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If we go ahead and legalize same-sex marriage,

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Why shouldn't she say, "my wife works at X?" Her life is not a political point.


Person A: what school do you go to?

Child: Oh, I am homeschooled.


It is not a political point; it is answering the question.


Yup. I was once asked by a customer where I work how old my kids are. I replied with their ages and the customer said, "Wow, you must have been really young when your oldest was born!" I replied, "Well, she was adopted at age 11." Customer's response? "Why do you feel the need to tell people that your child was adopted?"


:confused: Why do you need to assume my child was born to me? Does it matter?


Does the gender of someone's spouse really matter?? Only to those for whom it's an issue.



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That was totally unnecessary and extraordinarily condescending.


I'm thinking she meant only that sin is sin, and she does not defend her own sin (which might be overeating? not sure) while condemning others.


But then I choose to try to understand what she actually might have intended rather than just to attack.


Even if I believed in "sin" (I used to), one of the things that changed my spirituality from Christianity is putting my over-eating on the same level as child sexual assault. "There are no degrees of sin" is a sick, twisted concept.

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About AC-- I have liked him since I saw him report on a story once: it was about a child who had been in danger or an emergency of some kind (I forget what exactly), and AC prefaced the story by saying that the child was fine now, and then he went on to explain the scary news-worthy story. I thought that was so considerate to all the mothers out there, and so different from any other newscaster who is just trying to sensationalize everything and keep you hanging on through the commercials!

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How many heterosexuals take their lives because they are shamed, bullied, and made to feel disgust at their heterosexuality?

Logic is flawed...what are the feelings of pedophiles working very hard to legitimize their lifestyle by removing it as an aberrent behavior in the DSM3...an aberrent lifestyle is just that and will have repurcussions...I can never condone or promote a sin...as someone who has struggled with overeating...I do not praise or condone it but must strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Here is the connection, for a very long period of time...homosexuality was considered deviant behavior just as pedophilia is. Society rejected both, now a segment embraces one but not the other. Just look at DSM III manuals from 20+ years ago. I never have maligned your intelligence or have so brazenly and openly attacked those who take a differing view...I was addressing flawed logic. Being personally attacked reflects more poorly on the sender than any impact on me...judging is not or me, but for my Lord. The fact that I use my brain to honor and uphold His laws and Word is what most who condemn here find offensive. Nothing new.
So are you saying that in your opinion your Lord is OK with shaming and bullying of homosexuals and overeaters in general? We shouldn't take their feelings into account any more than we'd take into account the feelings of paedophiles. Do any "sins" get a pass?
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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.


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So why do you have to do that? You don't have to do this.


You could just say, "My spouse works at X doing blah blah!" and not make a big deal of it. You know exactly what is going to happen when you say that, if you can read your audience at all. Gay bar? Nothing. Talking to old ladies at a garage sale or something? I'd immediately assume you were making a political point at my expense for assuming that you had a husband.


Thankfully your assumptions aren't her issue.


Some might consider your approach a lie by omission, dishonest, and might hold that against the other poster.


She really can't win.

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Right. Unfortunately, I've been acquainted with or related to a few. None gay. It's a straw man.


Again, how many people heterosexuals commit suicide because they're bullied, and made to feel shame and disgust at their heterosexuality?


Of the gay kids who commit suicide, how much of it is related to the bullying, shame, and disgust they're made to feel about their homosexuality?


This is _not_ a straw man.


If Christian teens were 5 times more likely to attempt suicide than non-Christian teens, would you say, "Ooooh, that's a straw man?"


If not, then please take another look at your anti-gay bias.

Edited by Ipsey
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Keep in mind that although I'm in the minority, I am a conservative Christian who doesn't have a problem with the legalization of it. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want. Just don't tell me what I have to do or think or teach my kids.


:iagree: I feel like this about a lot of issues. I don't recall Jesus forcing anyone to do anything. I thought I was the only Christian who felt like this! :001_smile:

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Why shouldn't she say, "my wife works at X?" Her life is not a political point.


Person A: what school do you go to?

Child: Oh, I am homeschooled.


It is not a political point; it is answering the question. It doesn't matter if the person is at a garage sale, is a teacher or anything else. It is life. Sure, people are going to make assumptions, but I don't assume people are being *radical* every time they correct one of my assumptions by answering my question. That is a bizarre POV to me.




Not statistically, and especially not with sexual minority teens.



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So are you saying that in your opinion your Lord is OK with shaming and bullying of homosexuals and overeaters in general? We shouldn't take their feelings into account any more than we'd take into account the feelings of paedophiles. Do any "sins" get a pass?


