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How often do you check your rep points?

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This is becoming an obsession for me. When the rep points first started I never checked. I had a "bad" attitude, "What do I care what someone else thinks about what I said."


Then lo and behold the day I had to go into my control panel. I had rep points! Woo Hoo! Okay I'm not going to obsess about it. But it is cool that someone thought I had something intelligent to say.


From that day I checked about once a week when I rememberd. Let's fast forward to the 4th of July Rep Party. The rep points have been the first thing I've checked every time I log on since I participated in the party.


Am I normal or deveolping OCD over rep points? How often do you check yours?

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I end up checking it when I check my subscribed threads. It is just there in my face. I think it is a nice way to connect with people on a very busy board. So I like it. But I know what you mean by it getting out of hand.:001_smile:

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I end up checking it when I check my subscribed threads. It is just there in my face. I think it is a nice way to connect with people on a very busy board. So I like it. But I know what you mean by it getting out of hand.:001_smile:


Same here -- I check the subscribed threads often and there they are. But I don't have enough to develop an obsession over. :001_smile:


Mostly, I usually feel like I'm just talking to myself, but that's okay. It gets the goat of all of those who are just jealous 'cause the voices are only in MY head. :001_smile:

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At least daily - usually several times a day. I'm insecure and I have to know if anything at all that I ever post is ever worth something to someone ever - LOL.

:iagree: with what she said. Sometimes if I post something that I think is on the edge, I check them every 5 minutes.:001_huh:

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This is becoming an obsession for me. When the rep points first started I never checked. I had a "bad" attitude, "What do I care what someone else thinks about what I said."


Then lo and behold the day I had to go into my control panel. I had rep points! Woo Hoo! Okay I'm not going to obsess about it. But it is cool that someone thought I had something intelligent to say.


From that day I checked about once a week when I rememberd. Let's fast forward to the 4th of July Rep Party. The rep points have been the first thing I've checked every time I log on since I participated in the party.


Am I normal or deveolping OCD over rep points? How often do you check yours?



Rep points? Never heard of them. What are they? :p :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:

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At least daily - usually several times a day. I'm insecure and I have to know if anything at all that I ever post is ever worth something to someone ever - LOL.



:iagree: I'm trying to break the habit, but it's a hard one!




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I know how I can see my last few reps but how do I get my total counts?



In the box on your User CP where your rep comments show up, in the upper right corner will be your total number of points. Everyone starts out with 10. :)

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I didn't check that often until I heard about people getting rid of their points every day. Now, I make sure I'm depleted before the day is out and check to see if I have received any every time i check back in. It is a silly thing to get excited about, but it gives me a little thrill.

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I would never have anticipated how much I enjoy getting positive rep points. I think it's a little sick probably, just how good I feel when y'all send me positive rep and sweet comments. In a world where I often feel a little misunderstood (and a little stupid), around here I feel accepted. My rep points, few as they may be in comparison to many other folks here, I cherish (more than I ought to!).


Someday I just know I'm gonna have *two* green squares....sigh....


BTW, I probably remember to check about once per week, but if there's something really nice written there and I feel a little needy, I visit my rep comments more often, just for reassurance. ;)

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I love getting rep almost as much as I love giving it! I understand that some people rarely check their rep, but as one of those who gives it (and gives it a lot!) I'd be sad to know someone didn't read my gesture of kindness. It's like a gift that gets lost behind the couch or something. :o (Which is still way better than an Easter egg - the real kind - that once did when I was growing up. It was found months later when we moved the couch... and accidentally crushed it. :bored:)


I happen to check mine often because I use my User CP quite a bit to read new posts in my subscribed threads. Even if I had to click a separate page to view them, I still would because I'd hate to miss a sweet word someone wanted to share with me. :)

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Once or twice per day UNLESS I am involved in a controversial topic! Then I check obsessively to see if I have made anyone mad at me. I really don't like it when people are mad at me. So if I am ticking people off, then I real quick try to change my tone or even reconsider my stance.

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I don't even know what you're talking about.

I started reading this thread because I thought it said

"How often do you check your ripped pants?"

And I wondered how many people routinely go about clad in torn trousers.


Oh well. coffeebreak.gif






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YOU'RE KIDDING?!?! I started with 10? So the first ten don't even count?


ARGH! I have a rep of 13. 13! Can I quit now? I have been on these boards for yrs. I hate rep.


However I can now prove to my DH that I am a loser. He is super popular, always has been. Has a million friends. Great guy, my perfect match. Absolutely required to balance my un-popularness.








ps. I have pms and am fighting a migraine.

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LOL! Thanks Jennifer!


