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Mailed body parts, throwing intestines at the police and two ...

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I quit watching the news a few years ago, and gave up checking news websites a year or so ago. I still get tons of news thrown at me, whether through seeing it at friends' houses, seeing posts on facebook (or here, or other sites) or just seeing the newspapers on display. There is no avoiding it, but not actively seeking it out does help preserve one's sanity a bit.

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kalamanak, I had actually thought of pm'ing you about this to see if you knew anything about the supposed 'bath salts' connection.



Bath salts are AWFUL, just awful. Like something out of a horror movie. We had a horrible case on child murder, wife starving, a high speed chase and a shooting of emaciated wife and self last year, all from complete paranoia related to bath salts. "Spice" is bad enough, but bath salts is like legal poison. I never thought I'd see gasoline huffing (which "melts" the frontal lobes) in a positive light, but give me a huffer any day.


I have every hope the salts thing is a fad and the bad outcome/good high ratio gets steep enough people give it up. Remember the PCP craze? Naked people with completely shaven bodies directing traffic. Haven't seen PCP in years....

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Bath salts are AWFUL, just awful. Like something out of a horror movie. We had a horrible case on child murder, wife starving, a high speed chase and a shooting of emaciated wife and self last year, all from complete paranoia related to bath salts. "Spice" is bad enough, but bath salts is like legal poison. I never thought I'd see gasoline huffing (which "melts" the frontal lobes) in a positive light, but give me a huffer any day.


I have every hope the salts thing is a fad and the bad outcome/good high ratio gets steep enough people give it up. Remember the PCP craze? Naked people with completely shaven bodies directing traffic. Haven't seen PCP in years....



I don't think the Montreal murderer/cannibal/necrophiliac is bath salts related, but I think that's the sickest thing I've read/seen since those Ukrainian hammer killers.


Don't google for any details on those things, by the way. What has been seen cannot be unseen.


I'm so so so so sorry I googled. :eek::crying:

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I quit watching the news a few years ago, and gave up checking news websites a year or so ago. I still get tons of news thrown at me, whether through seeing it at friends' houses, seeing posts on facebook (or here, or other sites) or just seeing the newspapers on display. There is no avoiding it, but not actively seeking it out does help preserve one's sanity a bit.


:iagree: Except it's been almost 5 years.

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There is, as you mentioned, a big spike in shootings in Seattle. We are at our annual murder count from last year now, with only 5 months completed. That said, that murder count is 21 and there are many cities of similar size or smaller that would consider it a relief or mega drop in crime to only have about 4 murders a month.

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I just read that the guy who was shot to death by police on Memorial Day in Miami who was eating the face of a homeless person was high on the bath salts. Disgusting. Who would ever want to take a drug that makes you want to eat another human being? :confused: sick, sick, sick. :ack2: It's a crazy world. I wish they could stop it sometimes so I could get off.

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I quit watching the news a few years ago, and gave up checking news websites a year or so ago. I still get tons of news thrown at me, whether through seeing it at friends' houses, seeing posts on facebook (or here, or other sites) or just seeing the newspapers on display. There is no avoiding it, but not actively seeking it out does help preserve one's sanity a bit.


:iagree: I feel like such dork because I think I should be more knowledgeable about the national and politics news (real news, not zombie news), but I get so stressed and depressed when I read the news regularly :(

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Zombie apocalypse?


That's what the teenage boys who were here last night said when they were discussing it. I told them not to tell me the news content or what "zombie apocalypse" refers to. I don't need to know any of this stuff. I was glad they complied with my request.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Ok, can someone explain the bath salts thing to me? I have only heard about one of the cannibalism cases and I don't want to go searching for the details. A basic explanation will do.


The bath salts drugs are not the same as the bath salts you use for soaking feet. "Bath Salts" drugs are some kind of designer drug. There seems to be an outcry to make regular bath salts illegal but the drugs are something totally different.

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There is, as you mentioned, a big spike in shootings in Seattle. We are at our annual murder count from last year now, with only 5 months completed. That said, that murder count is 21 and there are many cities of similar size or smaller that would consider it a relief or mega drop in crime to only have about 4 murders a month.


We've had a huge number of shootings in my city as well this week.


It's all a bit weird.