This is the sweet truth! Almost ALL sins get a pass, that is the glory and miracle of the sacrifice made for all man. The Bible does speak about an unforgivable sin, but none of those mentioned above are those. Yes! All sins are forgiven and all sins are equal! We (in my understanding) were not put on this earth first to consider the feelings of man, but to honor and praise the being of God...that comes first. A humanist approach would put the feelings of man and create a paradigm of 'understanding' that tries to validate all feelings and all reactions. This is a very slippery slope...as seen with the example of pedophilia...many 'notable' psychiatrists have worked for years to validate the human 'condition' of pedophilia... http://www.greeleygazette.com/press/?p=11517

While many find the topic of pedophilia shocking and angers them, they do not have the same response with homosexuality or overeating...all are equal sins, indeed. Our world of 'humanity' has tried very hard to minimize them..there are even people who claim that being obese should be glorified and attained...I have suffered from sin, we all do..but to glorify/condone/promote a sinful lifestyle is not in accordance with honoring/glorifying our Creator. Therein, lies the crux of the issue. You can not serve God and serve man, you must choose one...just because I choose to serve God and honor His Word does not mean I do not love and feel deep pain for the affliction sin has caused each and every man...sin will not be taken away, but through the Holy Spirit they can be washed away...but to hold and embrace sin keeps you separated from that gift.

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Here is the connection, for a very long period of time...homosexuality was considered deviant behavior just as pedophilia is. Society rejected both, now a segment embraces one but not the other. Just look at DSM III manuals from 20+ years ago. I never have maligned your intelligence or have so brazenly and openly attacked those who take a differing view...I was addressing flawed logic. Being personally attacked reflects more poorly on the sender than any impact on me...judging is not or me, but for my Lord. The fact that I use my brain to honor and uphold His laws and Word is what most who condemn here find offensive. Nothing new.

Um....you are aware that the DSM IV has changed, right?


Just as biracial marriages are now legal. Lots of things have changed in the last 20 yrs, and for darn good reason.


Holding on to something from 20 yrs ago makes your argument completely illogical. It's akin to stating, "Ppl believed the world was flat for a long, long time, so just b/c you say it's round doesn't make it so! Other beliefs were held longer!"


Ftr, I am a Christian. And I never cease to be gobsmacked by this line of argument. Comparing pedophiles to same s*x relationships...do you not have the very basic understanding why that comparison is disgusting and revolting? Do you not understand the difference btwn 2 consenting adults and someone preying on a child? Seriously?


And if you don't, why not state that anyone that engages in pre marital s*x = a pedophile? After all, a sin is a sin, right? Or those that have affairs on their spouses? Or lies?


I'm sure there are sins you commit...shall we compare you to a pedophile? You, of course, would be completely ok w/that, right?

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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of believing that it is right to mercilessly bully and abuse gays and drive them to suicide?

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While many find the topic of pedophilia shocking and angers them, they do not have the same response with homosexuality or overeating...all are equal sins, indeed. Our world of 'humanity' has tried very hard to minimize them..


This begs the question-if ALL sins are the same, then why bring up a CRIME that preys upon underaged children? Why not stick with other sins, like gossip or being mean to your neighbor? These are sins that are legal and that many people (even Christians) engage in.


It is not ever okay to bully someone for being gay because the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbor as ourselves.

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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of believing that it is right to mercilessly bully and abuse gays and drive them to suicide?


My feeling is that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you publicly state that homosexuality is akin to pedophilia, you are, in my opinion, bullying and abusing gay people.


I know others don't agree. But if you state that loving someone of the same sex is akin to brutalizing children, you are bullying, you are part of the problem, and you are in part responsible for the cultural climate that drives GLBT teens to commit suicide at dramatically higher rates than straight teens.



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So why do you have to do that? You don't have to do this.


You could just say, "My spouse works at X doing blah blah!" and not make a big deal of it. You know exactly what is going to happen when you say that, if you can read your audience at all. Gay bar? Nothing. Talking to old ladies at a garage sale or something? I'd immediately assume you were making a political point at my expense for assuming that you had a husband.


Yet if I said "My spouse" in response to your comment about my husband, that wouldn't be obvious? If "My wife works at X" in response to that question is a political statement, then I just need to stop talking altogether.


I'm generally not talking about people who I meet at a garage sale or something, I don't tend to get into any conversation with them. I'm talking people who I meet at a social event, etc. Folks who I assume are trying to get to know me....

