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Why I homeschool...reason # 647 (or so)

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A friend of mine (whose oldest is in PS) came to our HS park day and sidled up to me to ask me, out of the corner of her mouth as if she were looking to purchase drugs, how to homeschool.


She said her son, who is a November birthday, is supposed to go to Kinder in the fall and everyone who registered received a letter informing parents that due to budget cuts the kindergarten class would consist of 62 children and two teachers, and that there would be times when one of the teachers would be taking the 15 students with the lowest reading scores out for specialized instruction, leaving the other teacher alone with the remaining students. She doesn't think her super active, slightly immature (I can say that because I was his Sunday School teacher for a year) little guy will do well in that situation. I don't think any kinder age child will do well in that situation!


Another convert to the cause (rubbing hands gleefully!)


Amber in SJ

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About 15 years ago we, the California voters, voted on a 20 child limit/ classroom in grades K-3. That is the current law. However, the school district merely shrugs & says there is no budget to pay that many teachers, and the only alternative would be to close the school throwing those kids into other overcrowded schools. Oddly enough Kinder is not required in California so I think they should cut it all together and put the $$ saved into the equally overcrowded higher grades. However, this being California, we are moving in the opposite direction of attempting to require enrollment in state funded & controlled preschools for children starting at 3-4.


Amber in SJ

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Oh my goodness, that's horrible! So the child wouldn't be 5 until November so you have a later cut-off? I can't imagine sending a 4 year old into that - no way! My kid that turned 6 in October had a hard enough time with all day kindergarten in a classroom of 24. (he attended 2 years of school).

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Is that even LEGAL???? How can you put that many babies in a room with NO supervision? I would think there would be some occupancy issues....or at least an adult/child ratio that would need to be complied with. I am :confused: baffled.....


My niece's daughter's first grade class has 80 students with ONE teacher, who teaches with a microphone in a medium-sized city in the middle of China.

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It is terrible what is happening to the schools around here. I take no homeschooling joy at it. These messed up institutions are educating the bulk of the citizens that our children will live with. And they are, by and large, doing it increasingly poorly. I believe that homeschoolers should support free, quality, public education as a social good, whether or not they make use of it themselves.

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About 15 years ago we, the California voters, voted on a 20 child limit/ classroom in grades K-3. That is the current law. However, the school district merely shrugs & says there is no budget to pay that many teachers, and the only alternative would be to close the school throwing those kids into other overcrowded schools. Oddly enough Kinder is not required in California so I think they should cut it all together and put the $$ saved into the equally overcrowded higher grades. However, this being California, we are moving in the opposite direction of attempting to require enrollment in state funded & controlled preschools for children starting at 3-4.


Amber in SJ


Ahhhhhhhh.......the brilliance of bureaucracy!

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It is terrible what is happening to the schools around here. I take no homeschooling joy at it. These messed up institutions are educating the bulk of the citizens that our children will live with. And they are, by and large, doing it increasingly poorly. I believe that homeschoolers should support free, quality, public education as a social good, whether or not they make use of it themselves.



As an employer who sees first hand what the PS is churning out, it frightens me. A few kids are fast tracked, and the rest....well, you know.....sigh. It is a terrible shame.

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Is that even LEGAL???? How can you put that many babies in a room with NO supervision? I would think there would be some occupancy issues....or at least an adult/child ratio that would need to be complied with. I am :confused: baffled.....



:confused: I agree that the ratio is totally inappropriate, but they are 5 year old kids, not 'babies' and they will have supervision, just not enough. But, 'babies with NO supervision' is hyperbole to a ridiculous level. :lol:


To repeat: I would not want my kid in this situation at all, either and would find another place for them.

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:confused: I agree that the ratio is totally inappropriate, but they are 5 year old kids, not 'babies' and they will have supervision, just not enough. But, 'babies with NO supervision' is hyperbole to a ridiculous level. :lol:


To repeat: I would not want my kid in this situation at all, either and would find another place for them.


Really?? I don't think so....most of those kids still have pudgy hands! I just can't imagine it....and my kids were babies at 5......not little infant babies....but still babies.


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Really?? I don't think so....most of those kids still have pudgy hands! I just can't imagine it....and my kids were babies at 5......not little infant babies....but still babies.




OIC, I truly didn't realize that you meant "babies" as in "oh, my babies". I thought you meant it as 'infants or close'. A 5 year old is nowhere close to infant. It was a semantics thing, perhaps.


I do consider my children to be, well, close to me and all heart-melting and such, just .....well, ya know, a 5 year old is nothing close to baby. :confused: Pudgy hands notwithstanding.

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It is terrible what is happening to the schools around here. I take no homeschooling joy at it. These messed up institutions are educating the bulk of the citizens that our children will live with. And they are, by and large, doing it increasingly poorly. I believe that homeschoolers should support free, quality, public education as a social good, whether or not they make use of it themselves.