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I believe there has been another case of cannablism reported as well.


Zombie apocalypse?


I don't read the news much myself because it's so depressing. But unfortunately my dh enlightens me.


But my thoughts exactly. The zombies are here.:)


My hairstylist informed me they are now making cake called "Baby cakes". It looks like a real baby sleeping and you eat it. That is disgusting!


But once it happens, then they report ALL of it.

Edited by alilac
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I stopped watching the news seven years ago but like someone else said, it still gets thrown at me far too often. I have totally avoided the cannabilism stories. There is one issue though that I do keep up with and that is the absolutely terrifying # of women and children who are literally "disappearing"!!


It is blowing my mind how many children are "disappearing", sometimes from their very own beds!! Most of the time the FBI and law enforcement KNOW that one or both parents have murdered and dumped these children but because they can't find their little bodies and because the suspected suspect(s) refuses to take a polygraph or otherwise refuses to cooperate with investigators they are just plain "getting away with it". No body = no conviction.


I am thinking of little Ayla Reynolds from Waterville, Maine who was reported missing by her father in December when he claimed someone abducted her from her bedroom. It is rumored that bath salts are related to that crime.


Perilious times are here.

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DD just had an alert and some training about this bath salts stuff. It's so scary that I'd give my right arm for her to stop working as a medic in the city. We have yet to see an instance of it in our rural county.


The number of drive by's in her city have really escalated. She's back to wearing a bullet proof vest under her uniform, but that only gives me a paltry pateen of safety.


We had a long talk with boys about it. They are completely anti-drug kids and since their activities tend to bring them in contact with pretty much only like minded kids, our risk is statistically lower. However, I am not a person who likes to leave things up to statistics. My eldest made this very valid point, "Whoever came up with 'bath salts' managed to create the Batman Begins drug."


If you've ever seen the movie, he is right.


Does anyone know if this a uniquely American phenomenon or are similar events related to "bath salts"/"spice" being seen in other countries as well?



Edited by FaithManor
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:iagree: I feel like such dork because I think I should be more knowledgeable about the national and politics news (real news, not zombie news), but I get so stressed and depressed when I read the news regularly :(

This is exactly why we only watch the news on PBS. BBC world news and The News Hour with Jim Lehrer. It tells you what is going on nationally and globally without getting into all of the sensationalism of the local news. I do however watch the local news for the weather reports so sometimes I can't avoid the gory stories. :ack2:

I stopped watching the news seven years ago but like someone else said, it still gets thrown at me far too often. I have totally avoided the cannabilism stories. There is one issue though that I do keep up with and that is the absolutely terrifying # of women and children who are literally "disappearing"!!


It is blowing my mind how many children are "disappearing", sometimes from their very own beds!! Most of the time the FBI and law enforcement KNOW that one or both parents have murdered and dumped these children but because they can't find their little bodies and because the suspected suspect(s) refuses to take a polygraph or otherwise refuses to cooperate with investigators they are just plain "getting away with it". No body = no conviction.


I am thinking of little Ayla Reynolds from Waterville, Maine who was reported missing by her father in December when he claimed someone abducted her from her bedroom. It is rumored that bath salts are related to that crime.


Perilious times are here.


:( So sad. Perilous times indeed.

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DD just had an alert and some training about this bath salts stuff. It's so scary that I'd give my right arm for her to stop working as a medic in the city. We have yet to see an instance of it in our rural county.


The number of drive by's in her city have really escalated. She's back to wearing a bullet proof vest under her uniform, but that only gives me a paltry pateen of safety.


We had a long talk with boys about it. They are completely anti-drug kids and since their activities tend to bring them in contact with pretty much only like minded kids, our risk is statistically lower. However, I am not a person who likes to leave things up to statistics. My eldest made this very valid point, "However came up with 'bath salts' managed to create the Batman Begins drug."


If you've ever seen the movie, he is right.


Does anyone know if this a uniquely American phenomenon or are similar events related to "bath salts"/"spice" being seen in other countries as well?



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It must be so hard having your dd in harm's way. This bath salts thing is so scary. I hope enough people see what happens to those who take it and it deters them from trying it, but you can't fix stupid so who knows where this will go. :(


One other poster previously in this thread was remarking a spike in violence in her area too and she was in Canada.

