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Tattoos...what is your opinion?

What do you think of tattoos?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of tattoos?

    • Ugly, trashy, low-class.
    • I wouldn't get one, but I do think body art can be beautiful.
    • I am happy with the tattoos I have and would consider more.
    • Other.

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I don't like them but it's not in a judgmental, "that's trashy" sort of way. It's a bit like facial hair; I have seldom ever seen anyone with it that wouldn't look better without it. I wouldn't do it just because I don't find them attractive. However, I don't judge against the millions of others who love them. To each their own. Just not my thing. :)

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It really depends. First of all, it's none of my business what tattoos other people get. I have a cousin who is a tattoo artist and I actually really appreciate them, but do not have any myself. I'm too indecisive to pick! I think they can be done well or really poorly. I personally shudder at the poor quality of a lot of tattoos I see, and the poor taste some show (swastikas or foreheads, for example!). But some I find beautiful.

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In the context of tattoos or not, I personally think that when people see a human being they consider to be ugly, trashy and low class they need to look at themselves and examine a few things:


-Why do they have distain for the poor?

-How can a person be ONLY ugly? That comes from within, not from the trappings of appearance.

-What precisely gives them the right, wisdom or at times self doubt and hate to label people as "trashy"? Essentially this is calling a fellow human being a piece of trash. The tattooed barista or IT guy is not a piece of trash anymore than the man sleeping on the street is.


I thought the question was what we thought of tattoos. Not the people wearing the tattoos.


Also, some of us might find them "ugly" without also considering them "trashy / low class." There wasn't a choice for "ugly, but you can still be cool if you have one."


I have friends who are far from "trashy" or "low-class" who have tattoos. For that matter, my dad has some and my granny even had one. I don't have to find them attractive, though. Especially since everyone I know who got one eventually regretted it.

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I have seen very, very few that I think are tattoo worthy. For the most part, they look trite and boring.


The few original designs, done by talented artists, I have seen have been amazing....but not something I would want on my own body.


The ones I have liked, were a size/position/design that augmented the body of the wearer. They added a beauty to the person wearing it. Most that I have seen, are just an image the is plopped onto the skin and looks like a sticker that is out of place.


I don't think anything specific of a person with a common tattoo. There are times that the tattoo is an advertisement for the personality of the wearer and yes, it will affect my opinion of them. Racist, explicit, vulger tattoos are put in prominate locations by the wearer for a reason. If the person doesn't want to be judged....don't advertise. If the person made a mistake in younger days....cover it up with fabric, a bandaid or make-up.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I have to say "other". I don't like them at. all. There may be the occasional nice-looking one, but the idea of doing something permanent to your body is something I just don't understand. I also think of 80 year old wrinkled bodies with sagging tattoos. However, I don't think of someone as low-class or trashy because they have them.

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The vast majority of the tattoos I have seen are ugly, trashy or dumb. There are beautiful tattoos, though, and meaningful tats, and hilarious tats. I don't believe they're inherently low class. Once they were, but not anymore.


Wait, I have to make an exception for tattoos on hands and on or above the neck. Plain bad taste.


I've wanted the same tattoo since I was about twelve. I haven't had the guts to go get it yet (eighteen years later).

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I voted "other". I have seen too many ugly ones. I can handle a small, sweet little one, but there are those that should be on canvas rather than skin. I am partial to military tattoos. My dad has a USMC bulldog. He got it on a dare when he was drunk :) back in his youth. I grew up with that bulldog on his upper arm - I still have a fondness for that old dog even though he is drooping and looking rather sad :p Dad's brother had a battleship tattooed across his chest in his military youth. That didn't fare so well when he got a big pot belly and saggy man-boobs :D


So...I guess I'm not totally anti-tattoo, but I think a well turned arm, leg, or back clothed in the skin it was born in is, in itself, beautiful. No need to add permanent decoration :)

Edited by CynthiaOK
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I have several tattoos and love them all. I don't regret any of the them, if anything, I wish I had got a few more when I was younger.


There isn't anything "Ugly, trashy, low-class" about any of my tattoos. :glare:

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I posted on the other thread. Got my first tattoo around my right ankle when I turned 40. (I am 44 now). I will get another one on my wrist probably in the next few months or so. My Tat's have meaning to me. As far as the pain, I am the biggest wimp ever. Actually, DH bet me I would beg them to stop as soon as they started. Especially since getting a first Tat on an ankle is quite painful. It was worth it. I love it.:D

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In the context of tattoos or not, I personally think that when people see a human being they consider to be ugly, trashy and low class they need to look at themselves and examine a few things:


-Why do they have distain for the poor?

