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Saw the inside of my neighbor's house yesterday.

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She and I used to be pretty close friends, but we have drifted apart. Anyway, Ds is walking & watching their dog this week. I went over with him last night just to be sure he was doing everything and didn't have trouble with the lock.


Her house is pretty messy, not like a hoarders show or anything. It looks like it hasn't been dusted, vacuumed, floors mopped in a while. Kitchen counters are covered with stuff. There are things lying around on the floor here and there. There is dog hair and little bits of stuff esp. around the edges of the floors. Some clutter scattered here and there. Clearly there was a leak above the kitchen which was fixed and patched, but looks like it needs attention again.


She works for a private school which her 2 Dc attend and I'm sure has very little time for cleaning, so I'm not blasting her for the state of her house. It is a home. There are drawings and school assignments done by her children hanging all over the kitchen. It smells good in their house, but clearly everything does not have a home. Her house is on the small side like mine and i got to wondering if my house looks the same way to strangers and I just can't tell. Anyway, looking in their house got me wanting to get rid of visual clutter and find a place for everything. It's got me motivated to put my house in order (and make it smell good:)).


The funny thing is, when I got home I had a hard time telling if my house appears the same to strangers. :tongue_smilie: I have to say, I'm not sure I want absolutely everything to have a place and zero clutter. Doesn't the stuff you have out say something about you as a person---about your life, your interests? (Maybe having it out just says your lazy - ahem, not really you, more like me. :glare:)


I was once in a home that was completely devoid of any indication that the people had any interests of any sort at all. It looked like a hotel room. The mental atmosphere was completely arid. Just being there made me feel like energy was being sucked out of me. I remember imagining a giant vacuum cleaner coming up to their front door and sucking out every single item of interest.


So, with all the cleaning threads I've seen recently, I'm not sure if I've seen this discussed. Do you tolerate clutter at all? How much? When do interesting things in a house cross the line and become clutter?


Do you even desire to have a neat and clean house, or have you just decided now is not the season for it in your life? Sometimes I wonder about these things after I've cleaned up another dog hair tumbleweed and wonder when the next one will form, where it will hide and how big it will get before I notice it!

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Well things here and there lying around wouldn't bother me so much. But actual dirt, scum, or uncleanliness would gross me out. I need things to be clean. I vacuum daily, mop twice a week and spot mop daily, wipe the sinks down daily, wash dishes daily, etc.


You get the point. There's having a house that looks lived in, and then there's being too lazy to clean kwim? All it takes is 15min a day to quickly wipe through things to keep up on it. It's not healthy for children OR adults to be around filth, not just clutter.

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I'm a major minimalist hotel-type atmosphere person here...lol..it never crossed my mind it would make others nervous...


Clutter for my own space makes me nuts, restless.




I can hear dirt, so I cannot tolerate any.


Visually, I don't want to see lots of 'stuff' - at least not in my house. It doesn't bother me at all in someone else's house, in fact I rather like it. If done right, it is homey and attractive and lovely. And, I sit and soak it in, but am perfectly fine to go back to my own home and enjoy the lack of clutter.


It's really a personal thing for me -- I like the look of comfortably lived in..........I just like it in someone else's house. I wish having small things around didn't make me nuts.

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Well things here and there lying around wouldn't bother me so much. But actual dirt, scum, or uncleanliness would gross me out. I need things to be clean. I vacuum daily, mop twice a week and spot mop daily, wipe the sinks down daily, wash dishes daily, etc.


You get the point. There's having a house that looks lived in, and then there's being too lazy to clean kwim? All it takes is 15min a day to quickly wipe through things to keep up on it. It's not healthy for children OR adults to be around filth, not just clutter.


I wouldn't say what she has going on is scum or unhealthy. It just looks like she hasn't done a thorough cleaning in a while.


I have 3 dogs and a cat. 15 minutes a day does not begin to touch what needs to be done here to clean. I'm also facing teaching a high schooler this year, quite a few extra curricula's and dealing with a chronic health issues. Sometimes I can't manage 15 minutes a day---or that 15 minutes is spent cooking or doing dishes. I'm going to admit, sometimes I'd rather sit down with a cup of tea and read a novel! True confession #1, more may be coming!


My friend works b/c her husband lost his job a couple of years ago and had to take a job with a much lower salary. When she comes home she helps her Dc with homework. Besides working at the school she also sings professionally and has paying jobs for that. I think she may have trouble finding the 15 minutes too (or may prefer the novel)! I also find it is discouraging when you clean and find it all has to be done again very soon (dogs magnify that effect). When you don't have time, like my friend, that can lead to an attitude of 'why bother' or "I'd rather read a novel"!


But, maybe, just as an experiment, I'll set the timer tomorrow and see what I can get done in 15 mins.

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I can hear dirt, so I cannot tolerate any.


Visually, I don't want to see lots of 'stuff' - at least not in my house. It doesn't bother me at all in someone else's house, in fact I rather like it. If done right, it is homey and attractive and lovely. And, I sit and soak it in, but am perfectly fine to go back to my own home and enjoy the lack of clutter.


It's really a personal thing for me -- I like the look of comfortably lived in..........I just like it in someone else's house. I wish having small things around didn't make me nuts.


I think I'm heading in the same direction. I've gotten rid of almost all little things that I see as visual clutter. And yes, I find it distracting. The dirt here is a constant battle b/c of the dogs. I don't leave it, but it drives me nuts keeping up with it. Of course, Dc have been enlisted to help.