About the only thing I wish they would do is leave more of them available so you can read them. There were some really nice, thoughtful things there and I can't read them anymore!


ETA: Actually, some of the "not so nice" things are fun to go back to read, too. Some of them are just hilarious!

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YOU'RE KIDDING?!?! I started with 10? So the first ten don't even count?


ARGH! I have a rep of 13. 13! Can I quit now? I have been on these boards for yrs. I hate rep.


However I can now prove to my DH that I am a loser. He is super popular, always has been. Has a million friends. Great guy, my perfect match. Absolutely required to balance my un-popularness.








ps. I have pms and am fighting a migraine.



No worries! I had way more posts than you before I even got my first rep!


There are no losers here!! We're all winners!! :grouphug:

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YOU'RE KIDDING?!?! I started with 10? So the first ten don't even count?


ARGH! I have a rep of 13. 13! Can I quit now? I have been on these boards for yrs. I hate rep.





I'll join you :glare:.

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I forget they are even there unless someone mentions them, like now. I've given out several rep points, and several people have given them to me, but usually they are an out-of-sight, out-of-mind feature here. I'm much more interested in the private messages people have sent me, and I notice them because of the link at the top of the page by my name. Things that are more in my face get noticed. That's the visual learner in me coming through. :)

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From the looks of those FIVE GREEN SQUARES under each of your names, I'd say you're doing more merry making than mad making, and that ripped pants clearly turn somebody on! :w00t:



Like others, I tend to scroll down to look at rep points when I'm checking up on my subscribed threads for new posts. It always makes my heart sink a bit when I see a red dot, or soar a bit when there's a green one, but I suppose that's just my codependence talking. (Who me?!) ;)





Once or twice per day UNLESS I am involved in a controversial topic! Then I check obsessively to see if I have made anyone mad at me. I really don't like it when people are mad at me. So if I am ticking people off, then I real quick try to change my tone or even reconsider my stance.


I don't even know what you're talking about.

I started reading this thread because I thought it said

"How often do you check your ripped pants?"

And I wondered how many people routinely go about clad in torn trousers.



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Ugh! Rep points! LOL I want so badly to get into the giving and receiving fun game of remembering to do my reps everyday but the day keeps getting in the way!


I swear I'm going to have one of those nightmares where you forget your baby but instead I'm going to have a nightmare about forgetting my rep points. They are the bane of my memory! Everyday goes by and AGAIN I've forgotten to play. ;)


I'll get it...it's on my list! (good luck on THAT one! LOL) :lol:

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OK, sorry for the tantrum! You guys are great! I have more then doubled now! :D


Thanks, I feel special!!!


Maybe I should try throwing a tantrum??? ;)


It depends on which thread I'm on. Some are known for giving out more reps than others.


I like the reps. It's a fun game to see them slowly go up, or, in Christy's case, go up quickly! :D

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I have not yet figured out when you get / when to give rep points!
You are so sweet!


You give them when someone is kind to you...like...well, like what I just said to you! (what a coincidence! ;) )


So you know HOW to give them? Click on the scales at the top right of the person's post. Make sure you click the POSITIVE rep circle! Say whatever you want to say and sign your name, so people know who sent it!


You can try it on my message here!:001_smile:

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I just did my rep for the day. :) It was 'muchly fun' (as my 12yr said as a 2yr old)! Do I really have to wait 24 hours from right now before I can give more again? That's forever from now and it was fun. (whine-whine) ;)


Oh well, since I can't toss anymore out there anyone is more than welcome to toss any extras they need to get rid of for the day my way! Hehe!!


Have a super night all!!!:D

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I don't even know what you're talking about.

I started reading this thread because I thought it said

"How often do you check your ripped pants?"

And I wondered how many people routinely go about clad in torn trousers.


Oh well. coffeebreak.gif


Anj, I must say, that was pretty funny! I HAD to read it to my dh and he laughed out loud! You are one of the blessed he has laughed out loud for. The other two are Dilbert and John Clease, well, actually all of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". So you're in great company! I bet you feel honored now! :lol:
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:lol: That so much sounds like something I would say/think! Glad I'm not alone in my paranoid world. Hehe!! :lol:
:lol: I was just going to reply, "Would it make you paranoid if I laughed at what you just said? Because really, I'd be laughing WITH you, not AT you, of course!" :lol: (Really, it'd be all of us parnoidians laughing together!)
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Since I now know how and when to post rep points (thanks, Brindee!), I started on a rep spree, giving rep points out to helpful posters...and then I got a message saying I had given out too much in a 24 hour period. Bummer! I take it one must be judicious with one's rep points. :)

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