-How can a person be ONLY ugly? That comes from within, not from the trappings of appearance.

-What precisely gives them the right, wisdom or at times self doubt and hate to label people as "trashy"? Essentially this is calling a fellow human being a piece of trash. The tattooed barista or IT guy is not a piece of trash anymore than the man sleeping on the street is.


For Christians especially- Jesus would certainly not consider people trash or care about someone's class status. Don't judge based on the outside and preconceived biases of something.


It can be something you don't like without being so negative and condescending. As homeschoolers we all live on the fringe and are condescended to at times. There are countless threads here decrying the judgments, real or at times perhaps even perceived or imagined, of non-homeschoolers. People like us who make such a fringe decision should have the mental ability to parse class and status from someone's appearance. In some ways the "What are you going to do when you are an old lady?" question is the tattooed person's equivalent to "What are you doing for socialization?" Believe me, most people with serious bodywork have thought about it deeply.


I think you're reading WAY too much into people's opinions of tattoos. The poll was about tattoos themselves, not about the people who wear them. I have a friend who got a hideously ugly ring for mother's day. Doesn't maker her ugly, but IMO, that ring sure is.


And, I think you're stretching it a bit to assume that when someone thinks something is trashy, that they automatically hate the poor. "Trashy" and socioeconomic standing don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. I've seen some pretty trashy holiday decor on some of the most upper-crust lawns around. I've seen some pretty wealthy women dressed like hookers, and I've seen some very poor women appear very polished and put-together.


I think the people who don't like tattoos simply don't like tattoos. Nothing more than that.

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I thought the question was what we thought of tattoos. Not the people wearing the tattoos.



You can't walk up to someone with an really large and crooked nose and say "wow, that nose is really ugly, have you considered getting it fixed?" and have the comment be taken as unoffensive because you were just insulting their nose and not them. Yes I get tattoos are optional and noses are not. But I believe it to be really quite shallow and uncharitable to use the words that people have tossed around on these threads to describe a fellow human being or in this case, a fairly robust number of their fellow board members:tongue_smilie:.


It is classist at its best and far more at its worse.

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I think you're reading WAY too much into people's opinions of tattoos. The poll was about tattoos themselves, not about the people who wear them. I have a friend who got a hideously ugly ring for mother's day. Doesn't maker her ugly, but IMO, that ring sure is.


And, I think you're stretching it a bit to assume that when someone thinks something is trashy, that they automatically hate the poor. "Trashy" and socioeconomic standing don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. I've seen some pretty trashy holiday decor on some of the most upper-crust lawns around. I've seen some pretty wealthy women dressed like hookers, and I've seen some very poor women appear very polished and put-together.


I think the people who don't like tattoos simply don't like tattoos. Nothing more than that.


I stand by my opinion: it is really shallow and mean spirited to ever use words like "trash" to describe other people. Sorry. If people don't like tattoos because they don't like tattoos, and there is really NO other value or class judgement going on, then they would not make those value judgments or use those names. They instead would be like all of the posters who clicked other and said as much.


I know a lot of people who don't like or have tattoos. Not liking tattoos is a perfectly fine personal preference. My husband is not a tattoo guy and never will be. But that is not what people are doing when they are using such derogatory words.

Edited by kijipt
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You can't walk up to someone with an really large and crooked nose and say "wow, that nose is really ugly, have you considered getting it fixed?" and have the comment be taken as unoffensive because you were just insulting their nose and not them. Yes I get tattoos are optional and noses are not. But I believe it to be really quite shallow and uncharitable to use the words that people have tossed around on these threads to describe a fellow human being or in this case, a fairly robust number of their fellow board members:tongue_smilie:.


It is classist at its best and far more at its worse.


I'm not walking up to anyone and saying anything. I was asked what I think of tattoos and I think they are ugly. I do. But we all have different tastes and I keep mine to myself "IRL."


I highly doubt that anyone with a tattoo is unaware that many people find tattoos unattractive.