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This is the sweet truth! Almost ALL sins get a pass, that is the glory and miracle of the sacrifice made for all man. The Bible does speak about an unforgivable sin, but none of those mentioned above are those. Yes! All sins are forgiven and all sins are equal! We (in my understanding) were not put on this earth first to consider the feelings of man, but to honor and praise the being of God...that comes first. A humanist approach would put the feelings of man and create a paradigm of 'understanding' that tries to validate all feelings and all reactions. This is a very slippery slope...as seen with the example of pedophilia...many 'notable' psychiatrists have worked for years to validate the human 'condition' of pedophilia... http://www.greeleygazette.com/press/?p=11517

While many find the topic of pedophilia shocking and angers them, they do not have the same response with homosexuality or overeating...all are equal sins, indeed. Our world of 'humanity' has tried very hard to minimize them..there are even people who claim that being obese should be glorified and attained...I have suffered from sin, we all do..but to glorify/condone/promote a sinful lifestyle is not in accordance with honoring/glorifying our Creator. Therein, lies the crux of the issue. You can not serve God and serve man, you must choose one...just because I choose to serve God and honor His Word does not mean I do not love and feel deep pain for the affliction sin has caused each and every man...sin will not be taken away, but through the Holy Spirit they can be washed away...but to hold and embrace sin keeps you separated from that gift.

My question was about bullying, as was the statement you originally responded to. You didn't answer the question I asked you, but chose to preach instead.


Here is my question again:


So are you saying that in your opinion your Lord is OK with shaming and bullying of homosexuals and overeaters in general? We shouldn't take their feelings into account any more than we'd take into account the feelings of paedophiles. Do any "sins" get a pass?


And just to clarify, the getting a pass is referring to bullying. Aw, heck, I will make it easy:


Yes or no, do you think your God condones bullying and shaming of homosexuals?


The way you're dancing around this strongly suggests that you do, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of believing that it is right to mercilessly bully and abuse gays and drive them to suicide?
Is the poster in question a group? And that's exactly what she appears to be saying, at least about the bullying part.
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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of believing that it is right to mercilessly bully and abuse gays and drive them to suicide?


Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of being the equivalent of pedophiles? Apparently pedophiles trying to make a political point every time they answer a normal question, no less?

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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of being the equivalent of pedophiles? Apparently pedophiles trying to make a political point every time they answer a normal question, no less?


Because apparently we are not adults and cannot have a grown-up conversation.

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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of being the equivalent of pedophiles? Apparently pedophiles trying to make a political point every time they answer a normal question, no less?



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Why shouldn't she say, "my wife works at X?" Her life is not a political point.


Person A: what school do you go to?

Child: Oh, I am homeschooled.


It is not a political point; it is answering the question. It doesn't matter if the person is at a garage sale, is a teacher or anything else. It is life. Sure, people are going to make assumptions, but I don't assume people are being *radical* every time they correct one of my assumptions by answering my question. That is a bizarre POV to me.

:iagree: Thank you!


Also, if I answer with "My spouse" then the other person in normal conversation continues to assume my spouse is a man ("how long has he been working there?" "what department is he in?" etc), am I allowed to use "she has worked in x department for y years?" or do I have to structure my answer to avoid pronouns so as to avoid making a political point?


Incidentally I don't care when people assume I have a husband. However, people do need to be open to the fact that they may be wrong...

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Because apparently we are not adults and cannot have a grown-up conversation.


_I_ rather think it is the following, and it is exactly how this conversation has played out.


1. discussion of homosexuality arises.


2. people with anti-gay bias compare homosexuals to pedophiles. (*)


3. People with no anti-gay bias use same bad logic to compare (*) commenters to pedophiles in order to try to point out faulty logic.


I never see this happen any other way. Anti-gay bigots make pedophile claims against homosexuals, and then non-bigots try to explain the fallacy by intentionally using the same one.


It rarely works though, and the bigots get all offended.

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Why is it that every time people discuss anything about homosexuality, by the end, one group is accusing the other of believing that it is right to mercilessly bully and abuse gays and drive them to suicide?


People here are claiming that anti-gay bullying is a straw man and that it's just not a big deal, and it really is really no more noteworthy than any other cause of suicide.


It's related. Denial of this issue is akin to supporting it.

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This begs the question-if ALL sins are the same, then why bring up a CRIME that preys upon underaged children? Why not stick with other sins, like gossip or being mean to your neighbor? These are sins that are legal and that many people (even Christians) engage in.


It is not ever okay to bully someone for being gay because the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbor as ourselves.


:iagree: True



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So why do you have to do that? You don't have to do this.


You could just say, "My spouse works at X doing blah blah!" and not make a big deal of it. You know exactly what is going to happen when you say that, if you can read your audience at all. Gay bar? Nothing. Talking to old ladies at a garage sale or something? I'd immediately assume you were making a political point at my expense for assuming that you had a husband.


