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I heard one last year that grated on my nerves:




I have heard it several times since. I HATE it.


"Bump" - when referring to someone's pregnant belly.


I also hate preggers. :glare:


All of the above.

I have to think for a bit to see if I can come up with any on my own.

(I do use at least 2 that have been named previously :D )

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I hate it when I watch cooking shows etc.. and they always say that they are "taking their food to the next level". How many levels does food have?? :confused: I just think that is totally overused.

And yes, I have heard of cool beans. :) Never knew beans were cool either !

Edited by mommyof4AZ
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Does anyone else hear the phrase "Cool beans"? Is it only said by the youth I'm around? I can't stand it! It just doesn't even make sense (but with teens, I guess it isn't supposed to make sense).

Cool beans is old. I've been saying it for 20 years or better. :D


The ones I hate are the ones everyone has listed for the most part. Sweet, preggers, bestie and tween don't bother me. I hate gifted. I cringe every time I see/hear it used instead of gave. Another is convicted. As in, "I was convicted to..." (or of...) Whatever happened to convinced? What is wrong with convinced? Convinced is a perfectly good word.


Maybe it is my law enforcement background. My first thought is always, "Convicted of what crime?"

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Besties, I'm SO loving verbing and nouning with you, and this thread is turning so awesomely epic! Those are some wicked sick examples. You've gifted me with such ginormously awful cobbled together words and phrases... At first I was like, "O. M. G., WTF? I'm getting some sort of ridonculous linguistic nausea... prolly puke on the puter or at least get verbal diarrhea soon-- not for nothin' but I wonder if I'm one of the only ones with enough taste to get so grossed out..." Anyhoo, keep 'em coming and this thread may just go viral.

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Besties, I'm SO loving verbing and nouning with you, and this thread is turning so awesomely epic! Those are some wicked sick examples. You've gifted me with such ginormously awful cobbled together words and phrases... At first I was like, "O. M. G., WTF? I'm getting some sort of ridonculous linguistic nausea... prolly puke on the puter or at least get verbal diarrhea soon-- not for nothin' but I wonder if I'm one of the only ones with enough taste to get so grossed out..." Anyhoo, keep 'em coming and this thread may just go viral.




Oh yeah, that's another one.... :lol: :leaving:

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I have no idea how recent it is, but I hate the term "living books." Yes I know it gets used a lot here (and no one needs to stop on my account) but I see it and want to scream, "They're not alive! This is not 'Night of the Living Books'!":rant:

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Besties, I'm SO loving verbing and nouning with you, and this thread is turning so awesomely epic! Those are some wicked sick examples. You've gifted me with such ginormously awful cobbled together words and phrases... At first I was like, "O. M. G., WTF? I'm getting some sort of ridonculous linguistic nausea... prolly puke on the puter or at least get verbal diarrhea soon-- not for nothin' but I wonder if I'm one of the only ones with enough taste to get so grossed out..." Anyhoo, keep 'em coming and this thread may just go viral.



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Besties, I'm SO loving verbing and nouning with you, and this thread is turning so awesomely epic! Those are some wicked sick examples. You've gifted me with such ginormously awful cobbled together words and phrases... At first I was like, "O. M. G., WTF? I'm getting some sort of ridonculous linguistic nausea... prolly puke on the puter or at least get verbal diarrhea soon-- not for nothin' but I wonder if I'm one of the only ones with enough taste to get so grossed out..." Anyhoo, keep 'em coming and this thread may just go viral.





Don't you hate it when suddenly you hear a hated phrase pop out of your own mouth? I made so much fun of "I'm good" that it stuck in my brain and now it's like an invasive virus. I cannot rid myself of it.

Edited by Barb F. PA in AZ
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Oh, wow. I hate to admit it but I use half of these on a daily basis. :blush:


Some words/phrases that do bother me:




Prolly (in written form. It doesn't bother me so much in spoken form.)

Wanna (as in, "Wanna go to the store with me?")






I am very proud of myself. I did not use the words "like," "totally," or "ugh" at all in this post.... Ugh! That was, like, totally difficult for me! Whew. I feel better now.

Edited by Element
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I have no idea how recent it is, but I hate the term "living books." Yes I know it gets used a lot here (and no one needs to stop on my account) but I see it and want to scream, "They're not alive! This is not 'Night of the Living Books'!":rant:


Along with "living books", I cringe when I hear "lifelong learner". I wonder if there is a point in ones life when some people never learn anything anymore - maybe a "lifelong non-learner"????

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Besties, I'm SO loving verbing and nouning with you, and this thread is turning so awesomely epic! Those are some wicked sick examples. You've gifted me with such ginormously awful cobbled together words and phrases... At first I was like, "O. M. G., WTF? I'm getting some sort of ridonculous linguistic nausea... prolly puke on the puter or at least get verbal diarrhea soon-- not for nothin' but I wonder if I'm one of the only ones with enough taste to get so grossed out..." Anyhoo, keep 'em coming and this thread may just go viral.



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Besties, I'm SO loving verbing and nouning with you, and this thread is turning so awesomely epic! Those are some wicked sick examples. You've gifted me with such ginormously awful cobbled together words and phrases... At first I was like, "O. M. G., WTF? I'm getting some sort of ridonculous linguistic nausea... prolly puke on the puter or at least get verbal diarrhea soon-- not for nothin' but I wonder if I'm one of the only ones with enough taste to get so grossed out..." Anyhoo, keep 'em coming and this thread may just go viral.


:smilielol5:This is epic! O.M.G....how long did it take you to come up with this?

Seriously....how long? It's.awesome!


Yeah, I was thinkin' of you, but I didn't want to name any names. :lol: :lol:


O.M.G! :blink: :blush: :leaving:


"That's what I'm talking about." What makes it even more irritating is when it comes after a period of silence.




"Lol" said as if it is an actual word



I love saying that. :D

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Ok, my biggest pet peeve is "kewl".


Why? Because I got in trouble with my father as kid for using slang like rad and cool. I had to say, "That's so neat" or "I really like that."


So now, what does my dad use now? Kewl...in speech and text. :glare:


But I generally dislike it no matter who uses it.

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"Cobble together"


Interesting/unique phraseology the first time.

ANNOYING the 20th.


Especially when talking about choosing what to use to teach your dc (although come to think of it, I haven't heard non-homeschoolers use it). Makes it sound like a bad thing that you didn't buy a box of books already.

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That does not bother me at all, prolly because the only time I've ever heard it used is by my SIL, and I figured she brought it with her from the UK. I've never heard it used here by anyone else.

My dds' oral surgeon used it when talking to me about dds' procedures. :001_huh:


(I never use "prolly" but had to here :D )

I love you. :lol:

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"Disrespected" and "gifted" (as in "I was gifted with a new sweater" or "I would like to gift this lovely vase to my niece")


I have a hard time hearing either of these as verbs.

The first time I remember hearing "disrespect/ed" used as a verb was in the movie "Frequency." I don't know if people used it before then and I just blanked it out, or what, but it is surely wrong. :001_huh:

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I have a beloved friend who has recently taken to spewing

"that's so random"

"hmm, random"

"the most random thing..."


It's very distracting & I wish random would go back to being used primarily in scientific trials.


I'm guessing her kids have graduated to the pre-teen disney shows.:lol:

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I don't hear these very much in person, but if I had a nickle for every blog that used "y'all" and "stinkin' cute" and "there, I said it" I'd be a very rich woman. "Y'all" used by non-Southern bloggers seems particularly disingenuous and annoying to me.

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