I have lots of long white hair, which I know some people find unattractive. I don't get offended by the fact that lots of people think women like me should dye and/or cut our hair. To each his own. I happen to like my white hair just as it is, and I won't be losing any sleep over what others think of it. I don't see why the wearer of a tattoo, which is a choice, would feel differently.


I don't agree that an opinion about tattoos is classist. Nowadays women at all income levels get them. And women at all income levels don't. I come from the lowest working class, so if I never liked tattoos, does that still make me classist?


Maybe you're reacting to comments made in the other thread which I didn't read. But here, I don't see anything out of line so far.

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I'm not walking up to anyone and saying anything. I was asked what I think of tattoos and I think they are ugly. I do. But we all have different tastes and I keep mine to myself "IRL."


I highly doubt that anyone with a tattoo is unaware that many people find tattoos unattractive.


I have lots of long white hair, which I know some people find unattractive. I don't get offended by the fact that lots of people think women like me should dye and/or cut our hair. To each his own. I happen to like my white hair just as it is, and I won't be losing any sleep over what others think of it. I don't see why the wearer of a tattoo, which is a choice, would feel differently.


I don't agree that an opinion about tattoos is classist. Nowadays women at all income levels get them. And women at all income levels don't. I come from the lowest working class, so if I never liked tattoos, does that still make me classist?


Maybe you're reacting to comments made in the other thread which I didn't read. But here, I don't see anything out of line so far.


:iagree: Well said.

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In the context of tattoos or not, I personally think that when people see a human being they consider to be ugly, trashy and low class they need to look at themselves and examine a few things:


-Why do they have distain for the poor?



I don't think that "low class" means "poor" (financially) in this context, and I don't see where disdain comes in.


One of my family members is a 30ish single woman. She is a sweetie and I love her. She is not poor. However, she is pretty low-class in the way she acts (pictures of herself drunk or in provocative poses on facebook, t-shirts with vulgar sayings on them, that sort of thing).


I don't know her tattoo status. ;)


Anyway I believe that is what people are talking about when they say "low-class." It's still a matter of opinion. I'm sure my relative thinks she looks very classy.

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You can't walk up to someone with an really large and crooked nose and say "wow, that nose is really ugly, have you considered getting it fixed?" and have the comment be taken as unoffensive because you were just insulting their nose and not them. Yes I get tattoos are optional and noses are not. But I believe it to be really quite shallow and uncharitable to use the words that people have tossed around on these threads to describe a fellow human being or in this case, a fairly robust number of their fellow board members:tongue_smilie:.


It is classist at its best and far more at its worse.


A) Be it an ugly nose (which can't be helped) or an ugly tattoo (which can), I'm certainly not going to tell someone I think it's ugly.


B) I haven't seen anyone describe any fellow human being as trashy. Tattoos they've chosen to adorn their body? Yes, but not any person. Can you quote some instances? Maybe I've just missed it.


Generally speaking, I think this is one of those subjects people are going to choose to be offended over when no personal offense is offered.

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I don't agree that an opinion about tattoos is classist. Nowadays women at all income levels get them. And women at all income levels don't. I come from the lowest working class, so if I never liked tattoos, does that still make me classist?



An opinion on tattoos is not classism, but that is not what I have said or mean. It's the specific words some people chose to use in stating their opinions of tattoos that make me think they are being classist. How is saying something is "low class" and "trashy" not a class based value judgement?

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Generally speaking, I think this is one of those subjects people are going to choose to be offended over when no personal offense is offered.


When people choose to use words that do have significant negative connotations when they could have easily stated an unfavorable opinion in a more respectful way, they can't be shocked if people who see it differently call them out on it.


I am not personally hurt by these sorts of words because I know what I am and what I am not. But I don't much care for words like trashy and low-class being used to describe any person or a part of any person. People are never trash in my book and I think calling someone's shirt, tattoo or choice of hairstyle trashy is nearly the same as calling them trashy. I happen to have tattoos but I would have (and believe me HAVE had) the same reaction to people using these words for people in any context, even things I strongly dislike, or could never understand, or do myself. Certainly my views are colored by my religious and class background.

Edited by kijipt
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I'm not walking up to anyone and saying anything. I was asked what I think of tattoos and I think they are ugly. I do. But we all have different tastes and I keep mine to myself "IRL."


