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Annoying Amazon book reviews. *glare*

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OK, I'm only mildly annoyed, but this is happening way too often and it makes me grumbly. (Btw, I know that is not actually a word.) I don't like going to Amazon to check the reviews of a book and find that many of them are not reviewing the book at all - they are reviewing Amazon's customer service. I don't want to know that your book arrived in a timely manner (most of my packages from Amazon have) or that it arrived with a crease in the cover due to poor packaging - that could happen to any book Amazon sells. I want to know what you thought about the content of the book!!!


OK, I feel a little better now.:D

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I also hate the obvious classroom assignments. Teachers assigned children to read the book and then review it on Amazon.


"OMG, this IS the WoRsT book every writtin.. If I could giv lik negative stars, I tots would. Gah STAY AWAY this book is so awful."

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I also hate the obvious classroom assignments. Teachers assigned children to read the book and then review it on Amazon.


"OMG, this IS the WoRsT book every writtin.. If I could giv lik negative stars, I tots would. Gah STAY AWAY this book is so awful."


I hate that too!!! Some of them even say they are doing it for an assignment!

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I also hate the obvious classroom assignments. Teachers assigned children to read the book and then review it on Amazon.


"OMG, this IS the WoRsT book every writtin.. If I could giv lik negative stars, I tots would. Gah STAY AWAY this book is so awful."


:lol: I tend to ignore those reviews. Sometimes I leave a comment about how entirely UNhelpful reviews based on Amazon's service are. You are supposed to be reviewing *the product*.

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I hate that Amazon lumps in the Kindle edition reviews with the print edition ones. The negative Kindle reviews aren't exactly "unhelpful" because if someone was considering purchasing the book for the Kindle, he/she would definitely want to know about problems with that format. But if I'm considering buying a print edition, I could not care less about how well the book works on the Kindle. I hate, hate, HATE wading through negative reviews about the Kindle edition that are totally irrelevant to my potential print purchase :glare:

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I hate reviews for just about anything that are along the lines of, "I just got this in the mail and it is SO KEWT and I can't wait till my baby is here to try it!" Or "Just bought this for my grandchild and I look forward to his reaction at his birthday party!"


Those are NOT REVIEWS! This is a major peeve of mine.


Or on recipe sites: "This was delicious! I only made these seven changes...I added coriander and left out the milk and substituted mustard for the cinnamon...and it turned out wonderful! Great recipe!"

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Kathleen, that is my pet peeve as well. I've been researching college texts and very few of them are actual book reviews. I'm on a one woman senseless mission to mark everyone I read as unhelpful. It will at least bump them down on priority list.



My DH is helping you in this mission. It is one of his pet peeves too, so you are not alone!

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I hate reviews for just about anything that are along the lines of, "I just got this in the mail and it is SO KEWT and I can't wait till my baby is here to try it!" Or "Just bought this for my grandchild and I look forward to his reaction at his birthday party!"


Those are NOT REVIEWS! This is a major peeve of mine.


Or on recipe sites: "This was delicious! I only made these seven changes...I added coriander and left out the milk and substituted mustard for the cinnamon...and it turned out wonderful! Great recipe!"


Yep, these types of "reviews" annoy me just as much as the irrelevant negative reviews.

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OK, I'm only mildly annoyed, but this is happening way too often and it makes me grumbly. (Btw, I know that is not actually a word.) I don't like going to Amazon to check the reviews of a book and find that many of them are not reviewing the book at all - they are reviewing Amazon's customer service. I don't want to know that your book arrived in a timely manner (most of my packages from Amazon have) or that it arrived with a crease in the cover due to poor packaging - that could happen to any book Amazon sells. I want to know what you thought about the content of the book!!!


OK, I feel a little better now.:D

:iagree: I am so with you there! I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that Amazon sends reminder e-mails to review a product and the person just doesn't realize they are leaving *seller feedback* and NOT a *product* review?


What really annoys me is that they have combined the reviews for all editions of the books. Some editions are completely different than others. Ugh!!


:iagree: Very unhelpful to lump them all together like that.

I hate reviews for just about anything that are along the lines of, "I just got this in the mail and it is SO KEWT and I can't wait till my baby is here to try it!" Or "Just bought this for my grandchild and I look forward to his reaction at his birthday party!"


Those are NOT REVIEWS! This is a major peeve of mine.


