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Caffeine for children?


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A woman at my church has suggested a few times that I give my son caffeine in the morning and I wanted to investigate her suggestion.


My son is a sweet guy but has tons of energy. Somewhat immature, but very sharp. He likes to talk. A lot. This woman said her sons were similar and she would give them just a bit of caffeine in the mornings that would balance out their mind and body.


I 'm not looking for negative words about my friend, I would just like to know if this idea is anything that anyone has heard of before. I don't like the idea, but I am open so I am investigating. :)

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The only time I have given my kids coffee, and it is seldom, it when I want them to wake up!! :D ( No one judge me, you know you have done it too! ;)) Granted it is only 1/2 a cup and half of that is milk and sugar. It does the trick, and they are bright eyed and ready for the morning school work!

Taking a few laps around the yard works well too! :001_smile:

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Yes, it is definitely worth a try. It's also been recommended for kids with asthma.


My kids are not restricted from coffee. It is not dangerous or anything. In some countries, kids typically drink it every day. I read that in Mexico they added iodine to coffee (like they do to salt in the US) because more kids drink coffee than eat added salt.


Let us know if it works!

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Caffeine does help some high-energy children focus. It works wonders on DS. (I tend to give him a few chocolate covered coffee beans w/breakfast.)


I have heard others talk about mini-trampolines, but that was a disaster for DS - just wound him up more.


Caffeine may be similar - what works for one, doesn't work for another. But you won't know unless you give it a try. I'm pretty much a 'natural' mother, so was pretty put off at the thought of giving a young child caffeine. Now, four years later, I don't bat an eye at giving him a cup of coffee. :lol:


Activities that are good for energy/focus issues:




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My son has major ADHD. He bounces off walls. I tried the soda thing and it made him ten times worse. He also has tourettes so I am not sure if that makes it any different.


Soda has other things in it that can cause reactions. When I recommended trying caffeine, I was thinking coffee without any fancy additives. My kids drink what I drink - organic instant coffee with organic skim milk.

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A woman at my church has suggested a few times that I give my son caffeine in the morning and I wanted to investigate her suggestion.


My son is a sweet guy but has tons of energy. Somewhat immature, but very sharp. He likes to talk. A lot. This woman said her sons were similar and she would give them just a bit of caffeine in the mornings that would balance out their mind and body.


I 'm not looking for negative words about my friend, I would just like to know if this idea is anything that anyone has heard of before. I don't like the idea, but I am open so I am investigating. :)


I tried coffee for ds8, and it increased his energy. Dh takes a boy out every week, and I can always tell when ds8 has something with caffeine in it to drink because he's bouncing (not off the walls, but literally jumping up and down and incapable of standing still) and he talks non-stop. He bounces and talks almost non-stop when he's not on caffeine. It's quite entertaining, but not exactly the effect I was going for.


Anyway, you can give it a try but there is a good chance it will have the opposite effect. There's no way ds8 could do school on caffeine, but I had to try it.

Edited by JudoMom
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DS1 (Aspie, ADD) has a coke every afternoon to get him through the second half of the day. I do spike it with a 1/2 tsp of Behavior Balance (a liquid vitamin with b6/p5p, b12 and folic acid) This combo has been terrific for him!

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The only time I have given my kids coffee, and it is seldom, it when I want them to wake up!! :D ( No one judge me, you know you have done it too! ;)) Granted it is only 1/2 a cup and half of that is milk and sugar. It does the trick, and they are bright eyed and ready for the morning school work!

Taking a few laps around the yard works well too! :001_smile:



I AM judging you. I would never give coffee to my children!






They get Irish breakfast tea with milk and sugar because coffee is yucky. :D

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I haven't read the other replies, but I can say that my son does have ADD, and caffeine makes our world a whole lot better. :D


My dd is high energy, but coffee makes her wilder, so I don't consider her true ADD.


When we finally gave my son an espresso (he was 7), it was amazing. He was able to zip out his school work in record time (for him), simply because he could FOCUS. He was so amazed, and told me it was "like all the static in his brain was turned down."


But, the caffeine did need an increase in dosage, and he now is on Adderall. Without it, school would take him 15 hours a day; with it, he finishes in 9 (he's very slow at all he does).

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It does help my son, who has ADHD but is underweight so we won't do meds. I've started allowing him a coke a day and it has really helped. In fact, if we are having a bad day with school and don't have any in the house I will go to the drive through to get him one.