People here with tattoos are real life people. You are saying this directly to them here. How is it different in your mind? This is where we disagree. I think it's the same. I don't say things online that I would not tell people IRL (ask the people here who know me IRL, there are several). I guess that's the difference.

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B) I haven't seen anyone describe any fellow human being as trashy. Tattoos they've chosen to adorn their body? Yes, but not any person. Can you quote some instances? Maybe I've just missed it.


Try this thread and that one. This is a spinoff poll, naturally people's comments will be a reaction to the dialogue on the topic as a whole, not just what is on this one thread.


If I have not been clear enough, I have no issue with people who have a negative opinion of tattoos. There are certainly even types of tattoos I have a negative opinion of for many different reasons. I do have a negative opinion of class based insults.

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People here with tattoos are real life people. You are saying this directly to them here. How is it different in your mind? This is where we disagree. I think it's the same. I don't say things online that I would not tell people IRL (ask the people here who know me IRL, there are several). I guess that's the difference.


What I anonymously stated is not news to anyone here. Some people (myself included) find tattoos unattractive.


I personally would not have chosen the "trashy/low-class" words, as I know most people who like tattoos are not trashy/low-class. And I would have chosen "unattractive" over "ugly" if I were choosing the words - but let's get real - it means the same thing.


But hey, I strongly dislike purple and I think Ellen (the celeb) is unattractive and irritating, so who cares what I think? Do we all have to pretend to like everything we see? Come on, you and others here don't aspire to that standard on many topics we discuss.

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But hey, I strongly dislike purple and I think Ellen (the celeb) is unattractive and irritating, so who cares what I think? Do we all have to pretend to like everything we see? Come on, you and others here don't aspire to that standard on many topics we discuss.


That is totally not the standard that I or I assume others have. I dislike a lot of things. Network news, rubik's cubes, milk, moviegoers consuming smelly foods besides popcorn next to me in a dark theatre, USA Today, pissy drivers, peanut sauce, talk radio from the left or the right, people thinking Onion articles are real, driving in Seattle in the rain, snow in general, golf...I can go on as we all can. I have stated, and I have seen others state, that it is not that people need to pretend to have a positive opinion. It's that negative opinions can be stated in a more respectful way. Many people hear have expressed well reasoned and honest negative views of tattoos and not done so by using words like trashy.

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That is totally not the standard that I or I assume others have. I dislike a lot of things. Network news, rubik's cubes, milk, moviegoers consuming smelly foods besides popcorn next to me in a dark theatre, USA Today, pissy drivers, peanut sauce, talk radio from the left or the right, people thinking Onion articles are real, driving in Seattle in the rain, snow in general, golf...I can go on as we all can. I have stated, and I have seen others state, that it is not that people need to pretend to have a positive opinion. It's that negative opinions can be stated in a more respectful way. Many people hear have expressed well reasoned and honest negative views of tattoos and not done so by using words like trashy.


Well, I didn't either.

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Do we all have to pretend to like everything we see? Come on, you and others here don't aspire to that standard on many topics we discuss.


Nowhere did I suggest you (or anyone) should pretend to like something that they do not like. I stated that there are more respectful ways to give your opinion than calling the thing you do not like trashy and low-class. Ultimately, I guess I think it's intellectually lazy...at best.

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Nowhere did I suggest you (or anyone) should pretend to like something that they do not like. I stated that there are more respectful ways to give your opinion than calling the thing you do not like trashy and low-class. Ultimately, I guess I think it's intellectually lazy...at best.


Well, yes, but this thread was opened for the purpose of finding out how many people don't like tattoos. The language chosen for the poll was not optional for those answering it. I saw almost nobody in this thread actually espouse the terms "low-class" and "trashy."


A commenter suggested (among other things) that if one admits here to viewing tattoos as ugly, that means they think the wearers are ugly, and they'd go up and say so to the wearer's face. I think that's a little out there, that's all. When my friends have shown me their tattoos, I've just smiled and kept quiet. Nobody can please everyone.


Now whether this thread was designed to bring out the intellectual best in us is another question.

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Haven't read all the replies. I voted other. I wouldn't call them trashy, ugly, or low class :confused: but I've yet to see one that I thought made someone look better. I don't think they're beautiful and I don't have any of my own. It doesn't bother me that other people have them. I don't care what they do with their bodies.