I once visited a house that I *thought* was cute and homey. It was loaded with collected sets of dishes, lots of baskets of things and fabric covered bookshelves and tables. Every inch of wall space had some sort of country style wall hanging. I liked it when we visited. But when I got home and walked in the front door I breathed a sigh of relief. Ds walked in and said, "our house is so much more relaxing." I keep the front part of my home as clutter free as possible. The back part is harder b/c that's where the school stuff is kept.

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I'm a major minimalist hotel-type atmosphere person here...lol..it never crossed my mind it would make others nervous...


Clutter for my own space makes me nuts, restless.


But, you probably have books, right? The house I mentioned had no books either. It's not that all indications of books or hobbies were stored away--there just weren't any at all. Oh, and the decorating also lacked interest of any kind. It looked seriously like a hotel --absolutely generic.


It is hard for me to describe. It isn't just that the house was clutter free and clean.....it just had no personality at all.

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We always have too much clutter and I am blind to it.


Recently I've been looking at houses for sale online, and I have noticed that unless the house is empty, most houses look cluttered to me. I think other peoples "stuff" looks like "junk" to me, but they must think it looks nice? I'm not sure.

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You could have described my house. At the moment, we have some dishes in the sink, and our island counter is covered in stuff (clean pressure cooker, an experiment DS is doing, some bulk spice containers, and some of DS's other stuff). Our table has a dead computer and a printer on it, along with some clean empty ice cream buckets, and our school stuff. The living room floor has dog toys all over it, a box with electronics in it, an x-box and the wires, a pile of shoes, and next to DH's chair is a huge pile of his junk that I'm not allowed to touch. The end tables have some stuff like movies and a book or two, a bag of sunflower seeds, etc. The coffee table has some things on it also. I just vacuumed the floor yesterday, but the edges could use some work, and I need to sweep and mop the kitchen, so I'm sure it looks like your friend's. Our house is lived in. It isn't filthy, and it smells fine, it just isn't sterile clean. Everything has a home here, just sometimes these items take a vacation and it takes a while to get back home. ;)

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What a good question. I am like a professional organizer that has never earned her credentials but I do have a lot of experience in mostly residential spaces. I have been rehired many times to be a chaos whisperer. The backbone of my seasoning was Julie Morganstein's Organizing from the Inside Out. She was even before the FLY LADY.


I enjoyed reading your post as it shows some depth to the topic. SOme things I have come to notice is that sometimes life takes a hard curve and we don't have time to adjust. It begins to snowball and we begin to feel overwhelmed. Once someone coined the phrase "clutter attracts clutter." It is easy to see how things can quickly get out of control--especially the larger families or ones with multiple pets.


Perhaps the Lord was speaking to your heart as you noticed the little details of her home and the idea was settling into your spirit--so much that you have posted this! Maybe, a yard sale is brewing at the beginning of a fall month for the two of you to do a little purging together...maybe even share the book (you can rent it from the library). My friend and I read it and share pieces from it from time to time to sharpen one another. You've heard that iron sharpens iron? Anyway, people need a friend to deal with overwhelming things that they are not used to tackleing like organizing a room that's gotten out of control or even having a yard sale. I know I hate having a yard sale by myself.


Julie's book can help you determine devilish clutter. If you are losing things habitually, have no place to put _________, then some organizing is in order. If sentimental things get ruined or broken, you would want to rethink everything not having a home. Personally, I have wondered myself about my home being devoid of interest as I am an intensely creative person but crave order for control and security--not to mention a griping, nagging husband that makes me want to run away from home sometimes. Sometimes clutter lends to creativity when we are relaxed and enjoying our surroundings (you see two things lying next to each other that are unrelated and then you get a great idea) but when it makes you feel bad or aggravated, not easy on the eyes (a messy, cluttery desk); clutter hinders inspriration and productivity.

Sometimes people take a picture of their clutter. It tells a story. What does yours say about you? Seeing it in a photo and imagining putting it on the internet is helpful.


We are often dynamic people with a lot of likes that we try to bring into a home that we only have so much time (or money) to manage. This is why I love Pinterest. :) On a side note, I do not have the money to express the things I love or value the way I would want to...my house fails pretty much to display the wonder of me. You, too, are a house. Love you, take care of you...and let the structure in which you live reflect your efforts in those :hat:things and it will give your guests a wonderful feeling. Peace in Christ, Melanie.

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I don't do dirt. But clutter? Meh.....we all lilke our stuff here more than we like putting it back. And we all like to start 1,000 projects at a time.


This is us. Dirty dishes sitting around are NOT tolerated, just as muddy shoes, etc. Dust? well, you CAN write your name on the TV console. And on the TV screen probably. Paper clutter is everywhere. I homeschool, for goodness sakes! I always have papers to 'grade', planning, and curriculums to look through. ;)

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What a good question. I am like a professional organizer that has never earned her credentials but I do have a lot of experience in mostly residential spaces. I have been rehired many times to be a chaos whisperer. The backbone of my seasoning was Julie Morganstein's Organizing from the Inside Out. She was even before the FLY LADY.


I enjoyed reading your post as it shows some depth to the topic. SOme things I have come to notice is that sometimes life takes a hard curve and we don't have time to adjust. It begins to snowball and we begin to feel overwhelmed. Once someone coined the phrase "clutter attracts clutter." It is easy to see how things can quickly get out of control--especially the larger families or ones with multiple pets.