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Caffeine can help kids with ADHD. It's a stimulant and for whatever reason it's stimulants that help ADHD kids control themselves. It could be worth a try. I'm honestly not sure if I would do it or not.


I would try this with my 7yo if I could get him to drink coffee.


Honestly, I actually have much better focus myself when I have coffee. I might just be an addict, though ;).

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Huh. Sometimes I feel really stupid for asking a question, and sometimes I am shocked at the fascinating answers I get. How interesting, I am definitely going to think about this. Thank you all!

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If school is going well and you don't see a need for the coffee, don't give it.


If you do see a need for something to calm him and improve focus, here are two other options that work in my home:


1. Eggs for breakfast (i.e. protein)

2. Massage feet with diluted cedarwood essential oil at night and wear warm socks. We found this improves our sleep and makes us more focussed the next day.

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If school is going well and you don't see a need for the coffee, don't give it.


If you do see a need for something to calm him and improve focus, here are two other options that work in my home:


1. Eggs for breakfast (i.e. protein)

2. Massage feet with diluted cedarwood essential oil at night and wear warm socks. We found this improves our sleep and makes us more focussed the next day.



Nansk I have some questions about the cedar oil. What is the benefit of applying it to the feet as opposed to the back of the neck or temples? What do you dilute the oil with and at what ratio? Also, I'm looking at Amazon and there's two different types, one is Moroccan (aka Atlantic Cedar) the other is Virginian cedarwood. Which is preferable?



My 10yo's sleeping habits are taking a turn for the worse lately and I'd like to try something else besides Natural Calm.

Thanks. :001_smile:

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No idea if it would help but my girls have been morning tea drinkers for years.

I don't think a little caffeine is harmful, in fact, I am not certain a ton of it is, but I do know a cheery cup of tea starts the day off nicely and it is packed with antioxidants. It's always seemed to make the morning go a bit more nicely for us.

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Nansk I have some questions about the cedar oil. What is the benefit of applying it to the feet as opposed to the back of the neck or temples? What do you dilute the oil with and at what ratio? Also, I'm looking at Amazon and there's two different types, one is Moroccan (aka Atlantic Cedar) the other is Virginian cedarwood. Which is preferable?


I'll be honest. I googled to see if any essential oil would help my dd sit still and focus. All the sites I found - such as this one - mention three EOs : vetiver, cedarwood and lavendar. All sites mention massaging the feet (especially the big toe), because important nerves end in the feet (same reason for accupresure therapy).


Vetiver is said to be the most effective and cedarwood is more effective than lavendar. The local shop I buy from didn't have vetiver then, so I ordered cedarwood. I think she buy it in bulk from Majestic Mountain Sage which is a safe site.


I am very satisfied with the results, both for my dd and myself.


I also searched for threads on the forum here and PMed a couple of members who mentioned using EOs, and I didn't get a response from them. But after using cedarwood EO, I don't think I will need any other recommendations.


Hope this is somewhat helpful.



ETA: Sorry, forgot to answer some of your questions. These were exactly the questions I asked the other members, but am now going by my own gut feel.


What do you dilute the oil with and at what ratio?

I put 10-15 drops EO in 4 ounces of carrier oil. I think you can use whichever carrrier oil you have on hand. Mine is currently a mix of jojoba, macadamia nut and rice bran oil. I don't think it matters much.


there's two different types, one is Moroccan (aka Atlantic Cedar) the other is Virginian cedarwood. Which is preferable?

I checked back on the website I buy from and they have Virginian cedarwood EO.

I see they also have Vetiver EO now. You may want to read the info on this page.

Edited by nansk
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I give my kids tea in the morning on game days, since we get them up early to get to the field. It seems to help with focus during the games, too.


It never occurred to me that giving kids coffee (which I don't, only because I don't want to share) or tea would be... judge-able. I mean, it obviously is *here*, just like shopping cart, crock pots, and shoes in the house, but it still never occurred to me.

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We are doing 1 cup of tea in the morning and I have always advocated for caffeine over neurological drugs. However, a speaker (expertise twice exceptional with an ADHD son of her own) at the midwest convention did point out that those same drugs are at least brain targeted and not affecting the whole body presumably. I still think if one cup of coffee does it, that's got to be better than drugs that have not been studied very long in children and the added side effects. But it's a new thought to ponder.



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