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You can't walk up to someone with an really large and crooked nose and say "wow, that nose is really ugly, have you considered getting it fixed?" and have the comment be taken as unoffensive because you were just insulting their nose and not them. Yes I get tattoos are optional and noses are not. But I believe it to be really quite shallow and uncharitable to use the words that people have tossed around on these threads to describe a fellow human being or in this case, a fairly robust number of their fellow board members:tongue_smilie:.


It is classist at its best and far more at its worse.


I think that it depends on what one equates tattoos with: an immutable physical trait, or the optional exercise of one's personal aesthetic.


I don't put tattoos in the same category as someone's facial features. I put it in the same class as the style of clothing one chooses, or the color someone puts in their hair. And in the same way I find some outfits or hair styles or music or other personal preference to be more or less classy, I employ my own personal aesthetic to body art. I personally don't care for tattoos, because they just look strange to me. Even with beautiful designs and colors, it still looks to me like discolored and stained skin. It's not something I find attractive.


It's not a matter of the person being classy or trashy. I find tattoos to be a detraction from my appreciation of the beauty and form of the body. That's what makes them [tattoos] unappealing to me, a sort of lowering of a beauty standard.


That is not the same thing as saying the person is unappealing to me. In the same way I have a cousin who sometimes wears back-less shirts with cut-off jeans shorts with printed messages on her butt. I like my cousin. I do not like this particular style of wear.


Maybe a better analogy would be smoking cigarettes. For all that some people, and a lot of media in the past, have both perceived and depicted smoking as a sexy, attractive habit, there have always been people like myself who see it as an unhealthy, "trashy" habit. I have some dear friends who are smokers. I see them as wonderful, amazing, and very classy people, but I see the habit of smoking as lacking in refinement, and not attractive.


That's how I view most tattoos. Unrefined, unattractive, unhealthy.


ETA: I'm expressing my opinion because it was specifically asked in this thread. It's not a strong aversion, and frankly, isn't something I really dwell on. I meet someone with tattoos, I have a vague dislike in the back of my mind for the tatts, if I even notice, but it's not something I give more than a passing thought. It's not something that affects my like or dislike of that person. I have many family members and friends that have tattoos. It's a non-issue. I just want to make that clear, because describing a preference or aversion to a specific thing in the abstract is quite different from going around and telling people point blank that you really dislike some aspect of their aesthetic.

Edited by Aelwydd
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I voted "Other" b/c I have one, and do not want another. I do like the one I have, however it is not normally visible. Most people do not know that I even have one, and in all honesty I forget that I even have one most of the time!

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:iagree:, I have two, the largest is an inch across, a purple star next to my belly button. When I got it, I was young and thin and still wearing bikinis. Now that I old and not so thin :glare:, only my husband sees it. I don't really regret it, but if someone offered to remove it for free, I would take them up on it. The other is actually on my neck, on the back, a quarter inch from my hairline. It is TINY, about a half an inch, but I do regret it's placement.

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Other. I think that in general they are trendy, and that there are much better ways to express oneself than permanent body markings. I'm not judgmental enough to label a person as trashy because they've chosen a tattoo.... more like short-sighted and having poor judgement.

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I have read all this ..I think. I want to know one thing from those with tatoos or know people who do them. Why don't a tatoo place have to pay to take it off if they screw it up? I am just really amazed about all the talk of messed up tats and I cannot imagine this happening and not devastating a person. I mean we have people on here who freak out when Kinkos messes up their binding removal.


I understand if your letting your buddy who bought an ebay kit at your skin but at actual places, why don't they have to fix them?

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I love my tattoos. So far, I have two. Most wouldn't even KNOW it by looking at me. I look like a little soccer Mom IRL and in the work world, I am completely professional in my appearance.


My tattoos have significant meaning to me. My first was done on a trip to Canada with my now deceased sister. It was our first declaration of independence from our parents. Ten glorious days touring Canada on our own at age 18 & 19. My sister died in a car/pedestrian accident 5 years later. I will forever smile and remember our time together everytime I see my ankle.


My 2nd is a butterfly taking flight that I had done last year at the age of 32. My deceased sister had a purple and turquoise butterfly tattoo on her hip that she got in college. My tattoo is purple and turquoise. It was done in memory of her. The butterfly is taking flight because I finally, after nearly 8 years, stopped grieving her horrible death. I let go and let my sister (and myself) fly free.

