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My dog was hit by a car last night :'(

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Our beautiful dog Jasper, a whippet was hit by a car last night whilst out for a run with my DH. He's in surgery now for a shattered pelvis and fractured hip. Cost will be upwards of $3,000. I'm just so relieved he will be ok. The vet says he should make a full recovery and have good quality of life but it will be a long recovery, 8 weeks or so.


DH had him off lead in an isolated area, we live rural. He is a very good dog and generally stays right by DH with our other whippet Indy. A kangaroo caught his attention and he set off to chase, DH called him back and when he turned to come back he put his head down and bolted straight across a road where a car hit him. Thankfully he wasn't run over. The driver kindly stopped and brought my DH and the 2 dogs home. We took him straight to the after hours vet where he was given painkillers and sedation until he could be x-rayed this morning. He's in surgery now, i'm anxiously waiting to hear the outcome.


I am so grateful that we can afford to have his injury repaired and that our hand was not forced to have him put down. He is a beautiful dog. I'm sure DH will never let him off lead again! He's been very shaken up by the incident.

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At this point, that's our worst fear with our puppy...likes to act like he's going to chase down a car and devour it! I can only imagine what it feels like to go through it actually happening. Lord have mercy! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I still remember when our family dog was hit when I was 8. Unlike the kind driver you had, though, this driver hit our dog intentionally (swerved to do so) and then took off. She was at the vet for weeks while they drained blood off her lungs, healed bones, and she lost most of her teeth.


She made a full recovery, though, and we had her for 16 years. Hopefully the same will be true of your lovely whippet.

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Heard from the vet surgeon. The surgery went well. They've inserted a plate and several screws. They managed to remove a few shards of bone that would cause problems and left the other shards that were not in a problem area. He should be home in a few days. It took 2 vets and 2 vet nurses 4 hours to perform the surgery.

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Oh no! Sending love and hugs and positive thoughts your way. Poor little guy-- I love whippets.


We're in a similar situation here too-- intensive rehab for an emergency injury to our puppy. Will post about it later. But know that we're thinking of you guys and our peg leg Kayak puppy is raising a cast to his Aussie friend!



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Heard from the vet surgeon. The surgery went well. They've inserted a plate and several screws. They managed to remove a few shards of bone that would cause problems and left the other shards that were not in a problem area. He should be home in a few days. It took 2 vets and 2 vet nurses 4 hours to perform the surgery.


So glad to hear the surgery was successful. :grouphug:


Have to admit that this is the first time I've heard of a dog chasing a kangaroo. :tongue_smilie:

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Jasper came home on Wednesday. We have to keep him confined so he is spending his days in his crate. He is desperate to play with Indy, or other whippet and she is missing him terribly! He's doing very well although the true test will be today as he has now finished his course of pain killers and only has anti inflamitories for a couple more days. So far he has been fine to walk on lead around the yard. He is using his leg although not putting full weight on it. We are back to the vet for post surgery check up this week and hopefully they will give the all clear for a little more activity, perhaps some free time in the yard? Not sure what the next step is. So far so good :)

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