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Those of you were here in the early days...

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I remember you! I always liked your posts. :001_smile: I feel that boy genius truly needed Spelling Power. ;) remember that? I bought it and loved it but never used it. You had to be a lot tougher and smarter than me to figure out how to use it. It is better than an Ambien, though. I found I could read a couple of pages of it in bed and pass right out.


:lol::lol: That was the 2nd program I subjected him to. Earlier this year it dawned on me that if I would've just picked a program and stuck with it, he probably would've learned to spell a lot quicker.

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I go back to the days of a "flipping board." People were always so excited when their post was the first one on the "fresh" board page. :D


Sadly, my memory is so bad that I don't remember much of the conversations from the old boards, but I do remember the "First!" phenomenon. I was never "First!"


I can't even remember if I had the same user name or not...:tongue_smilie:

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Oh yeah, I remember her. She was big on Singapore and Write Shop. And a dietician?


Can't believe I've been on these boards for 12 years!


OMG! Yes! I had many arguments with her re: Write Shop. Don't know if it's changed, but I thought it was a very weak program. She defended it against even the slightest criticism with the ferocity of a rabid badger. :lol:


I do not miss THAT! :D

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I got on the boards for the first time right after the book was first published. I remember the problems with the dates back when Y2K rolled around. We had horrible times with spammers and would make many many posts trying to get the boards to flip so we wouldn't have to see the spam. I don't remember ever managing to be first.

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. When I came back I couldn't remember my old username. QUOTE]


Yep, the old board. I had about 2500 posts on it under my old board name, had to take a break while we were doing this project and I was without internet and then when I came back, couldn't remember my password or anything. Took a while to get used to the new format.


I never had a post that flipped the new board nor was ever first when it flipped. Sniff, sniff, sniff....



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When the board format changed, a lot of people felt that the community changed too. It probably did--certainly expanded. But boy am I thankful that we now have editing capabilities! There were some amazing typos and spelling errors that Never Went Away in the old format.


Like husbank......:lol:

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Reading threads like these makes me wish we could all sit around with various beverages and just talk and laugh about all the things over the years. :) I remember, but had forgotten, Butch and JGEMom. Also so many others that people have mentioned.


If I'm remembering right I began lurking on the old boards during 2001 and started lightly posting sometime that year too. Might have been 2000. Not sure. :)


Am I the only one frequently surprised by what causes freak-outs? Shoes on or off, boys stand up or sit down, grocery carts, crock pots, math, vacuum cleaners,... Politics, I understand but most of the other stuff really catches me off guard. Sometimes I wonder if all of us hanging out together so long here has turned all the hormonal cycles to the same time. ;) lol!! Just kidding!

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I lurked on and off for a while and then think I started posting in 2004? I know I was posting a lot by the end of that year.


I became Jennifer (Good Witch of the West) during one of the huge religion fights we had during those early days. I know they still go on, but now it's so easy to jump right over them.


Then at some point there was a really, really big fight and someone started The Denim Jumper, but it wasn't nearly so fun to have the community divided, and most people came back shortly.


I did manage to be First once - I was so proud!


The one thing I loved about the old boards was that you could change your name and sort of comment on the thread in your name for that post - like Jennifer (who really should be cooking dinner, not debating math curriculum). I remember some of those name statements being really funny and a great addition to the threads. Sometimes my "name" was longer than my post.


I remember how broken-hearted I was that my old board name was too long for this board. Which is how I became JennifersLost.

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The one thing I loved about the old boards was that you could change your name and sort of comment on the thread in your name for that post - like Jennifer (who really should be cooking dinner, not debating math curriculum). I remember some of those name statements being really funny and a great addition to the threads. Sometimes my "name" was longer than my post.


I remember how broken-hearted I was that my old board name was too long for this board. Which is how I became JennifersLost.


Like Pam "SFSOM" in TN? Flaming Sword is part of her name. It came from the Unitarian Jihad name generator. Now who else remembers that?

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Yes, I believe so, it was nice to be able to skip it, finally. When The Well Educated Mind came out we were so excited and all went out and bought copies of Don Quixote. I couldn't read it. I'm lame like that. I was so frustrated with myself that I was telling my husband about it at dinner over a bottle of wine. He said, "You know, you could just go to college instead." So I went home, all hopped up on wine, got on the computer and signed up for online classes through my local college. I have a BS now. :D I owe it all to Cervantes and his ability to bore me silly.


That is just all kinds of awesome!! Good for you! :) :hurray: :cheers2: :thumbup:

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Like Pam "SFSOM" in TN? Flaming Sword is part of her name. It came from the Unitarian Jihad name generator. Now who else remembers that?


I almost just posted this same thing. Didn't she go to nursing school?


I have been lurking (and posting a little) since 2003. I used to read a quilting forum, and there was a woman on there who homeschooled. I clicked through her blog to another blog to here.

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I almost just posted this same thing. Didn't she go to nursing school?


I have been lurking (and posting a little) since 2003. I used to read a quilting forum, and there was a woman on there who homeschooled. I clicked through her blog to another blog to here.


Yep. Alphabet Pam's now a nurse.

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I lurked on and off for a while and then think I started posting in 2004? I know I was posting a lot by the end of that year.