Perhaps the Lord was speaking to your heart as you noticed the little details of her home and the idea was settling into your spirit--so much that you have posted this! Maybe, a yard sale is brewing at the beginning of a fall month for the two of you to do a little purging together...maybe even share the book (you can rent it from the library). My friend and I read it and share pieces from it from time to time to sharpen one another. You've heard that iron sharpens iron? Anyway, people need a friend to deal with overwhelming things that they are not used to tackleing like organizing a room that's gotten out of control or even having a yard sale. I know I hate having a yard sale by myself.


Julie's book can help you determine devilish clutter. If you are losing things habitually, have no place to put _________, then some organizing is in order. If sentimental things get ruined or broken, you would want to rethink everything not having a home. Personally, I have wondered myself about my home being devoid of interest as I am an intensely creative person but crave order for control and security--not to mention a griping, nagging husband that makes me want to run away from home sometimes. Sometimes clutter lends to creativity when we are relaxed and enjoying our surroundings (you see two things lying next to each other that are unrelated and then you get a great idea) but when it makes you feel bad or aggravated, not easy on the eyes (a messy, cluttery desk); clutter hinders inspriration and productivity.

Sometimes people take a picture of their clutter. It tells a story. What does yours say about you? Seeing it in a photo and imagining putting it on the internet is helpful.


We are often dynamic people with a lot of likes that we try to bring into a home that we only have so much time (or money) to manage. This is why I love Pinterest. :) On a side note, I do not have the money to express the things I love or value the way I would want to...my house fails pretty much to display the wonder of me. You, too, are a house. Love you, take care of you...and let the structure in which you live reflect your efforts in those :hat:things and it will give your guests a wonderful feeling. Peace in Christ, Melanie.


I started Organizing from the Inside Out a couple of weeks ago, but had to put it aside to work on school planning. I do think it's a helpful book.


No more yard sales for me. I donate to two local thrift shops constantly and have a chair devoted to donations located right near my front door. I don't have time to organize and run a yard sale anymore. I'd rather just pass the stuff along. I sell whatever curriculum I can and donate the rest.


Taking a picture is a good idea---but I don't think I'd want to post it online!


Definitely need to get back to Julie M.'s book. Maybe I can read some after dinner.


Glad you enjoyed my musings. :001_smile:

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Taking a picture is a good idea---but I don't think I'd want to post it online!


I took a photo a few months ago of all the junk I pulled out from under my son's bed- and sadly it was only a month since I last did the same thing..it was a huge pile of toys, laundry, books, papers... so, I was doing this 'photo a day' thing on my blog and took a photo.


I chickened out, I couldn't share that online...:tongue_smilie:


it's hard sharing the ugly, sometimes.


I totally hear you op, I don't like clutter in homes, and yet my house is full of piles of stuff that need to be put away. Mostly, I don't see it, but it does bug me when I start seriously cleaning. Usually though, I am cleaning the big stuff that needs to be done, like mopping the floors and feel like that needs to be done first before de-cluttering, and then, that doesn't happen.


I spent last week teaching each kid each day how to clean their shared bathroom, like beyond what rationally needs to be done everyday, but I figured overkill is better than what we had. They have a list to do which includes sweeping and mopping the floor. It is amazing how nice that bathroom is now! I am working on a schedule for the others for each day. They had chores for the week like dishes duty and laundry, but seriously the house is out of control and I need more help.


...anyways, all that to say, btdt.

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We don't like clutter, either. But I believe what defines "clutter" can vary a lot from one person to another.


My personal definition of "clutter" is knick knacks and other things that serve no purpose other than decoration, or magazines, mail or other paperwork scattered all around. To me "clutter" doesn't mean useful things that are used on a daily basis. On our kitchen counters we have prescription medicines and supplements in a corner, cans of nuts and jars of sunflower seeds (because those are frequently grabbed snacks), the toaster, dish drainer, a basket for keys, etc. Remotes for the TVs live on end tables and night stands, and toiletries on the bathroom counters. To my mind none of those constitutes clutter because they're all needed and useful.

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This is us. Dirty dishes sitting around are NOT tolerated, just as muddy shoes, etc. Dust? well, you CAN write your name on the TV console. And on the TV screen probably. Paper clutter is everywhere. I homeschool, for goodness sakes! I always have papers to 'grade', planning, and curriculums to look through. ;)


Oh yeah, the dust. You don't want to blow in to any corners around here :lol:


Just out of curiosity, what is a "chaos whisperer?" It is in melanie's post.

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We don't like clutter, either. But I believe what defines "clutter" can vary a lot from one person to another.


My personal definition of "clutter" is knick knacks and other things that serve no purpose other than decoration, or magazines, mail or other paperwork scattered all around. To me "clutter" doesn't mean useful things that are used on a daily basis. On our kitchen counters we have prescription medicines and supplements in a corner, cans of nuts and jars of sunflower seeds (because those are frequently grabbed snacks), the toaster, dish drainer, a basket for keys, etc. Remotes for the TVs live on end tables and night stands, and toiletries on the bathroom counters. To my mind none of those constitutes clutter because they're all needed and useful.


That is pretty much how I feel also. If I notice that something has sat for a while without being used, I put it away, but I really hate putting something away, then getting it out, and doing that over and over again on a frequent basis. If I'm using it often enough, why bother putting it "away"? There are some things that I agree need their place, and are taken out when needed then put away, but if I'm using it, it is out.

