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Spinoff from Roach Thread ... What are your irrational fears ?

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.. other than roaches, obviously. :001_smile:


My friends have dubbed me Panophobic since they think I have a fear of everything.


Mine main ones are..


Scorpions (just pure evil in every way)

Wasps (they are everywhere and they are out to get me)

Heights (I can't even watch a movie where someone is in a situation where he/she MIGHT fall.)

Michael Myers (yes, the dude from the Halloween movies)

Balloons (the latex kind, I am always afraid they'll pop)


I need help.


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Sink holes.

I have a unfounded fear of sink holes opeing up in the road or around my house. Every news report about sink holes just reinforces my crazy fear.

My worst mommy dream was about sink holes.


I once dreamed that I drove my van into a giant sink hole that opened up in a major road. My van burst into flames. When the fireman pulled me out he asked, "Was anyone else in the vehicle?"

I answered....."I don't know"


I don't know??!?!?!?!!? I woke up immediately. How could I not know?

I told a friend about my crazy sink hole dreams and she told me, "You know once I was in Atlanta and a sinkhole opened up under my car. We couldn't even open the doors. We had to go out the windows." :blink:

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Mine are:



Bridges - especially ones over water...YIKES

Driving near water scares me to death!!!


I have a major fear of my vehicle going into the water & having to get me, dh, & 6 children out...How would I do it? I keep one of those auto escape hammers handy at all times just in case. :blush:

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I'm afraid of breathing other people's expelled air. I can't sleep face to face with my dh - I am terrified that there isn't enough oxygen. Sometimes when he doesn't feel like cuddling he'll actually breathe in my direction on purpose so that I have to move to the other side of the bed (where there's more air). This is how I found out that it's actually a fear. Before that, I'd just avoid other people's expelled air but now I know that I fear that too much of it will actually kill me.


I am also afraid of breathing in the rain. Same fear of not enough oxygen. Surely with that much water in the air there can't be enough oxygen for me to breathe.


This all stems from having severe asthma as a teen. There were times on the way to emergency that I didn't think I would actually make it to the hospital alive. Thankfully it has subsided.

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Bridges - especially ones over water...YIKES



I have a major fear of my vehicle going into the water & having to get me, dh, & 6 children out...How would I do it? I keep one of those auto escape hammers handy at all times just in case. :blush:


Me too! Bridges are definitely mine. I think it's because my real fear is being buried alive...just the thought that as the car went under and you were trapped you might know what was happneing but not be able to escape...


And it's totally worse since having kids. About 2 weeks after ds2 was born I woke up sobbing because I had dreamed that I was in a car going over a bridge and had to decide which child to save. I told dh and he looked at me like I was nuts. Possibly...but it's good to know I'm not alone. :D

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I'm afraid of breathing other people's expelled air. I can't sleep face to face with my dh - I am terrified that there isn't enough oxygen.


Oh, yeah, this bothers me too, even when it's just MY expelled air. I can't stand anything within a foot of my face for any length of time. My air path has to be completely clear of anything, including blankets, body parts (mine or anyone else's), furniture, or clothing.

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[quote name=rockermom;304454

Mine main ones are..


Scorpions (just pure evil in every way)

Wasps (they are everywhere and they are out to get me)

Heights (I can't even watch a movie where someone is in a situation where he/she MIGHT fall.)

Michael Myers (yes' date=' the dude from the Halloween movies)

Balloons (the latex kind, I am always afraid they'll pop)

I need help.



Well I'm sillier than you are. My major fears are of vampires and werewolves, which I know don't exist. I also have an irrational fear of rats because in my head they are all vampiric 5kg bulldozers with Disney style red eyes. I have convinced myself that all rats are really birds. Unless I find rat droppings in my house, then I move out and won't come home until hubby has killed them. Possibly the most stupid fear of all is my fear of first aid, in particular CPR. I'm even scared of the CPR dummies.


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Oh, yeah, this bothers me too, even when it's just MY expelled air. I can't stand anything within a foot of my face for any length of time. My air path has to be completely clear of anything, including blankets, body parts (mine or anyone else's), furniture, or clothing.


I don't know that this fits into the irrational department. I have similar...um, requirements, and I think they are perfectly rational. I need oxygen. Fresh air. Don't get between me and my fresh air.

