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Our 17 year old cat has died. :(

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We're all a bit of a mess right now, even dh. It happened so suddenly. Friday night his breathing seemed a little labored. Saturday he slept a lot, even for a cat. By Sunday, it was obvious what was happening. This morning while we were trying to decide if we should take him to be put down, he died naturally. Ds, who doesn't know life without Simba, dug a hole in the back yard, and the three of us took turns covering him. :crying:


I had a weird, inappropriate moment where I flashed to the scene of Dobby's burial.


We've spent the past year or so wondering how much longer he'd be with us, and trying to prepare ourselves, but he was actually pretty healthy for his age. So even though we knew it could happen any time, it still caught us off guard.


Silly as it sounds, I'm not going to make ds to do his schoolwork today. He's the type who needs to grieve alone, and is in his room now, with his dog, doing just that.


Simba was really dss' cat. He bought him at a pet store shortly after he graduated high school. When he and a buddy went off to firefighter school in St. Augustine a few months later, I convinced him to leave the kitten with us. A young single guy wouldn't have time to devote to a kitten. So, we've often jokingly said he's dss' cat but we raised him.


He was a gorgeous cat.



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We're all a bit of a mess right now, even dh. It happened so suddenly. Friday night his breathing seemed a little labored. Saturday he slept a lot, even for a cat. By Sunday, it was obvious what was happening. This morning while we were trying to decide if we should take him to be put down, he died naturally. Ds, who doesn't know life without Simba, dug a hole in the back yard, and the three of us took turns covering him. :crying:


I had a weird, inappropriate moment where I flashed to the scene of Dobby's burial.


We've spent the past year or so wondering how much longer he'd be with us, and trying to prepare ourselves, but he was actually pretty healthy for his age. So even though we knew it could happen any time, it still caught us off guard.


Silly as it sounds, I'm not going to make ds to do his schoolwork today. He's the type who needs to grieve alone, and is in his room now, with his dog, doing just that.


Simba was really dss' cat. He bought him at a pet store shortly after he graduated high school. When he and a buddy went off to firefighter school in St. Augustine a few months later, I convinced him to leave the kitten with us. A young single guy wouldn't have time to devote to a kitten. So, we've often jokingly said he's dss' cat but we raised him.




I don't think it sounds silly at all. We did the same thing when our beloved cat died a few years ago. Beloved pets are not just pets, and you need time to grieve. Hugs to all of you.

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so sorry for your loss. Pets are members of the family and should be grieved and missed. I hope your son is hugging his dog and that the dog will help him feel a little less sad. Maybe in a little bit, a new little kitten, not to take Simbas place but to help with the grief and bring some silly, happy kittenness into your home.

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I hope your son is hugging his dog and that the dog will help him feel a little less sad. Maybe in a little bit, a new little kitten, not to take Simbas place but to help with the grief and bring some silly, happy kittenness into your home.


Aw thanks. His dog has really helped him feel better. We do have another cat - a 4 year old who we got from the shelter when she was 3 months old.

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I'm sorry. We just lost our 17 yr old cat too. His name was Felix and we buried him in our garden. I thought I was doing better, but today I saw a little garden rock in a flower nursery that said "If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever" and I had to put my sunglasses on. 8(

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I'm sorry. We just lost our 17 yr old cat too. His name was Felix and we buried him in our garden. I thought I was doing better, but today I saw a little garden rock in a flower nursery that said "If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever" and I had to put my sunglasses on. 8(



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I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:


Our 17 yo calico died a couple of summers ago and I still get teary-eyed thinking of her. She sat next to me for many years as I visited these boards and I really miss her warmth and companionship when winter rolls around.


Hugs to your son. I'll never forget my son's first brush with intense grief. He needs time to deal with it. A few months after our cat's death, I found a note in my son's room. It was address to the cat and said, "I hope you are okay and I miss you." Broke my heart. (crying now just thinking about it)


Maybe you can make a memory box of photos and keepsakes over the next few days. My son has such a box and I think it brings him comfort.



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I am so sorry for your loss! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


We had a cat who looked very much like your Simba, and he also lived to the ripe old age of 17. He died of congestive heart failure in 2009.


I'm sure you gave your kitty a happy life. Cherish those memories.




Here's our Kitty

Edited by ereks mom
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I'm so sorry, Kathy. :grouphug: I feel your pain. It is so hard losing something you love and have loved for so long. I still get teary looking at the rose bush under which I buried my dear old girl 8 years ago. She was at least 20. I found her as an adult stray cat and she would have been at least 1. I had her 19 years almost to the day.

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