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My house is clean, and everything has a place. My house is lived in (is stacking books decoration?) but I don't like matchy stuff and I hate the hotel minimalism. I can't be creative in that type of atmosphere.


It's a fine line, though, I can't be creative in dirt, floors that I can feel dirt on (I walk around barefoot, dirt on my floors drives me nuts) or clutter.


So, I need stuff around me, beautiful things, pictures, sculptures, plants, pretty lampshades, color. I love Mucha. Ever see Mucha's studio








Better yet, Here's Tissot.



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I love those justamouse.


And I need my stuff around to be creative too. We all have our places for things, I just don't make everyone put things away if something is out for a reason.


Same here. We're big into projects. *G* One day when we fisnish out the attic and the master bedroom goes up there, I'll make one of the other rooms up there into a studio. Then that's where the projects will go. Until then, it makes me happy to see people's projects around.

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We had a very similar pet-sitting experience recently. An immaculate house with very little in it. A dining room with a table, 4 chairs, and 1 picture. No books anywhere. Just very little stuff anywhere. Very clean and beautiful.


But it's not my life. We have an 1800 sf house in a neighborhood of 3000-4000 sf houses. We home school. We do not have cable t.v. but read daily from our collection of books. Occasionally we watch a DVD from our collection (no netflix). The Harry Potter lego sets are currently set up on the grand piano, which is really too big for the house but it was my mother's and it is played daily. The house meets cleanliness standards, but I'm sure when others watch our pets, it looks cluttered to them. Too much stuff. But it's all used and we're comfortable here.

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A place doesn't have to be sterile to be clean. I like a bit of stuff here and there. However, I would say I've heard a lot of people say it is just clutter but really it is clean when in reality if you have too much clutter it really isn't clean. My friend always says this. When you have stuff everywhere then no, it isn't really clean as you cannot get to the mess. However, you have to meet your own standards of clean and no one else's (assuming your above CPS standards and such).

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I love those justamouse.


And I need my stuff around to be creative too. We all have our places for things, I just don't make everyone put things away if something is out for a reason.


Yes, me too. I looked up the artists since I am not fmailiar with them. I wish Dh's studio looked like that! His room is definitely a photo I wouldn't want to post online. It looks nothing like the artwork posted!

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Well things here and there lying around wouldn't bother me so much. But actual dirt, scum, or uncleanliness would gross me out. I need things to be clean. I vacuum daily, mop twice a week and spot mop daily, wipe the sinks down daily, wash dishes daily, etc.


You get the point. There's having a house that looks lived in, and then there's being too lazy to clean kwim? All it takes is 15min a day to quickly wipe through things to keep up on it. It's not healthy for children OR adults to be around filth, not just clutter.

Oh my goodness! The thought of dragging the vacuum out every day makes me want to give up already! :lol:

And I don't mop. Well, hardly ever. I have a steam mop which is nice, but honestly I haven't found the time for regular cleaning with homeschooling. I clean when I can.

A place doesn't have to be sterile to be clean. I like a bit of stuff here and there. However, I would say I've heard a lot of people say it is just clutter but really it is clean when in reality if you have too much clutter it really isn't clean. My friend always says this. When you have stuff everywhere then no, it isn't really clean as you cannot get to the mess. However, you have to meet your own standards of clean and no one else's (assuming your above CPS standards and such).


I feel like we have always had clutter - well, our whole married life, anyway.

How does one come to terms with what they are comfortable with? I was raised in a home with just me and my grandparents, and lots of times it was just me and my grandma because of my grandpa's job. So it didn't really get very dirty, and she kept the place spotless. Like literally, spotless. There ws never clutter, never cobwebs ever dust or a thing out of place. On one hand I would love to have a home like that but at the same time I see it as such an unattainable goal with 3kids and a dog and life that I end up just giving up because it seems like it will never be that clean, kwim?


And not to hijack, but how do you keep your home clean while homeschooling? I'm finding everything falling behind - cleaning and laundry, especially. I cook, do dishes, and keep the kitchen sink/counters/etc clean on a daily basis, but when people suggest doing a little every day it just depresses me. Is anyone else that way? I just feel like I'd be in a never ending cycle of cleaning every single day and never just have a house that is clean that I can enjoy....

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Clutter is just a fact of my life right now. Two adults, one teenager and two little kids in a very small house with no attic, no basement and only a detached (bug and mouse infested) garage.


A good portion of our clutter at the moment is books and school stuff so I'm sure it will be around for a while.


I spent today outside with dh putting together one of those large wooden swingsets, which means the house is a mess. I have three bins sitting in the middle of my very small kitchen since we're reorganizing for my oldest to go off to college next weekend, the kitchen table is covered with school stuff to be organized and planned, I have a folding table that I open up to hold drying dishes since my dishwasher broke down (I was using it as a big dish drain but it was getting water in the bottom and it stopped draining at all) that is still sitting blocking the 3 feet of counter in my kitchen. That 3 feet still has a crockpot on it with tonights dinner (dd's and I have eaten but dh and ds haven't). The days dishes are in the sink and of course there will be more when everyone is done eating.


There is dog hair literally 5 minutes after I vacuum (Samoyed), and yeah sometimes I just think "why bother?"