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Well I'm sillier than you are. My major fears are of vampires and werewolves, which I know don't exist. I also have an irrational fear of rats because in my head they are all vampiric 5kg bulldozers with Disney style red eyes. I have convinced myself that all rats are really birds. Unless I find rat droppings in my house, then I move out and won't come home until hubby has killed them. Possibly the most stupid fear of all is my fear of first aid, in particular CPR. I'm even scared of the CPR dummies.



winner.gif Ladies and gents, we have a winner! :D

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I hate bridges (seems that many here do!)

I also hate parking structures (It always feels like they're too low and getting lower by the moment. In fact, I'm pretty sure they're going to crush me right inside my car!).

The last (and least rational) is those orange-y looking parking lot lights. I think they're supposed to be less attractive to bugs (?), but for some reason everything looks like a bad dream/horror movie when it's under that type of lighting. Scary :eek:

Oh, and while I'm at it, doesn't this smiley look like a bloodthirsty little dude to you? :001_tt1: He kinda scares me too! :D

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I'm afraid of breathing other people's expelled air. I can't sleep face to face with my dh - I am terrified that there isn't enough oxygen. Sometimes when he doesn't feel like cuddling he'll actually breathe in my direction on purpose so that I have to move to the other side of the bed (where there's more air). This is how I found out that it's actually a fear. Before that, I'd just avoid other people's expelled air but now I know that I fear that too much of it will actually kill me.




And I have nothing rational to attribute my fear to (no asthma attacks, etc.). I just need my air space! :001_smile:

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Pillsbury canned biscuits.


They scare the bejesus out of me. The moment of anticipation before the dreaded POP. Hateful things.


OMG! ME TOO! I have to leave the room and have DH open them... :iagree:


Also, bridges. I have had a repeat dream for as long as I can remember ... I am getting on a bus and EVERYONE I know is getting on to. (there is more people every time) and when it is my turn to get on the bus is full and I have to sit on the steps going into the bus. I put on my seat belt (of course there is a seat belt on the steps..lol) and we go driving over a HUGE bridge and end up driving off it. It takes forever for the bus to reach the water and the whole time I am trying to get my seat belt off and nobody can escape because I am in the way.


I also cannot have anything cover my face. I must BREATHE!


And I will not stick my hand in or near the garbage disposal. If there is a fork or something that has fallen in it I have to ask dh to get it and even that freaks me out!

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.. other than roaches, obviously. :001_smile:


My friends have dubbed me Panophobic since they think I have a fear of everything.


Mine main ones are..



Michael Myers (yes, the dude from the Halloween movies)



I need help.



Are you sure it not this Michael Myers you are afraid of??????



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and bombs. I used to have nightmares when I was a kid about my mom dying in quicksand. In my dream I would be calling my dad to come help, but he couldn't hear me b/c of the television. :lol: I am thinking there could be some major analysis there!


Also, I used to have nightmares about bombs (not nuclear ones, just little ones, but big enough to kill me). I would actually slap myself in the face to wake myself up before they "exploded."

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I hear that as a toddler I put everything into my mouth, so my parents, in genuine fear that I would attempt to do that to a rattlesnake and maybe get killed, taught me utter paranoia about snakes.


Watching Raiders of the Lost Ark is pretty darn tough.


I am SO bad. Once I injured my knee running away from a Mountain Racer when I was out hiking. I tried to throw myself over a rock, and hit my knee so hard that I had to wear an immobilizer for weeks.


I was so determined not to teach this to my DD, that I taught myself not to visibly react in the presence of snakes. Especially not to scream or run away. And, guess what? I'm not paranoid anymore. I got over it. Pretty weird, huh?

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I have only one - death at a young age. I am absolutely terrified that I am going to die and leave my kids without a mother. Whenever something goes even a little wrong with me, I assume I'm dying. Luckily, I have a wonderful family doctor (who is also a personal friend) who doesn't make me feel stupid for stupid questions.


I also fear losing a child. I have the same fear with them.


I think this all stems from my earliest childhood memory - that of a spinal tap with I was 2. They wouldn't allow my mother to be with me. I still remember that. I'm still a bit afraid of doctors.


So, now you all know how weird I am!!


I used to have nightmares when I was a kid about my mom dying in quicksand. ."


