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WHY? Posting on FB

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Because they like drama and want attention. They want people to ask if they're OK, post a sympathetic comment, or send them a private message to ask what's going on if they post something intentionally vague and cryptic.


One of my teenage family members once made a post that gave the impression he was recovering after being rushed to the ER after cutting his wrists. When the post garnered exactly reaction that the young man intended and friends and family members called his mom to find out what was going on (nothing—the story was a blatant lie and he essentially trolled his own Facebook wall), he claimed he was just "being ironic" and didn't mean to worry anyone. Right.

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I think it's because you're thinking of it as telling your friends. And some people care a lot less who knows what about them and their lives. They don't mind being an open book. I think for some people it is to create drama... but for others, they just see it really differently.


Different people use FB in different ways... It's a spectrum too. I'll post some personal things - that I'm having a rotten day or was sick or yelled at the kids when I shouldn't have or something... but I would never post some of the things I've seen people post.

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I think most of those kind of posts are from people who love drama and want attention. I especially hate cryptic posts that are designed to get people to ask them what's wrong. But some people are just genuinely open people. I have a friend that I can picture making a post like the one you mentioned. She is not a drama queen, just an incredibly open person. I can't imagine wanting to post something like that, but she wouldn't bat an eyelash about it. We're just very different, but I love her for being so real all the time (even if some of her posts are TMI:001_huh:).

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What floors me is the 40+ somethings who post personal stuff.


Welcome to Social Media the land of over sharing! It seems to be a generational thing as well. My sister (ten years younger) posts way too much about what is on her mind.
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Most of the people are drama seeking. I refuse to participate in cryptic and/or over personal status updates. Even though I want to shout "It's s status update, not a diary!"


I find it somewhat disturbing just how little some people care to have it all out there. No expectation or desire for any kind of privacy.

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Because they like drama and want attention. They want people to ask if they're OK, post a sympathetic comment, or send them a private message to ask what's going on if they post something intentionally vague and cryptic.



Most of the people are drama seeking. I refuse to participate in cryptic and/or over personal status updates. Even though I want to shout "It's s status update, not a diary!"


I find it somewhat disturbing just how little some people care to have it all out there. No expectation or desire for any kind of privacy.



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I have a young, self-centered cousin who is fighting in Afghanistan. Once he arrived there he started posting heavy metal song lyrics as statuses but not labeling them as such. Finally he posted some lyrics along the line of, "I have to end my life to save my life" and we all freaked out, calls got made, and the fact that they were only lyrics that he was listening to was revealed. He is an only child and his parents were SO upset.

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Because there are so few people who know the boundaries of polite conversation anymore.




The personal questions people ask drive me nuts. Why would you want to know how far a pregnant woman is dilated?? Do they get what they are asking?!?

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What floors me is the 40+ somethings who post personal stuff.




You would not believe, no, really, you would NOT believe, what a woman I graduated from high school with posts about her marriage and her husband. A number of people have told her to leave if she's receiving the kind of verbal abuse she says she is. That's typically responded to with, "people don't understand our relationship" :001_huh:. Others must privately tell her that those posts don't belong on FB because she lets loose with a rant about how "people just need to mind their own business" and "it's my page and I'll say what I want".


For some 40-somethings, FB has become an embarrassing display of people trying to act like they are their kids' age. Yuck :tongue_smilie:.

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For some 40-somethings, FB has become an embarrassing display of people trying to act like they are their kids' age. Yuck :tongue_smilie:.

Maybe this is what turned me off of the whole FB thing. I saw nothing more than "Look at me! See what I did! See what I can do." Or, "Oh, poor me. I'm unfit for polite society. Whine. Whiiiiiiiiiine!"


It was annoying

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This is my biggest problem with facebook. It has lead a lot of people to overexpose their lives. I have a cousin that likes to have arguments with her mother and sister on facebook. I don't know why the mother participates in this but mostly her side of the argument is, "Well, I love you anyway" and that type of thing. I don't know my cousin at all except for what is on her facebook but if that is an accurate representation of her, she is the most pretentious, whiny, self-entitled brat in the world. And she's an adult in college.


Another girl on my facebook has posted some rather inappropriate pictures taken during a party. You know, people getting drunk, doing stupid stuff. It happens and that's fine, but now we have photographic evidence being posted online for people not remotely connected to it to see. I don't know whether the people in the pictures know that their picture was posted or if they care... but they should. :p

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I agree with the PPs who say the people who post TMI want the attention and/or thrive on drama. Also, some people don't have meaningful relationships in person where they can vent/share. FB has become an outlet for some, and when you have a gaping emotion need in real life, it's probably easy to forget you're broadcasting to real friends, and acquaintances who aren't THAT interested.

