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Sigh.i think i overreacted.

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DS10 clogged the toilet by dumping not only a weeks' worth of caT litter in it, but all the paper towels he used while cleaning the shower (paper towels to clean a shower? Yes, that's what _I_said :glare:) i just spent an hour getting covered in po*p water trying to nclog the thing, all while giving him an earful. ("what were you thinking? You're too old to do this kind of thing!" "I'm getting covered in po*p!!".........)



Edited by Halcyon
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DS10 clogged the toilet by dumping not only a weeks' worth of caT litter in it, but all the paper towels he used while cleaning the shower (paper towels to clean a shower? Yes, that's what _I_said :glare:) i just spent an hour getting covered in po*p water trying to nclog the thing, all while giving him an earful. ("what were you thinking? You're too old to do this kind of thing!" "I'm getting covered in po*p!!".........)




I'm not sure it is even **possible** to overreact to this situation.

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Sounds reasonable to me.


:lol: seriously, couldnt stop berating him. He looked like he was about to burst into tears, and even offered to skip his afternoon date with Dad to a video arcade to help me. That's when i know i need to shut up.


Heck no. That's when you hand him the stuff to finish the job and you go on a date with dad. I'd have been furious too!

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No, I do not think you overreacted. I am sure that he will not make the same mistake twice. My husband is a plumber and is continually called to businesses because employees and/or janitor service flush paper towels. It can end up costing the business time as well as the money they have to pay. Employees at numerous businesses have been reprimanded but claimed to have no idea that they should not do it. It drives my husband crazy- he feels it should be common sense and does not appreciate repeatedly being called on his time off to retrieve paper towels from stools. It is a lesson that your son will probably never forget.

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Thanks. Hetends towards anxiety, and sometimes i think it's reactions like this that exacerbate his condition.


I have a son who tends toward anxiety too. In a calmer moment I would point out that while you were unhappy about the situation, you never once ceased to love him. People can vent like you did and still be ok in a relationship and I think kids need to learn that - before they get married!

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You know what? I actually feel a bit relieved to know a 10yo clogged up the toilet, because one or both of the girls stopped up our main toilet with GOBS of TP and nobody would admit to it. I thought they were too old for that nonsense, but apparently not! :tongue_smilie: FWIW, I don't think you overreacted.

Edited by Mommy22alyns
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Nope. You didn't over-react.


If he was 3, you would have been over-reacting.


A 10yo should have had a little more sense than to do what he did.


He'll probably be a lot more careful in the future! (And I like Jean's idea of being sure he knows you still loved him all along, even though you were angry about what he did.)

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I think you did probably over-react, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have had ANY reaction! The berating on and on--well, yeah, don't do that.

But getting angry and telling how you feel, even in a loud voice? I'd have no problem with that.

It's the teary-eyed apology and repenting attitude that he had that tells me he knows he did wrong and was truly sorry.


I *might* apologize to him for any personal attacking, but only you know how far you went.


"A soft answer turns away wrath"--when my kids answer my tirades with repentence and softness, my wrath disappears. Sounds like that's what happened.

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I think you did probably over-react, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have had ANY reaction! The berating on and on--well, yeah, don't do that.

But getting angry and telling how you feel, even in a loud voice? I'd have no problem with that.

It's the teary-eyed apology and repenting attitude that he had that tells me he knows he did wrong and was truly sorry.


I *might* apologize to him for any personal attacking, but only you know how far you went.


"A soft answer turns away wrath"--when my kids answer my tirades with repentence and softness, my wrath disappears. Sounds like that's what happened.


Absolutely, that is what happened! Thankfully, no personal attacking happened, more of the "what were you thinking, you need to be more responsible" type of talk. Still, not proud. But in many ways, he does need to Think More and not just do what's easy or convenient. Yes, that means walking t the kitchen garbage to throw away a wad of paper towels, not just dump them in the toilet.

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