Or on recipe sites: "This was delicious! I only made these seven changes...I added coriander and left out the milk and substituted mustard for the cinnamon...and it turned out wonderful! Great recipe!"


Re the bolded..... *snort* I totally agree with you. I hate when I find a recipe that has four or five stars and about 300 reviews and I get all excited only to see that most people had completely tweaked the recipe, so then I have to poke around and find the tweaks that sound the best for us!


Sorry for that rambling run on! :D

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I hate that Amazon lumps in the Kindle edition reviews with the print edition ones. The negative Kindle reviews aren't exactly "unhelpful" because if someone was considering purchasing the book for the Kindle, he/she would definitely want to know about problems with that format. But if I'm considering buying a print edition, I could not care less about how well the book works on the Kindle. I hate, hate, HATE wading through negative reviews about the Kindle edition that are totally irrelevant to my potential print purchase :glare:


I wish they would separate them, too. I'll go through reviews and find that every one says the book's great, the writer uses language so well, it's beautifully written, etc. Then I buy the Kindle edition and it was just OCRed and never proofread, so it has random punctuation, missing letters, and page numbers stuck in the middle of words. SO frustrating. It might be a wonderful book ... but I can't read it!

Edited by SunD
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I also hate the obvious classroom assignments. Teachers assigned children to read the book and then review it on Amazon.


"OMG, this IS the WoRsT book every writtin.. If I could giv lik negative stars, I tots would. Gah STAY AWAY this book is so awful."


I hate those reviews with such a passion, and they are on every children's classic and award winner. Do teachers imagine that they are providing a helpful service to the Amazon-using public?


Even worse is when they have kids post actual book reports on Amazon. "An example of conflict in this story was when..." How helpful.

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I really hate the "reviews" that just let us know the person is excited to have ordered, but not yet used or read, etc., the product. Good to know.


Here's an example of a "REVIEW":


"I didn't know a product like this existed! YAY!" 5 stars. (Sorry, but I want to KNOW that the thong floss extenders ACTUALLY work.) :D

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I also hate the obvious classroom assignments. Teachers assigned children to read the book and then review it on Amazon.


"OMG, this IS the WoRsT book every writtin.. If I could giv lik negative stars, I tots would. Gah STAY AWAY this book is so awful."


What really annoys me is that they have combined the reviews for all editions of the books. Some editions are completely different than others. Ugh!!


I hate those reviews with such a passion, and they are on every children's classic and award winner. Do teachers imagine that they are providing a helpful service to the Amazon-using public?


Even worse is when they have kids post actual book reports on Amazon. "An example of conflict in this story was when..." How helpful.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Exactly!


When I am prescreening titles for dd or her book club, I read one star reviews to see what a book's perceived "trouble spots" are. I'd like to know if a main character dies, or there is excessive swearing, or so much detail that kids lose interest. I don't want to read 30 replies of kids saying "it is the wooooorst book EveR". :glare:

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I hate reviews for just about anything that are along the lines of, "I just got this in the mail and it is SO KEWT and I can't wait till my baby is here to try it!" Or "Just bought this for my grandchild and I look forward to his reaction at his birthday party!"


Those are NOT REVIEWS! This is a major peeve of mine.


Or on recipe sites: "This was delicious! I only made these seven changes...I added coriander and left out the milk and substituted mustard for the cinnamon...and it turned out wonderful! Great recipe!"




And someone needs to tell these folks that NOBODY CARES!


Thinking of going on a one woman mission to let them all know that. :tongue_smilie:

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I hear ya.


You might enjoy, however, one or more of the 1,329 reviews for

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gallon.




My favorite (at least so far)...


"I think that the new milk is a bit overpriced, but you can sometimes get a real deal on the Used Milk. I don't think that most users will notice a difference, especially if you find some in Excellent or Nearly New condition."

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What really annoys me is that they have combined the reviews for all editions of the books. Some editions are completely different than others. Ugh!!




Yes! Yes! Yes! Especially if you are looking at translations you'd sure like to be able to compare them.

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I hear ya.


You might enjoy, however, one or more of the 1,329 reviews for

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gallon.




My favorite (at least so far)...


"I think that the new milk is a bit overpriced, but you can sometimes get a real deal on the Used Milk. I don't think that most users will notice a difference, especially if you find some in Excellent or Nearly New condition."