Seriously? That seems incredibly self involved. Other people's relationships tend to be about them, not you.

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Incidentally I don't care when people assume I have a husband. However, people do need to be open to the fact that they may be wrong...


Yesterday I was at the doctor's and mentioned something about insurance, and I was asked "where does your husband work?" I just gave the asker a blank stare until she came back with "or, where do you work?"


As a single mom, I'm often in a position to answer "husband" questions and when someone asks, I just say "I don't have a husband." If I'm feeling friendly enough, I might add that "my kids were adopted."


Now if I'm in a situation where I really want someone to know the full structure of my life (VERY rare), I might go further. But it is extremely rare to truly be between a rock and a hard place on that. Very few people I deal with know whether I live with one or more other adults. It's never been a problem. Once someone is close enough for me to trust and want to share that with, I do. Simple.

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will that mean it's accepted enough that we don't have to have continual announcements of famous people's homosexuality?


I am tired of hearing about the sex lives of all celebrities all around. That includes endless heterosexual marriages (Elizabeth Taylor, anyone?), brief flings, weird behavior (Michael Jackson/Peter Pan and the sleepovers, Billy Bob and Angelina Jolie) and adultery, by the way.


That being said, I have generally observed that when something is illegal and/or taboo, people are less open about talking about it. When something is legal and/or social acceptable, people are more open about talking about it.


This goes for all manner of behaviors, from slavery to interracial marriages to alcohol consumption to polygamy. It is not about things that are currently acceptable, since I think most Americans' views of slavery have changed in the past century; those keeping slaves in the 1700s didn't hide it, whereas someone in the US today who enslaves someone usually doesn't flaunt it. So I don't understand why legalizing gay marriage would lead to less conversation.


As I see it, celebrities like to talk about themselves and keep us thinking about them so we buy their books, watch their movies, buy their music, or otherwise listen to them. If talking about their new baby, new dog, new shoes, or new man gets them in the news, I think they take it. "There is no such thing as bad publicity."

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Denial of this issue is akin to supporting it.


We'll have to agree to disagree on that. (Not that I deny the issue, but ignorance is not the same as malfeasance.)


I'm sure you've been in denial on some things you would never support. Maybe you still are.

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My feeling is that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you publicly state that homosexuality is akin to pedophilia, you are, in my opinion, bullying and abusing gay people.


I know others don't agree. But if you state that loving someone of the same sex is akin to brutalizing children, you are bullying, you are part of the problem, and you are in part responsible for the cultural climate that drives GLBT teens to commit suicide at dramatically higher rates than straight teens.




We all have feelings, I have feelings that if you're not 'on board' with the gay rights agenda, then you are labelled a bully...instead of respecting my right to choose a faith that demands I honor His Word...I am labelled a cause for suicide. Do you know how many anorexics commit suicide each year? Someone also mentioned that why is there a comparison to homosexuality and pedophilia...actually, there are several...those that claim pedophilia as a lifestyle (if you would read the articles related you may be enlightened) also claim that they are homosexual...both forms of alternative lifestyles were identified as deviant in medical journals for decades...so now, we are asked to embrace one and not the other..my underlying question leads back to at what point do we draw the line? It was culturally accepted in ancient Greece (pedophilia) and eventually became cast out as an option...same for homosexuality..then one must ask, where do they get their moral compass? For me, it is the Bible- God's word...it in no measure makes me responsible for someone taking their life...I am not condemning them, I am condemning the sin, all sins as I stated are equal in the eyes of God.

It has come to a point in our society where legislation is being asked to be changed, and I have a voice, am I going to stand first for my faith or bow down to the pressures of a society that like to label me as part of the problem. I always will put my faith before pressures. i think it is time that society stop trying to compromise or make others choose one way or the other...there is a way to allow people their faith and their choice in lifestyle..but not to force it on one or the other...and for those who claim to defend one lifestyle but condemn another solely for their faith choice, hypocrisy abounds.

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Yup. I was once asked by a customer where I work how old my kids are. I replied with their ages and the customer said, "Wow, you must have been really young when your oldest was born!" I replied, "Well, she was adopted at age 11." Customer's response? "Why do you feel the need to tell people that your child was adopted?"


:confused: Why do you need to assume my child was born to me? Does it matter?


Does the gender of someone's spouse really matter?? Only to those for whom it's an issue.




These kind of responses (why do you feel need to ..... ) are awfully similar to gaslighting.

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Um....you are aware that the DSM IV has changed, right?


Just as biracial marriages are now legal. Lots of things have changed in the last 20 yrs, and for darn good reason.