My ds actually fell into some quicksand!!! That's not an irrational fear! It's SCARY stuff!!!

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Me too! Bridges are definitely mine. I think it's because my real fear is being buried alive...just the thought that as the car went under and you were trapped you might know what was happneing but not be able to escape...


And it's totally worse since having kids. About 2 weeks after ds2 was born I woke up sobbing because I had dreamed that I was in a car going over a bridge and had to decide which child to save. I told dh and he looked at me like I was nuts. Possibly...but it's good to know I'm not alone. :D



Yep, never bothered me until I had kids. Since then I worry about that "how would I get them out" scenario all the time.

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Okay reading the other responses has reminded me of other irrational fears.:blushing:


The snake thing and the parking structure thing. I wonder if maternal hormones play a part. I wasn't ridiculously afraid of snakes or bridges until after kids. I think, though, that I have always ducked going under the cross-beam thingies in parking structures.

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My biggest thing is water - I must be able to see the bottom or I will NOT go in it. In fresh water lakes there are leeches and snails and weeds and other slimy things. In the ocean, there are sharks and jellyfish and other scary things. So, I'm pretty much limited to the Great Lakes (grew up in Michigan and spent lots of time at Lake Superior) and swimming pools (clean ones).


I also have a thing about vampires. I am pretty sure they're not real. Pretty sure. Before we had kids and dh would travel I would block my door with a chair and make sure all the blinds were shut and the windows were locked because I was just sure they were out there. Can you see why I had to stop reading vampire books?


Heights are not my favorite.


I am claustrophobic - I SO get the fresh air thing! I can't stand to have blankets over my face or anything like that. Dh told me about a show he saw about people painting the inside of the Mackinac Bridge - combining heights, small, dark spaces, and water (you cannot see the bottom of Lake Michigan or Lake Huron from the top of the Mackinac bridge, trust me on this). :willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:


I have a fear of dying and leaving my children without a mother. I am also terrified of losing a child. I think these are pretty common mama worries.

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I think I'm going to be adding something unusual only to find out that pretty much everyone seems to be afraid of bridges! I'm find on old fashioned, little covered bridges, but regular old bridges over water absolutely freak me. I hold the steering wheel with a white-knuckled grip and drive close to the middle line until we get across.


Dd does have a strange fear. She is afraid of electricity. She has had this fear since before she could speak clearly. One of her very early words (pre one year old) was "cheshercity" which she always said while pointing to the wall. She was trying to say electricity and pointing to the outlet. It took forever before it became clear enough to understand. As a toddler she had nightmares about "bugs" in her bed shooting her with electric currents and would cry hysterically whenever she heard someone say the word electricity. It was really weird. As a teen, she still cringes whenever it is mentioned. She has always had no problems using electrical devices, although she doesn't like having to plug them into the outlet.:tongue_smilie:

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I have only one - death at a young age. I am absolutely terrified that I am going to die and leave my kids without a mother. Whenever something goes even a little wrong with me, I assume I'm dying. Luckily, I have a wonderful family doctor (who is also a personal friend) who doesn't make me feel stupid for stupid questions.


I also fear losing a child. I have the same fear with them.

Me too. Those are my biggest fears.

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raw tomatoes


(not to be confused with flying raw tomatoes)


bear attacks (while camping) - we seem to hear about at least one per year up here.

swimming in lakes or other murky waters






I usually start feeling sick the minute I have to contemplate buying airline tickets. I feel worse and worse as it approaches and when it finally comes I'm a nervous jittery wreck. Very thirsty. And very clammy in any possible place where a person can be clammy. It's not pretty.


Losing a child

One of my children being sexually abused by someone

(I don't really dwell on these thoughts very often though... when I do think about the possibility of it ever happening though it makes me almost sick to my stomach.)

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I'll start with toads. Now, I like to garden. If I see a toad outside in the garden, I think, "Oh, happy toad. Here, have some water. Can I make a little house for you? Isn't it nice to have toads..." and all is right with the world, because that's where toads belong. Outside.


I still didn't touch them, though. And I had gloves on, and a shovel, so I felt safe.


But somehow, they used to get into my basement. I once saw a HUGE toad down there that was almost white - would he have turned that color from living in my basement for years?