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Oh my goodness! The thought of dragging the vacuum out every day makes me want to give up already! :lol:

And I don't mop. Well, hardly ever. I have a steam mop which is nice, but honestly I haven't found the time for regular cleaning with homeschooling. I clean when I can.



I feel like we have always had clutter - well, our whole married life, anyway.

How does one come to terms with what they are comfortable with? I was raised in a home with just me and my grandparents, and lots of times it was just me and my grandma because of my grandpa's job. So it didn't really get very dirty, and she kept the place spotless. Like literally, spotless. There ws never clutter, never cobwebs ever dust or a thing out of place. On one hand I would love to have a home like that but at the same time I see it as such an unattainable goal with 3kids and a dog and life that I end up just giving up because it seems like it will never be that clean, kwim?


And not to hijack, but how do you keep your home clean while homeschooling? I'm finding everything falling behind - cleaning and laundry, especially. I cook, do dishes, and keep the kitchen sink/counters/etc clean on a daily basis, but when people suggest doing a little every day it just depresses me. Is anyone else that way? I just feel like I'd be in a never ending cycle of cleaning every single day and never just have a house that is clean that I can enjoy....


Well, the vacuum is an upright, the mop is a swiffer wet/jet. I only hard core scrub the floors on my hands and knees like once a month. I'm a total germaphobe, so that may have a lot to do with it.

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So, with all the cleaning threads I've seen recently, I'm not sure if I've seen this discussed. Do you tolerate clutter at all? How much? When do interesting things in a house cross the line and become clutter?


I look for a balance between the "hotel" empty and very cluttered, but I lean towards sparse. My parents are towards the hoarder end of things and I am phobic about getting to such a point.


One way that might help you see it with fresh eyes is to take some pictures as-is. When you look at photos, you're more likely to see things as others would.


I do like a house to have photos, books, houseplants and some articles that indicate travel or other experiences. But when there are so many items in one area that you can't appreciate any item because of competing attention, you probably should pare down.

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If you'd been in my house 30 minutes ago you might have shuddered. Dishes all over, pillows & blankets scattered, shoes all over, needed vacuumed, toilets dirty, bathrooms disheveled and needing attention. We have been lazy today and it has felt awesome. Finally, I told the kids we have to get caught up. Everyone got their list and went to work. I checked some areas afterward and then they came and helped me with the extra. So much better. I threw dinner in the oven and a load in the washer.


I love a clean house so I have had to lower my expectations a lot. My home is cozy and warm. Yeah, there are some video games piled half-hazzardly on a shelf and I need to clean up my desk again. It's a constant battle and if you are able to find a good balance of not perfect but good enough it's not so bad.


One of the most interesting people I know has a house busy with people and stuff going on. She never apologizes for her home. It's not filthy, just busy. :)

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I hate clutter. That said, we homeschool so a bit of clutter is inevitable. But now that our homeschool room is almost done, it is SO NICE that projects and such are contained in one place.


I hate piles of stuff. I vacuum twice a week, minmum, but we have pets. I mop weekly, and bathrooms are scrubbed once a week and wiped down daily. My dh has trvelled a lot, And has a lot of old artifacts. He also collects african sculpture, and loves to have a few recent exmples of the kids' art positioned about the house. In some ways i love the clean hotel look, but i met dh when he was 39, and he was already set in his decorating style, plus had collected so much beautiful art. So we went in the direction of homey, with art, lots and lots of books, while i pretty much striv to keep it clean!

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I hate clutter. That said, we homeschool so a bit of clutter is inevitable. But now that our homeschool room is almost done, it is SO NICE that projects and such are contained in one place.


I hate piles of stuff. I vacuum twice a week, minmum, but we have pets. I mop weekly, and bathrooms are scrubbed once a week and wiped down daily. My dh has trvelled a lot, And has a lot of old artifacts. He also collects african sculpture, and loves to have a few recent exmples of the kids' art positioned about the house. In some ways i love the clean hotel look, but i met dh when he was 39, and he was already set in his decorating style, plus had collected so much beautiful art. So we went in the direction of homey, with art, lots and lots of books, while i pretty much striv to keep it clean!


I'm wondering if it has to do with how fast you clean?


I clean fast. I vacuum my house every day (portions) , one room at a time, as I can get to it. I wipe down my kitchen floor every night, it takes me 5 minutes to wipe up a bathroom-BUT I don't have a schedule, I snatch time here and there as I see it--other than if there's a big clean, it's on Saturday morning. BUt like i said, I move fast. I hate cleaning and I just want it over with. :D

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I'm wondering if it has to do with how fast you clean?


I clean fast. I vacuum my house every day (portions) , one room at a time, as I can get to it. I wipe down my kitchen floor every night, it takes me 5 minutes to wipe up a bathroom-BUT I don't have a schedule, I snatch time here and there as I see it--other than if there's a big clean, it's on Saturday morning. BUt like i said, I move fast. I hate cleaning and I just want it over with. :D


That's what I do. I don't even have a home for my vacuum. I don't think it has ever been put "away."


I am a spastic cleaner. I clean like mad and really fast and then I'm done for a while. I clean my bathroom right before I shower so I don't ruin any clothes with my bleach water.


I just need to find a way to keep my quilting space neater. It's a linty job and gets quite dusty in there.

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I hate clutter. That said, we homeschool so a bit of clutter is inevitable. But now that our homeschool room is almost done, it is SO NICE that projects and such are contained in one place.


