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Would you expect a driving instructor

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to be the same sex as the student if they would be driving alone together for 2 hours?


No, but around here, everyone has a partner. Oldest dd had a male teacher and a female partner. Middle dd had a female teacher and a male partner. I haven't talked with others to see how it has ended up for their kids.

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Second, because living life is a risk worth taking. Living in fear is not much of a life even when the fears valid. It's just a waste when the fear isn't valid.


My reason has nothing to do with fear. It's inappropriate, not dangerous (in addition to being risky for the instructor).

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No, I wouldn't.


I have to say that the thought of having other teens in the car with a very new driver scares me more than an opposite sex instructor.


Yes! I was just going to post the same thing and I'm surprised it took this long for anyone else to say the same thing. I certainly wouldn't want my kid sitting in the backseat while some other teen drives for the very first time.


As others have also pointed out, I don't see how gender matters at all. Keeping it all same sex didn't make Sandusky's kids immune to abuse.

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No, I wouldn't.


I have to say that the thought of having other teens in the car with a very new driver scares me more than an opposite sex instructor.


:iagree: I have been reading the thread and thinking the same thing. Unless perhaps these cars have dual controls?

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My reason has nothing to do with fear. It's inappropriate, not dangerous (in addition to being risky for the instructor).


I agree.


I am not paranoid or living in fear. By Sandusky world I also mean there are many children who have inappropriate things happen to them and they are threatened to keep silent about it. And many times they stay silent for years.


I might let my daughter have Drivers' Ed with a man if there were other students in the car.

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My reason has nothing to do with fear. It's inappropriate, not dangerous (in addition to being risky for the instructor).


What exactly is inappropriate about someone doing their job?


I cannot imagine going to work and being told it is inappropriate for me to be alone with someone I work with or a customer. In fact, MANY jobs require this.


I used to work in a boutique that only had one person staffed at a time except for crossing shifts. As a teen I often worked until 2 am with onky a male coworker on the ahift with me. Not to mention all the times i babysat for a dad whose wife was out kf town or whatever. Was it inappropriate for me to sell decor to men without someone else present? Is it inappropriate for a plumber to enter the home if the lady of the house is home alone? I can think of any other number of situations that illustrate how ridiculously sexist and paranoid this is.


However it does illustrate how hostile work environments are for men in these days.

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Thanks for all the responses. I do appreciate reading them. I really am not a paranoid parent at all but something about this guy made my insides scream. That doesn't happen often, but I usually know better than to go against my intuition.


See now that is different and really not about the what gender the driver is anyways. If the driver just bothers you, then call and have him replaced with someone else. If he made my momma radar go off, I wouldn't want my kid with him at all. So again, the whole let's put two or more other kids in contact with someone making my radar alarm makes no sense whatsoever to me. confused:


NO, but many have a policy of more than one student or passenger per session to avoid stuff.


None of them here do and I wouldn't pay for them if they did. My sons have used their entire 1.5 hour sessions to be behind the wheel themselves. No distracting other teen in the backseat. No cutting time in half or more sharing the driving with another. There should be no stuff to avoid. They aren't parking in the woods. They are driving about the city.:confused:

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What exactly is inappropriate about someone doing their job?


I cannot imagine going to work and being told it is inappropriate for me to be alone with someone I work with or a customer. In fact, MANY jobs require this.


I used to work in a boutique that only had one person staffed at a time except for crossing shifts. As a teen I often worked until 2 am with onky a male coworker on the ahift with me. Not to mention all the times i babysat for a dad whose wife was out kf town or whatever. Was it inappropriate for me to sell decor to men without someone else present? Is it inappropriate for a plumber to enter the home if the lady of the house is home alone? I can think of any other number of situations that illustrate how ridiculously sexist and paranoid this is.


However it does illustrate how hostile work environments are for men in these days.


No one said anything about it being "inappropriate" for "someone doing their job." For the most part, the examples you provided are not the same--a child with an unknown adult in an authoritative position.


Yes, work environments are hostile toward men these days. That is a sad fact of life, and it would serve any man well to consider this and protect himself accordingly. As in (almost?) any other instructor situation, it is inappropriate for a young girl to be alone with an adult male instructor.


Call me ridiculously sexist and paranoid, I don't care. I'm not. In this country, at this time, a man who places himself in a situation with a young girl alone is foolish.


For the same reasons I would never put my ds in a babysitting situation, my husband would not jeopardize himself in any way by being alone with a teen girl in an authority position. Company policy prohibited it in his managerial position. I'm not sure if my county job prohibits it, but my boss follows the same precautions. I've been around enough to know it's not worth the risk to my family.

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I wonder if this is just another symptom of public education.


In a school setting teachers are not allowed to hugs students or be alone with them and that school policy spills over to coaches and other stuff. I guess if your only experience is with drivers education at the schools, then you would expect it to be handled in that manner.


I have never had drivers education at a school and neither has my dh. In fact, our sons went to the same private business as dh did the summer he turned 16.


The class time is a true classroom setting with other students of any age. For about 10 hours. Then they each schedule their personal drive sessions. 4 sessions of 1.5 hours each. The instructor comes to the house (or wherever) to pick them up and they practice driving and parking and such for the entire 1.5 hours and then are returned home. The last driving session is scheduled closer to when they can get their graduated license and is a mock driving test.

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I agree.


I am not paranoid or living in fear. By Sandusky world I also mean there are many children who have inappropriate things happen to them and they are threatened to keep silent about it. And many times they stay silent for years.



But Sandusky was about molestation of BOYS by a MAN. So why is a same sex driving instructor better?:confused:

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But Sandusky was about molestation of BOYS by a MAN. So why is a same sex driving instructor better?:confused:


That's exactly why I voted for a female instructor in my earlier post. Men molest children/teens of either sex with a much higher frequency than women, so, I think, if one is concerned about molestation, it's better to have a woman.


I have heard about some issues with safety involving having a (male) taxi driver -- they are in control of the destination. So safety should be considered. Molestation is pretty common. I am not sure it's higher with driving instructors, but any situation where someone can take one off to wherever they want and the other person has no control, doesn't strike me as safe. I would certainly want the person learning to drive to have a phone with them. I am not saying learning to drive is a dangerous activity in terms of abuse, but such situations are not always safe.

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Yes, work environments are hostile toward men these days. That is a sad fact of life, and it would serve any man well to consider this and protect himself accordingly. As in (almost?) any other instructor situation, it is inappropriate for a young girl to be alone with an adult male instructor.


Call me ridiculously sexist and paranoid, I don't care. I'm not. In this country, at this time, a man who places himself in a situation with a young girl alone is foolish.


Unfortunately, I have to agree with this. My company policy is for no one to ever be alone in a private situation (i.e.- office with no windows) with a student. I would recommend any driving instructor have a third person in the car at all times, for his (or her) own protection.


However, I sent my dd off for two hours at a time with a male driving instructor without a second thought.

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