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I answered other because I think tattoos can be very beautiful and I have many friends who have them and they look wonderful. However, I have never gotten one. I have the perfect one planned, but something always keeps me from getting one (same thing with DH). At first it was because I wasn't sure what I wanted, then it was because they were becoming so popular, then it was my age. I may still get one, especially if we do not have any more children (the planned tat involves their initials).

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I don't have any tattoos and don't plan on getting any, but I think they can look pretty awesome if they're well thought out, well placed and well done.



I have seen some stunning Celtic knot bracelet tattoos on both men and women, worn at the wrist or upper arm.

My dh has an ill thought out stupid one we both hate that he got in the army.

My nephew is quite literally covered covered in ink, but when he is wearing a tshirt you would never know it except for a bit of a gorgeous American flag on his bicep. Not a fan really, but it isn't my body.

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I wouldn't have one. I think small ones that can be covered up when necessary are ok. Larger ones that you can't cover seem somewhat "trashy". Although as in most cases, if I got to know the person as a person I would probably get over it.

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People here with tattoos are real life people. You are saying this directly to them here. How is it different in your mind? This is where we disagree. I think it's the same. I don't say things online that I would not tell people IRL (ask the people here who know me IRL, there are several). I guess that's the difference.


My best friend and my sister (both professionals) have tatoos, and when asked how I liked them I told them I didn't and that they looked trashy. I told them to their face, when my opinion was asked for. If people don't want the opinions of others, perhaps they shouldn't ask.

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My daughter took me to get one when I turned forty. It was my first. I got a dove with an olive branch in its beak. I like it. I doubt I'll get another, mainly because I can think of better things to spend money on.



We took my Mom when she turned 50. She hated tattoos until all of her kids got them. :lol:

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I love my tattoos. So far, I have two. Most wouldn't even KNOW it by looking at me. I look like a little soccer Mom IRL and in the work world, I am completely professional in my appearance.


My tattoos have significant meaning to me. My first was done on a trip to Canada with my now deceased sister. It was our first declaration of independence from our parents. Ten glorious days touring Canada on our own at age 18 & 19. My sister died in a car/pedestrian accident 5 years later. I will forever smile and remember our time together everytime I see my ankle.


My 2nd is a butterfly taking flight that I had done last year at the age of 32. My deceased sister had a purple and turquoise butterfly tattoo on her hip that she got in college. My tattoo is purple and turquoise. It was done in memory of her. The butterfly is taking flight because I finally, after nearly 8 years, stopped grieving her horrible death. I let go and let my sister (and myself) fly free.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry about your sister. :crying:

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I put other. Many that I have seen are ugly and TACKY....that is different than trashy. I jave also seen a few that were tasteful and pretty. I think you need to be able to hide them with clothing for work and weddings, etc.


I would never get one. I hate needles.

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Another "other".


I don't mind seeing them on others... although some of them I have seen have been "dark themed". I try not to judge someone's character based on a tattoo, because I don't think you can always tell the character of a person by that... although sometimes I think you can...


I think male or female, one should know what their professional future is... what their professional goals for a lifetime would be a choose to have one that would not interfere with those goals. That's just wise, IMO. If you know without a doubt that you will never want to become a professional in a field that a tattoo would get in the way of, then tat away! Concealable is much better for the job market, IMO. Until that changes, culturally, I think unconcealed tattoos are risky.


I have not had one... sometimes I see one that is very pretty and my style, but I have professional goals, so I do not see myself as getting one... just in case. I try to persuade my sons and daughters not to get any until they know what their professional futures hold...


I've seen many lovely ones, including the ones my daughter-in-law has... and I love her very much regardless. She is in no way trashy.

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I voted other. I think some look really nice and some look tacky. I have always thought I would like to have one, but I am too scared of needles to ever truly consider it. I would do something small like a butterfly on my shoulder blade area, or an anklet. Maybe someday I'll have the nerve to actually go for it.

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I'm not against them. I have seen some beautiful artwork in tattoo form. In fact, at one time I seriously considered getting one. My dh has one. That said, now that I'm a little older I just don't want something that permanent on my body. I have changed so much in 10 years. So if I were to advise someone on whether or not to get one, I would probably try to talk them out of it. Not because I think they are trashy or ugly, but because of the permanence of it. My dh regrets the one he has.

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