I hate piles of stuff. I vacuum twice a week, minmum, but we have pets. I mop weekly, and bathrooms are scrubbed once a week and wiped down daily. My dh has trvelled a lot, And has a lot of old artifacts. He also collects african sculpture, and loves to have a few recent exmples of the kids' art positioned about the house. In some ways i love the clean hotel look, but i met dh when he was 39, and he was already set in his decorating style, plus had collected so much beautiful art. So we went in the direction of homey, with art, lots and lots of books, while i pretty much striv to keep it clean!


This sounds nice! :001_smile:


I love clean and uncluttered, but with littles running around and with homeschooling, we are always cleaning or putting something up.


I saw a nice couple (empty nesters) leave church and get in their shiny (waxed), clean (no smudges on the windows or cracker crumbs on the carpet). I thought about how different it must feel at that stage in life, and how looooong it will be before we are there. :tongue_smilie:

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I hate clutter in my own home. I can't think straight when things are cluttered. But I can more easily tolerate dust and toothpaste in the sink and dog prints on the sliding glass door. I dust maybe every other week, vacuum and mop and clean bathrooms weekly. I don't do much daily cleaning, other than keeping clutter picked up, because I would rather go running or biking. :D However, keeping up with the clutter takes barely any time at all, because we're always on top of it.


I don't mind clutter at someone else's house, because it's not my responsibility to pick up.

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That's what I do. I don't even have a home for my vacuum. I don't think it has ever been put "away."


I am a spastic cleaner. I clean like mad and really fast and then I'm done for a while. I clean my bathroom right before I shower so I don't ruin any clothes with my bleach water.



I clean before I shower too. I actually scrub the tiles while the water is running on me! I've never talked to anyone else who does it this way. Once I told a friend and she looked at me like I was really weird. Her eyes got wide and she said "you mean naked?" I never told anyone else about it after that! :lol:


Our vacuum doesn't really have a home either since we are constantly vacuuming. We have to b/c of the dogs.

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Just read the OP post:


My house is clean but very very cluttered due to my lack of time or patience to organize my house. It is a very lived in home. My dining table is full of laptops, books, pens/pencils and whatnots....looks like an office rather a dining table/kichen table.


My house is very cluttered. I def. need a vacation from work, schooling the kids and from life to actually get my house the way I want it. Yes it does bother me alot about the clutter and the mess. I am a messie but house is clean. :) It bothers all of us. :(


I have a bunch of teens at my house every weekend. I know my house doesn't bother them at all. They really love it here and feel at home. Proabably because they know I am relaxed about the whole thing. :) However the parent's.....not so sure. I see their eyes looking at my clutter (not the hoarders variety at all not even close...My house looks really uncluttered compared to the hoarders show) and shuddering. Maybe its my imagination but still I am embarrased when other adults are in my house rather than kids. They really do overlook everything and love it here vs. their house. Is that a bad thing?


Anyway my house bothers me and I really do want it organized. So in response to the OP's posts....I am very glad you said it!! I wonder the same thing but I really do watch them respond about my house.



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I clean before I shower too. I actually scrub the tiles while the water is running on me! I've never talked to anyone else who does it this way. Once I told a friend and she looked at me like I was really weird. Her eyes got wide and she said "you mean naked?" I never told anyone else about it after that! :lol:


Our vacuum doesn't really have a home either since we are constantly vacuuming. We have to b/c of the dogs.


I clean the shower naked, too. :tongue_smilie: It's just easier than having water run up my arm or get on my socks or what-not.

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Oh my goodness! The thought of dragging the vacuum out every day makes me want to give up already! :lol:

And I don't mop. Well, hardly ever. I have a steam mop which is nice, but honestly I haven't found the time for regular cleaning with homeschooling. I clean when I can.



I feel like we have always had clutter - well, our whole married life, anyway.

How does one come to terms with what they are comfortable with? I was raised in a home with just me and my grandparents, and lots of times it was just me and my grandma because of my grandpa's job. So it didn't really get very dirty, and she kept the place spotless. Like literally, spotless. There ws never clutter, never cobwebs ever dust or a thing out of place. On one hand I would love to have a home like that but at the same time I see it as such an unattainable goal with 3kids and a dog and life that I end up just giving up because it seems like it will never be that clean, kwim?


And not to hijack, but how do you keep your home clean while homeschooling? I'm finding everything falling behind - cleaning and laundry, especially. I cook, do dishes, and keep the kitchen sink/counters/etc clean on a daily basis, but when people suggest doing a little every day it just depresses me. Is anyone else that way? I just feel like I'd be in a never ending cycle of cleaning every single day and never just have a house that is clean that I can enjoy....


I don't think you're hijacking. It's all related. I feel the same way about cleaning. I'm not a huge fan of the do a little every day idea, though we do try to make sure the kitchen and bathroom are presentable, also make sure the kids vacuum. Maybe that's why I don't do as much cleaning as I think I should. I know I can't get done all that I want.


I hate mopping, so that's one that doesn't get done as often as I'd like. I like the results, though. :D There are days when even the basics slip b/c it's just oneof those days, but for the most part de-cluttering, dishes, homecooked meals, and some very basic cleaning gets done. My biggest downfall is the kitchen floor which I hate to sweep and the dusting. Laundry always gets done in a day or two. I hate having it last all through the week.


My problem is there is always something more interesting to do than clean. In a way I have a priority list and cleaning just isn't always at the top of the list. Dd's dog is still being trained and he gets his walk day and night no matter what. I do my stretching every day b/c if I don't my pain will be worse.