I thought some of you might need a rabbit trail on a Friday afternoon, yes? ;)


BTW, you'll also want to check out the thirteen "Available from these sellers". offers. None used at the moment, but some very special new offers...


There are also eight pages of customer images of the item...

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I was just talking to my husband about this.


I also get annoyed with reviews where the author is using a very prideful, condescending tone to trash a book, yet their basis or logic seems to be lacking.


I just read a one-star review bashing "Understanding the Logic of English," where the reviewer basically insulted anyone who might find the book useful, all the while lauding her grasp of the English language, yet did not appear to take the time to proofread her review which contained a spelling error, improper grammar usage, and poorly structured sentences!:confused:

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I hear ya.


You might enjoy, however, one or more of the 1,329 reviews for

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gallon.




:lol: Oh, my - some folks have a little too much time on their hands.


I find that Goodreads has much better reviews on books.


Plus, if you join Goodreads (free) & enter ratings for books you've liked & disliked, it gives some pretty great suggestions.




Kathleen, that is my pet peeve as well. I've been researching college texts and very few of them are actual book reviews. I'm on a one woman senseless mission to mark everyone I read as unhelpful. It will at least bump them down on priority list.


I never thought of that - my new mission in life!


I hate reviews for just about anything that are along the lines of, "I just got this in the mail and it is SO KEWT and I can't wait till my baby is here to try it!" Or "Just bought this for my grandchild and I look forward to his reaction at his birthday party!"


Those are NOT REVIEWS! This is a major peeve of mine.


Or on recipe sites: "This was delicious! I only made these seven changes...I added coriander and left out the milk and substituted mustard for the cinnamon...and it turned out wonderful! Great recipe!"




OMGoodness, I am crying over here! Did you see the Uranium Ore?


"I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty" :lol::lol:


Just showed this to ds15 who recently finished up the chemistry portion of DIVE Integrated Chemistry & Physics and was able to show him unequivocally that, yes, he will need to know this stuff someday, if only to be able to guffaw at chemistry jokes.:D

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Amazon product reviews drive me batty!! They need some sort of requirement that you have ACTUALLY USED THE PRODUCT before reviewing. I was on there a couple of months ago trying to compare different versions of a somewhat controversial baby product... I knew I wanted to buy one, I was just trying to figure out which. But 90% of the reviews were basically "these products are all evil!! Don't use them or you're a bad mom!!!". Sooo helpful. I got so mad I think I threw a sock at my monitor.

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OK, I'm only mildly annoyed, but this is happening way too often and it makes me grumbly. (Btw, I know that is not actually a word.) I don't like going to Amazon to check the reviews of a book and find that many of them are not reviewing the book at all - they are reviewing Amazon's customer service. I don't want to know that your book arrived in a timely manner (most of my packages from Amazon have) or that it arrived with a crease in the cover due to poor packaging - that could happen to any book Amazon sells. I want to know what you thought about the content of the book!!!


OK, I feel a little better now.:D


Ugh, don't get me started!

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The thing that makes us crazy with Amazon reviews is when you go from one review that says it was the greatest item ever made. They would recommend it to anyone, a real life saver to the next one. They would not use this item ever again or wish it on their worst enemy, it was the worst thing they ever used. It goes on and on like that and you have no idea what to actually think of what you are trying to review. We laugh because this happens so often.

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I find that Goodreads has much better reviews on books.


Plus, if you join Goodreads (free) & enter ratings for books you've liked & disliked, it gives some pretty great suggestions.


:iagree: i don't even look at Amazon book reviews much anymore, and I've found some good recommendations on Goodreads.

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I was just talking to my husband about this.


I also get annoyed with reviews where the author is using a very prideful, condescending tone to trash a book, yet their basis or logic seems to be lacking.


I just read a one-star review bashing "Understanding the Logic of English," where the reviewer basically insulted anyone who might find the book useful, all the while lauding her grasp of the English language, yet did not appear to take the time to proofread her review which contained a spelling error, improper grammar usage, and poorly structured sentences!:confused:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I purchased this book to assist my 8th grader. My mother is a retired math teacher that has every book ever published. She has Bachelors and a Master degree in Mathematics and swears that everyone should have this book on their shelf. It is easy to read and covers every intricate detail of the most difficult concepts. It is a book for the modest and the master.


Review of Math on Call

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