Holding on to something from 20 yrs ago makes your argument completely illogical. It's akin to stating, "Ppl believed the world was flat for a long, long time, so just b/c you say it's round doesn't make it so! Other beliefs were held longer!"


Ftr, I am a Christian. And I never cease to be gobsmacked by this line of argument. Comparing pedophiles to same s*x relationships...do you not have the very basic understanding why that comparison is disgusting and revolting? Do you not understand the difference btwn 2 consenting adults and someone preying on a child? Seriously?


And if you don't, why not state that anyone that engages in pre marital s*x = a pedophile? After all, a sin is a sin, right? Or those that have affairs on their spouses? Or lies?


I'm sure there are sins you commit...shall we compare you to a pedophile? You, of course, would be completely ok w/that, right?


Exactly! I am very aware that the DSM has changed, that is why I referred to the DSMIII where it was labelled as such. You choose to go to the inflammatory...I do not, I am looking at reasoning...as stated before..this lifestyle was considered deviant...there is nothing in the Bible about mixed race marriages...in fact, many instances it is stated there were mixed marriages...that is not a moral basis that originates with the Bible. But, homosexuality is. I can not attest to anyone's faith, as a Christian I am bound by the Word, I can not pick and choose what I 'like' to believe is fact and what is not. There are those who believe in God and those who believe in a God. The former requires a level of devotion and adherence to and honoring of His will...again, the only comparison I am making to homosexuality and pedophilia is their progression...many pedophiles are jumping on the homosexuality agenda to help legitimize their position...the same arguments that the LBG proponents stand for are the same ones that pedophiles stand for....the point is, where is that line drawn? I do not draw that line, it has already been drawn for me. I can no more defy my Lord than I can deny my faith. However, the barbs/accusations/stinging comments thrown my way increase with the more I express my faith. To cry foul when one lifestyle is persecuted and to persecute another's choice is quite alarming. I am not offended...just expecting more civility from the opposing side...

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will that mean it's accepted enough that we don't have to have continual announcements of famous people's homosexuality? Keep in mind that although I'm in the minority, I am a conservative Christian who doesn't have a problem with the legalization of it. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want. Just don't tell me what I have to do or think or teach my kids.



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We all have feelings, I have feelings that if you're not 'on board' with the gay rights agenda, then you are labelled a bully...instead of respecting my right to choose a faith that demands I honor His Word...I am labelled a cause for suicide. Do you know how many anorexics commit suicide each year?
Is bullying a factor in their deaths? We're talking about bullying.


I am not condemning them, I am condemning the sin, all sins as I stated are equal in the eyes of God.
Is bullying a sin? I mean incontrovertible bullying, not just "akin to" bullying. You still haven't answered my question. Is it OK to hold people down and shave their head? To mercilessly taunt them? And worse? It it OK to be anything less than... civil? Or by not speaking out condone others' being less than civil?


It has come to a point in our society where legislation is being asked to be changed, and I have a voice, am I going to stand first for my faith or bow down to the pressures of a society that like to label me as part of the problem. I always will put my faith before pressures.
That's nice, but your god is not my god.


i think it is time that society stop trying to compromise or make others choose one way or the other...there is a way to allow people their faith and their choice in lifestyle..but not to force it on one or the other...and for those who claim to defend one lifestyle but condemn another solely for their faith choice, hypocrisy abounds.
This makes no sense. Is someone suggesting you have a lesbian relationship? It seems the only choices you'll accept as valid for others are those which you consider open to you in your faith system.
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instead of respecting my right to choose a faith that demands I honor His Word


You can choose whatever faith you wish, but I don't understand why you need to publicly proclaim that homosexuality is the same as victimizing children. I will never, ever understand that mindset.


Do you know how many anorexics commit suicide each year?


Point me in the direction of the thread where anorexics are equated with child predators. I've not been around TWTM much lately, and I must have missed that thread.


Someone also mentioned that why is there a comparison to homosexuality and pedophilia


One is a crime that victimizes children, and one is not a crime and just offends people's religious sensibilities.


Do you really, honestly not see the difference between two consenting adults in a relationship and a predator victimizing a child? You really, really don't see the difference?



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One is a crime that victimizes children, and one is not a crime and just offends people's religious sensibilities.


Do you really, honestly not see the difference between two consenting adults in a relationship and a predator victimizing a child? You really, really don't see the difference?

I don't think she does. :001_huh:
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the point is, where is that line drawn?


The line is drawn where victimization begins. No one is victimized by people being gay or getting married to someone of the same gender, even though some people like to claim they are because it offends them.



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