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Do you believe someone can put a curse on you?

Do you believe someone can put a curse on another person?  

  1. 1. Do you believe someone can put a curse on another person?

    • Yes, a person can be cursed by another person, without that person knowing it.
    • No, a person can not be cursed by another person.
    • Yes, but only if the victim knows about it and thus it is self-fufilling.

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Do you believe someone can put a curse on you?


Just for sake of clarification, can one person use an incantation/specific items/candles, put a curse on another person, to cause a normal event to happen at their will (not things like grow an extra arm).


For instance, can person A puts a 'curse' on person 'B' to cause them financial loss/have accidents/lose things/etc.


I joke that we have been cursed lately with car problems, and it prompted a conversation with a friend. It just got me wondering how others think about such things.

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Because it is very difficult to "prove a negative" -- and because I believe that there are spiritual realites well beyond human ability to understand, I'm not able to say I find "curses" categorically impossible. That said, it would surprise me if I ever overcame my skepticism towards the prospect.

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I believe in the existence of curses (though these days they're called, more euphemistically, "deprecatory blessings"), but their effectiveness is anyone's guess.


Here's a good one from the Rituale Romanum (scroll down to #7). I may have to try it against the palmetto bugs, which are uncommonly large and bold this year. :ack2: Possibly Raid in place of holy water there at the end.

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I said no, a person cannot be cursed by another person. However, I do think that people can and do attempt to place curses on other people. I just don't believe that it is them doing the actual cursing. I think that placing a curse is like praying. I may pray for a blessing for someone, but I'm not the one doing the blessing. If a blessing comes, it comes from God. Likewise, someone may place a curse, but it isn't THEM doing the cursing. If anything comes of it, then it's done by something else.


Most of the time, I think the feeling of being cursed is all in the mind. If one is looking for the negative in life, they'll find it. If they're looking for the good, they'll find it. It's much easier to feel blessed if you focus on the positive, and cursed if you focus on the negative.

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I said no, a person cannot be cursed by another person. However, I do think that people can and do attempt to place curses on other people. I just don't believe that it is them doing the actual cursing. I think that placing a curse is like praying. I may pray for a blessing for someone, but I'm not the one doing the blessing. If a blessing comes, it comes from God. Likewise, someone may place a curse, but it isn't THEM doing the cursing. If anything comes of it, then it's done by something else.




Yes this is what I believe too. :iagree:

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I believe that a person can curse another ONLY if the person is aware of it and the 'cursed' person is easily affected by suggestion. If the mere suggestion of a curse is enough to make a person manifest the behavior described by the curse then it seems logical that a person can curse another. At least it seems that way to me. :001_smile:

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No, I do not believe that a person can curse another person. I find nothing in scripture that suggests that is possible.


Not to be contrary, but in Numbers 22 Balak hires Balam specifically to curse the Israelites. That seems evidence enough for me.

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I chose the 3rd option. I think that the human mind is amazing. I think we can will ourselves into thinking almost anything is real. This includes curses. So while I don't believe that someone can truly curse another, I do believe that the power of suggestion is capable of inflicting harm on the "cursed" party.

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Do you believe someone can put a curse on you?


Just for sake of clarification, can one person use an incantation/specific items/candles, put a curse on another person, to cause a normal event to happen at their will (not things like grow an extra arm).


For instance, can person A puts a 'curse' on person 'B' to cause them financial loss/have accidents/lose things/etc.


I joke that we have been cursed lately with car problems, and it prompted a conversation with a friend. It just got me wondering how others think about such things.

Could someone curse someone else? Of course.


Scripture says that a curse causeless will not alight. So will it be effective? That depends.


Blessing comes from God, so it's pretty easy to figure out where cursing comes from.

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I chose the 3rd option. I think that the human mind is amazing. I think we can will ourselves into thinking almost anything is real. This includes curses. So while I don't believe that someone can truly curse another, I do believe that the power of suggestion is capable of inflicting harm on the "cursed" party.


:iagree: I answered No to the poll, but I do agree with this.

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I can't intellectually differentiate between a curse for negative outcome vs. a prayer or "good thought" for positive outcome, so I voted Yes.


I also often wonder who it is that has the "voodoo doll" of me that causes sudden stabbing or shooting pains in various places for seemingly no reason at all. They go as quickly as they come. :001_huh:

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I chose the 3rd option. I think that the human mind is amazing. I think we can will ourselves into thinking almost anything is real. This includes curses. So while I don't believe that someone can truly curse another, I do believe that the power of suggestion is capable of inflicting harm on the "cursed" party.


:iagree: That's how I voted.

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I chose the 3rd option. I think that the human mind is amazing. I think we can will ourselves into thinking almost anything is real. This includes curses. So while I don't believe that someone can truly curse another, I do believe that the power of suggestion is capable of inflicting harm on the "cursed" party.


:iagree:This, if the other party believes it, they might be affected, but not because they are actually cursed.

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No, I don't. but...


I love this woman! A Jersey Italian!

The Italians round here call it the



My maternal grandmother, a first generation American (and New York Italian) believed in both the evil eye and the horns. I still have my necklace that my mother gave me - can't bring myself to get rid of it.