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DD just had an alert and some training about this bath salts stuff. It's so scary that I'd give my right arm for her to stop working as a medic in the city. We have yet to see an instance of it in our rural county.


The number of drive by's in her city have really escalated. She's back to wearing a bullet proof vest under her uniform, but that only gives me a paltry pateen of safety.


We had a long talk with boys about it. They are completely anti-drug kids and since their activities tend to bring them in contact with pretty much only like minded kids, our risk is statistically lower. However, I am not a person who likes to leave things up to statistics. My eldest made this very valid point, "Whoever came up with 'bath salts' managed to create the Batman Begins drug."


If you've ever seen the movie, he is right.


Does anyone know if this a uniquely American phenomenon or are similar events related to "bath salts"/"spice" being seen in other countries as well?




I heard a report on The Current about bath salts this past week. Apparently it has been found in rural areas more than cities.

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I heard a report on The Current about bath salts this past week. Apparently it has been found in rural areas more than cities.



Oh $%#^$%#%^$%...that's about all I can think right now. We haven't had a reported case...oh please, oh please, oh please...not here.




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I just googled "bath salts (my city)" and found that an undercover news reporter, working with the police, was able to walk into a gas station 5 miles from my house and buy this stuff in 60 seconds for less than $30. This in spite of recent legislative attempts to reign in trafficking.


There are have been 30 bath salts-related deaths in my state in 2012.


It's here, alright.

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Has anyone heard of the cannibal crime in Texas? If you have, have you ever heard of something so absolutely awful? I am still sick about reading it. I have tried to push it out of my head but sometimes I actually have to talk myself out of tearing up or dwelling on it it's so terrible. If I was one of the investigators, I would need life long therapy. If you DON"t know what I'm talking about, don't look it up :(

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Here is a little basic info. about bath salts from an article about Ayla Reynolds, the missing toddler that I mentioned upthread. The info. is brief but informative.



Are Bath Salts the Cause of Ayla Reynolds' Disappearance? - Missing Persons of America




According to Reuters, Bath Salts are made by "street" chemists. The recipe is altered by each chemist, creating even more of a chance for the user to have a bad reaction.


"The drug can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed and is cheap, addictive and causes users to act unpredictably, Bangor Police Chief Ron Gastia said last week.


"If you take the very worst of some of the drugs - LSD and Ecstasy with their hallucinogenic-delusional type properties, PCP with extreme agitation, superhuman strength and combativeness, as well as the stimulant properties of cocaine and meth - and put them all together, this is what you get," said Mark Ryan, director of the Louisiana Poison Centre.


There are three chemicals used in Bath Salts; ephedrine, MDPV and methyl-one. These three chemicals are synthetic stimulants, and 38 states, so far, have banned them.


"Rather than cancel each other, they exacerbate the effect," said Louis DeFelice.


I had heard some talk about Bath Salts before this, but did not know what a bad reaction it would cause until the attack in Miami. I did not even know how popular the drug had become, until I did some research.


According to the poison-control centers there has been 6,000 bath-salt emergencies in 2011. The year before that it was 303. I am willing to bet that the 2012 stats will show at least, double the numbers of 2011. And that is just "reported" cases.




I think the simpliest way to describe bath salts is that it is a synthetic cocaine.

Edited by Donna T.
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The whole bath salts reminds me of a saying that DH and frequently repeat: What the hell is wrong with people?




Why would people ingest, snort, or smoke anything that could possibly cause any of those reactions? :confused: I just don't get it.

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The whole bath salts reminds me of a saying that DH and frequently repeat: What the hell is wrong with people?




Why would people ingest, snort, or smoke anything that could possibly cause any of those reactions? :confused: I just don't get it.


I don't get it either, but these are messed up people trying to alter their conscience for some reason. I don't think they're thinking, period.


In the Detroit area, there's been some high profile cases involving "Spice". I guess they market it as incense and you can buy it at a gas station :001_huh:!


Scary times, indeed.

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I heard a report on The Current about bath salts this past week. Apparently it has been found in rural areas more than cities.


Possibly for the same reason huffing is more common, at least out here, in rural areas: you may not have a crank dealer on the corner, but you have dad's gas can in the garage. These bath salts are sold in stores.

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