Nearly 90% of the children in this country attend public school. The children from our country's public schools will be my children's peers, leaders, doctors, dentists, business people, voters, etc. Most likely, they will be whom my children marry. The quality of life for ALL erodes when public education is ineffective. Not to mention that my heart breaks for all those children who have to attend a failing institution all day, every day, for 12+ years. They are the ones who truly lose.


I, too, can take no joy in it.

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Nearly 90% of the children in this country attend public school. The children from our country's public schools will be my children's peers, leaders, doctors, dentists, business people, voters, etc. Most likely, they will be whom my children marry. The quality of life for ALL erodes when public education is ineffective. Not to mention that my heart breaks for all those children who have to attend a failing institution all day, every day, for 12+ years. They are the ones who truly lose.


I, too, can take no joy in it.



I completely agree with the above! It makes me feel queasy because I know what is happening in the B&M schools we are zoned for and I know that these children are soooooooooo disadvantaged. I love other children enough to want far better for them. However, it seems that my state, Michigan, is determined to drive it's educational failings even further into the abyss. Apparently, California isn't making any better decisions.


62 kinders, two teachers, and one of them alone with 45 at once. That's unforgiveable!



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How can they possibly not have money to pay teachers? Last I heard schools got $5,000-$8,000 per student depending on the school district. With that much money, can't they work out a budget to pay for upkeep on the building and utilities first, then teacher salaries, and make cuts after that. Go back to basics on materials and cut salaries for school boards and administrators.

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About 15 years ago we, the California voters, voted on a 20 child limit/ classroom in grades K-3. That is the current law. However, the school district merely shrugs & says there is no budget to pay that many teachers, and the only alternative would be to close the school throwing those kids into other overcrowded schools. Oddly enough Kinder is not required in California so I think they should cut it all together and put the $$ saved into the equally overcrowded higher grades. However, this being California, we are moving in the opposite direction of attempting to require enrollment in state funded & controlled preschools for children starting at 3-4.


Amber in SJ


:iagree::iagree:Extreme agreement from another CA girl....

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My niece's daughter's first grade class has 80 students with ONE teacher, who teaches with a microphone in a medium-sized city in the middle of China.


From what I see of the Chinese, their average child is much better behaved than the average US child. Not that this situation would be good, but it is more likely to work there than it would be here.

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How can they possibly not have money to pay teachers? Last I heard schools got $5,000-$8,000 per student depending on the school district. With that much money, can't they work out a budget to pay for upkeep on the building and utilities first, then teacher salaries, and make cuts after that. Go back to basics on materials and cut salaries for school boards and administrators.


Because this is California. The state run by lunatics in the legislature. And our governor has threatened to cut even more to education (because education is the sacred cow, he refuses to make cuts elsewhere) if we don't pass his bill taxing the rich.

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Class sizes were in the 30s when I was in school. (many years ago) I don't understand why they don't just break that class up? They could still come together for reading groups if that makes things easier. Seems like 30 kids and one teacher would be easier than 60 and two. Although that is still a large class.

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Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. I am in San Jose, CA. This year the cut off is still Dec 1st, but every year we are hearing that will change. This is also full day Kinder from 8-2:50.


When it comes to homeschooling drugs, I know where you can score STOW, but it is personal use only; no intent to distribute.


Amber in SJ

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When I started teaching PS Kg, I was sent to a school that had enough students for 2 Kg classes in one room. 62 students with 1 teacher. This was half day classes--62 in the AM and another 62 in the PM. She was a first year teacher! I don't know how she did it alone for 6 weeks. We split the classes in half, but 31 is still a lot of 5 year olds, especially twice a day.

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Class sizes were in the 30s when I was in school. (many years ago) I don't understand why they don't just break that class up? They could still come together for reading groups if that makes things easier. Seems like 30 kids and one teacher would be easier than 60 and two. Although that is still a large class.


I know where my SIL subbed for a K class the reason they didn't split it up was there was no other class space. So it was more kids in the classroom than the room was designed to hold.

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Sorry for not getting back to this sooner. I am in San Jose, CA. This year the cut off is still Dec 1st, but every year we are hearing that will change. This is also full day Kinder from 8-2:50.


When it comes to homeschooling drugs, I know where you can score STOW, but it is personal use only; no intent to distribute.


Amber in SJ


Yes, they are changing it. I think they will start moving one month behind (Nov. 1st in 2012, Oct. 1st in 2014 and Sept. 1st in 2015) every year until they hit Sept. 1st. I hope I got the timeline correct.

Isn't San Jose area suppose to have some of the highest ranking schools in CA? (at least according to greatschools.com).

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That is a terrible ratio! I've converted a few people myself. But, it's easy. I live in Nevada. We're #50 out of 50 right now.


And our county superintendent (in northern Nevada) just won NATIONAL!!! superintendent of the year :glare:


Our school district spends about $9500 per kid and is struggling to pay the bills and is in the middle of an ongoing hiring freeze. From what I understand they tossed out the low teacher/pupil ratio because it was too expensive and it wasn't being shown to have any measurable results.

Edited by jcooperetc
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