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I said no, a person cannot be cursed by another person. However, I do think that people can and do attempt to place curses on other people. I just don't believe that it is them doing the actual cursing. I think that placing a curse is like praying. I may pray for a blessing for someone, but I'm not the one doing the blessing. If a blessing comes, it comes from God. Likewise, someone may place a curse, but it isn't THEM doing the cursing. If anything comes of it, then it's done by something else.


:iagree: I think we are influenced far more then we realize by forces ( good and bad) that are unseen. But, agreed, a human is not doing the cursing, when it happens; they are bidding a spiritual entity to do it.

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Come now. Surely it's demonstrably true that a person can curse another. You've driven the LA freeways. It's whether a person can effectively curse another that poses a question.


I think it all comes down to a little part of speech we Prescriptivists call "Prepositions."


Can they curse at me?


Sure, every time I leave the block :D


But can they put a curse on me?


No. It's superstitious nonsense.



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For instance, can person A puts a 'curse' on person 'B' to cause them financial loss/have accidents/lose things/etc.



I believe in cursings, but not exactly like you've described.


Cursings are very Biblical, whether all Christians want to recognize it or not. The power of life and death is in the tongue. I think that there are certain religions out there that... trying to be respectful with my word choice here... have aspects of belief available to them which would encourage or teach these things. In that case, it would be contrary to Biblical teachings -- it's about the power used to access the supernatural.



All of that said, I also fully believe in the power of LIFE and BLESSING in our words. Just as much as we "call" things with negative speech, we can "call" blessings and open up the heavens for the hand of God in the lives of our children, spouse, family, and even ourselves when we speak the promises of God - the living WORD - and ask in the name of Jesus.



Again, all of this said, it's still not quite that simple. :001_huh:



But possible, yes.



And then there are generational "curses" and that's a whole new ball game. :lurk5:




And fwiw I probably am popping completely out of the thread. I'm just up late and bored, so please don't get upset if I don't reply to responses. It's just what I think and believe, since you asked. ;)

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Cursings are very Biblical, whether all Christians want to recognize it or not.



And fwiw I probably am popping completely out of the thread. I'm just up late and bored, so please don't get upset if I don't reply to responses. It's just what I think and believe, since you asked. ;)



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Back when Bill Gothard was still a whack job but Christians thought he was more mainstream than they do now, my parents took me to one of his "Basic Youth whatevers"


There he said, "Christians should be very careful before adopting children. Those children may have generational curses on them that you are unaware of and they will bring them into your home."


It was at that point right then that I realized what a crock the term generational curses was (and was a nut job he was).....I believe in propensities to things like alcoholism, physical ailments that are inherited, etc.....but "curses" NOPE!


I am adopted, I have an adopted child.





And then there are generational "curses" and that's a whole new ball game. :lurk5:


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and LOL at :glare: - I just couldn't promise I'd be back, sorry! Didn't mean to be annoying.


As far as "generational curses" go - I think we may have run into some terminology differences here, so please allow me just a bit of clarification. :)


I am not meaning that some weird cursing person puts a "curse on" your great-great grandfather and thus you can never do XYZ until you redeem yourself. (Movie "Holes" coming to mind here, sorry for that obscurity. LOL)


And I do not believe that everything that CAN come through generational avenues necessarily WILL.



The difference between "transgression" and "iniquity" - iniquity is the desire to sin. It's a tendency toward a certain behavior, and it can be resisted. While lust itself is a sin (as bad as committing it, Jesus said), the iniquity lies in the BEFORE that step - in the stage where we have been commanded to take every thought captive. When the sin actually takes place, whether it be a sin of action or a sin in thought or heart, THAT is transgression. They are separate.


It is this tendency of iniquity which *can* (not necessarily WILL) be passed through the generations, up to the "third and fourth" in the Old Testament. Yes, we are covered by grace today, praise God - but the old law was simply fulfilled BY grace, not done away with because of it.



It is a tendency toward addiction - alcoholism, even manifesting in different ways in children, grandchildren. It is an open door where the enemy has access, but that doesn't mean that all people will fall to those temptations. In fact, especially in the case of adoption, I fully believe that a lot of those doors are closed for those children, broken off spiritually in that generation, because of the *righteous* teaching of said adoptive parents.



Cursings and spiritual (what's the words I'm looking for here...) naggings? goings-on? tendencies?... are not things and events to be afraid of. What does the Word say about fear? The Lord has not created a spirit (ahem?) of fear, but of POWER and of love and of a sound mind. We have access, through Jesus Christ, to the Power of GRACE that causes iniquities to stop in their tracks, to cause the enemy himself to flee. Resist him, by power through Christ, and he MUST flee, in fact.




Does that help clarify what I meant previously? LOL


And I came specifically looking for this thread tonight. It was way back here! :tongue_smilie:



I enjoy theological discussions, where everyone shares what they believe and why. I don't enjoy debates though, and often on these types of forums I refrain from posting my thoughts for that simple reason. This seemed like a thread where participation of the sort I enjoy might be welcome though. :)

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I think it all comes down to a little part of speech we Prescriptivists call "Prepositions."


Can they curse at me?


Sure, every time I leave the block :D


But can they put a curse on me?


No. It's superstitious nonsense.




:iagree: and more importantly, :lol::lol:

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