I became Jennifer (Good Witch of the West) during one of the huge religion fights we had during those early days. I know they still go on, but now it's so easy to jump right over them.


Then at some point there was a really, really big fight and someone started The Denim Jumper, but it wasn't nearly so fun to have the community divided, and most people came back shortly.


I did manage to be First once - I was so proud!


The one thing I loved about the old boards was that you could change your name and sort of comment on the thread in your name for that post - like Jennifer (who really should be cooking dinner, not debating math curriculum). I remember some of those name statements being really funny and a great addition to the threads. Sometimes my "name" was longer than my post.


I remember how broken-hearted I was that my old board name was too long for this board. Which is how I became JennifersLost.


I loved that, too. Once, on a heated topic I posted as Al B. Deleted. And on a sensitive topic I posted my name in pig latin! :D

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Hmm - maybe it happened twice? I thought it was on the old board - but that one went down a lot! It probably is my memory!


No, it was the old one. I think it must've been the 2000 election, because it was before I started posting. From what I understand, they shut the boards down and I've heard they contemplated not bringing them back up.


The last election here, when they tried to let political discussions come back, they just banned the discussion after awhile. Maybe they shut them down for a day---I don't recall.

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Was this the Brenda who had a genius son doing calculus at age 5, and a 6 month old baby who spoke in complete sentences? Does anyone remember something like that?


No, lol, that is not Brenda. Brenda had one son, I think. I remember that b/c she would go, "Your kids are younger than mine, you amateur!" and I would go, "You only have one, you amateur!" :lol:


((not really, but it was in our subtext))

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Like Pam "SFSOM" in TN? Flaming Sword is part of her name. It came from the Unitarian Jihad name generator. Now who else remembers that?


Sister Flaming Sword of Moderation. She was a peacemaker. Most of the time. :D


Seems like she's not been gone as long as some of the rest. Where oh where is PariSarah? I miss her posts.

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Sister Flaming Sword of Moderation. She was a peacemaker. Most of the time. :D


Seems like she's not been gone as long as some of the rest. Where oh where is PariSarah? I miss her posts.


PariSarah...wasn't she at Duke for a while? I remember her, too. (I am beginning to feel like a stalker because I remember all of these people, but I didn't post.:001_huh:)

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LOL! I remember them well :D And do you remember the TOG debates? That was back in the days when Vegsource was a hopping homeschool forum, too. I learned so much - about human nature as well as homeschooling :tongue_smilie:


I remember the exodus from Vegsource. That's when THIS board (or the earlier locale of it) exploded. I remember the endless conversations as posters processed leaving there.

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Also, a rather tragic story, does anyone remember Butch? I think before the end of that situation she had more than one user name.


I remember Doc and the troll who said her 12 year old was pregnant and the many all-but-the-PhDs and Ree and I also remember learning TONS about just about everything!

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I also always enjoyed Amy in Orlando's posts. Remember she had a foil hat? :001_smile: Ree was just cooking up a storm in tx, I remember when she first started her Blog.

I changed my name a few times. I wish I could change it now.




Didn't your name come from the Pirate Name Generator? It seems like there were several crazy name generators around that same time. Your name is great, no need to change it now. :D

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It has been so fun remembering all this stuff. I was Sue in WA on the old board. I couldn't remember my password so had to change my name. It's amazing I've been on here for so long but still haven't upped my bee status much. I think I was first once . . . or at least declared I was first until I realized I was more like 2nd or 3rd. I remember when we didn't quite know when it would flip, and then it was a certain time you had to watch for after so many posts. Remember that?

Edited by Evergreen State Sue
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I joined in July of 2006. I was feeling a little sorry for myself because my dad had just died, and was moping on the computer. I decided to google this fabulous book I was just starting to implement for K4. Imagine my surprise to find a whole lively crew of people who'd read the same book as many times as I had!

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I remember the exodus from Vegsource. That's when THIS board (or the earlier locale of it) exploded. I remember the endless conversations as posters processed leaving there.


Out of curiosity, what "happened" to vegsource. It is still there but I've never really looked.

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I remember a lot of this. I really miss Pam SFSOM. I know she transferred to this board, but I think she stopped homeschooling when she went to school to become a nurse.


Was Reya the one who said her 6mo was reading the computer screen? ;)


I can't remember when I joined; probably somewhere around 2004, right when I started exploring hsing, but I do know you are are important in my life and have been for a long time. :D


I wonder if SWB has ever shared her "story" about starting the boards?

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Sister Flaming Sword of Moderation. She was a peacemaker. Most of the time. :D


Seems like she's not been gone as long as some of the rest. Where oh where is PariSarah? I miss her posts.


I miss Parisarah, too. I still have some of her posts saved on my computer. I think she moved, got a job as a professor, and her dc went to school?


ETA: Parisarah was at Duke (well, after Paris!)

Edited by Renee in FL
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Out of curiosity, what "happened" to vegsource. It is still there but I've never really looked.


Yeah what did happen? Enquiring minds want to know. :D I've bought a lot of curricula off of Vegsource and sold some there as well in the past, but don't really know of any scandal. Alas I only discovered the boards in 2009.

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