I used to be very, very afraid to do laundry. Sometimes, going down the steps late at night, I'd creep, creep down, only to turn the corner and see - AAAAACK! A TOAD IN THE HOUSE!!!


I'd scream till I lost my voice (those poor little toads were terrified of me!). I really wanted to peel my skin off, I was so grossed out. Oughhhaaa.


I used to pay neighborhood boys to hunt them out of my basement. I called every kind of place you can imagine to find out deterrents to toad-infested basements.


I don't know exactly what happened, but they're gone. We don't have that many in the garden anymore, either, and that makes me sad, but praise God and Hallelujah, I can do laundry again without fear.


And my dd won't go down in the basement at night because of the ghosts of the dead girls that she thinks live down there. Silly girl! :lol:


I don't mind roaches. I can squish a roach before you've even seen it. :D


I'll spare you my rat stories from our old house. You might not need to know I'm crazy enough to stand on a toilet for hours in the middle of the night, because I saw a rat scamper by, and squeeze under my bedroom door. I figured dh could look out for himself! I finally thought to scream for him (that's how I got out of the bathroom - or I'd still be there today).

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bear attacks (while camping) - we seem to hear about at least one per year up here.





Gee thanks, Nancy!!!! I have to go camping next month. Actually, I am thanking you for real, because you reminded me that I meant to buy that spray that they show on documentaries - the one the people use who get out with all of their limbs still attached.

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Gee thanks, Nancy!!!! I have to go camping next month. Actually, I am thanking you for real, because you reminded me that I meant to buy that spray that they show on documentaries - the one the people use who get out with all of their limbs still attached.


Anything for you dahling! ;):lol: You have to take a class and get licensed to carry bear spray up here! No thanks. :ack2: My paranoia was quelled with the purchase of the ineffective "bear bells." :smilielol5:

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I have an unreasonable fear of ants. I will run screaming if more than one gets on me. My brother used to leave food out when I was a kid and I had a couple bad experiences stepping in piles of them. Ew. The fact that there are many of them and they can make it home from miles away makes me think they'll take over the world one day. ;)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Rats- but that is not irrational.


I also have many fears for my children that I do not have for myself, those have already been mentioned.

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I have worked to overcome a lot of my fears. Spiders, high bridges, and flying tend to be the big three.


I get motion sickness and dramamine is a good thing. It doesn't help that my dh will stick his head by the window as a plane is taking off "150mph, 160mph, 200mph, this is as fast as you will ever go on land!" Thanks dear. We flew on a tiny plane in Costa Rica, I took an extra pill, and the experience was pretty cool.


I used to be afraid of ghost stories. Last night I watched Ghost Hunters right before falling asleep, Yeah!

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Bugs. Especially spiders. We are talking paralyzing, scream like a sissy fear here. Even the little 1/4 inch guys make me tense up all over. I think I know the origin, though I do not have any memories of the event. According to my mother, when I was 2, I was playing in our backyard and got into a red ant nest. They swarmed me. She says she showered them off of me with the garden hose on full force (it's a wonder I'm not terrified of water, too).


Now, if it has more than 4 legs, I kill it, or preferably get dh to kill it for me.:D



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Mine are:




Wasps (They stalk me!!)




The bridge thing bothers me, too, as someone else said, especially over water.


Heights- I made it to the top of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, but was afraid to stand up for fear I would fall off. I won't even stand on the sides of a glassed in elevator.

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... inhaling a bug. It doesn't even have to be a bee (although I HATE them around my face), but anytime a bug gets close to my mouth I hold my breath. Probably comes from running cross country in high school and choking on my fair share of them.


I also don't like heights. More specifically, I don't like EDGES. I love to fly, but even though the plane gets so high in the air, I don't feel like I'm going to fall. Even low things, like balance beams, make me feel a little... off. Please don't ask me to climb very far on a ladder or go on those theme park "rides" that take you up into the stratosphere and then plummet back to earth, leaving your stomach behind. **shudder**


Jacquelyn in NC

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Well, you would think you would eventually grow out of these things, but the closet door has to be shut at night, or I can not fall asleep. I also make sure the kids' closet doors are shut after they go to bed. I don't want to make an issue out of it when they are awake - they could end up like me - pushing 40, and still has to have the closet door shut at night :D



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