All that is to say, I feel just like you do!

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My house is clean like soap and water wise (most of the time!) but there is areas that tend to clutter. The bathroom sink in the main bath is one. I don't know why but the brushes, hair bands, bobby pins, etc just.can't.make.it to the drawer unless I put them there (this is my stepdaughter's stuff). Another area that gets "cluttered" is an area right infront of little DD's dresser which is in my room and that is me just plain being lazy and not putting away her laundry but leaving it in the basket.


The end of one kitchen counter also gets cluttered thanks to DH who is the biggest culprit, change, a belt, tools, receipts, etc. Other than those areas, most of the house is pretty clutter free but it could quickly get away from me if I don't keep up on it.


I am going away for a week in November for my Master's and I am dreading what my house is going to look like when I get back. When I work 3 twelve hour shifts in a row it looks like a hurricaine came through.

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Well, I'm certainly not the best housemaker, but it's not filthy either. We definitely have too much clutter by most people's standards, but it's not hoarding or anything. Just little things here and there.


It's not healthy for children OR adults to be around filth, not just clutter.


I think there is a big difference between filth and floors that are not perfectly clean. It's actually better for children to not live in such a sterile environment because it helps build up their immune system and prevent allergies. Here's an article that discusses it for anyone interested.


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I am a minimalist and can't handle a lot of stuff. We don't have knick knacks and such except for a few small items the kids have made and a few scattered holiday decorations. As far as clean, I don't want to see dirt so everything is scrubbed and vacuumed multiple times a week. There are exceptions though. The kids playroom gets picked up on Sundays and I ignore it the rest of the week. The dressers in their bedroom and their desk in the office are absolutely covered with stuff. It's neatly arranged but it still bothers me. I choose to ignore it because it is their space. The bookshelves are also overflowing and spilling into piles on the floor next to them but those are excusable because boos don't count as clutter.

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I finally read this thread, I was dreading that i would feel awful about myself if i did - but it totally sounded like you were describing my house in that first post! (not the look-like-a-hotel one lol) Its a total mess right now . . . but i finally realized that not only are my kids 2E, so are the adults. I have to cook from scratch every meal due to allergies, and i get carried away with it, so that takes a lot of time. My kids are very intense and exhausting, and i need a lot of down time to recover from corralling them.


I did flylady for a while when my youngest was a baby and my older two were in school, and i was really happy - my house was as clean as its ever been. but then crisis after crisis hit me, and keeping my crap together comes before keeping the house pretty.


Its esp bad now since I injured my knee in a homeschool martial arts class (or the testing, anyways) 6 mo ago and i'm probably headed towards surgery since it wont heal - standing is something I reserve for when its really necessary . . . and for me, cleaning isnt all that necessary.


Also - being around filth is NOT unhealthy. Study after study shows that our immune systems are healthier when we are exposed to germs, that anti-bacterial hand wash is associated with health problems, digging in the dirt is good for depression .. . sure, my house needs a lot of work (cleaning, decluttering AND repairs), but germs dont scare me at all. (I used to joke that you can tell how strong my kids immune system is by looking at my floor)

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DH would love the hotel look. I'm more comfortable eith something a little more lived in. Reality with children, our house is a bit cluttered right now. Not very, compared to many, but too cluttered for my tastes. It's small, so just a little clutter looks like a lot fast. (and I define clutter as any kind of stuff that doesn't have a place or is stacked up and not put away.) Our house gets kid-cleaned almost every evening. This doesn't mean it's cleaned- their abilities are very sub-par. But it does help to keep things from getting out of hand. Once a week (normally, non-pregnant), we do a deeper cleaning where we mop, mom-sweep, and clean off surfaces that have gotten stacked up. I need to start adding in dusting, but haven't. So that get's done when I notice it. my house does drive me crazy when the kids get lazy/quick/ we're not checking consistantly. Like this past week when they trashed the laundry room dumping stuff in there instead of using the hampers. But theoretically, i'm ok with it most of the time. Oh, and I also clean the bathroom with my shower. But I do it after, when everything is steamy and damp. Seems like it'd get cleaner then. Or at leadt not need as much scrubbing.

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I finally read this thread, I was dreading that i would feel awful about myself if i did - but it totally sounded like you were describing my house in that first post! (not the look-like-a-hotel one lol) Its a total mess right now . . . but i finally realized that not only are my kids 2E, so are the adults. I have to cook from scratch every meal due to allergies, and i get carried away with it, so that takes a lot of time. My kids are very intense and exhausting, and i need a lot of down time to recover from corralling them.


I did flylady for a while when my youngest was a baby and my older two were in school, and i was really happy - my house was as clean as its ever been. but then crisis after crisis hit me, and keeping my crap together comes before keeping the house pretty.


Its esp bad now since I injured my knee in a homeschool martial arts class (or the testing, anyways) 6 mo ago and i'm probably headed towards surgery since it wont heal - standing is something I reserve for when its really necessary . . . and for me, cleaning isnt all that necessary.


