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Please pray. Dh is driving me to the hospital. My dad had a heart attack.

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Sorry for brevity here, I'm exhausted.


There has been no change since my last update. Dad had an echo and a kidney ultrasound both before noon. While I did get to speak with his cardio dr, he didn't have the echo results then. And neither he nor dad's nephrologist updated us on the results of those tests AT ALL today. Extremely frustrating. Please, can anyone tell me who to talk to/what to do tomorrow to make sure I can get answers for my mom.


Dad is at the hospital my mom works at. Mom will NOT have him transfered. The hospital is a small one in literally the worst neighborhood in Flint. The nurses caring for dad are beyond great; I'm worried about the level of care from the doctors.


We were able to get dad the correct pain medication finally to control his pain. He was not able to eat.


I'm tired, scared, frustrated, and mom REALLY needs my support. Jesus, dh, my boys, my sisters, and all my praying friends are supporting me well.


Off to sleep.

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Thanks for the update, Bethany -- I hope you're able to get some rest.


I wish you felt more confident in the doctors and the hospital. Your mom is probably too scared to think straight right now, and she is more comfortable with your dad being at the hospital where she works, because she feels like she has more control over the situation.


Can you bring in a specialist from another (better) hospital, or contact whomever is the finest specialist in your state and ask him or her to review your dad's medical records, so you can get a second opinion?


I'm so sorry your family is going through this. The stress and worry are overwhelming, and you must be exhausted and frustrated.


Still praying for your dad.

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Bethany - You said it is a small hospital but if they have a chaplain on staff they might be able to help. I worked as a chaplain for several years and they often serve as advocates and help figure out the pieces. It's worth a try if you haven't seen one yet.


I will keep praying. I am so sorry you are going through this.


Read this during prayer time today and thought of you and your dad. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Isaiah 43:1-3

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Last time my dad was in the hospital we were very unhappy with the level of response from the doctors. We got the name of a patient advocate (most hospitals should have a similarly named department) and spoke with them. It was amazing how quickly we were able to obtain information and have our (and my dad's) needs met. The general level of care increased just based on speaking with that one person, and having that contact helped throughout the entire time he was in the hospital. :grouphug:

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Last time my dad was in the hospital we were very unhappy with the level of response from the doctors. We got the name of a patient advocate (most hospitals should have a similarly named department) and spoke with them. It was amazing how quickly we were able to obtain information and have our (and my dad's) needs met. The general level of care increased just based on speaking with that one person, and having that contact helped throughout the entire time he was in the hospital. :grouphug:


Yes! A patient advocate is good too. Get a patient advocate and a chaplain and you'll be set.

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Dad had to have dialysis today. Still on bipap to keep blood ox levels up. Hasn't eaten anything yet today. Keeping his pain controlled well.


Thanks for the update, Bethany.


How are you feeling about all of this? Does your dad seem to be any better? How is your mom holding up?


Still praying for all of you! :grouphug:

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