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Mind boggling as it is, some people still think "My Page/ My Wall" really means that only they and 200 of their closest friends can see it. Also this social media phenomenon has diminished any sense of personal boundaries. Everything and anything seems to be fodder in the name of "information sharing."

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I try (and am trying to teach my kids) that we ONLY post on FaceBook what we would want posted on the overhead before church services on Sunday morning or read aloud over the PA system at school..........after all, facebook is about that private.


I enjoy keeping up with friends, their families, prayer requests, etc. but if it can't be put on the overhead at church on Sunday morning, then it doesn't belong on facebook.

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I guess it depends on what you mean by personal. Sure there are some things that are best kept secret, but on the other hand, I try to limit my fb friends who probably care about some personal things about me-disappointments or bad days, etc. Life isn't all roses and sunshine. I think there are some things that are best kept off of fb-like catching your bf watching porn and telling the world what it was (especially when his family are on your friends list)-and yes, I had a friend I unfriended because of that crazy dramaz.

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I try (and am trying to teach my kids) that we ONLY post on FaceBook what we would want posted on the overhead before church services on Sunday morning or read aloud over the PA system at school..........after all, facebook is about that private.


I enjoy keeping up with friends, their families, prayer requests, etc. but if it can't be put on the overhead at church on Sunday morning, then it doesn't belong on facebook.


Great rule!

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Because they like drama and want attention. They want people to ask if they're OK, post a sympathetic comment, or send them a private message to ask what's going on if they post something intentionally vague and cryptic.


One of my teenage family members once made a post that gave the impression he was recovering after being rushed to the ER after cutting his wrists. When the post garnered exactly reaction that the young man intended and friends and family members called his mom to find out what was going on (nothing—the story was a blatant lie and he essentially trolled his own Facebook wall), he claimed he was just "being ironic" and didn't mean to worry anyone. Right.


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Why do some people post such personal things on FB? Marital issues, etc....


I am just shocked at what some people post.



Because they are stupid.


In my local paper, last week, a warden at the local juvenile center was fired. Why? Because at home, on her own time, on her own Facebook, she offered some opinions about the depravity of a local girl who killed a child. In her mind, she was venting to "friends".




This was picked up and she was fired within a couple of days.

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When your whole world is knocked upside down and you can barely breathe it is super hard to have polite discussions about the weather. It consumes you, the pain, til you feel like you're drowning. Sharing helps relieve some of the pressure. Sharing helps you come to grips with the fact that this is really happening now, it is not going to just go away if you don't tell people.

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Dh's job checks your FB before even interviewing. One gal sent her resume and they checked her FB and on it she had MANY posts about how stupid her boss is and how she hates her job and the "idiots" she works with.


Guess who didn't get an interview!


Because they are stupid.


In my local paper, last week, a warden at the local juvenile center was fired. Why? Because at home, on her own time, on her own Facebook, she offered some opinions about the depravity of a local girl who killed a child. In her mind, she was venting to "friends".




This was picked up and she was fired within a couple of days.

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The personal questions people ask drive me nuts. Why would you want to know how far a pregnant woman is dilated?? Do they get what they are asking?!?


I actually read a post by a friend this morning detailing her own cervical condition. No questions needed! :tongue_smilie:

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Dh's job checks your FB before even interviewing. One gal sent her resume and they checked her FB and on it she had MANY posts about how stupid her boss is and how she hates her job and the "idiots" she works with.


Guess who didn't get an interview!


Her privacy settings were Public?

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Maybe this is what turned me off of the whole FB thing. I saw nothing more than "Look at me! See what I did! See what I can do." Or, "Oh, poor me. I'm unfit for polite society. Whine. Whiiiiiiiiiine!"


It was annoying


:iagree:IMHO, FB is an attention-getting device and nothing more.

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I have no idea why. I have hidden some people because I just couldn't stand the drama in my feed.


I have done the same thing.




You would not believe, no, really, you would NOT believe, what a woman I graduated from high school with posts about her marriage and her husband. A number of people have told her to leave if she's receiving the kind of verbal abuse she says she is. That's typically responded to with, "people don't understand our relationship" :001_huh:. Others must privately tell her that those posts don't belong on FB because she lets loose with a rant about how "people just need to mind their own business" and "it's my page and I'll say what I want".


For some 40-somethings, FB has become an embarrassing display of people trying to act like they are their kids' age. Yuck :tongue_smilie:.


Oy. I hid one lady I know because she is constantly ripping her husband a new one of facebook, ranting and raving like a lunatic. :glare:

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