you want to, you can go back and watch the others, but it's tough to go back. If you'd seen them from the beginning it would be ok. But they're soooo campy and cheesy that it's hard to get into them once you've been spoiled with the current season's special effects, etc. (Of course, many people will disagree with me on that.)


Any other questions?

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DD and I are watching it and up to the second season, so the 10th doctor. We did enjoy the 1st season and kind of missed that doctor for a couple of episodes this (2nd) season, but we now love the new (to us) doctor. We fell in love with the show about halfway through the second season. We looked at each other and said, "When did it get so GOOD??" It's campy and fun and not to be taken too seriously.

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