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I now am officially grossed out.

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I have a FB "friend" (we aren't close) who just changed her profile pic to a her positive pregnancy test. Ok. I can handle that. A little bit of an odd way to announce to the general public that you're expecting, considering most people probably don't really wish to view a stick on which you just urinated, but whatever floats your boat, right?


She then proceeded to post SEVERAL pictures of her children POSING with the positive pee sticks. In one, her son is CHEWING on the pee stick. Like, on the peed on end. In another, her son is STICKING THE PEE STICK IN HIS EYE.




Then she posted a photo of her PARENTS posing with the pee sticks.


Granted, she's one of those "shares WAY too much information on FB" types.

I'm actually a little surprised she didn't post pictures of herself, ahem, using the pee sticks. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Coffeetime
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I have a FB "friend" (we aren't close) who just changed her profile pic to a her positive pregnancy test. Ok. I can handle that. A little bit of an odd way to announce to the general public that you're expecting, considering most people probably don't really wish to view a stick on which you just urinated, but whatever floats your boat, right?


She then proceeded to post SEVERAL pictures of her children POSING with the positive pee sticks. In one, her son is CHEWING on the pee stick. Like, on the peed on end. In another, her son is STICKING THE PEE STICK IN HIS EYE.




Then she posted a photo of her PARENTS posing with the pee sticks.


Granted, she's one of those "shares WAY too much information on FB" types.

I'm actually a little surprised she didn't post pictures of herself, ahem, using the pee sticks. :tongue_smilie:


Well, y'know. I have a friend. As an adult, her mother was packing to move, and showed her ... a broken condom, and told her it was from the night she was conceived.




Double wow!!! :blink:

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What comments have people put on the kid-chewing-on-a-pee-stick photo? I'm guessing it was a prank and not really THE stick--though that doesn't make any sense either. It's too bizarre and disgusting for me to believe it was genuine, though. In any case, she must have a case of pregnancy-induced wackadoodiness to think anyone would find pics of people posing with and chewing on pee sticks cute or amusing. :001_huh:

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I have a FB "friend" (we aren't close) who just changed her profile pic to a her positive pregnancy test. Ok. I can handle that. A little bit of an odd way to announce to the general public that you're expecting, considering most people probably don't really wish to view a stick on which you just urinated, but whatever floats your boat, right?


She then proceeded to post SEVERAL pictures of her children POSING with the positive pee sticks. In one, her son is CHEWING on the pee stick. Like, on the peed on end. In another, her son is STICKING THE PEE STICK IN HIS EYE.




Then she posted a photo of her PARENTS posing with the pee sticks.


Granted, she's one of those "shares WAY too much information on FB" types.

I'm actually a little surprised she didn't post pictures of herself, ahem, using the pee sticks. :tongue_smilie:


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Well, y'know. I have a friend. As an adult, her mother was packing to move, and showed her ... a broken condom, and told her it was from the night she was conceived.





There's just not enough therapy in the world that would help me recover from my mother doing this :001_huh: But then again, my parents never had s*x....I was brought by storks....and no one can tell me differently :lol:

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What comments have people put on the kid-chewing-on-a-pee-stick photo? I'm guessing it was a prank and not really THE stick--though that doesn't make any sense either. It's too bizarre and disgusting for me to believe it was genuine, though. In any case, she must have a case of pregnancy-induced wackadoodiness to think anyone would find pics of people posing with and chewing on pee sticks cute or amusing. :001_huh:


No, it is most definitely a used stick. You can see the two lines.:001_huh: She put the cap back on the end, so that's something, but still.


And only one person has commented. "I hope it's clean...".

I think everyone is eeked out.

Oh, and HER commentary on the chewing photo? "He knows where this stick has been. lol."

He's 4 years old.


It's all just really, really bizarre. And gross. And disgusting.


Her whole life is pretty much TMI though. I'm pretty sure she thinks that everything about her is so stinking adorable the entire world MUST know it all. I am convinced that certain people should not be allowed on FB. :tongue_smilie:

And yes, I utilized that little "unsubscribe" button tonight... ;)

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I have a FB "friend" (we aren't close) who just changed her profile pic to a her positive pregnancy test. Ok. I can handle that. A little bit of an odd way to announce to the general public that you're expecting, considering most people probably don't really wish to view a stick on which you just urinated, but whatever floats your boat, right?


She then proceeded to post SEVERAL pictures of her children POSING with the positive pee sticks. In one, her son is CHEWING on the pee stick. Like, on the peed on end. In another, her son is STICKING THE PEE STICK IN HIS EYE.




Then she posted a photo of her PARENTS posing with the pee sticks.


Granted, she's one of those "shares WAY too much information on FB" types.

I'm actually a little surprised she didn't post pictures of herself, ahem, using the pee sticks. :tongue_smilie:


I dont mind the picture of the stick. I see those all the time and if FB had been around I would have posted pictures of mine. In fact I glued mine into my baby book after it dried. The letting the kids play with it thing? GA-ROSS

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Well, y'know. I have a friend. As an adult, her mother was packing to move, and showed her ... a broken condom, and told her it was from the night she was conceived.




:lol: and :tongue_smilie: and:001_huh:


That is WAY worse than the pee stick! Although the pee stick FB pics gross me out, too.

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Well, y'know. I have a friend. As an adult, her mother was packing to move, and showed her ... a broken condom, and told her it was from the night she was conceived.






I think a simple rule might be: if you've peed on it, it's not a present.


I don't even know what to say about the OP.



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I don't think it's weird/gross/whatever to post a picture of the test as an announcement (or to keep them, even- I kept mine for a while to compare the darkness of the test lines)...but the kids chewing on them etc? Ick!


:iagree: I guess that is another check in the we're freaks box.

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