Also - being around filth is NOT unhealthy. Study after study shows that our immune systems are healthier when we are exposed to germs, that anti-bacterial hand wash is associated with health problems, digging in the dirt is good for depression .. . sure, my house needs a lot of work (cleaning, decluttering AND repairs), but germs dont scare me at all. (I used to joke that you can tell how strong my kids immune system is by looking at my floor)


I think you are not the only poster who had the impression I was criticizing my neighbor's housekeeping. I'm not. Actually, my house looks similar a good bit of the time when I'm not able to get around to the organizing and cleaning....just like she isn't able to get to it. She is probably doing what is more important for her and her family. I actually like her home and I can identify with her level of upkeep at times. I just felt like maybe I was seeing my own home through new eyes. Then I started contemplating what *I* think is clean enough, de-cluttered enough and how that might compare with others.


I'm really just exploring the topic. my own conclusions will change depending on what else is happening in our lives at a given time. I'd like to do better with the housework end of things, but once school starts I'm probably going to have to learn to live with some things being sloppier than I want. There is only so much time in a day. Sometimes I can justify spending time cleaning, other days I can't. It's a fact of life right now. My apologies if I made anyone feel bad about their homes or upkeep. My original post was really just a contemplation of ways that different people might approach the same topic.

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She and I used to be pretty close friends, but we have drifted apart. Anyway, Ds is walking & watching their dog this week. I went over with him last night just to be sure he was doing everything and didn't have trouble with the lock.


Her house is pretty messy, not like a hoarders show or anything. It looks like it hasn't been dusted, vacuumed, floors mopped in a while. Kitchen counters are covered with stuff. There are things lying around on the floor here and there. There is dog hair and little bits of stuff esp. around the edges of the floors. Some clutter scattered here and there. Clearly there was a leak above the kitchen which was fixed and patched, but looks like it needs attention again.


She works for a private school which her 2 Dc attend and I'm sure has very little time for cleaning, so I'm not blasting her for the state of her house. It is a home. There are drawings and school assignments done by her children hanging all over the kitchen. It smells good in their house, but clearly everything does not have a home. Her house is on the small side like mine and i got to wondering if my house looks the same way to strangers and I just can't tell. Anyway, looking in their house got me wanting to get rid of visual clutter and find a place for everything. It's got me motivated to put my house in order (and make it smell good:)).


The funny thing is, when I got home I had a hard time telling if my house appears the same to strangers. :tongue_smilie: I have to say, I'm not sure I want absolutely everything to have a place and zero clutter. Doesn't the stuff you have out say something about you as a person---about your life, your interests? (Maybe having it out just says your lazy - ahem, not really you, more like me. :glare:)


I was once in a home that was completely devoid of any indication that the people had any interests of any sort at all. It looked like a hotel room. The mental atmosphere was completely arid. Just being there made me feel like energy was being sucked out of me. I remember imagining a giant vacuum cleaner coming up to their front door and sucking out every single item of interest.


So, with all the cleaning threads I've seen recently, I'm not sure if I've seen this discussed. Do you tolerate clutter at all? How much? When do interesting things in a house cross the line and become clutter?


Do you even desire to have a neat and clean house, or have you just decided now is not the season for it in your life? Sometimes I wonder about these things after I've cleaned up another dog hair tumbleweed and wonder when the next one will form, where it will hide and how big it will get before I notice it!


Oh my, are you sure you weren't in my house? :blush:

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I'm wondering if it has to do with how fast you clean?


I clean fast. I vacuum my house every day (portions) , one room at a time, as I can get to it. I wipe down my kitchen floor every night, it takes me 5 minutes to wipe up a bathroom-BUT I don't have a schedule, I snatch time here and there as I see it--other than if there's a big clean, it's on Saturday morning. BUt like i said, I move fast. I hate cleaning and I just want it over with. :D

I generally clean fast as well and little bits here and there. I'm not near as fast being pregnant right now though so my expectations are lower than usual and some days are not the best.


I recruit the kids, more often when I'm feeling tired. I needed to mop the whole house yesterday, 1800 sf upstairs. I had to sweep it first I used the vacuum instead as it is faster, although not as good and the kids mopped the great room (600sf). They had fun mopping and slipping around on the floor and it left me with enough energy to finish the rest of the house. Not the best job mind you but it looks much better than it did. I love all our hardwood floors but they are work.


Sweeping really needs to be done daily and the bathrooms at least 2x a week. It seems that 1x a week used to get it just fine but doesn't anymore. Ds8 generally does a good job on bathrooms though and I scrub the shower when I'm in there, again not perfect but good enough!

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I bought the Motivated Moms cleaning schedule and it has really helped me keep on top of stuff that I normally don't think of. I combined the list with the You Rule app for the Ipad and the kids are just dying to help out. Blinds are dusted, floors mopped, toilet paper stocked....now to attack the school books I have scattered everywhere.

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My house is very similar to what the OP described and honestly, one of my biggest fears is having someone over and afterward, they go online and talk about the state of my home. :crying: I have gotten to the point where I don't invite anyone over at all except for my MIL who also has a fair amount of clutter. My house is not so bad that CPS would take my children and it isn't filthy, but it is cluttered and probably would bother most folks on this thread. I wish I could keep it better looking.


I definitely envy those who keep the clutter away sucessfully!

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I frequently think that if someone came to my house they would think that I never get around to homeschooling much less cleaning my house!


I can clean my house and within 3 or 4 days it is right back to where we started. It is defeating. And, I am lazy about it.


I am a stacker and I place things anywhere for immediate relief.


For me, between getting school work done and after school activities there is just so little time to get my kids to help clean up.


I do dream of a clean house and I would like one, but it is not my season.


And, on most days I have a hard time fitting in a read aloud, which I much prefer to cleaning.

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