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How old were you when you first got married?

How old were you when you first got married?  

  1. 1. How old were you when you first got married?

    • Under 18
    • 18-21
    • 22-25
    • 26-29
    • 30-35
    • After 35
    • I have never married

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I was 33, DH was 32. Pretty old I guess, but it took me that long to find the perfect man :)


We didn't waste time starting a family. I found out I was pregnant with our first right before our first anniversary, then our second was born 2 years later. I was well established in my career by the time I had kids, so was able to then stay home with no regrets.


The only negative to being older, I guess, is the fact that we would have loved to have had 4 children, but I didn't want to be pregnant into my 40's so we stopped at 2. I love my little family though and wouldn't have it any other way!

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it took me that long to find the perfect man :)




I remember people asking why I wasn't married yet. Duh, because I hadn't found the right man yet! At the time (in my mid to late 20's), it hurt to be asked that. Now that we've found each other, the memory doesn't sting as much but I still think it was a stupid question.

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I was 19, DH was 21. I was totally ready to settle down and be an old married woman...DH was not ready to settle down at all. He loved/s me and I think he thought he could have his cake and eat it, too. We had a rough start up, I would say our last 5 years have been our "best". Thankfully, each year gets a bit better, so it was worth the wait.


I don't regret marrying young, I wish I'd considered other aspects of marrying DH (crazy @$$ family LOL)... Oh, we've been married 14 years :)

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We were both 21, we have been married 11 years. We waited until I graduated college to het married andbtuen waited until DH graduated and I finished my MA before we had kids. I dont think we were young, but I was the first of my high school class to get married.

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I was 25 & dh was 41. We celebrated 20 years last December. Our dc dug out the old home videos yesterday & found our wedding video. Their only comment was "Mom, you look like you were 12!" :lol: I wish I still looked half my age now :tongue_smilie:

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I was 27, DH 25. We have been married three years.

I too am surprised at how young many of you were. I loved my single years, earned several degrees, built two careers, traveled. I wouldn't trade any of that for the world.

Maybe it is a regional thing? I only know two people who got married before 23, one is divorced and the other will be. Personally I will encourage my children to wait at least until their mid 20s before getting serious with someone.

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The demographics of this are really interesting to me. The average age of first marriage in the United States is 26.5 for women. It seems like the Hive is only slightly younger than that. But why?


I got married very young at age 21, but I only know a few couples irl who got married before 25 or older.

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I sort of have two answers to this question.


The actual marriage part of marriage was never important to me.


I do move in with my dh when I was 19. We joined are bank accounts, and then dealt with paperwork of being a couple. By that I mean are the boring and sometimes icky to talk about health insurance, life insurance, and writing of wills.


Now it wasn't done in a morbid kind of a way. Just in a - I always want to make sure you are looked after kind of way no matter what kind of accidents might befall us that are out of are control.


We didn't get married till I was 22. Not quite, but we pretty much got a invitation to our wedding. My SIL (My brother's wife, not my husbands sister) liked organizing parties and thought us getting married would be a good excuse to do so.

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I had just turned 19 and dh was 23. We'll celebrate 17 years together in August. I used to think we did it the hard way, but I'm watching my neighbors who are newlyweds - he's 40 something, she's 31 and they are having a hard time getting used to giving up their complete independance to be part of a married couple. I could see that I would have had a really hard time too - I'm pretty stubborn. As it was, dh and I kind of grew up together. I wouldn't trade it.

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I was 27, DH 25. We have been married three years.

I too am surprised at how young many of you were. I loved my single years, earned several degrees, built two careers, traveled. I wouldn't trade any of that for the world.

Maybe it is a regional thing? I only know two people who got married before 23, one is divorced and the other will be. Personally I will encourage my children to wait at least until their mid 20s before getting serious with someone.


I don't know if it's regional or not... but I do know that to me, the things you mentioned never interested me. Not that I think it isn't valid, I do. I just think it has a lot to do with each individual. :)

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I was 22 and dh was 21 ( we both were born in the same year but different months). We will have been married for 27 years in September. We were together for 3 years before we married. No, I do not think we married to early. We didn't have our first child for four more years.

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I was 23, and dh was 24. We were both a month to a month and a half from our birthdays (married in Sept, both born in Oct). We'll celebrate 15 years this fall. Like others have said, we both are the settling down types, and we both just knew. We're best friends as well as husband and wife.

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